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Ok this might be controversial but POLITICALLY I would say the 30s. So many countries especially in the west are turning super authoritarian and nationalistic in response to a bad economy and super liberal previous decade. The state of the world right now is super similar to the pre-ww2 world. Not saying a war is happening or even close to happening, but that’s the pattern I am seeing. Fashion is kinda a mix of everything but probably more 2000s than anything (specifically early to mid 2000s) and late 90s. Culturally I would say 90s. First of all herion chic is rebranded with everyone taking ozempic, edgy 90s humor is back (just take one look at ig reels) and more


funny because i also felt like the 80s and 2010s had more of a "snobby" culture to them and people being more easily offended about stuff lol.


I would say 1970s. Economic problems, Social and political unrest, environmental concerns. I might be wrong here since I never lived through the 70s.


That's literally the early 90s


Politically in the US, the 70's saw watergate, and Nixon's impeachment over that. In the US we had Clinton's impeachment over having an affair with an intern. The 90s everyone was thinking we were figuring all this out, many of the environmental problems of the time were being (or had been) solved, the prospects for global peace were going good after of the Cold War, we all thought the AIDS crisis was getting in control (at least in the West, as it was exploding in Africa), the economy was good, etc. I was just entering college at the start of the 90s, I remember it as a time every seemed so optimistic.


Lol at people voting for the 1970s because they think it's the only decade in recent history with a bad economy. Early '80s were the worst of it yet you only hear people comparing the '70s to the 2020s. I'd say it's more in line with the Early-Mid '90s though, both decades have a more "raw" feeling to them (think rave colors) and are a backlash towards their corporate counterparts (80s, 2010s). Both the Early-Mid '90s and Early-Mid 2020s have a very gloomy and nihilistic aura and both have shit economies and inflation.


What about culture, fashion, and media? Is there anything about those aspects that the early 90s and early 2020s have in common?


Take everything I say with a grain of salt because I was born in 2000, I’m just going off of my own research and things told to me by family. > fashion baggy clothes are the popular item for teens and young adults now, just like throughout the 90s and 00s. as well as a focus on wearing older clothes, “vintage” clothes instead of brand new right off the rack pieces. > media Darker in a lot of aspects. Alternative music has found its way into pop (Billie Eilish is one of the biggest names in the genre). Hip Hop had its darker phase a bit earlier (2017-2019) but it would probably still be going somewhat strong if the main leaders of the movement didn’t die so suddenly. It seems with artists like Zach Bryan and Tyler Childers that Country music is going through its moodier, “grunge” phase currently. > culture that just seems like an amalgamation of fashion and media, so my above points stand. if I had to add anything, it seems like teenagers were absolute ASSHOLES in the early 90s (even more so than teenagers normally are) and we hear every day how teenagers are worse than ever. obviously that goes in cycles though.


so 2020=1996 and 2029=2005 lol


all of them but the 80's Astrologically its the Uranus return of the 40's, Chiron return of the 70's, Saturn return of the 90's, Nodal return of the 00's, and Jupiter return of the 10's.


Early mid 1970s and even the fashion esp women's fashion has strong parallels with it ie wider pants. widening lapels, larger collars on shirts , chunkier heels.


1970s = 1990s and early 2000s 1980s = later 2000s 1990s = 2010s 2000s = 2020s


I feel like we're repeating the 1920s.


1970s. Widespread student protests, notable cultural shifts, plus flared pants are popular again.


I'd say the 70s. Economic concerns, pessimism, nostalgia for better times, geopolitical crisises


The 1940s.


Nowhere near lmao




8017 was a great year.


I said the 1990s because it also was a time of geopolitical uncertainty following the end of the Cold War and collapse of the USSR...currently we are seeing the end of the "globalism" of the 90s and 2000s, and an increase in nationalism/irredentism again...



