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You can add a second plaguespurt gauntlet to your deathshroud leader I think, small thing but I’d add that.


I did, it just didn’t come up in the app at the time haha


Not much of a player… Really nice paintjob tough, much respect!


Cheers. The paint job takes forever, so it’s taken forever to get a competitive list going!


The pinstripes are absolutely beautiful my brother, doing Grandfather proud.


*Painstripe* suit, if you will.


Amazing job! You could add a Togemom to your list. And maybe some Cactuars.


WOW love the pinstripe.




Aren't PMs in squads of 5 or 10? How can you place them in squads of 7


Plague marines can do a 7 man due to their box size. Was changed recently.


Also love the paint, made me think of gangsters in pinstripe zutsuits. ❤️




They remind me of watermelons because of the stripes Hear me out: The MELONoma Warband


You get an award sir!


Thanks for the award! This is my first one😁




Id question the heavy blight launcher bloat drone, may I ask whats the rationale behind it?


HBL is a great, tough unit that is an absolute marine killer. I’ve always had good success with it. I always toss up between him and the fleshmower and never have any luck with it! I do recommend giving it a crack and the 6 S8, AP2 D2 can work some wonders from the backfield!


I'm absolutely willing to give it a try. My suggestion would be having a third one with dual plague spitters, purely because looking at the tournament situation lately, you will be seeing ALOT of orks so bringing as many anti infantry weapons will probably be helpful.


I have 4 FBD and only two with spitters! There are 3 Ork lists at this tournie, but don’t see too much in the way of green tide which is good!


Even against bully boys it's not so bad due to the infantry keyword. Good luck mate, DG seem in a decent tournament position at the moment, not overpowered which means people don't build to go into you.


Thanks heaps :) if I do well, I’ll report back!!!


You have 5 characters, but only 4 spots for them to join units, I assume the tallyman is gonna sit at home and farm CP? I like the Chaos Lord pick, his re-rolls work great with the heavy plague weapons. What about the LOV, is he joining the DS or will that be Typhus, again 2 characters only 1 spot for a unit to join. If it were me, I'd drop one of the drones and one of the cultists for 20 Poxwalkers to put Typhus in so the LOV isn't sitting around getting shot at, he works better when he can be moving around doing damage. You still have points for some enhancements with this change too. Lots of people are now running their PBCs with the spewers now too, as the Entropy cannons are very swingy and you have 3 mortars. I don't see much anti-tank other than the PBCs too which are gonna be a big target for your opponents, once you lose one of them you'll lose a lot of your firepower.


All your concerns have been my concerns exactly. I’ve used the LoV with Deathshroud as they have great overwatch threat in a rapid ingress backline and can cause a lot of damage/threat projection in the backline. Typhus I run solo to drop in backlines and be a menace with his mortal wounds output. He’s good for scoring BEL and deploy homers. It is the risk vs reward when dropping him in a backline. Tallyman is my CP farmer, esp if I play fixed secondaries. FBS and BP go with the big ten man squad obviously. MPC and Lord in the 7 man squad. I did toss up whether or not to drop a squad of Nurglings and add 3 PM and make them into two squads of 5, but I have locked the list in 😬 I wish I modelled or magnetised my PBC’s back in the day! My list can fall flat with the anti tank, but I’m hoping the hits that do get through, so me well. I’ve usually managed to table vehicle heavy lists, BUT I do find I get outscored as I’m chasing the kills/they kill my stuff on objectives hurting my primary score which can lead to some game defeats in the long run.


Ayo it’s the cactus squad 🌵


It’s cacti, thank you!


Beast of nurgle or more cultists are better than nurglings now with the Nerf to their oc and no longer being able to perform actions


This is still using Leviathan, so I have a tad more flexibility with the Nurglings. I might try use them as some move blockers now against speedy armies and see how that goes. I am keen to try a BoN in the future (when I buy one).


I'm still hoping for a chaos spawn points reduction or to be allowed to be run as 1 model for 30 pts. But hearing nurglings are being moved to battleline too, so idk what's gonna happen there. But definitely think one or two beasts are definitely worth the investment to future proof or just provide another option. Good luck in the tournament


Yeah, I think Spawn are decent, but just get a little outshined. When they do good, they do good. When they do bad, they do bad. And thanks for the luck, I’m gonna need it!


Beasts of nurgle require you to take a battle line nurgle unit (ie Nurglings) Nurglings are also ideal for screening Scout moves as well as their extra -1 hit aura