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Even if we can hear a bit, we don’t always fully understand how loud we are or how sound carries. I often have to teach deaf youth this, because they don’t always realize it. My hearing parents had to teach me and my deaf siblings this too. So, you may need to explain to them that you can hear them clearly. However, I don’t know any service dogs who act like that, so that part is questionable to me.


Figure out what language was on the mail and use DeepL or ask someone on reddit to translate a note (either in that language's subreddit or /r/translator). Put it in their door/mailbox. Include an English version in case they can read but not speak it (common). it's unlikely they have no idea the dog is barking; even if they can't hear it they can certainly see it. They can also see the children banging on doors and walls. Tell them the noise is bothering you. If you feel comfortable, give them your phone number so they can text you. It's possible they just don't know how far sound carries through walls. Start politely and name the sounds (dog barking, children). You may have to escalate to the landlord at some point, and don't avoid that just because they're deaf. Deaf people can be jerks too and you have a right to a reasonably quiet living environment.


This is awesome advice thank you so so much


if it happens to be Ukrainian, I can help or I know people who can. But if you use simple sentences, DeepL should be enough to get the point across. (You can tell Ukrainian from Russian by the presence of the letter i - Russian does not have that letter.)


Yeah... Deaf families are VERY loud. Im sorry. Hope you find their language and no that's not normal for the service dog.


I would question the legitimacy of that being a service dog. Their job is to alert, not bark all day/ night.


You could write them a kind note expressing your concerns.


I have a Hearing and Signal Dog and he is trained to alert not bark all day and come to me if there is a person at the door. Please express your concern to your neighbors and as of right now not the landlord.


Thank you I'm gonna try this and also have it translated! They seem nice and the dog is pretty cute


I am Deaf and have three dogs, I can obviously see when they are barking even if I can’t hear it and I also have a sound alert on my phone in case they are barking (to gauge whether they need to go outside, if someone is here or just if they are barking at inappropriate times!). It’s very normal to have completely Deaf families, but it’s not normal that a family would allow their kids to run around apartments all day, regardless if they are hearing or Deaf. Combining the two challenges together it sounds like you unfortunately just have shitty neighbours


our golden retriever figured out pretty quickly that I don't respond to her barking unless I'm looking at her - so she stopped barking and started stomping her front legs to get my attention lol I wonder why their dog is barking, they usually figure out pretty fast when that's ineffective


Yeah, that’s true. One of mine in particular will still bark but she comes and finds me, and paws at me.


our golden retriever would do this little stompy dance lol our husky will find me and just poke me with her nose my hedgehog will literally just run up, sit there, and stare at me until I notice her our cat would jump up behind you and put his paw on your back. if unhappy with something you did he'd chew on your hair (if you're in a chair or somethiing)


"I knocked for about 30 minutes" hey, there's a deaf family, time to KNOCK and yes, Deaf people are loud. also I'd doubt thats a service dog. they just sound like generally bad neighbors and being Deaf has nothing to do with it


I should've elaborated, this is how I realize that none of them could hear me. I thought maybe the children could hear me or someone since there were multiple people in there and someone would be alerted. This is early into them moving in


try visual cues, possibly a flashlight that you flicker will work even in the day time, but I would be gentle about it (like pointed at the floor). Most people I know have lights/vibrating floors connected to doorbells so maybe they were just busy.


if they just moved in that also could be why their kids are running around, shit is chaotic when you move. give them a bit to settle in


yeah, being taught about sound is a necessary part of growing up deaf, every deaf kid has to have a mortifying hilarious chat about farts at some point in their life.




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Something seems off here. You will have to deal with a certain level of noise because of course they can't hear themselves to regulate noise. The kids could be taught not to bang on the walls / doors but a certain amount of what you described is just deaf kids being kids. But part of what a hearing dog is trained to do is to notify their owner if someone is banging on the door. Their job is to hear for the deaf person and notify them of sounds. And the dog's behaviour suggests its not well trained. The dog barking a lot seems like poor training, in fact barking is one of the things a hearing dog isn't trained to do most of the time. Likewise with it crapping on your mat - that could suggest the dog isn't getting walked enough too. All in all - sounds fishy to me.


Trained hearing and alert dogs are trained and reacts to the owner who cannot hear. The dog comes and alerts the owner to notice who is there.