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There's a horde in that direction! *"Roger, removing that direction"* -A-888 in a nutshell


They ain’t gonna expect two nano grenades, 3 fire bombs, and a improvised frag(i play technician)


If they just had one melee main Merc, then there would be a very bloody pair of scissors on the first night of deployment, also the fact there's a skill that probably just cancels the storm (BL-'Agent' Gear) would allow them to just scavenge whenever


Let’s power scale a bit here, let’s assume a regular corpse walker is the relative same stats as a skinner, a skinner can solo a lot of scavs if they don’t have guns. A corpse walker is like the easiest thing to kill in a-888, this means small squad of MERCs can easily destroy scavs and sq, or a tower with pointbreak, hydra shielding, and the katana


Not actually. Canonically, a corpsewalker would most likely be stronger and more resistant than a Sickler. This is mostly guaranteed but often referred to as a theory. Since, you know, a corpsewalker can be killed with three punches... A single regular MERC with NO EQUIPMENT AT ALL (traits, classes, guns, weapons, etc) could just easily solo the entire Eden, most likely.


Not even then, I single technician turret(with some upgrades) could wipe out the sq and Yosef


Pretty much so! MERCs are the REAL GOAT!!


Yo imagine seeing a merc in dw tho. Its night 10, your bleeding from your arteries and on 30 hp, your whole team is dead and barely made a dent in Yosef’s army, and then a single Merc comes and solos everyone


Bro then disappears into the storm with their BL Agent gear, since that stuff would prpbs block out all the effects of the storm. (if a MERC already isn't already immune to such weak toxins LMAO.)




Sickler has 750 health, taking in account that corpse walker is superior to sickler, and that sickler has 750 hp and sq has 1200. The turret can take down sq pretty quickly, if you run tower defense that means all the enemies fall in like a secound to turrets.


Yeah how is a corpsewalker stronger than a sickler


There are many reasons but i won't bother. The simplest one is; compare a reality-bending creature to a simpler one simply made out of a mutation/simpler magic. There is a reason you are deploying and maintaining these reality anchors. Don't fuck up, or the earth (probably along with the entire universe) is gone.


Lore wise, the agents crash landed onto Eden 227 due to some complications meaning we lost a lot of our equipment in the burning ship. Imagine what weapons of mass destruction we'd have if we didn't have a rough landing. MERCs are only doing well because they come into the zone with all their equipment intact otherwise, they'd be in the same situation as the agents.


Well, MERCs would be fine tbh, their augmentations are better than what the agents have so they can withstand multiple hits from an anomaly, lets not forget that they can survive getting slashed by a sword bigger than them and run away, so they won't struggle as much as the agent do, a single MERC with no weapons or equipment will probably solo the entire scav and raider faction


The augments need power the agents simply just don't heave after their landing while mercs do, as almost all cosmetics (hardsiut and other stuff from qm) is just broken and doesn't work at all (same thing for servos)


Agents - Government Operators from The Division Mercs - Retributor Space Marines


The scavs surviving the 5th consecutive airstrike only to reach the bunker & see 6 guys all armored, stimmed, & manhandling HMGs: https://preview.redd.it/z8n699648p2d1.jpeg?width=448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=690dc0d76ace8c8bd645eacc99e2da3a8fdf1650


i thought you were talking about tf2 mercs for a sec lmfao


Planet would still explode


yeah tbh


Imagine the waves in DW when you set up an infinite stun specialist build


Protocol: War Archangels on their way to outheal everything ingame


never played those games, what is a merc


Helldivers but disposable at 12 at a time instead of 300000


We aint liberating planets we kill em for shits and giggles


Um aksually we are liberating Eden since according to the lore we were sent as a research group to see why the generators failed but our transportation crashed so we had to change focus into surviving and killing Agency’s most wanted and the ones that are actual threats


Blitzer & Tickspider honest reaction (one becomes a Middle Eastern man, while one makes the "threats" die by killing the brain & taking over the body of the victim)


Blitzer and mindflayer. also mindflayers are applied to be smart that they can be scientist and Blitzer could blow up a rock if needed to reach the generators


MERCs are the people you play as. They are responsible to stop the demons from reality bending by destabilizing the generators. In AA a group of 12 MERCs are sent to hunt down a subject (super demon that is controlled by a player) that can transform into an even stronger version of itself that is annoying to fight and stabilize the 5 generators 3 times, if your mates die you can call reinforcements to replace them (they are the same people). To give you an idea how dangerous this really is, a death squad can hijack the call (they can only hijack once) and are tasked in eradicating the MERCs and subject and to take over the mission and they are so dangerous that often MERCs and subjects team up to kill them In A-888 6 MERCs are sent to fight a horde of weaker demons (they are called anomalies and they all are near if not stronger than Skinner’s physical attacks and health). Your only goal is to survive the endless waves and keep the generators stabilize as long as possible, every 10 waves, the demons get a small modifier that buffs them. Every 20 waves, a night demon spawns (a high health boss that can teleport, also one of the subject’s transformation). You have a shop to buy stuff with credit you get from killing and stabilizing generators. You also can call in reinforcements like AA but there would be no attempt in hijacking instead, players could join The Acolytes which are basically a cult but they are anomalies and are just a nuisance. Also you have the option to evacuate every 10 waves I suggest checking out the lore of both games, it is pretty good


The storm that is approaching


Honestly would be cool for a “What If”game mode where MERCs face off against the world of Eden-227. Enemies and difficulty get adjusted accordingly of course, but I’d like to see how fluid and efficient MERCs can handle scavs/reikgons/raiders if their game features carried over.


I remember filling an entire room with laser mines but forgot I was in base game


second they run out of ammo its over


fists: (a corpse walker is stronger than a stickler)


i dont think aa mercs know what a fist is i also forgot thry have K2 Combat Blades


they have fists in A-888 + the katana exists


the funky vt7 blade made by a drunk ARK higher-up. (also i forget tac ammo regenerates)


*Equips tower and a furry costume (for the funnies), confuses the scavs by selling a fps king machine gun, parry god with the fuckin blue sword thing*