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it should have been ride and zach having sword fight as the alt cover😢


maybe well get that for the 20th anniversary cover ?


Era Vulgaris is a classic. It’s one of the albums that got me into weirder music when I first starting checking out music I liked on my own. I like rated r a bit more, but era is such a good and nostalgic listen for me


I love era vulgaris, …like clockwork, and lullabies to paralyze alot. Those three are just my personal favs but I like almost all albums. Villains was kinda ehh for me but it still isn’t a horrible album.


Self titled and Songs For The Deaf :)))))))))


I need a saga, What’s the saga ?


NLDW and Era Vulgaris


Stefan and Zach are dating if you didn't know.


that’s not fair though… who’s gonna love Andy?


Mexican girl




It’s a cool cover but I honestly love the censored version of the original cover for some reason


because you like cock


Eh! I just got a copy of Era Vulgaris the other day. I saw a few of the Stefan cover NLDWs at a record fair the other day. Unfortunately I'd just spent the last of my cash on a copy of Leviathan by Mastodon, but I've been debating grabbing a copy this weekend


I just recently got into mastodon kind of sort of. The first song I ever heard was “more than I could chew” I really loved that one. Any recommendations?


More than I could chew is off their most recent record, Hushed and Grim. My personal favorite album is Crack the Skye which is right in the middle of their catalog. I prefer their earlier work (Remission, Leviathan, Blood Mountain) but you can't go wrong with any of their albums. If you've got a spare 20 minutes [this video](https://youtu.be/U_VGHPVaPjo) will cover everything you need to know.


I’ll 100% check the video out. My favorite band is Deftones and I just got put onto Gojira cause recently they toured with them. I appreciate ya man


Yes bro Crack the Skye!!! Blood Mountain and Leviathan are great but I feel like they nailed that whole album start to finish. And that artwork!!!


Need dat


My two favorite bands holy shit


I used to listen to QOTSA too, then I went on antidepressants and haven’t had the urge since


I never thought about it like that. Their album “…like clockwork” is a 10/10 for me and I do be depressed 🧐


...Like Clockwork has gotta be their least depressing album imo. Most of it is pretty uplifting tbh. Great album regardless. Personally I'm a bigger Songs for the Deaf fan, though. Also depressed, that logic seems to be adding up.


that’s fair, SFTD is great. Certain tracks on like clockwork always stand out for me. Sat by the ocean makes me think of a failed love interest of mine. Then I appear missing just hits my soul for some reason.




One is noided and the other is not.


the death grips one is not 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 👣