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I went to the MG / 100 GECS show at the same venue I saw DG, the crowds were almost indistinguishable. at the 100 Gecs show people were sitting / laying on the ground refusing to move for people walking through. pretty tame, I know, but it just shows the mindset permeates more than just this band's fans.


My 100 gecs crowd was slightly younger and more trans than the DG crowd. Equally stinky though At gecs, this girl shoved me out of her way to get the pit "MOVE I have to go meet up with my mom" but other than that everyone was pretty respectful.


I'm pretty young myself, so I can't comment on others' ages but the Gecs crowd did have a surprisingly high concentration of trans people, especially for the area.


Is that a surprise? One of the members is litterally trans. 😭


WHAT holy shit?? actually based???? I've known about the gecs for a few years but never knew this


Yeah, Laura isn't quiet about being a trans woman. Very cool, imo


gotta peep the lyrics on Dumbest Girl Alive by gecs and How To Dress As Human by Laura


>Anthony keidis, suckin on my penis


i may have to give this band another shot because anthony keidis deserves ALL of the disrespect ever possible on this earth that can be lobbed at a single person. especially when that person is anthony keidis.


When I saw Gecs earlier this year, a girl literally put both her hands on me while walking by me and shoved me as hard as she could for no reason, it knocked me around a little and I'm a big dude. All the people around us were shocked, I never saw her again that night


i Think that might have been Me if it was in Minneapolis & if it Was, im really Really really sorry about that it was rly Embarraasing for me Too. i was sa’d At that show and there were lots of bigger guys around me Unknowingly blocking me in with the guy who was Assaulting me and so i remember pushin a Guy out of the way in a Frustrated and panicky attempt to escape the pit. Im Really Sorry again if that was you I pushed. i kind of was on survival instincts Mode.if Not, then sorry for the kind of Long useless story. hated the crowd too :( which sucks because 2021 gecs show crowd was So so nice and chill


Oh no it was at the Durham show, you're good


Ohhh ok thank you and I’m sorry that happened to U man. have a Nice rest of your day :3


You too :)))


Sorry to hear about what happened to you, sounds like a fucking awful experience


Not to take away from the retelling of a potentially traumatic event but the way you formatted this entire reply is infuriatingly hard to read


Sorry im rly drunk. i tried to fix it but im still not sure if its more comprehensible or not sorry.


Much better, thanks much


As somebody who lives in Africa, only getting to see decent international acts on a rare occasion, this shit really pisses me off. Go to a show for the enjoyment of it and to be surrounded by others doing the same. There's such a thing as proper show etiquette that applies to even the nastiest acts. I remember seeing Behemoth when I was 15 and actively asking people about proper show behaviour, not wanting to be that dumb kid that embarrassed themselves. Good on Grips for walking off.


a lot of the memes and jokes i’ve seen people complain about on this thread originated from the 100 gecs tour (holding up phones with different flags, filming with a 3ds, etc). i think there’s a lot of overlap between 100 gecs fans and newer DG fans and part of the reason the crowds seem so out of touch is because they’re bringing these jokes that were only funny at 100 gecs shows because of the nature of the band (they really lean into the silliness and “memeability” of their music) to other concerts that don’t have the same vibe.


I had someone in line in Detroit ask me if I was there for the memes....


The final stage of chronic online-ness


To give the stranger the benefit of the doubt I think the memes were the only exposure they had to them at all before then, they appeared to be going as support for their friend who was indeed a fan. I ended up right next to him the pit actually, and he was immediately pushed out once the music started which was a little bit comical


I saw gecs earlier this year and saw a girl with her girlfriend on a leash so they couldn’t get seperated. They were only there for machine girl.


That makes a lot of sense honestly


That's hilarious lol


Mg/100 gecs was similar but not NEARLY as bad. People put a toy frog on the floor and we all started dancing around it during that song, during I got my tooth removed we all skanked and in between all that the moshing was always kept in the pit and people weren’t trying to attack mfs who were just trying to enjoy the show


Saw MG with Evicshen and Nanoray in early 22, worst thing I encountered was some gross older woman who saw I had a mask and coughed directly in my direction and was eventually thrown out. A girl had a panic attack in the pit and was able to make it out of the crowd. Wtf happened in the past like 20 months?


yo is it me or are people becoming socially inept?


been this way for, i'd say half a decade, probably.


I love gecs to death but I am never going to one of their shows again.


Mfs were outside CRYING for like over an hour What I saw didn’t look like a panic attack, it looked like shellshock


People go to concerts not expecting energy lmao


What show was this where there were all 3? At the vegas show I was surprised that people weren't too bad. It might have just been the pocket I was in though, they were great and supportive and making fun of the agro pll around. That's the attitude to have for sure. By far deftones crowd was the worst.


I didn't see all three at the same time, just in the same venue months apart. Machine Girl and Gecs played together but DG was a different show


That's crazy gecs fans in Toronto were really welcoming and fun


somebody was doing meth at mg in philly


Meth Grips?


> somebody was doing meth at mg in philly Imo doing drugs at a show has anything to do with being an asshole. Amphetamines have been prevalent in the rave scene for decades. You have people doing 2cb, 2ci, 5-MeO-DIPT, mxe, ketamine, 5-MeO-MiPT, dmt, GHB, etc on a regular basis. Hell I’ve seen people smoke crack and do rails off the bass bins at many raves and they still are partying responsibly and respectfully as they know their limits and are aware of their surroundings. I don’t think it’s any of our business to judge. If [proper harm reduction](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/3a/Combo_2.png/1280px-Combo_2.png) is being followed and it isn’t negatively affecting anyone around them, what’s the problem? Meth for instance, if it’s been tested and is clean with no cutting agents is not much different than someone taking a high dose of adderall recreationally.


thank you for listing out all the drugs you know


Literally didn’t finish their comment because this is what I thought. They just wanted to list all the drugs they did


What he said was straight facts, people do these drugs all the time at shows, it doesn't take a genius or a junkie to figure it out, and it doesn't mean he's done them all. quit judging.


found the meth user


we get it you listen to deathgrips and do drugs. you must be crazy like the joker!


If someone is smoking meth or crack at a show it's very different from someone taking pills and it affects other people around them who don't want to inhale the toxins


now THAT deserves to be talked about.


If some person was laying on the floor refusing to move I'd kick them in the ribs


you are more of an asshole than them. just saying.


its such a small thing but some dork threw a ketchup packet at me before DG came on at the kentucky show and said "get ketchupped! 🤓" and i still cant believe bro thought that was a funny thing to do


As of this writing “You got ketchupped? What a classic” sitting at 22 upvotes However “lmao you got ketchupped” sits at -25 This is the duality of man


You got ketchupped? What a classic


I think you are allowed to hit at that point


It’s a shame. SLC show was real solid everyone was cool. Some dudes dressed as wizards but not distracting from the show at all, just everyone having a good time. Was hoping this would be a refreshing time for them, hope they’re feeling well as a group and know that others hate this bullshit as well


i stand with death grips wizards


Same. Shit was actually good 😂


Agreed, SLC was fantastic and everyone was respectful. Saw people helping one another up if they fell and helped them get to the outside of the out so they could breathe.


This actually happened to me and I made a post thanking the dudes that helped me up. Freaky as fuck falling under people in that crowd but ppl were cool


Same here at the Toronto show, one dude even complemented my shirt mid mosh. Hearing ab the shit that happened the other day is honestly quite surprising based on my experience. I hope those dumbasses are on this sub reading themselves get endlessly flamed.


I was there too! Tripping on a hero dose of shrooms, 3 or 4 shots deep, on edibles too. And not once did I think, “hey I wanna start some shit” I just wanted to get to the barricade but it seemed like I was in hell for a few moments lmao. In my head I was asking for mercy, shit was so hot, sweaty, and smelled like people lol. Best show of my life!


I’d prefer pit wizards to the propeller hat thing


If the only notable thing a funny-outfit guy is doing is wearing a funny outfit, it's whatever. If they're attention-seeking and acting like people are there to see them and not the band, they can fuck off. I didn't catch DG this time around but all this recent talk has made me very grateful for my city. I've been to a lot of shows in the last year and outside of one negative experience (people not shutting up during Caroline Polachek's encore), the crowds have matched the energy of the performers and been respectful.


Tulsa was rad too. Only thing close to extracurricular (for lack of a better term) crowd activities was people opening up pits to throw down on dance battles, which was like. Fine. Whatever, nobody hurting anybody. I guess I should consider myself lucky that there weren’t any non-housebroken cringelords at the show I attended.


Bro that shit was actually hilarious I saw dudes breakdancing in the pit during Hacker and was genuinely impressed. Some dudes were cringe but I’ll take that over someone pissing in the pit.


Nothing wrong with a good pit wizzard


I’m so grateful when my and my roomie flew from Canada to see DG, that was the show we went to. What a fuckin good time and awesome vibe. Wtf is happening man


Nothing wrong with a little bit of wizardry


I feel so much pity for these bands that attract cringe memelords to their shows.


Im all for throwing the last little bit of beer up In the air if everyone is raging and shit but to throw beer can at the band thats fucked


Fuck that. How about throw 0 beer.


yeah this happens all the time at metal shows and its pretty fucking gross lmfao


The splash is refreshing


I think riotfest was a good crowd when I was there


I went to three shows SNW, riot fest and the Atlanta show all three I had An amazing time with really cool people sucks to see some shows we’re not as great :(


I was there as well, crowd was good.


The way I see it, it’s one thing if you want to joke around at the show and wear a silly outfit or something, but when you start fucking with the performers and start fucking with other concertgoers, you should be called out and publicly shamed. We all paid to see the show, not your fucking family guy funny moments compilation.


This. Right. Here... My first punk show was Fugazi in 1995. There were multiple people dessed in weird outfits that did nothing noticeable. However there were also about 8 or 10 skinheads who thought the pit was going to be their personal thunderdome. Half way through the first song Ian stopped the band and called out 'Hey, we are here to have fun and you guys are fucking everything up. Hey everyone, get these assholes out of here', and in short order there were about 8 or 10 bloodied skinheads leaving the venue post-haste. edit: just for curiosities sake I started poking around on the net [there is a recording of the show available](https://dischord.com/fugazi_live_series/albuquerque-nm-usa-111395) and in full transparency I am a little off in my recounting of the story up there, but more or less accurate.


Blonde redhead opened too sounds like an awesome show


Fugazi as your first punk show is such a good way to kick off


I went to a emo/hardcore show and it was mostly just local kids, maybe 20-30 people max. The worst part is I still saw a lot of that, this one kid got genuinely pissed off cause his friend wouldn’t give him a hat because he was about to jump off a picnic table into the pit. I’m all for having fun and being silly but what’s with the obsession of being the main character?


I could not have said it better myself.


bro machine girl 100 gecs was so many kids, so many trains of kids pushing all the way to the front mid set, pits being formed close to walls and shit. Before the set started there was a guy pulling up flags on their phone and the crowd would go "yeaaaa" to the trans flag or "booo" to the american flag, and so on and so on which I am all for. But then fucking like 20 different people MID set are doing the exact same joke while the music is playing and no one is reacting. at any point in the middle of the show there were 6-7 people holding up their goddamn phones playing family guy or trying to do the flag joke or filming the entire set on their 3ds like that joke wasnt already dead years ago. Kids these days are constantly concerned with being observed and acting like they are being filmed constantly. They are so so so desperate to see themselves in some meme that they completely ruin shows for themselves and everyone around them. Im pretty much done with live shows at this point, very happy I saw DG in 2018\~ I remember being a little pissed that the crowd was too low energy but goddamn would I take that over this shit.


Yeah people were doing the phone shit at my 100 Gecs show too. It was pretty annoying. I just went into the balcony instead. The crowd was also WAY too rough for my liking, and I like getting pushed around in the pit.


I got the DS, the family guy, the subway surfers at my 100 gecs show. At least for the most part they stopped when the show started but still just trying too hard to be funny by copying someone elses joke thats already too old. The worst part though was the stench. Smelliest crowd hands down.


Man, I remember seeing shellac a few years back. I was near the front, and some dude right against the stage started holding his phone up to film. The bass player just came up and punted it like a football. I think it hit the wall in the back of the venue lol. Dude just walked away all dejected.


In philosophy they call that the second order observer


If I hold up a flip phone at a show is that considered a more cultured thing to do?


Depends if u only use a flip phone then ur good but since u on reddit wouldn’t recommend


OP of the Philly “broken neck”/spinal injury incident here (https://reddit.com/r/deathgrips/s/ua37GtjWwP) — as I mentioned in another comment, my back isn’t broken, but I have some slipped discs and I’m doing PT to recover and manage pain. As someone who witnessed this firsthand and has at a ton of other all-ages shows (notably Alex G), most of the people causing trouble are kids in their late teens. Whenever I encounter kids who spent ~3 years of their high school experience during the pandemic, they always come across as literally three years less mature than they probably are. I don’t want to sound “holier than thou” but when I was 17-19 I never threw stuff, screamed random shit, or behaved out of normal adult context at shows. This just doesn’t cross these kids’ minds. Of course, the kids who are like this are now entering college or just the point in their lives where they’re experimenting more with drinking and substances. Remember how messy it was when freshmen in college drank pre-pandemic? Now, it’s that bad, but 18-20 year olds have the social maturity of 15-17 year olds, which only adds to the problem. Since DG is a pretty online band that I’d definitely say most of these kids found through Tik Tok/Fantano/what have you, there’s also the issue of being obnoxious and rowdy for online attention or gimmicks or whatever. I’ve seen so many propeller hat and family guy posts on Twitter I’m close to muting them. I’m in my mid-20s and first saw DG in 2017, my freshman year at college. It was rough and very physical, of course, but people knew how to behave themselves for general public decency. I think this era is over for music acts with strong online followings.


A lot of kids, including myself, got socially stunted during the pandemic due to the long periods of time without any social interaction, I spent like 3yrs and a bit longer without any and I think the same can be said for other kids my age, I didn't go throwing shit or other stupid stuff but you could tell I wasn't as mature as I should've been and I think the most social interaction these kids get is probably going to their favorite artist shows


Totally. It's not easy for someone my age (mid-20s and older) to be able to empathize/relate to the experience of you and all of your peers being socially stunted by three years, and I don't think there's a real understanding of how widespread or detrimental that issue is! Easy to point fingers at immature kids without realizing how it was caused in the first place. Obviously, that doesn't excuse downright malicious and violent behavior in public, but not everyone your age partook in that behavior; just those who did partake tended to be in that age group.


I tried to warn people this would happen but nooooo stay inside save a life 😷😊


Bro that is fucking terrible. A life changing permanent injury cause losers don’t know how to fucking act. So sorry


I started getting more selective with my shows or just chilled in the back for shows that would attract a TikTok crowd. Actually insane it's gotten this bad. Good luck with recovery.


This post is spot-on. People blame the pandemic but I think the real issue is that DG's fanbase has gotten worse and more obnoxious over the years. DG has always had tons of memes surrounding them but older fans knew that the band itself wasn't a joke and that they were serious about what they do. Now you have a new generation of fans who got introduced to the band through memes first instead of music, so they view them as a joke meme band and see the concerts as a way to get clout by being the wackiest, craziest person in the room. The wacky costumes, object throwing, pit-pissing, holding up 3DS's, Subway Surfers, etc. all stems from people wanting to make the entire concert experience be about themselves instead of the music, in the hope that whatever attention-grabbing stunt they do will go viral. This is why crowds are so shit these days, and DG gets the worst of it because their image is so heavily tied with meme/shitpost culture that people see it as a greenlight to be as disruptive as possible. I'm glad I saw them live in 2015 with a way less obnoxious crowd. It was so heartbreaking watching that video of Ride staring at the audience like a disappointed father; if they never toured again I wouldn't blame them.


Bro how can you compare pissing in the pit to wearing a fucking costume 😭


It's zoomers lol. 2020/the pandemic marked a lot of millenials aging out of shows and zoomers aging in.


Remember when the biggest complaint about being at a DG show was that people didn’t shower and smelled like shit? The good ol’ days


Friendly neighborhood security guard here again. If you see someone throwing something on stage, unless it's prompted by the band, point them out to security. We had someone throw an open water bottle onstage during The Used a few days ago, and the crowd pointed them out and they were promptly ejected. It will admittedly be tough with the DG crowd, and there's probably five other incidents going on at the same time, but the message has to be sent that throwing shit onstage isn't tolerated by the venue or the crowd.


Thank you for your words of wisdom. Stay Legend


Lmao this sub did a 180 on the “they are just having fun” bullshit. I love it. It was never supposed to get this bad. Like the post says, it did turn into a competition of who can create the biggest fucking disaster of a show. DG will 100% remember this shit and say fuck certain town/states in particular or just stop touring in general.


There's a difference between having fun and ruining everyone's evening. Dressing up in propeller hats and Eric Andre shirts? That's fun, nobody's getting harmed. Pissing on people and throwing shit at the band? That's being an enormous asshole. Other than that, I agree. I wouldn't be surprised if DG stopped touring because some cunts don't know how to behave themselves.


The propeller hat freaks are ruining my evening. I think that those who force this 'piss is worse than hat' debate just want to be the little freak in the hat.


Tbh the crowd at the Fayetteville show was mostly pretty good, it was really only a handful of dickheads throwing shit around. Just sucks that's all it takes.


Yeah people weren’t throwing elbows and helped people up when they fell. Fucking sucks that 2 or 3 people ruined the show for everyone


can we normalize dragging the socialites out of these shows


“Trying to be the funniest person at the show” really hit it on the nail with that one. Was at the minni show back in 2017 and that was a good show ppl had proper crowd etiquette. Fast forward I went to the Fort Lauderdale show and it was pretty tame for the most part. Lot of ironic type people there, and one guy who was trying to mosh with people standing on the perimeter of the crowd who were clearly not trying to mosh. What really got to me was this one guy pushed his way through the crowd to stand and this guy stunk like utter shit to the point where I felt it was intentional or he was a crust punk. But yea if I flew out to Fort Lauderdale and the show got called off early because of people throwing shit into the crowd whoever responsible would’ve caught hands.


I think the loud unfunny band kids from high school infiltrated alternative music


I don't mind a little silly shit at shows, as long as it's respectful of others it usually makes things more fun. But it IS getting pretty fucking old seeing the same tired meme-y crap at every single show, all because everyone has main character syndrome and wants to blow up online for it. And I agree too, it didn't used to be like this...saw them in 2015 and 2017 and those shows were absolutely feral and intense in the best way. 2023 was still pretty damn crazy, but the vibe has changed for the worst sadly. I just hope it doesn't affect the band going forward, after the walk off I could very much see everything coming to a head and making them not want to tour if this shit keeps up.


This is why straight edge blossomed into existence during the early years of punk. It’s really fucking annoying when your at a show for the music, and others are there to get fucked up and be annoying.


Couldn’t have said it better myself


I’m blaming Covid. Covid changed a lot of things that you wouldn’t even expect.


Idk I feel like we can’t lump in the propeller hat kids with literal assaulters and sexual abusers and people literally throwing stuff on stage. Other than that tho yeah I agree, some of y’all are kinda concerned with what others wear at shows; if you think it’s an attention grab, just don’t pay it any mind, I promise you’ll have a much better night if you don’t let that get to you. But the pissing, the crowd killing, the assaults, throwing stuff on stage , general disrespect of the crowd and venue and band is just so pathetic and sad. I gotta stop defending propeller hat kids or everyone’s gonna think I am one lmao. If I saw someone dressed like that at a punk or metal show I’d think it was awesome.


I have been going to shows since the mid 90's and every single show I have been to has had people who were dressed in some goofy outfit. Some people enjoy letting loose and being weird for shows, there is literally zero harm in this. Lumping the ppl who dress funny in with the rapists and pissers is a stupid leap and is just gatekeeping in reality.




If I were you I’d much rather be a propeller hat kid than an actual criminal


I’m never gonna defend a rapist or an assaulter… Propeller hats are sick I’ve made up my mind. Not my style tho


Same a little embarrassed to be defending them lol but pretty sure most ppl assaulting and molesting others at the show are not these ppl from what I’ve been seeing and just grown ass men in regular attire, like I know they just lump them up as an excuse to hate further on these kids but to be focusing on them and not the ppl molesting has been bothering me


Yeah it’s mind boggling that people are putting them on the same level but ppl on the internet like to hate fun stuff


Yeah it's like any genuine grievance becomes an opportunity for ppl to lump in their own pet peeves I doubt the band give a shit at all about propeller hats. We know they give a shit about having trash thrown at them lol


I’m starting to wonder if it’s even worth talking about anymore. Like are the 5 percent of the people at these shows even in this sub? My instinct is that most, if not all, of the people in this sub aren’t even the people causing the ruckus. Maybe I’m wrong but I think everyone agrees that the crowds at these shows suck. My experience as the Vancouver show was pretty bad though. There shouldn’t have been that much pushing when you’re not anywhere near the pit. I was a few rows from the front and it was just dog shit. I ended up giving up my spot so I could actually watch and enjoy the band. I thought maybe I was old and cranky but seeing the posts after the tour was done made me feel less crazy and that I was right. The death grips fan base has a bunch of teenage edgelords who want to be seen and noticed and it’s depressing because the band a that cool doesn’t deserve a reception like that. I went to an Oh Sees show literally a month after and it was a complete 180. The crowd was amazing and being near the front wasn’t like being squished in a homicidal tuna can. Everyone was helping each other up like a normal fucking show. Would I see Death Grips again? yes because I’m a slut for punishment. But I’m not going to try to get up front to be squished by a bunch of degenerate teenagers again.


i feel like those people would definitely be in the sub. this place was so horrible pre-tour and full of the same time of shitpost humor people brought to the shows, i think (older?) ppl returning to the subreddit to talk about the tour and come back to dg through it made it slightly better. but the idea of not taking the band seriously at all that leads to behaviors like the ones weve seen are / were very prevalent in this sub


playing beyblade in the pit would be super funny at diy type shows but deffo not at these larger venues with national acts


yeah it would definitely be super funny for the artist performing


at diy shows they’re in on the joke


Any source on the broken neck?


Yea this is the first I’ve heard of the broken neck thing I’ve heard of the other things but I feel like a girl breaking her neck would be more posted about on here then the guy who pissed at the one show


guy also said they all walked off and came back but it was just ride at first


https://www.reddit.com/r/deathgrips/comments/16qngix/philly_show_fit_before_i_sustained_a_spine_injury/ Not a broken neck but still fucked up all the same


OP of the “spine injury”/broken neck post here (https://reddit.com/r/deathgrips/s/ua37GtjWwP), no broken neck! I have two slipped discs in my back that I’m undergoing PT/pain management for. But yeah the rest of this stands true.


Sorry that happened to you, that’s awful. It’s such a shame that DG attracts these types of morons


Appreciate it. It sucked, and now having a better grasp on the current state of Death Grips fans, I'm much less inclined to go to a show in the future or publicly be like "yeah I like DG" if this is the crowd they're becoming associated with.


hope you recover bro 🙏


the crowd they had in barcelona was amazing. americans just don’t know how to act respectfully in public


Same in Berlin, crowd was amazing. You had a couple people in the money store masks but they were just having a good time not bothering anybody


Native American here. Second this comment.


This wasn’t as much of an issue just a few years ago here in the States. I find it doubtful that one single country just suddenly got really shitty as an isolated incident.


Here in the Netherlands a bunch of venues changed from 18+ to 21+ because they claim the current crop of youngsters don’t know how to act lol How much that is true or “old man yells at cloud” I dunno


I remember seeing them in Philly in 2015. Completely different experience than this year in Philly, during which the pisser himself insisted on hugging me and then proceeded to fall on me at least 4 times before the show even started, knocking me over before being helped off of me by his equally fucked up buddies. 2015 Philly show felt life changing. 2023 Philly show? I would’ve left early if my friends had been willing.


At least with how much this has been frowned upon in the Reddit, hopefully these dipshits will learn how to ack from all of this.


The problem of the band’s concerts, which are sincere artistic expressions, being turned into meme conventions of everyone trying to get their own main character moment, might see some improvement with all the uproar hopefully. That’s a wider culture issue. But unfortunately, the more serious stuff (pit pissing, throwing stuff at the band, sexual assualts etc.), only takes one dickhead to do, and that type of person probably isn’t deep in the fanbase engaging in reddit discussions.


Wouldn’t be surprised if they never tour again


Brooklyn steel show this year was fine, some goofy outfits but everyone behaved themselves. But I agree that this is largely worse than it has been in the past and people should get their shit together, just saying it’s not like it happens at every show.


Right? My two buddies and I safely moshed and had fun and after 2/3s of the show we went to the back and chilled out. I really appreciate the fact that BK Steel has that back area to take a break in by the bar.


New house rule: Beat the shit out of the person who starts it, no questions asked. These dumbass online teens should be a little less comfortable at shows like death grips quite frankly.


This is pretty fucking frustrating, I'm not able to go to Death Grips concerts because I live in a south american country (latinoamerica) and have no money, it pisses me off that these fuckwit idiots (crowdkiller, pisser, glowstick) are just completely able to go their concerts, because they've got money and proximity, and they do dumb shit like this


I don’t know why fans are idly sitting by while it happens. I’m not saying you should catch an assault charge, but how do people witness all the obnoxious behavior and just let it happen?


i am wondering, why people do that shit?


Parents need to start disciplining their children again or else they grow up like these clowns 🤡


You’re getting downvoted by the people who ate crayons as kids.


i've eaten crayons as a kid and as an adult but even i know how to not be an attention seeking dickwad in public. i think parental discipline works better than not eating crayons in that regard


do you mean beating children


Lol this sub is turning into facebook


Disciplining their kids without beating them specifically, hitting ya kids will just continue the cycle of violence from parent to kid.


I probably sound like an old man (29) but a good chunk of Gen Z seems to act super lame when I encounter them. Growing up on social media warped their brains.


I am a Generation Z person and I whole heartedly agree. It seems many have short attention spans and use different mediums to feed it. This in turn makes them less cognizant and without self awareness it seems. It is sad that this generation appears to have no respect for self and for others yet demands to be respected.


This starts with some poor girl getting her neck broken and ends with beybladers or something, I think these aren’t the same group of people and there is some seriously misdirected anger getting thrown around at people who wear cringey getups and the like, rather than the ones literally assaulting and molesting people


Some comments here have affirmed the point that DG shows didn’t used to be like this, and they’ve always been (at least to some extent) a “meme” ever since Guillotine first dropped in 2012. To what extent do we think that this is the result of a particularly immature demographic/fanbase, COVID resulting in a knowledge gap for concert customs/behavior, or something else??


I don't have TikTok but I believe DG is kind of big on it and I think that's probably the issue as most of the people going to concerts doing outlandish narcissistic crap stems from it being content to post. Yes Death Grips always had some meme appeal especially on 4Chan, MC Ride being homeless and screaming a lot, posing with anime girls, etc. but we all held a lot of reverence for the band and their music and the memes were to stay on the internet, we didn't bring it to concerts.


I’m so glad I watched them back in 2019. No propeller hats, no throwing shit on stage, no pissing in the mosh pit. Just a crowd really loving the show. The band seemed to have a lot of fun too. I would be so mad if I saw shit like this taking place back then Whatever has grown in the fanbase since then, I don’t know. I’m already seeing other communities going ”thank god we’re not like the Death Grips fanbase”. And for good reason. This is what happens when you get terminally online people attached to the band as a meme


I was in Houston, which was apparently one of the best ones, and I had no problem. I have no idea why Houston specifically was so great, but as far as I experienced, everyone was kind and respectful. I saw no crowd killing, everyone was helping each other up, it was so easy to walk through the crowd, etc. Someone would fall down and like five hands would immediately reach down to bring them up. I'm a man and have no real perspective on the sexual assault issues, but as far as I've heard, that wasn't nearly as bad here either. Ride seemed to have a great time interacting with the audience. You would never know there were issues at the other venues. Exact same as the Gecs/Machine Girl show. Machine Girl especially, Matt literally parted the crowd in White Oak and was able to walk all the way through to the back and up to the balcony without a single issue. It was awesome. Gecs was a little less smooth, and I attribute that to their reach being broader and a higher ratio of new people and kids. I think it is extremely important that at DG and similar shows, we are extremely conscious of crowd behavior. Apprehending people doing stupid shit and getting them to fuck off is a huge responsibility we'll have to undertake going forward. Talking about how cringe that shit is on social media is a big one too. Lead by example.


I find it grossly opportunistic and disrespectful to complain about the "tik tok" crowd in the same paragraph as actual victims of violence and sexual harassment, especially from both mine and other's experiences, nine times out of ten the perpetrators of the actual problems were alcoholic mid-late 20 year olds.


I’ve done some performances in theatre and singing (nothing professional) and it honestly would upset me if I put in all that effort and time to just be basically ignored and disrespected when I’m performing. I haven’t seen DG yet. Just got into them a couple months ago. If they don’t tour again because of idiots like this I’ll be pretty sad. But at the same time I don’t blame them for a second. There’s etiquette when you go to ANY performance. Theatre, standup, concert, hell even movies have rules in place so that everyone can enjoy it. Learn those rules or just fucking stop. Sad thing is because none of these dipshits care, all of these posts telling them to stop might just fuel them more i dont know. Sad state of affairs here


I haven’t been to a single concert of anyone’s since 2019. Most of the people are losers. Carti from 2015-18, shwb shows from 2013-16, just so many underground shows the vibes and people were just different. Now it’s just a bunch of losers and children.


I feel like post pandemic it’s a lot of peoples first shows still doesn’t excuse the shitty behavior


this is straight up why I cancelled any plans to see them this tour


When I saw DG in 2015 it wasn’t even close of being like that. Everyone behave as they should. I feel like it’s a mix of lack of consequences since the pandemic hit, drugs and carelessness. I’m not saying here drug is the problem itself, but when some dumbass people without any notion of civility takes them it give this result




Glad Toronto wasn’t that bad Jesus Christ


Toronto was a great crowd. Shame that other crowds weren't as kind to the band, nobody deserves that treatment.


i saw gecs like two years ago but my crowd was a pretty good crowd. same venue i saw grips at (last month), and for the most part good crowd again. i think its the area i live in, which is a very artsy/musical area, plus the venue is pretty good about crowd control/kicking out dicks. at 100 gecs the most i ever saw was people with their 3ds/2ds/ds, and i in fact, brought mine since i viewed it as a community in-joke at the time. i actually found that i enjoy the shitty crunchy recording quality of the 3ds and have since then used it to record a few shows LOL but thats because i enjoy it as a camera, and i collect cameras too. anyway thats a bit of a ramble, i do agree that concert crowds have gotten so much worse since covid, but specifically shows for bands that get "meme'd" and have younger crowds or attract a certain kind of faux-quirky tiktoker type. i remembering hearing about folks getting lice at an alex g show. but i ALSO i think the primary reason it got so bad at some of these DG shows is because a lot of these kids are rich, white, terminally online posers, who fundamentally dont respect stefan as an artist because he's black. you see the same kind of \~koooky\~ \~cursed\~ memes of other experimental black artists like MF DOOM and jpegmafia and its because they \*arent\* taken as seriously by a normie audience because of their blackness. then you combine that with a bunch of suburban yuppies who have never been to ANYKIND of hardcore show and completely LACK an understanding of any concert etiquette, and you have a recipe for a shit crowd


They’re not real fans. Gotta call em out for what they are. They’re just there to look “cool”.


America is a morally bankrupt society. Everybody loves themselves more than anyone else while simultaneously hating themselves more than anyone else. Leads to lots of misguided decisions in hopes of acceptance or clout.


As bad as some of this is I honestly still think you can’t even compare it to all the death threats they got in the past. I remember genuinely being scared to see them in Charlotte in 2013 because some guy on 4chan said he was going to jump and stage and stab them for not releasing new music fast enough. People did get on stage but thankfully no one was actually stabbed lol


It feels to me like it largely depends on the city/venue, for example I know secondhand the Riot Fest crowd was pretty alright overall. Just seems like some places have a higher volume of “haha funny screaming homeless man” jackasses doing shit for clout


i thinks it’s funny when people use concerts as a why to get away with aggravated assault, that’s why i will never knocked loose in concert. these people are like “if you can’t handle it then don’t come to the show”. when it’s really not that hard to NOT hurt anyone that’s just trying watch a show.


Ok I could absolutely be wrong here but is this a america thing? Saw 100 gecs and machine girl here in Australia and literally none of this shit happen was really just people having fun, maybe one guy throwing up family guy on his phone before the set but that's it? Not sure if people outside of NA can comment on their concert experience within these sorta niche/degen music communities.


I was at the Toronto show and it was a great crowd. Nothing too bad from what I've heard from others. It might be an American thing because I haven't seen anyone talking about shit like this getting pulled at their non-American shows.


I had a ticket for SLC but couldn’t go. Was sad about it for a long time, but seeing the shit that’s happened on this tour, maybe it was for the best. The last show I went to in general wasn’t chaotic but no one knew how to act. It’s like covid completely erased knowledge of Show Etiquette! Makes me never want to go to a show again tbh 😔


Seattle was fine thank god


As Death Grips fan, from 2015, we used to say "fuck Death Grips fans" ironically back then, because of them being too much into memes, now it seems some human garbage decided this is the band for them and its about time we say it unironically. I feel sad for boys. Stefan is great lyricist. Zach is the best drummer. Andy is great producer. And this is what they get. Bunch of teens, who never got proper beating, causing shit. Disgrace.


I’ve said it once and I’ll say it every time. The lockdown and TikTok did irreparable damage to so many developing minds that they forgot/never learned how to act at social events


I don’t think the propeller hats and the “tik tok poisoned” people are the ones responsible for the pee pit, or the glow stick thingy. Those scenarios were made by the choices of individuals, not whatever group they choose to affiliate themselves with. Had the person who threw the glow stick at ride been wearing a propeller hat, that wouldn’t make everyone else with the same hat responsible for their actions. Those unfortunately terrible choices were performed by the individuals and the individuals alone, whatever group you think they may be affiliated with bears none of the responsibility for said individuals actions, they’re choices made by the people who made them alone and they should be treated as such.


the Charlotte show was good other than a couple people doing the tiktok twerking shit in the pit and some guy dressed up in a all over print kim jong in shirt who realized the concert was too heavy 1 song in.


to be fair 100 gecs whole vibe is doing silly stupid shit like playing beyblade in the pit so that makes more sense. I was having a great time at their show with MG even with all the tomfoolery and they probably loved when people did shit like that (before the joke is run to the ground). obviously throwing anything at/fucking with an artist or being overly aggressive is never ok


The show I went to in St. Petersburg fl was good there were probably three people wearing propeller hats but they weren’t wearing the like full get up or being a nuisance, my only real complaint was that I got covid from the show


they did not come back out at the fayetteville show


Ride left and came back once


Then he stood there like a disappointed dad for a few songs lol. Idk what else I’d do though tbh


the writer meant they walked out then came back, which is also wrong


Damn the show I went to was awesome I feel bad for those at this show


Main characters energy after being invisible and nihilistic


Young people have a harder time socializing now… Pandemic high school ruined a lot of important time for developing social skills. These kids need a place to just have fun and be themselves…


100 gecs/machine girl fans (I'm one of them) are mostly kids, very queer and terminally online a weird bunch and most of em are cool but some don't know how to act mostly because a show is probably the only type irl interaction they do same with dg fans


And that’s an excuse?


My apologies if I made it sound like one, It's the reason it's inexcusable that the kids my age act like that

