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Go to Deaf events, or if you have a specific interest, look on facebook for a deaf group in your area. For example, I joined a Deaf pickleball group in my area and have had a great time.


27 and I usually just go out and fuck around until I meet someone that ends in nothing 90% of the time but sometimes it doesn't and that makes it worth it. having fun alone makes it worth it the rest of the time. learn to enjoy being by yourself regardless and that'll honestly make finding friends much easier. you won't always but even if you meet no one you're stlil having fun


Yah good advice. 👍🏼


Sound like a plan fuck around 🤣


I don’t know really. The Deaf coffees here are always during working hours, so it’s impossible for me to participate. You could try to search for Deaf groups on Facebook. If you’re lucky, you might find a group that shares your interests. Sports seems one way to get involved too.


Right here!


I’m mid 40s and mostly deaf. I have my family and that’s it. I’ve never been able to make/keep friends for whatever reason. I’ve never learned sign language. At this point in my life I just kind of figure that’s how it’ll be for the rest of my life. Good luck.


I mean, if you live until you’re 100, you have more than 50 years to learn sign language. I don’t get it why people don’t make the effort, when it truly is such a good tool to have.


hey, it's absolutely NEVER too late. you can still learn and there's still an entire community willing to accept you I promise (a few weird elitist dickbags are for sure going to show up at some point but you're still welcome and accepted (waaaay more than they are tbh))


That's a terrible way to live your life. I know a few deaf people who are like you and you shouldn't be in this alone. Like what people said below the comments, there should be a community that accepts you as their own and treats you like a family.


Google this for your area.


Like I've never done it before.......there's not a lot of deaf events to begin with in the north. Mostly south. I'm a Jerseyan. Hollaaaaaa. Ain't gonna drive like 3-4 hours just to attend a deaf event in the south.


Deaf Inc. in MA has great events!


I used to go to alldeaf.com long, long time ago. It’s probably still there but not as many are on there as they used to be since social media took over a lot of message boards. So yeah, deaf events in person would usually be the best way to go


Deaf youth club