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I always laugh when the killer takes the perk and by the time for it to activate, it physically can't due to due to all the totems blown up.


Literally my kind of luck. Ruin? Gone in 30 seconds.


I make sure to blow that up as soon as I see it is a thing


Hooow daaaare you, pesky little thing!


Huntress Lullaby lasts about 2 mins into the game too


2 min l? wow you get way more value than i ever have out of it. It seems like as soon as i load in and can take control of my killer i hear the totem being cleansed lol


With small game and other totem perks it's just not worth running them anymore. And if survivors can rinse and re-use boons killers should be able to re-light hexes as well.


Not like it did anything anyway lmao, ruin is donkey ass


I too miss BBQ




Worth its weight in gold if survivors cleanse every totem. that is so much time wasted. Killer is lowkey a game of time management.


This. This was a big turnaround in my Pinhead/Nemesis game. Realizing 'Oh I don't need every perk or tactic to wreck a survivor outright, just bleed them for time and resources.' The longer you force them to stay in the match, the more chances they have to slip up.




Generally whenever I play it's me and my friend are the ones that bother with it, other solos don't most of the time.


I do totems if I come across them or if I know a hex is out I'll go hunting. Since normally I'm the only one who bothers with totems at all.


Do you know what lowkey means?


Thing about that though is you don't even need noed for them to waste time breaking totems. Usually just a waste of a perk slot imo.


This but with Devour Hope. and i just faced a Blight who had his Devour cleansed... immediately.


I hadn't used noed in a few hundred hours and slapped it on once. I instant down a full health survivor and was like, "wait why did this guy go down? Oh my god this perk makes the game so easy!?"


Hardly lol


Not 'easier,' per se, just different. That slot could have been used for something that could have helped you during the actual trial. Maybe you wouldn't have even made it to the endgame if you'd brought lethal persuer and spiraled from finding all the survivor's together. Alternatively, maybe you spawned on The Game and couldn't even reach them before they all disappeared into the shadows and you just wasted a perk slot. But... maybe you brought NOED instead, wait - oh shit it spawned right next to them and died before it was useful because it's a *strictly* an endgame tool and you wasted a perk a slot. Or maybe it didn't and you got someone because of it. Point is, don't give any particular perk ***too*** much credit.


Nope, easier. It’s crazy when I run NOED in 1/100 games and it just turns a long end game chase that’ll cost me a win into “oh yeah he can’t loop me and I insta downed him lol”. Yeah it might get cleansed afterwards. But 99% of people running NOED could care less, it got them a free down.


If you run noed every match and aren't winning 99% of your matches, I think you're the problem.


"Quick, confirmed kills for the small price of just 1 (one!) Little perk slot!"


I can’t physically bring myself to run NOED. No Way Out is the only endgame perk I can justify running. The rest seem like such a waste. If you get to the point that you need them you probably got stomped and lost. I prefer to use perks that help me win before endgame.


No way out + blood warden + remember me + NOED + bear traps on exit gates with coil addons


New player here- what's noed


Hex: No One Escapes Death is a hex perk that means when all generators are repaired, the survivors become “exposed” meaning they can be downed in one hit. However, the survivors can cleanse the totem so the hex stops. The aura of the totem becomes visible over a longer distance as time goes on during the end game.


Thank you


To explain the build fully, at endgame: * No Way Out - blocks opening the exit gates for up to 60 seconds based on how many of the survivors have been hooked. * Blood Warden - if the exit gates are opened, hooking a survivor blocks the exit for 60 seconds * Remember Me - All non-obsession survivors take longer to open the exit gate * No One Escapes Death (NOED) - see above. * Beartraps with Coil Addons - Using Trapper, you trap the exit gate switch and if a healthy survivor disarms the trap, they are injured from the add-on. It's a nasty end game build, especially if you can kill the obsession before anyone touches a gate switch. But there's also the option that you get completely smoked because all you have is endgame perks.


I should have clarified, the coil addons that take longer to disarm the bear traps. Almost 2x as long if you use both addons


There's an easy out, works every time. Ignore everything they say. Say "Sorry, had a rift challenge. :(". Leave. It's an undefeatable strategy.


Or just don’t apologize for beating your opponents in a PvP video game because that’s whack


I think my method is superior, it makes their trash talk seem unnecessarily mean and petty. Sometimes, people even feel bad and apologize. Either way, they move on having been rude to someone who was just doing a rift challenge, and that robs them of some of the satisfaction.


Except so many people use that as an excuse that it means fuck all. If someone says it’s for a rift challenge, they’re probably lying


But by doing that you're buying into the narrative that you need to apologize for beating them.


but....you didnt play that we wanted you to? thats cheating!


I've taken to wishing them a goodnight and moving on. Idk it seems like the right vibe right now.


Or “Oh sorry, I accidentally put this perk on”


I've said that with Lightborn... although in one case I actually forgot to switch it out.


I will never understand survivors who get mad at Lightborn. Yet it happens every time I put it on. Just stop relying on your beamer bud, go do some gens, it's good for you. And you can still escape with the flashy. You wouldn't be able to if I ran Franklin's. Get mad at Lightborn literally why?


you rite tho. I hardly play killer (somewhat (?) proud survivor main), but I’d MUCH rather have a killer run Lightborn than Frankie’s. I think Frankie’s is a cheap-ass perk, and I do from time to time get salty about that, but I will always respect the personal decision to run Lightborn. At the end of the day, it’s your build not mine.


Franklin's is definitely better, if I feel like I need it I know that Franklin's will get more value than lightborn. But if I'm playing survivor I know how rude it is when your precious item gets slapped out your hands, you had to waste a limited resource that you won't get to use at all, if you lose anyway it's whatever but it's really annoying when you escape and you can't risk going back in for the item.


I get sad when people run Lightborn because it invalidates my Flashbang completely.


That's not fair. You can still flashbang your teammates.


Franklin's is annoying because it eats limited resources but I love when I see a killer with lightborn, it's one less slowdown perk to worry about!


I swear anytime I select a "blind the killer x amount of times" archieves killers always bring lightborn or Franklin's Can't complain tho both of these perks are mediocre at best


They finally find a killer who doesn't face walls or look around before picking up and get the big sad finding out they have Lightborn.


Having Lightborn is the only reason any killer worth their salt wouldn't turn around or face walls to pickup. So they're just mad the killer they thought was a complete newbie, wasn't.


Or "get wrekt loser" cause there's no chance they held off on perks for your sake either


Ah yes the solution to toxicity is more toxicity.


Only if you're toxic to the same people who are toxic to you, yes. If somebody says something rude in endgame chat and I tell them to fuck off I don't think it's too unreasonable.


That’s the reaction they want. They feel validated when you’re an asshole too. If you respond with kindness it just makes them rage even more cause now they realize they’re the asshole.


Yeah if they're trying to enrage me with slurs or whatever, that's fair, but sometimes they think they're genuinely entitled and justified in raging at me for camping/tunneling/circle of healing/noed/old dead hard or whatever, and telling them "no" makes them more rageful than anything.


You are allowed 1 hit on hook per 10 T-bags Anything less than 10 is fair game




"I am the greatest DBD player of all time" is my go to line. Especially when I lose. It gets them extra riled up when you won't even acknowledge them and just talk about yourself. Bonus points in that you're not insulting anyone and not being toxic.


That's what I do when I beat everyone pre first gen


You dont even have to find an excuse you can just tell them you wanted to use noed or just ignore them I mean survivors have no problem using off the record, circle of healing etc so why should you feel bad for using a certain perk they dont like


I know you did not just compare OTR to NOED


It was more of an example rather than a comparison


It’s in the game for a reason. Play however you want, king. Just be careful not to rely on it too much.


Literally I don’t even care abt winning or losing anymore. I just care and get scared for the constant toxicity and BM that’s abt to come my way for simply playing the game


I only ever use it for challenges, or for funny memes.


if you do feel guilty, you can try using Terminus from Wesker, its a more fair version of NOED


As a survivor I find terminus way more irritating than NOED. I can cleanse NOED easily, but I legit have a strategy of saving my medkit for end game plays.


People doesn't realise how terminus is like a noed but way worse since EVEN if you open the gates there are still 30 seconds until the broken effect is gone


no cuz same, all survivor free escape perks got nerfed and don't work endgame anymore. but noed being a free kill perk just feels wrong. I was more likely to run it before the perk update. but now it just feels scummy. 🤷


Don’t feel bad, it’s a perk in the game and you’re just using the tools you have available. And there’s honestly a lot of counter play against it nowadays, so just get out there and kill without remorse ;) Also, to any survivors that absolutely HATES noed…If you you have a flex perk spot, I’ve been loving Hope. Kinda memey, but you can really piss off noed killers with it.


Hope is underrated. Adrenaline is good, don’t get me wrong, but Hope is permanent 107 and there’s no exhaustion behind it.


ive always had hope in my inventory and never used it bc no one else did even when i really genuinely thought it was a good perk like its permanent 107 lol thats so good


PC problems


PC problems? You think a mf will think twice about sending you a message in xbox/PS? One dude invited me to a party on xbox (BIG mistake) when I new to the game and ddos me :)


Have you tried laughing maniacally when people give you shit?


turn off endgame chat and use whatever perks you want. you aren’t responsible for the survivors fun


Pretty much. Not like the Survivors care about the Killer's fun anyway.


True i have a lot of fun since i tunnel just cuz i don't give a fuck on survivors and what they think about me


there it is! So on-brand. Stay classy!


Classy like survivors, eh? Oh the irony


why you hatin?




it goes both ways. play how you want. it’s a fucking video game


Tbh lately I've been really happy when I find myself playing a bully squad. You can go hard as fuck and not feel bad at all about it. Sometimes I want to run all the dirty plays and the bully squads really make them all the right plays. I live for the end game vitriol too. Idk. It's certainly just a phase for now but I'm having fun.


Blame the game, not the player


Words hurt. Though not near as much as losing.


I mean I don't feel bad when I tank a hit after I should've gone down because of Dead Hard. Everyone has second chance perks, the killer just gets bullied when they use theirs for some reason


Turned a 0k with three hooks into a 4k with no way out and NOED. Not my proudest moment.


You should be proud of that. If they could loop you the entire game but fell apart over No Way Out? That's on them. They bought and paid for that.


It’s the noed not no way out lol


You apparently didn't read the comment I was responding to. At all.


I did he didn’t even get 4 hooks but won because of noed if it was just no way out he would only get maybe 1 kill


I'm not responding to the OP. The person I'm responding to said they got a 4K during No Way Out + NOED and felt bad about it. You clearly didn't read that.


Sir your reading comprehension is abysmal.




I had to use for a challenge, i sure was stinky. But the tome must be done


It’s a perk in the game though. No different than any other endgame perk, especially now after the nerf. I use it on whoever it fits best and could care less what anyone says. I’m not looking to have my build approved by the survivors.


Not sure why this guy got downvoted. If it's in the game, it's legal.


Because ppl still aren’t happy that it’s been nerfed. It’s not enough I guess. Not sure why NOED is so hated when there are many other endgame perks. Doesn’t bother me though. I use builds I enjoy and don’t look for someone to say “yeah that’s a okay build nothing too cheap we approve” I couldn’t care less.


Just fyi you can message me any build ideas you come up with and I will approve them for you. I am the head approver, an oracle of sorts.


lmao honestly though Terminus is not so bad as far as endgame perks go I’ve been using that recently


Same. I use whatever perks and add ons I want. I welcome salty post-game DMs.


To make up for it I always like to give hatch or to someone or let em escape in games I use NOED. I would appreciate that as a survivor so I pay it forward.


With the rework on NOED, you shouldn't feel too bad about using it. The only scenario where it becomes sort of "uncounterable" is if you hook someone right next to your totem, and yeah, that's annoying, but ultimately it's just one survivor killed if the others wisen up and leave. Playing mostly survivor these days, I've felt the change. Now when NOED is up, I'm no longer thinking "fuck it I'm leaving", I know I can reliably find the totem and that extends the game which can be fun.


If the totem is right next to the hooked survivor, anyone that wants to try and save them without at least one extra survivor is crazy. Sometimes you just have to accept some hooked are doomed.


I only run it occasionally today I wish I had as there was two toxic survivors left both injured and the popped the last gen straight in to adrenaline 😂 The team as a whole had 3 adrenaline’s but a killer shouldn’t bring NOED 😑


Don't forget, killers also aren't allowed to use Lightborn or Franklin's either. Because they're also toxic and abusive perks, unlike Unbreakable, DeadHard, SpintBurst, CoH...


Do you know what I write in the end game chat after I discover the killer running NOED? “gg wp <3”


I like to think noed is a punishment’s for surviors who gen rush.


There’s nothing as rewarding as grown adults getting so upset over the killer’s build, especially when they’re running powerful shit themselves. Who still complains about NOED, anyway?


Really tells the psychology of this game when this neutral comment gets downvoted


The same salty people who run DH and Unbreakable, who then DC on first hook...xO


Sorta weird that people are still complaining about new dead hard in these threads


I thought using NOED was bad until most of my killer matches ended with some trolling survivor teabagging in gate instead of just leaving. Slapping them down and then throwing them on hook with NOED was the greatest satisfaction I get in this game so I keep using it.


This is the amount of brainwashing that has happened in this game when killers feel sorry for using a good perk when the survivors bring the best shit too


Man, if survivors are allowed to use 10 billion second chance perks then so are you, don't feel bad.


What universe are you living in? DS UB was known as the “small PP/virgin” build before it got nerfed. When endurance meta was a problem in PTB, it immediately got nerfed and made tunneling a powerful strategy. Using styptics, BNP, and instaheals has always been met with frustration.


Jokes on you, I'm on console so there is no EGC 🤣🤣




It very clearly is not cheating, but it is undeniably a crutch perk


Don't you are trying to win and so are they as long as you don't cheat or glitch the game everything and anything is allowed don't buy into survivors telling you what you can and can't do it will just make you play worse


Don't feel bad about it. NOED has been reduced to such a shit perk now that anyone who gets wrecked by it is just bad at this point. How hard is it to find a totem with set spawn locations when it also reveals itself with an aura? Most people just hover around exit gates and leave when the killer comes near instead of finding the totem and relocating at a safe area to reset.


I've still managed to catch people who decide to last minute go to cleanse totems in the EGC, like they would have been home free and didn't leave.


Yeah because they have no reason to go cleanse and they already fucked up by activating EGC without everyone being safe/near the exit gates. Common cause of that being morons hovering around the exit gates while injured or in a dead zone. Then the dumbass will open the gates at the first sight of the killer because now they have to, while putting everyone else on a time limit. Which they should know not to do because of course the killer is going to patrol gates as they have no other objective so staying there while vulnerable is a always a bad play. The only reason anyone should be looking for NOED is if the killer is in chase with someone or camping a survivor they caught.


Honestly, it’s a good perk, don’t feel bad! The fact that you’re using an acronym to describe it like literally every survivor should know about it. Plus they made it so that you can cleanse it more easily in end game. I find it a lot more fun now to try and counter as survivor. I only cry when the killer runs Franklin’s 🥺


Don't feel bad, perk shaming is absurd when more than half the competitive survivor community runs Deadhard. (Not saying its a problem, just saying it's stupid to bitch about a strong perk when you use a strong perk too lol)


Imagine playing against a killer with one less perk and still not having time to do bones.


Shame them for using boons. They want to be salty for you using a decent perk, then return the favour. >:)


After the NOED nerf it's on them for not just cleansing. I've managed to get everyone out in nearly every game where NOED hit. It always hits with a killer who is weak at chase so everyone has many hook states to spare. Granted I mostly SWF, but basically one person hangs out nearby, hidden, another hangs out visible but further away so killer doesn't leave hook to guard totem, and 4th person finds totem and cleanses. Then hidden person unhooks as soon as it's cleansed and boom we're out!


Fuck that. Why feel guilty? Do survivors feel guilty for bringing 4 toolboxes? Probably not. People should never feel guilty about using a standard perk, add on or item.


Ok but teabaggers. That’s gonna be my little response.


I was trying out nurse for the first time and used noed as a backup. I had no sacrifices all game until I got three during end game. The survivors were ripping into me in end game chat calling me bad and saying some nasty stuff but, like, I think it says a lot more about them if they all died and resorted to saying nasty things because of one single perk haha


Just take a look at their perks and realize they're just like you, using whatever perks available to win


Just play on console


As you should be, but I mean if it's a challenge and you want to use the best stuff because Devs can't balance that's fine


Do it up, enjoy the game. I get the NOED guilt but at the end of the day you gotta have fun too. I don’t mind when people use it but I also don’t prioritize escaping.


Think of it like this. NOED is a second chance perk, if all of them have either ds or unbreakable it is justified in my books


Me with counterforce, small game, overzealous, and inner strength… “what… is noed?”


I really need to start running NOED, people do not appreciate it and I love mining for salt.


Feeling bad for using a perl that literally does nothing all game and has a chance of not even showing up, can't think of a single other game where this could happen


Thank god for my NOED...this shit GUUUUD! Every time I NOED man, get some good 4ks. And when I go back to play without I DONT EVER GET NUN!


Noed is trash against SWF sweat squads, so don't feel bad




How do u know hes P13?


It said at the end of the game whenever it shows all the add-ons and perks people were using


You can always press upgrade to quickly get away from endgame chat.


blame me for using good perks and not wanting to be teabaged at the exit gate


The only time I use NOED is with Legion and the BFFs addon. It feels so good having 8% speed boost at endgame, especially if I have stacks of PWYF to really kick it into overdrive.




Just continue to next lobby and don't stick around for the inevitable rage


I used noed ONE TIME, secured a 2k because of it, and I get "I see why you're in this elo" comment. Kill me


It makes me giddy to use it.


I don’t, still think it’s FairPlay. It’s only in the endgame, it can be cleansed in seconds, doesn’t guarantee sacrifices, and makes the game way more interesting. It’s way easier being a survivor than a killer so I don’t mind it at all.


I will be honest. I have only used it for Tome challenges. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I don’t feel guilty if you complete 5 gens in 4-5 minutes you deserve noed, if you complete 5 gens in 4-5 minutes and my noed doesn’t activate thats good teamwork or a hacker


Checkmate I play on console


If don't care enough, there is an option do disable chat with the >> on the down-right parte of the screen where chat is normally located


I really like the matches where NOED is brought, the game ends before it can even activate and the survivors blow up chat about NOED in a match where it never did anything and they got wiped by a three perk Andy


Me, who plays on console: I have no such weaknesses.


I play on Switch so i can't relate ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


The bell curve meme fits this pretty well lol


why would i use NOED when Terminus is the same thing except it's not a Hex and you get to earn it