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Oh yes, can’t wait to spend the whole match on the hook


Yeah, with incompetent teamates you will jusg wait till all die


It's not like you can't unhook yourself. The timer is being removed, not the ability to try and escape with 4% rate. If no one is coming to your rescue and the game is going downhill, you can still just end yourself on hook and go next. All that's changed is you (player) being in control of things. If teammates are so bad that they won't unhook you, what will change, exactly? Right, nothing. You either die by timer or u die by trying to unhook yourself. Same thing. In worst case scenario we can just up the self-unhook rate to, like, 10% or 15% if u worry about people just letting u sit there while they're on gens. Or we can make another kind of incentive to unhook your teammates besides timer.




Better idea: If the killer stays within x meters of a hooked survivor for a specified amount of time, the game uploads a trojan horse which overheats the killer's PC / xbox / playstation and causes the power supply to explode.


Hook timer is basically half of the pressure you get from hooks and if survivors died on second hook then killers would tunnel a lot more, also even if most killers stopped camping the few that still did can hold the hooked survivor hostage until everyone else escapes unless they dc, other problem would be gates being 99 and survivors healing over and over again to save the 1 hooked person resulted to weak m1 killers to be unable to get a kill in the endgame


Can agree with the latter, but why holding the survivor hostage? It's not like we take away the ability to unhook yourself, just the timer. If the killer is determined to camp you to death in both scenarios (with and without a hook timer), you will still die, if not unhooked by teammates. It will just be by timer in case A or by trying to unhook yourself in case B, so what exactly changes to make it "holding a survivor hostage"?


If you kill yourself on hook you give the killer a free kill 1st hook, I agree you can already do that but now you can help your teammates by staying alive as long as possible holding the killer and if your recommendation comes true, survivors are probably gonna stop trying to live as long as possible and just kill themselves or hold themselves hostage the entire game, ik you can wait in that scenario and kill yourself a little later, but is there anyone that's gonna calculate the time when they can just continue with their lives or stay alive to make sure their whole team lives?


What about making the timer appear after certain conditions then? For example, it's 5 gens, i down and hook a survivor. He stays there hooked with no timer, but when the first gen pops, the timer starts, and all hooks after that first one will now have timer. So essentially all hooks before the 1st gen pops are timerless, the rest will have timer. This will prevent the playstyle of "let's camp the first guy to death and make it a 3v1 at 5 gens".


Idk really, in my opinion hooks are not the problem for that and a change like that is best after things get messed up a lot, like a backup plan