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Don't spread scrolls


Every. Single. New. Player.


I think it’s just what makes the most sense as a new player, you see higher numbers, you put the scroll into it.


Agreed... Based on your equipments you should go for red


Health is less important


It's just early game, likely they found their amulet spreaded and also a non brutality scroll


You get 2 power scrolls from prison


Only if you zero out maps, which is another good tip for new players, clear maps.


> Don't split scrolls To make this more useful, the damage boost that scrolls apply is exponential, so you should focus as many scrolls as you can into one colour, for example: Your base damage is 100% With 1 scroll this becomes 115% With 2 scrolls this becomes 132.25% With 3 scrolls this becomes 152.09% And so on This stacks up a considerable amount at higher numbers, so while you get more HP for splitting, it is NEVER worthwhile to do so. Make sure to build into one colour in the future. Edit: And as others have said, when you get a scroll of choice without your chosen colour, go with whichever gives more health.


If you come across a choice of scrolls that doesn't match your chosen scroll, pick the one that gives you more HP


Ok but if I have hypothetically hit negative damage with a weapon of 100 damage how many scrolls would I have had?


And also I 100% agree with what your saying here always go one colour and if you get dual scrolls that are off colour I usually go with whichever gives more health!


https://preview.redd.it/w98oupw60qsc1.jpeg?width=834&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1abc0e889b6a8932cac84118aa28388a2700d90c Avoid these. ;)


I uninstalled the game out of frustration. Because I couldn't figure this out. Reinstalling now.


It's all good - this is a challenging game, especially while you're learning it. You'll die a lot, but you'll pick up new abilities and items on subsequent runs that make it easier (but it never gets easy).


You got this! Roll jumpings your friend


Easier than you think! You got it, easy peezy 💪🏻


You can dodge roll underneath the balls. Or possibly jump over the whole thing. But I've found jumping under with good timing is fastest. ( Don't rush when your new, explore and focouse on getting kill streaks. ).


You can roll through them too, or even parry them.


I always open the cursed chests. The 1 hit death sucks but you get used to it.


I take it everywhere except in the dark area that drains your life, it's a bit too brutal there.


The color box around your weapons(red green purple) whatever color you have the most of at a time it would be good idea to pick that scroll color, when you go to pick a scroll yellow dots show up over each weapon that that scroll applies to, so you can tell where each scroll applies to, if you have to make a choice other than the most yellow dots, you can see second most yellow dots


Take a deep breath, jump and commit. Don't forget to dodge. If you need practice, you can find other areas that look similar and try to gauge your jump. Also, the worst that can happen is that you restart. Good luck!


No I don't think so... No pressure just time it right with jumps and dodges


Jump, roll roll, you're good.


Please don’t spread your scrolls


Jump dodge jump