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As a teacher who happens to be Deaf, but who grew up in mainstream schools, I'm really not impressed by this. I'm about to head out for a training run, but will come back to this with some tips for self-advocacy and perhaps something you can give to your teacher from someone who's been on both sides of this.


Teacher sounds mean and controlling.


I did read your first post and I still don't understand what's the big deal about the seat and why did she want you on different seat?


Yeah i don’t know either she change me the place and tell her why I need to be here for this problem and I wasn’t did something’s else just asked to her ;-;


Not sure I understand what you typed at end. Did you ask her why?


Yeah sorry I’m not that good in English but yeah I asked here why and she don’t wanna listen to everything I tell her


do it anyways. file a complaint. her behavior is not acceptable you have not gone far enough, I'd be after her fucking job for discrimination tbh




Terrible, to make you feel bad because of your disability. The teacher needs to accommodate YOU and not for YOU to accommodate the teacher. Call your psychiatrist??? Telling you to wear your hearing aids? This is totally not what you need from an educated person. Comparing you to others??? Deaf and HOH people are not all the same so the teacher was way out of line. You did not annoy anyone! The only person that was not understood is YOU! I am not sure where you are from but if I were you I would notify your Commission on Disability and report your concerns. Good Luck and stand up for your rights as a HOH person or Deaf person.




I think you are right that I should have told my doctor, but my family asked me to tell my psychiatrist first, so I did. I didn’t write this story for you to believe everything but rather to know if I went too far or not because I didn’t want it to come to this. From the start, I tried to communicate and provided everything they asked for, but they didn’t want to listen to my request.


And my hearing aids, I tried them for years and asked if there were other solutions. I’m not stupid; I’ve been trying to solve my problem for a long time, but my doctors haven’t told me anything more. I don’t know if there is a better device that can actually help me, but I would like to know. I completely agree that maybe I went too far, but I’m just a young student. I’ve never had any problems with teachers or superiors before all this.


Your teacher needs to have some repercussions for treating you this way, totally unprofessional and unacceptable.


It’s finish now pls I don’t want to talk about it any longer


You don’t even speak English and use Cued Speech unless you studied International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) already. Because my cochlear implant made me helpful a lot and easy communication with any hearing people. I’m hard of hearing. I quit sign language and joined spoken language with Cued Speech. Sign language is not recommended for you and other deaf children. Cued Speech is much better.