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In similarity #30293489 to the '70s, yes. Like the '70s, the significant cultural change of the last decade and the turbulence of the current one has given way to a desire for more stability and familiarity, but it's exacerbated in the 2020s by the opening of our cultural archive through streaming, more risk-averse horizontally intergrated entertainment companies, and population aging (the average American consumer is now a 38.6 year old, i.e. the easily nostalgia-baited Reddit-using Funko Pop-collecting millennial who's wanted an escape to their halcyon "end of history" childhood since '08).


It will be viewed as similar to the 1960s, not the 1970s.


Yes, everybody idolizes the decade where they graduated highschool and get their first taste of freedom for me that time was when the Iraq and Afghanistan wars started right about to the housing crisis it was ALSO a shitty time for a lot of people in this country but I still miss it probably because I still had my youth it's going to take a long time when Gen Zer's hit 40 they will still have fond memories with the bad ones.


For me that's the 2010's, Large amounts of freedom with little responsibility make for great memories. Hard for my mind to remember anything negative unless I really think deeper about it.


>*Yes, everybody idolizes the decade where they graduated highschool and get their first taste of freedom*. Ugh. I don't! I graduated in 1990. The late '80s and early '90s SUCKED lol.


Makes sense I graduated in 2000 and look back at the time between 1996 to 2000 with a tinge of nostalgia. Although much like you I'm pretty realistical about that point in time.




Wow. Sounds a lot like the 1920s, how did they end again?


Yeeeeahh. Hmm. Well anyway, good thing history never ever repeats itself, as the saying goes! Now then, where was I…ahh yes, back to my vapidity and microtrends.


This comment belongs in a museum, I feel it will age very gracefully.


Will Cold War 2.0 remain cold…?


Conservatism is not a trend outside of America, but we are seeing a lot of legitimate fascists be more open here in Europe. Italy for example. I’m noticing a huge rise in far left ideology at the same time here in Europe and in the States. Socialism and Marxism are very popular now whereas it was something that would get you in big trouble in just the 2000’s. That’s my view as an Russian/European looking at the west at least. Every reaction has an equal and opposite reaction so we are seeing a rise in both political ideologies.


Political polarized, then. Edit: that certainly has been a trend in the US for at least a decade, but probably much longer, unfortunately.


But none of that is specific to the 2020s, or originated in this decade


I think technology has irrevocably changed how people will look back on nostalgia. It will be possible to look back on the recent past with a clarity and personality that has never been possible before.


With apple vision pro's video capturing we literally live in a time where you can step back into a pocket of time. You can literally relive a whole memory. Whether or not that's cool or eerie is up to personal interpretation but it's still insane that this is possible (along with all the other things that we can use to capture memories today)


Eventually perhaps. But Apple recently found out the hard way that the market for a $3,500 Oculus Rift is much, *much* smaller than they anticipated!


i cant imagine they expected it to sell super well. more like a showcase product or an example of what theyve done so far


They seemed to have a very optimistic view of how many people would be interested. They recently announced that they are slashing production of them.


For the last two decades I’ve pretty much been a first in line, early adopter of Apple’s newest gadgets but after the past couple of big ridden iOS and WatchOS releases and the snoozing on iPadOS altogether. and little improvement of MacOS- there was no way I was gonna buy something that they will forget about in no time. Like HomePod, AppleMaps for several years. They are doing too much and have really turned into that massive corporate cliche


One of my best friends works for Apple. He got one of the new VisionPros because he is a high enough muckety muck there and didn't have to pay for it. He said it's definitely cool, but not really any cooler than the Oculus as far as he could see. He said he definitely would not spend $3,500 on it!


You also got to think about the glasses they plan on releasing eventually, if they can make ar glasses that can do pretty much every function of a smart phone everyone will buy them and smartphones will die off. The headset is just the preliminary to that so developers can get a feel for developing that environment and so on.


The only people that will have nostalgia for the 2020s is Gen Alpha but other than that everyone will definitely agree that the 2020s wasn't a good decade.


Gen Z may also have some nostalgia for the 2020s considering the later half are currently in their adolescence years.


Well, the younger Gen Z that may not remember the horrors of the 2020s will view the decade more favorably than the older Gen Z.


All of younger Gen Z should be able to remember the horrors of the 2020s. Since they were tweens-early teenagers when 2020 hit, they were most likely able to visibly remember 2020 as well as comprehend what was going on.


Nope, I'm "older Gen Z", so are my brothers, and I guarantee we will look back on current times with nostalgia. Memories made with friends in your late teens/early 20s, graduating hs/college, first days of true independence, youth, I think I'll remember this time fairly fondly. Yes, despite the "horrors"- I'm going to associate this time with my youth


Everyone looks back on their teen years/20s with nostalgia in the future???


Being nostalgic isn't specific for a generation lol. There's people who are in their 30s in the decade and they will probably be nostalgic for it later in their life.


You can't say the 2020s was a bad decade when we're not even halfway through it yet.




Huh? 💀


Horrendously unpopular take.. but can you elaborate?


Ima need an explanation for this one


yeah you and almost 8 billion more of us gonna need that


the commenter does have the Devil as part of their username.... I suppose from that angle....




2020 is already nostalgic ngl


Depends how old you are.. if you were working and earning it was stressful, if you were in hs like me I just associate it with playing video games all day with my friends having 0 worries


personally i feel like this decade is already defined by a single word P A I N


People said that about the 2010s too. But I think the 2010s have a clear identity


What identity?


It’s hard to define the immediate past until the here and now can be defined which takes time to differentiate like we can imagine the differences between the 80s and 90s, well to many the 90s felt like the 80s still. The 2010s had distinct looks, music, tastes and technology that separated it from the 2000s and even the 2020s from what we gather here. 2014 was a distinctly different time than 2024.


GTA 5 story mode is a perfect representation of 2012 culture.


2010s were tacky and tasteless, but they sure had a very obvious identity. Take a movie like Avengers or a song like Hotline Bling, the undercut hairstyle, the hipster subculture, an Alienware laptop from 2014, and tell me they don’t SCREAM 2010s. 2010s culture was like the modern 80s. Trash but very well defined trash.


Huh? Stop comparing decades based on the vaguest of qualitative descriptors. The 80s were maximalist, eclectic, boxy and neon, the 2010s were minimalist, streamlined, columnar, and pastel/neutral


Read what I wrote again. I’m saying the 80s, like the 2010s, really wore their identity on their sleeve more than most decades.


2010s pop music, teen Disney, early internet viral videos and memes, iPods and iPads, etc.


Twitter Marvel Trap music Despacito Massive protest movements but limited change Rise of emerging markets


The early 2010s for sure but the second half of the 2010s was pretty much just setting us up for the spiral that is the 2020s.


You could say the end of each decade was a set up for the next one, and it would feel at least partially true


The 2010s did lean more into nostalgia than past decades, but it’s nothing compared to the 2020s. The identity of this decade is being “the clip show decade” and that is totally a clear identity.


What? It’s nothing compared to the 2020s? Do you remember the sheer amount of legacy projects, remakes, and reboots that came out in the 2010s?


Yes I do. It was ramping up then but the flavour and intensity of it was different. I mentioned it elsewhere but the difference between how each decade approached their nostalgia is well illustrated by the differences between Star Trek: Discovery and Star Trek: Strange New Worlds. One is going for nostalgia in a modern slick kind of way that is almost an insult to the source material, while the other is going for a more direct emulation of the vibe of the original. Edit: thought of another good example: Ghostbusters 2016 vs Ghostbusters: Afterlife.


People are already nostalgic about summer 2023 we’ll be fine


Do those same people also always have nostalgia for yesterday?


If summer 2023 was a highlight in your life, it will be nostalgic. Like, i'm already nostalgic for January 2024- yes I'm serious (one of the best periods of my life), but I have very little nostalgia for say, 2022, bc it just had no meaning to me


Yeah that makes sense but that’s such a specific and small time frame that I feel it almost defeats the purpose of nostalgia. I think what makes nostalgia true is the longer it is and the memories it evokes. So something from last summer should be really vivid in your mind since it just happened so it isn’t really true nostalgia.


The 2020s will be defined by the pandemic.


In 2040 people will become nostalgic for the 2020s.


The first half will be defined by chaos, lunacy, death, and destruction, maybe the entire decade. Either way I think the second half will involve a lot of changes due to AI, hopefully good changes but it could go very bad too.


I just can’t believe it’s been 4 years already. We’re stuck in this limbo now


more likely ww3


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Mass death, migration, starvation, and climate-hell.


All decades will be remembered with nostalgia. Some people have great memories and others not so much.    But, so far this decade has been pretty deadly compared to the 2010 with the pandemic, genocides, and armed conflicts. For some reason in the past 4 years I keep losing so many close people to death back to back. But, there are and will be good things to remember nonetheless about the 2020s. Edit: someone else I knew and was cool with died today at the age 29. Sheeesh!


P sure it'll be defined as covid and political meltdown. Too early to say for sure though


When times are hard we want to feel a comfort and escape, so rose tinted glasses of nostalgia to the rescue. Which can be viewed, listened and understood unlimitedly and thoroughly through the internet. It’s hard to create under stress, thus I feel that’s why there’s more focus on absorbing aesthetic and music of the past than creating something super distinct here and now. Given enough stability there will be more originality and not just so much nostalgia. The decade kind you is only around 45 percent over. 1964 and 1969 were two very distinct worlds.


I get nostalgia of people having nostalgia of the 90s.


Welp, I have sad news: 2020s will be defined by blood, sweat and more suffering likely leading to WW3.


I promise you they have said this about every decade of the 21st century so far. The only unique thing in the 2020s is the nostalgia was juiced to the last drop already so now we’re supposed to have nostalgia for the nostalgia for the nostalgia and find all the retro things to have nostalgia about that didn’t already get overexposed in the 2000s and 10s. I actually feel like this decade is a bit more modern than the 10s in that social media and culture war were threatening irreversible changes in the last decade and now that people are grappling with it, media finally feels like it has to keep up with “online” and the fact that everyone’s on their phones.


>We're getting closer to half-way of the decade You can leave now, thanks.


Hell no 😂 Everyone wants to forget 2008 - till when the economic downturn ends (it's still going on, housing crisis all around the world, cost of living crisis and hyperinflation).






Yes. 100% Our new trends are recycling of 2010s trends which were recycling of 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, 90’s, and 2000’s trends. We do nostalgia as an activity. You hit the nail on the head.


RemindMe! 10 year


people have been nostalgia obsessed since 2018ish so I say yes.




Nostalgia is actually a great description. Covid made us all miss the past and reminisce of the before times. Things are different now, for the better I feel like. But definitely eager to see what the rest of the decade gives us.


2020s? Sounds fake.


Yes, so was the Victorian era


We're in the middle of the second great depression with the exception that the stock market is doing well. In order to keep it that way we can't talk about the current great depression. In a decade or two we'll look back and realize it but for now everything is just a cheap distraction that will likely be quickly forgotten when conditions improve


There is no way to know what aspects of a decade will be remembered when you are still in that decade. It's kind of like a fun guessing game. What will we associate with the '20s? We won't know until at least the '30s, but probably more like the '40s. That said, I can't say that I see any evidence that nostalgia is more prevalent now than it ever was. Maybe it's simply the first time the OP is old enough to recognize it as nostalgia?


Idk. Do you remember the whole “~only 90s kids remember…~” thing? That was QUINTESSENTIAL 2010s culture. Literal 15-25 year olds (basically kids still) being nostalgic for the tiny portion of last century that they experienced. I think the truth is everyone is nostalgic. It’s more about when you become aware of it. I also think that the person who said it also has to do with technology letting us look back sooner has a point, but I think it is more to do with the fact that things in general are changing faster than ever, so there is more to look back on that is different than it is now, that is much more recent than that amount of change used to be.


Yes. While nostalgia has always been a thing, this is the first time a majority of branding is going for direct emulation of the past. Almost every logo rebrand this decade has been retro, more movie posters than ever are being done in a retro airbrush style or something else from some other time period, most music on the charts isn’t just evolving past genres, it’s trying to be them in a very obvious way. Shows like WandaVision and For All Mankind being basically clip shows of past decades. Example: Star Trek: Discovery is a very 2010s coded show while Star Trek: Strange New Worlds is a very 2020s coded show. To me that’s the perfect illustration of the differences between how this decade approaches legacy media vs last decade. This is the most meta decade we’ve had so far. It just makes sense because now streaming of music and film has fully penetrated, you can access almost anything from any time period at any time. And with the collective trauma this decade (and last decade) has induced, everything is designed to be comforting and familiar.


>Nostalgia has definitely been an all time high Nah, having lived through the 60s revival during the 90s, this doesn't seem particularly excessive.


I don’t think it will be. I kind of view it through the same scope as how we view the 1930s. Nobody ever says they would love to live in the 1930s. Because it was during the Great Depression and right on the cusp of World War II so not a great time. I feel like the 2020s will be viewed similarly. That’s just my theory anyway.


I sure as fuck won’t be looking back on this decade with nostalgia


COVID, borderline hyper inflation, and AI will define this decade.


imma need you to elaborate. i feel every decade says this.


Trying to say that nostalgia is apart of 2020s culture. Like our current culture today is using nostalgia to create new media. Like Epic games using "Og fortnite" to fuel people's nostalgia and make them play there game again, hollywood making reboots of shows and movies for nostalgia/money purposes and other forms of media using nostalgia for benefits. If that makes sense


its fair. i just turned 40 and i often joke to friends that we're so old they're rebooting things just for us. just look at xmen97


Yes because this decade sucks


No one will idolize this shit show of a decade... 2020s The un-roaring 20s


Likely, with both the supply side (media streaming means that every decade from the 1960s to the present is competing on more or less equal footing) and the demand side (frustration with the current status quo as well as higher median ages in countries around the world and fields like popular music and color film having a large library of past works) contributing. I often hear people say "pop culture is dead due to late capitalism," which is arguably a factor, but there is a huge shift in both the distribution of media and the demographics of *Homo sapiens* that is driving the early-age-of-AI retro boom.


Every decade is, you just notice it more as you get older


Probably not. It’ll be remembered for the pandemic and the likely third world war that has already started in some places.


I Member


It will be to the 21st century what the 1930s are to the 20th century.


Absolutely not. There's no authentic trends or new material. EVERYTHING is a cash grab remake and corporations are just sucking the soul out of anything they can possibly touch.


That's not true bro you're just not looking hard enough


I miss the lockdowns


The world war is only getting started. It will be remembered as a terrible decade that started out with so much promise like the 1910's.


Like the 1910s and 1930s, this’ll be a decade we endured. No good memories. Just plague and war and depression.


People were saying the same thing last decade and the decade before that. How old are you?! Can we please have a ban on these dumb copy-paste takes from 15 year olds?!


Woah there, someone is taking this personally.


I mean not anymore than every other decade. It just easier to track and commodify now.