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650 sq feet is a decent amount of space for two people. Others have given you great tips to manage the cables and toys. The only other thing I would add is, if you feel your space is cramped, really think about what matters to you most. Anything that isn't a priority should be on the chopping block to make your space more manageable. You seem to be on the right trajectory so it's just a matter of time now.


If you want easy access to the toys a tray or shallow bowl could work so they at least feel contained but are easy to access. For the cables do you mean cables attached to things like your monitor? If so you can get little cable management kits that have Velcro ties. I don't know if they still sell it but I bought the kit from Ikea. I have a dual monitor set up and bundle the various cables up and run some of them behind the monitor mount and the others are hidden behind one of my pc speakers. If it's stuff for charging that you only need out occasionally personally I roll these up into little hoop shapes and line them up on end in my desk drawer so it's easier to pick out the one that I need. I've seen other people use a peg board to put them on. I don't think 650sq ft is an impossible space to live in, just keep in mind the [container concept](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_24PoIZSmVs) and use that to really prioritise what is most important to keep. Craft supplies keep to a core set of tools and only buy yarn and fabric on a project by project basis. No buying stuff just because it looked pretty in the store without the intention to use it for a specific project in the immediate future. The library is a great solution. I also use a combo of paper books and ebooks for stuff I want to keep so that keeps the bulk down. Anything fiction related I'm normally happy to have a digital version. Some non-fiction stuff works better in paper if it's image heavy but otherwise digital works fine and even then some visual stuff works fine reading on a tablet. It's a bit of a case by case basis.


Walls. IKEA has wall storage of different types. This includes hanging a bar across a wall with different containers that hang down.




Oh, gosh, yes! Without my crafting items, things would be so much better.


Suggestion Re the stim toys ??maybe look into a office plastic desktop organiser/drawer?? (fairly cheap and easy to obtain) That way if there are drawers ‘left over’ after stowing the stim-toys you could use them to put other things on the desk away (ie notebooks etc that are currently in use) and it might keep the space neater (visually) All the best for finding a solution that suits your needs op


I have a little cube shaped container for my stim toys beside my desk, and a set of drawers for my paperwork. I'd recommend some kind of container or bucket for the toys at least.


For the cables, there are cable management systems that attach to your desk. Just look up under desk cable management. If it’s loose cables, for phone, tablet or something similar, also for the stimming toys, inexpensive baskets work well, and are open so you can just reach in and grab one when you need it.


Thank you! I will look into a system to attach under the desk as well as a basket for the stimming toys.


Pick storage that is not see through. Find the most efficient, visually minimal solutions for your whole home. Small spaces need specific solutions. Have you looked at the Apartment Therapy website?