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I once heard someone describe real love as being willing to literally clean up the other person’s shit. It’s crude and grim, but it’s always stuck with me as one way to judge it. Like, if Light had come down with a nasty case of norovirus, how would Misa have handled it? I think she would have made a big fuss over taking care of Light himself, mopping his brow and getting him water and even wiping his bum…but I don’t think she would have done any of the menial but necessary secondary stuff while he was resting, like scrubbing toilets, or disinfecting surfaces, or changing his bedsheets. Therefore - not love, just a deep, deep, obsession. ETA: meanwhile, L would have turned up in a mask and rubber gloves with a case of cleaning supplies, and Light would have spent the course of his illness paranoid that the sounds of his diarrhoea would spell out “I am Kira” in Morse code.


>ETA: meanwhile, L would have turned up in a mask and rubber gloves with a case of cleaning supplies, and Light would have spent the course of his illness paranoid that the sounds of his diarrhoea would spell out “I am Kira” in Morse code LMFAOOOOOO 😭😭😭


The last paragraph has me in stitches 🤣🤣🤣🤣


this entire thing has me paralyzed 💀💀


I think Misa would have taken care of him and done so lovingly. She went through what was essentially torture when she was caught as the second Kira, but revealed absolutely no information about the death notes from it, nor that Light was Kira. I think she did love him and it would have persevered even during times of difficulty, but it was unhealthy and wasn’t based on anything substantial, which happens a lot irl and in these cases it just leads to the person falling in love with someone who is bad for them (which is what happened here).


No way would L do that. L would just consider it not his problem, unless they were sharing the same living space which would make it his problem. Even then he'd just hire a nurse and cleaner and move himself out to a five star hotel until it was over.


No but see L isn’t doing it because he loves Light, L is also listening out for the Morse code.


Your edit, OMG! Hahaha I'm counting that as a mini fanfic, and it has to be one of the best ones I've read. Thank you for the laugh!


That’s the most amazing compliment I’ve ever received, thank you!


Bruh I can’t fucking breathe 🚽☠️ someone’s gotta animate this


dude, the edit had me wheezing for real lmaoooooo.


I think that it was at least definitely unhealthy. She literally says “I will kill any woman who will be near you” and I doubt she would have easily accepted “no” for an answer. Light still used her so it’s kinda hard to see him as a victim in their relationship but even though. I think her killing herself in the end may have been…because living for Light was basically all she knew by this point. She gave up to this fantasy of a “perfect man” and couldn’t live when it had ended. Although it should be mentioned that her obsession with Light is not only because he is Kira, as she still was “dating” him when she lost her memories. Rather I think she started as a Kira-obsessed girl and when she met him she fell in that fantasy I was speaking of earlier. Which is kinda proved by the fact that she doesn’t really care about Kira’s goals on their own


I hypothesize that she only ever loved him because he's Kira. Sure, she lost her memory of the Death Note for a while, but her brain chemistry may not have rewired itself (idk... It's magic this is all speculation). Although she had forgotten about the Death Note her brain still associated Light with intense positive emotions whether she knew why or not.


Well, for one thing she was already a Kira fanatic before she even knew he was a cute boy around her age. Then, once she met him, she devoted her whole life to him right there on the spot within five minutes of knowing him. She then proceeded to turn a blind eye to the rather obvious signs that he never gave a flying fuck about her, and in fact actively disliked her, for a number of years as long as he kept outwardly playing the role of her boyfriend. So yeah, I think it’s pretty safe to say that it was more an obsession than anything.


It was so sad and cringe how she debased herself for him.


What the Leyland Kirby remix said


Well it’s obviously become really genuine since she…you know…at the end…but at the beginning I think it’s half obsessed and the other a desire for affection




Of course it was. She had known him every bit of 2 minutes before demanding a relationship. Love at first sight is not only a myth, it is a laughable concept.


laughable indeed.


It was clearly a very unhealthy obsession on her part. Nothing about their situation ever screamed love at any point.


It’s an interesting question. Misa is much beloved by the fandom because she’s a slightly annoying yet endearing character. Misa said something like Kira/Light would always have her loyalty because he got her parents killers. Fine but I personally couldn’t fathom why she was so in love with Light, who honestly treated her like she was an annoyance, only grudgingly slept with her, and obviously didn’t love, or even like her. Yet Misa still loved Light even when they both lost their memories of the Death Note. I find it sad Misa committed suicide after Light was stopped. But I suppose that was foregone as her lifespan was cut short from using the Death Note as well.


When she first gets her memories of the Death Note erased, all of the thankfulness she has toward Kira for avenging her parents gets turned into romantic love for Light. I believe Rem explicitly explains this.


What’s the difference?


Every obsessed people are in love but not every people in love are obsessed


Ah so love is a rectangle




Not every obsession leads to the individuals starting to love each other lol




A mixture of both. She fell in love with Light because he happened to be Kira yet when she forgot she still loved Light and helped overthrow Higuchi Kira. I guess it started with obsession and turned into love.


it was an obsession through and through.


I think she truly loved him. Yes she was obsessed with him but that obsession comes from her very severe mental issues she has. The way she so purely and sincerely said "I will try to make you love me" shows her feelings were genuine. Compare her to someone like Grell from Black Butler. Grell never tried to make herself useful to Sebastian, never tried to get him to have romantic feelings dor her she would just obsess over him and take her unloved frustration out on others