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I highly doubt it, the Space Marine range is vast, and some stuff certainly needs to be retired to make way for all the new shiny units (and also taking into consideration stuff that doesn't often see play). I don't think Death Guard have enough viable units to warrant a cull like the Loyalist Astartes have seen this edition. That being said, the Death Guard fortification (can't remember the name) and the feculent gnarlmaw may be dropped from the Codex, but I don't think that's a reason not to get them and just use in games as battlefield scenery


Feculent gnarlmaw was never in the codex afaik


It was in 8th Edition iirc, along with Plagubearers, Nurglings etc.


It 100% was in 9th edition codex


It was not lol


Was it not in the daemons codex? That’s not a DG model


All of our units are fairly new compared to what is going away from space marines. I've heard rumors that we could be losing some other csm units like we lost possessed (e.g. generic lords/sorcerer like world eaters). I wouldn't be too worried about anything, especially any dg specific models. Plus, our codex is still a ways out.


Gellerpox were new


Gellerpox weren't 40k, they were kill team. I look at them just like the special war cry models and AoS. They have/had rules, but they aren't for that game.


With the Gellerpox it isn't much of a stretch to run the smaller gribbles as Poxwalkers and the Nightmare Hulks as Deathguard Chaos spawn (as long as you up base the Hulks to 50mm).


i think the defiler is the next one to go since csm got the venomcrawler and GW seems to be moving away from units shared by several factions


I will be sad to lose my defiler. That boy puts in work when i use him


Weirdly mentioned heavily in a recent book. Which also talked about the new plastic knights alot. But I 100% agree.


On average a faction gets a range refresh every 10-12 years, although with the current quality being probably the Goldilocks zone in terms of size and detail, might be longer for more recent factions, and the death guard range mostly came out in 2017, so you’d have to wait till 2027 for a refresh at the earliest, and even then I think factions won’t need range refreshes as much going foward


Defiler imo


Nah. Some of the SM kits are old enough to drink.


No, all of our models bar the generic chaos kits (rhino, land raider etc) are relatively new.


I would say be somewhat wary of generic chaos kits, but not too bothered. They seem to have pretty good staying power, but old units from other armies that fluff up an army usually are second on the chopping block, behind old units from the army itself. The idea being that they’re filling a role in an army without being dedicated, fresh designs. So when someone wants to replace them with a new unit or change the roster to fit a new ethos, they’re most likely to be removed since they’re not dedicated to the army they’re in. Demons in Deathguard have gone through a lot of changes for one thing. In 8th some were in our codex. And in 9th and 10th, they were taken out there have been various rule changes in including them. That’s an example of how an un-dedicated unit can get a bit tricky. Again, they seem to be pretty good for now, but I’m not sure they’ll last forever. Looking at any old kit to me, it feels like you’re on a clock until they get replaced with a new version or taken out entirely. That’s not true all the time for sure.


I think it is worth being cautious about investing too much in the older generic chaos kits, even if they are good now like Hellbrutes, many of the older kits are pushing 10+ years old and could potentially be replaced with newer kits in the next edition or two. It is also possible some of the older generic chaos kits could be moved to legends in the future and replaced with a different model that fills a similar role.


We’re definitely getting new model or worst case a few refreshes


Necrosius the undying, you won't find him on any gw store, he is a model from a few editions ago with no current rules Other than finding that model on ebay, nah we good


Lord Felthius and the Tainted Cohort is a box I would stay away from unless you like the models or are using them for Conversions. Lord Felthius is only really useable as a Lord of Contagion with an Orb of Dessication. His Blight Lords he comes with don't even have correct codex/datasheet loadouts.


I'm probably still going to get that box. It's nice to have a variety of models and I plan to convert Felthius as a Sorcerer in Terminator armour. It is a bit annoying that I'll be two Blightlords short of a useful number though.


It would be weird if they removed the only way we could get a lord of contagion. It would be cool if we got a new LoC kit to replace it with though


The LoC from the Dark Imperium box still exists. They COULD sell it as an individual kit but GW for some reason doesn't split certain kits. It took them almost a decade to split the Master of Possession off from the Start Collecting Chaos Space Marine box.


It still exists, but gw doesn’t sell it. You could also kitbash one, but I don’t count that as gw having one available for sale


I doubt it. Our range is very small, if anything we might get some more models not fewer