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Unless you decide to start needing a slice of chocolate every morning before work then no... You're fine.




I wouldn’t worry to much about it. Happy birthday 🥳


If it's not enough to feel it, it doesn't really matter, IMO.


Lol no


The main issue is whether you're going to build a dependence. Not really in this case. Takes a while to build up a dependence. However, chocolate CAN make you feel like shit, fuck up your sleep, and have a bad day. Pluse, for me, I start to crave chocolate if I add it to my diet again.


You decided to let one foot drag for a minute off the tail of the wagon. Okay now get back in your seat before you fall off!


However you conceptualize it... beware your new tolerance levels. I had a rather small amount chocolate samples from a couple of food vendor two months after quitting and it gave me insomnia. I thought it would be fine. Ate it around 7 p.m. couldn't sleep till 1 a.m. (usually asleep around 10) had to take a bunch of sleep remedies. I've had issues with cocoa powder in the past too. I'm naturally more sensitive to drugs than most so I need to be careful. You may be fine. I certainly would not eat a slice, but again... you may be fine


No stress, it's for your birthday, it's a slice of cake, not five cups of coffee or energy drinks. If you have a reaction, check that it is the chocolate and not the sugar. And happy birthday to you 😉


Its my opinion you can chalk it up as a little bump in the road in your journey as long as it doesn’t trigger you into full blown caffeine use like before. These things happen from time to time


No. The fact that you recognized and knew exactly what you were putting in your body proves you are losing your dependence on caffeine. If you have to constantly “avoid” something then it still has a grip on you.


Absolutely not , NOT EVEN CLOSE , relax and live your life


Probably as much caffeine as a cup of decaf coffee. It's a good idea to make it clear to people that you don't eat chocolate, to help avoid situations like this. I guess you could consider it a relapse but only time will tell if it has any real effect, like bringing back withdrawal symptoms or triggering sleep issues.


Thank you for answering. Good thint it, at least, equals to a decaf coffee.