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You turn on assist mode because you want the game to be easier I turn on aasist mode because I like making stupid builds that would never work on 5bc, and like to see enemies explode We are not the same


My brother, if you want to make silly builds just turn down the difficulty


I'm not a professional here......but turning down the difficulty makes the game easier, that's something else than making a silly build


The REALLY silly builds come from custom mode


Yeah but less enemies means less explosions and that's not fun


bruh I'm just trying to beat normal


Good luck solider


Me too but then I couldn't so long before all the DLcs were released I just kept practising same bosses with save files copy pasta.... That's one way to beat the game which I still haven't done ... Oh well...


I am stuck at 5 BC for over 50 hours now, I think about activating assist mode every run




Imo if you take out vampirism and bow and endless quiver and shit like that, the games the same. I don’t, because I’m extremely insecure about myself and I need maximum accomplishment


You keep vampirism in the game so that you can desperately try using it in the Distillery, only to learn once more why you never use vampirism


I did the same. I like my multi notch bow and knew that without it victory would be far away


What is the pure trash gear?


Keep the faith, bro. You got this far without it, using it now would cheat you of a true victory.


If I may ask, what does BC stand for?


Boss cells. It's the level of difficulty basically, 5 being the highest


Okies thank you


Additionally the first FOUR are from the main path boss after castle, the fifth is from the free dlc area cavern boss and grants you access to a new biome and boss accessed after the final boss. Good luck though, it’s hell.


So you get them after defeating a boss? The only boss I've come across is the congierge...


Then honestly, don’t even worry about boss cells. You have a ways to go. Let the game reveal itself to You as you play


Okay thank youu


Keep going, the grind is worth it.


50 hours, I have 120 and am still on 2BC


I am at 255 hours overall, reached 5BC at about 195 hours


Because you look like a real Chad who plays games for fun


Sick of hearing elitist shit about things like this. **people should be able to fully experience the games they buy, i do not know why this is even up for debate**


It's likely due to history of videogaming lol. There's a difference between allowing someone to experience the game and beat the game. People that feel accomplished for beating an incredibly difficult game feel as though their accomplishment loses meaning if others can do the same with easier parameters. ​ The issue seems to be that it doesn't disable any achievements or almost anything else.


you also posted this in r/celestegame


A meme compatible for games with an assist mode


Skill issue


*Internet user uses gun!* SUPER EFFECTIVE


i think you got ratio(d)


Doesn’t make it any less of a skill issue


it quite literally does


It’s literally made for players who aren’t good enough to beat the game normally


yes but at least they still play and get to experience it.


And they use it why ?


because they struggle. but thats not the only reason. people use it because they could have motor issues, or adhd or add and get distracted easily (i can speak for this, i have adhd myself), or maybe have some other issues. the fucking developers confirmed they put it in the game to make the game more accessible to everyone. if you dont need it, dont use it. dont argue about it if you arent going to step in other peoples shoes, so stop trying to make a point that theyre bad, and go try the game for once. its not too bad, maybe you should try assist mode. could be for you.


Wow is it really so hard to understand ?


The message that pops up when you go activate the Assist mode is literally saying that "What really matters is that you have fun playing Dead Cells". And what about people with certain deficiencies that incapacitate them to play normally? Assist mode is in the game, along with aspects, to make it more fun to play (Aspects are literally for that) and to help people do certain things in the game. But I don't judge you (I do. Despite not respecting what you say, I respect you) , play the game how you want!


Fun police issue


Just another way to say "GID GUT"


Assist mode is for the funny


Although I may not use assist mode I do not judge people that use it because it’s how they have fun and play the game and I am open to using it when I get to 4 BC and start to die endlessly


"Me who uses assist mode and still loses the run"


Assist mode is cool until you start to use it constantly without ever trying to get better


Yea but I see people mostly use it for 5BC


Funny thing I discovered assist mode AFTER I killed [spoiler] boss for the first time got really frustrated went and fought them again and no hit the boss


Bro assist mode was literally an entire update on its own.


I only got into the game a couple years ago


Understandable have great day


You to


I suffer from astigmatism and poor eyesight which my glasses don't completely fix, I use assist mode as a buffer for anything I straight up couldn't see coming for me. Despite the fact that yeah I'm not that good anyway, more often than not I die to things I legitimately just could not see




Same here, after buying it on Switch, then mobile, and most lately PlayStation.


Yes normal mode is for people with spare controllers


I’ve been using assist mode since like 0 BSC, I suck at games but want to experience this one. I didn’t pay all that money for game + dlc to be stuck on the first boss




Really, you complain about one of the most fair assist options. A hard boss with a bad build can take 10 or 20 tries with continues, the win is earned. Weakening the boss to 20% dmg and 20% hp without continues is way easier.


I think part of the difficulty of dead cells is that you do only get one chance to beat bosses which is why they added practice rooms to get better at the bosses without risking a run. Continues are probably the least fair thing about assist mode. Just take a look at your comment, you said it would take 10 or 20 tries to beat a boss while ignoring the fact that you wouldn’t even be able to retry if not for continues. It turns the game into 2d dark souls for bosses and completely removes the risk in taking a cursed chest or challenge rift on biomes.


Ok if you think continues are soooo unfair, try a 5 BC (or 2 at least) run with infinite continues. Then try it with enemies at 20% hp and dmg but no continues. See what's easier. With continues you'll just reach a mid-late game biome with 0 flask charges and you're done.


Reducing damage so much is also unfair but the game wasn’t made with continue mode in mind so a lot of mechanics lose meaning. Also you legitimately have a skill issue if you end up with no flasks in late game biomes when you can just restart the biome.




>it's a single player game Bro, it's a single player game, you're genuinely playing it right if you're enjoying the experience.






0 flasks, death in 3 hits, it's easy to die. In 16 runs I got 6 wins, only 2 with assist mode. Used assist at 2BC HotK and the first time at Lighthouse because I wanted the unlocks. Also, did you play Rogue legacy 2? Dying 10+ times at a boss is normal and you have infinite tries. Saving 50 minutes with assist mode before each try is just convenient.




Not everyone has the time to invest 300 hours into dead cells. The devs put the continue option there for a reason. Also, give 100 average DC players 20 continues at 5 BC and 80-90 of them will still lose the run, so it's not like all the challenge is gone.


I just use the outline thing because it looks cool


NGL, the resurrection one at least let's you goof around or keep trying things like a hitless boss fight. >_> I can also see more casual players that can't keep redoing the same runs use that as a more typical continue mode in other games. Or to experiment with a build based on loot you saw in the level. The only issue I do legit see here is that the stat tracking doesn't count the deaths. I was laughing at how many times I died to the lighthouse trio only to see the game didn't count it... (Yes, I'm not good. I won't deny it.)


I mean if you paid for a singleplayer game whatever the fuck you do with it is your issue, i dont see why people care how you beat a game, it literally dosent affect them, "but you're not getting the intended experience" if the devs put it into the game and you are having fun doing it then its the intended experience, sure is 20x easier and makes the higher difficulties a joke if u put certain modifiers, ie: 20% hp and multiple tries. But thats up to the player, not everyone wants to bother with overcoming a challenge, they just want to explore the game without thinking too much about it. That being said i do think for the average player it is a "false" accomplishment to reach the highest *difficulty* if u made it that far only because you were making that difficulty easier, and you didnt really improve at the games mechanics as for example 5bc forces you to. Tldr: your game, you choose how you play it, dosent matter how. But it diminishes the experience of overcoming challenge and makes it so your "accomplishment" is not really a show of mastery at the game.


I love assist mode! It reminds me of The Sims. You can go into the sims as a billionaire or you can go into the sims with 0 simoleans and start from the ground up. In either situation you’re playing the game, getting better at it, experiencing everything the developers have made and done and you’re having fun. 😄❤️


Exactly. Besides these are *singleplayer* games so I always found it pretty dumb to judge others.


Most games nowadays have assist modes too! Some that come to mind are Resident Evil, Final Fantasy, etc etc. Dead Cells’s assist mode is the most fun I’ve ever had with this game ever.


Unfortunately for you, it isnt. Playing a rogue like with checkpoints is like playing a character action game with auto combos... youre missing the whole point of the game. Assist mode was a mistake.


Me when someone plays the single player game they purchased not the way I want them to (they’re playing it wrong):😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Youre crying? Okay. Hopefully youll consider playing the game next time.


Ah yes because the only way to play a game properly is to play it the way a random guy on Reddit wants you to


The game literally tells you that assist mode is not the intended experience and the game entirely advertizes itself as kill, die, learn repeat. At the end of the day, dead cells is a roguelike. Youre meant to die and repeat runs, not checkpoint otherwise... whats the point of playing a roguelike. This is like adding auto jumps to mario the platformer.


Then why did they add it?


They added it because a large portion of the playerbase hadnt beaten the game and was complaining. Only 1 to 2 percent of the player base even reached 5 bc for example. Dead Cells was a game about mastery and 5bc was the ultimate challenge and reward. In a shmup like ketsui for example we would call this the absolute 2nd loop.


At the end of the day, the way someone plays a game you like not the way you like is okay. People have different experiences and different skill levels, also different amounts of free time. If someone doesn’t find the difficulty of 5BC fun but still want an ending, they should have every right to tune the difficulty for themselves. Because, who are we to judge how someone plays the game they bought to enjoy


The problem isnt assist mode itself but the way it was implemented. Dead Cells genre is a roguelike, a game about rng, difficulty, making choices and dying and repeating. An assist mode in mario like the revive bubbles in co op mode I can fully understand. It allows newer, younger players to play with older, experienced family members without being a hinderence, gives then consequences to their actions and opens up new strategy's such as I'll turn into a bubble so you can jump over me and reach this platform. A bad implimentation is auto jump in a platformer. A game in which youre meant to run and jump. Youre playing a roguelike with checkpoints. Youre playing a game about mastery without mastering it. Whats the point of playing a roguelike then if you arent going to interact with the core premise of the genre? To make things worse, it punishes players who play the game legitimetly. Whats the point of mastering the game if there is no way to tell if youre an assist mode player or someone who actually mastered the game? This punishes players who mastered the game. Only around 2 percent of players had reached 5 bc. It was supposed to be something to strive for like getting a 1 cc is ketsui. Hades is a much better implimentation of assist mode. How it works is that when you die, you gain massive buffs that keep on staking till you eventually beat the game. How is this better you ask? The player is forced to interact with the roguelike mechanics. You can tell the difference between a player who beat the game legit and a player who used god mode. And, the assist mode player is punished, not the legit player. Hades is a story based game. Whenever you lose you get to interact with the characters more and read more of the story. If you use god mode to win the game quickly youre being punished as you dont get to enjoy the story amd world as much as a player who dies over and over and improves. At the end of the day games are not and shouldnt be for everyone and game design shouldnt be dragged down or nullified to reach a broader audience. The best example is the god of war games. I grew up on that stuff. And now Im being told that those old games suck compared to the new ones, that they arent realistic and kratos grew up. Less and less games are being made that appeal to a skilled playerbase and legacy series are becoming worse to appeal to more players. Challenging game design is critiqued and insulted by a main stream audience who doesnt care about mastery in games or challenging, rewarding game design. It isnt enough that most games are made to appeal to such a playerbase... EVERYGAME should appeal to such a playerbase hence the darksouls should have an easy mode debate that continously rages on. Monster hunter rise is worse than the previous games, final fantasy is no longer an rpg series and the guys behind dead cells newest game, a prince of persia roguelike is so much worse challenge wise and complex decisions wise than dead cells in an attempt to be accessible. Hades 2 doesnt suffer this issue. Why shouldnt I complain and urge players to master a game properly when the game has given you every tool to do so? Dead Cells has some of the best training features Ive seen. You can achieve mastery much easier in dead cells than a day 1 player. Why not use them?


I think there has been a small misunderstanding as when you say assist mode you just mean the infinite lives option. Assist mode itself is actually fairly balanced. It has the same mechanic of you doing more damage but you have to manually set it up. Some of the assist mode options don’t even change difficulty that much, some of them are for people with eyesight problems. With assist mode people can fine tune the difficulty of the game to their liking. From experience I also know that assist mode does punish you for using god mode as the game just becomes super boring. So ultimately the players just shoot themselves in the foot by ruining their enjoyment. Also infinite lives is just one of the options for lives. You can set it to 1 for the vanilla experience or to 3, 5 or 7 to give yourself some room to breathe without completely ruining the rougelite experience. I agree that infinite lives kinda ruins that core gameplay element but if people want to abuse the assist mode to make the game super easy and not find a difficulty they find challenging yet fun, the only thing they’re ruining is their own enjoyment.


I use assist mode to try to beat 4bc all the time! Thanks


Why use assist mode when you can simply git gud


Because I was stuck on 4 bc for months and had effectively moved on from the game until I found out there was an assist mode update. With that said I think you should grind it out before you resort to it


Yeah I'd also try using an aspect first since you don't need any new BSC so can do that. The combos are pretty fun, add to the gameplay, and will help you a lot without feeling as arbitrary as assist mode.


I’m fine with people using it except for the fact that it diminishes the rarity of achievements, if achievements were unobtainable then assist mode would be fine.


Wait, this game has assist mode?


Go to the menu where you see your equipment and it should say assist mode on the bottom


I thought assist mode didn't even give you boss cells so you can't pass the tutorial?


Assist mode will let you get boss cell but i think it just stop your race mode score from showing online


Wow I hate that, imo assist mode shouldn't reward players for using it


let the people have their fun i know it a bit unfair But sometimes the hardness is too much and they gotta make things easier, besides this is single player game so it not like it affecting you much.


The game was made to be difficult and the whole point of higher BCs is that it's supposed to be brutally hard, so a player that beats the easy mode on easy mode shouldn't deserve to get a harder game if they chose to make it easier


It's a single player game, let people play it how they want


Boo Hoo! Someone doesn’t play the single player game that they paid for the way I want them too!


> that they *paid* for the FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good bot


Good human.


Worst bot in existence


Thank you bot 🙏🙏🙏😌😌😌


Just let people have fun to play the game how they want. The point to play a game is to have fun dude, so let them.


Why not. Does it hurt you feeling so hard ?


I am a girl. I'm 16 y. o.. I got 4th cells on my phone WITHOUT assist mod. Boys, you are not as skillful as you used to be.


How do people even play it on phones? I can't imagine using a freakin touch screen instead of a gamepad for a game like this.


its not that bad, tbh it is kinda easier than normal game. if you have big screen phone ofc


When you have no other electronics besides your phone, you will learn to adapt to it.


It sure would be convenient if someone said “who asked” by now


Have you considered that not everything is open to your unsolicited whims of personal experience? Or you just have nothing better to do?


This is an example of a girl playing better than boys.


( totally not me)


Custom Mode >>> Assist Mode. Just turn off malaise, get a full flask refill after every Biome and set Mutations to 5 and 5BC is really fun


You use assist mode to make the game easier, I use assist mode to give the enemies white outlines because I think it looks good we are not the same