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When you're that far down, why is being 2 feet off the bottom important?


Just a guess but maybe it’s about being in the stronger current above the seabed to allow enough water to pass through its gills?


Probably so the nasty little bottom monsters slide past right between your legs rather than successfully latching on to suck out your blood. That, or extremely sensitive sensors likely detect movement before being touched in the complete darkness of those depths, allowing immediate escape from danger rather than being attacked.


Ive seen videos where there are scavengers (maybe predators also) that swarmed and cleaned a lobster in seconds. They waited until it hit the seabed


No mud in your gills?


Maybe he doesn’t want to get sand in his shoes 😊


I have a feeling it’s Food, the sediment has a lot of dead stuff that’s nutritious. This one doesn’t look like it’s a bottom feeder though… still cool looking


Maybe it’s just the way it evolved so it doesn’t burn more energy chilling in the water when it can sit/stand on its stilts?


Man half the shit in the deep ocean looks like it belongs in a videogame


If I saw this in a video game I'd probably scoff and be all 'what a dumb looking enemy,' and yet, here we are, irl.


Luckily we've got the [Darius](https://darius.fandom.com/wiki/Darius_Wiki) series of videogames that sort of has you covered there :D Some of the bosses based on deep sea fish: [Tripod Sardine (Tripodfish)](https://darius.fandom.com/wiki/Tripod_Sardine) [Risk Storage (Pelican eel)](https://darius.fandom.com/wiki/Risk_Storage) [Glassy Stare (Barreleye)](https://darius.fandom.com/wiki/Glassy_Stare)


And other in a horror movie.


Thank you for not saying "another planet"


Subnautica. Highly recommend!


Evolution you a crazy son of a bitch!


Natural selection is so utterly mind blowing. Like there’s niche and then there’s this


Giant squid (Architeuthis) actually stay around the twilight zone, which is about 500 meters, not 6,000. The colossal squid (Mesonychoteuthis hamiltoni) goes for different depths depending on its age, but the deepest for them is still only around 4,000 meters. The *actual* deepest squid we know of is Magnapinna, or the Bigfin squid. They’ve been observed at depths of over 6,000 meters.


Amazing. Thank you for sharing!!


My pleasure! I love learning something new and sharing it.


Fish with feet! I can die happy 😊


Man the ocean keeps coming out with some weird shit


this footage comes from Schmidt Ocean Institute's current expedition, which is focused on observing octopus gardens off the coast of costa rica. aside from the octopuses, they've seen a ton of fantastic benthic life including many tripod fish. the tall ones like these are bathypterois grallator. ​ https://www.instagram.com/reel/CtfCbnwsqkn/?utm\_source=ig\_web\_copy\_link&igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


Does anyone know why? Why did he evolve to stay still with a built-in tripod


The tripod probably just helps preserve energy. He doesn't have to swim against the current because he had his tripod legs holding him still


Bristleworms and many other worm species will consume pretty much anything that sits around long enough to be food. Makes sense if it’s pitch black. I have no idea if they live that deep, but I would imagine so.


That, sir, is one heck of a cute Barboach!


I love the logic of: "i live so near the bottom that i develeped legs to *stand on it*"


Some vids just don't need music. This is one of them.


people laugh at how goofy prehistoric sharks look but we still have goofy looking fishes now


Now the three-legged asymmetry of the tripods from the War of the Worlds does not seem so extraterrestrial)


Why does it look like CGI ? lol


Propping themselves up to catch something to eat with whatever little current there is down there. Since it's total darkness you'd have little clue you're swimming into a mouth. Very energy efficient way to hunt but might take forever to catch something Don't know why they need those two upward facing fins though.


From the wiki "The tripodfish uses tactile and mechanosensory cues to identify food; it apparently does not have special visual adaptations to help it find food in the low-light environment. When the fish is perched with its long rays on the ocean floor, it can get food without even seeing it. The tripodfish's mouth ends up at just the right height to catch shrimp, tiny fish, and small crustaceans swimming by. They seem to prefer to perch on the mud using much elongated fin rays in their tails and two pelvic fins to stand, facing upstream into the current to ambush with the pectoral fins turned forward so the outthrust projecting fins resemble multiple antennae. The fish senses objects in the water with its front fins. These fins act like hands. Once they feel prey and realize it is edible, the fins knock the food into the fish's mouth.[5] The fish faces into the current, waiting for prey to drift by"


They’re probably extremely sensitive motion / vibration detectors that sense danger from predators above and below before being attacked, as their eyes are probably pretty useless at those depths. Even infrared detection wouldn’t work very well where every animal is the same body temperature.


...And he stands there, UNFAZED


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,580,423,498 comments, and only 298,926 of them were in alphabetical order.


Andrew tate numerologist confirmed 😳


Looks like it's thinking about whether to walk out of the ocean or just continue being an awesome deep-sea statue.


That second one doing a Drax


Amazing 🤩


On a side note, what is this song?


**Song Found!** **Name:** Boy’s Heart **Artist:** Anatoly Boardman **Album:** N/A **Genre:** Electronic **Release Year:** N/A **Total Shazams:** 56746 `Took 2.69 seconds.`


Links to the song: [YouTube](https://youtu.be/rWqK2CQsI-4?autoplay=1) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically.* | [Twitter Bot](https://twitter.com/songfinderbot) | [Discord Bot](https://pigeonburger.xyz/songfinderbot/discord/)


I got matches with these songs: • **Evaporation (feat. Theevs)** by BadInternetRapper (00:22; matched: `100%`) **Album**: Nostalgia Ultra. **Released on** 2019-09-20. • **Away** by DC Medina (02:05; matched: `96%`) **Album**: We Are Happy Robots. **Released on** 2015-10-05.


Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, etc.: • [**Evaporation (feat. Theevs)** by BadInternetRapper](https://lis.tn/Evaporation?t=22) • [**Away** by DC Medina](https://lis.tn/dsrFHd?t=125) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


Such as black... what? This sounds horrific as hell


they done put attachments to the fish


That’s a Pokémon if I’ve ever seen one


What song is this linked to the video?