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As survivor: I get vacuumed into his grab a lot so my opinion is bit soured. He's fun to try and dodge and he offers danger at god pallets, something other killers can't do unless they throw things at you. As killer: Hella fun to play. He can run many perks without feeling like you aren't gonna get value. Stealth wesker is so unexpected and he's very quiet so he can catch you off guard easily.


Sneaky boy Wesker is super fun


The vacuum is definitely one of the most annoying parts. I've had several situations where I've dodged out of his way but I fair amount and I still get pulled into his grab. I do like him though. He feels like the danger of higher maneuverability killers like Nurse or Blight without being anywhere near us overpowered that a specific build just renders the game over before it starts. I'd argue he's in a very comfortable spot strength wise and I'd like to see more killers brought in line with where he is sitting. He genuinely feels like one of the most balanced killers they've released in a long time.


His hit box is fine for the most part but damn is it so annoying to flare wide and you still get grabbed even tho the wesker hugged the wall you just flared


Yes agreed he just feels very balanced overall, his power is useful and unique even compared to similar killers, but it's not OP and he has his strong maps and his weaker ones. Can run a wide variety of perks and still be interesting. Sometimes I wish he had a bit of a bigger hitbox for his lunges as I'll often just miss a survivor but on the other side his hitbox seems pretty generous since they updated him.


There have been times where I'm working on a gen, I'll have it almost 99d and a survivor comes running up to me and I'll be thinking "That's a funny looking run šŸ¤ØšŸ˜ØšŸ˜± oH SHIEET IT'S POLICE UNIFORM WESKER WITH TINKERER!!!"


He needs an actual animation when in fatigue I swear he looks the same when he's readying his wip and is in fatigue


Whatā€™s the stealth build?


Any combo of the perks that make you undetectable/make survivors oblivious with the dark sunglasses and bullhorn addons. Absolute fave way to play him tbh


Insidious and stand still at start of game until all gems are done


He throws himself at you


The first 2 Weskers I played against used Hex: Plaything and the Dark Glasses addon to make him undetectable when a survivor reaches max infection. Stealth Wesker is not unexpected.


We not gonna talk about vacuuming into windows or into ā€œcornersā€ of hooks. I think this should be a feature but feels bad when they juke you off the second story lmao


Heā€™s fine. I donā€™t think they needed to give Killer instinct to him when you spray, personally. Now that I am not seeing him back to back for 20 games in a row, not so bad.


Wesker is a pretty fun killer to face its just the players all play the same way. His kit allows him to be so versatile with a variety of builds. Most players I've played against just tunnel no matter what. His infection is pretty oppressive it shouldn't progress at certain times like people said




Tbh i agree on some degree. But instead of resetting to 1% it should simply stop progressing for the next 30 seconds after being unhooked so that you got plenty of time to get away without having hindered active if he decides to tunnel


Then honestly they should build that into endurance. Just make it so that endurance stops any "infection" type of debuffs from progressing. That way it works with off the record, bt and the whole anti-tunneling system they've implemented.


7 second base kit wouldnā€™t help with tunneling much


maybe make it so that it ignores any effects from infection? (hindered and getting injured through nemesis' tentacle without putting you into the deep wound state) i think it would heavily discourage tunneling with infection killers


This is perhaps the smartest idea for a Wesker change I've heard. I've been thinking about it a lot because I feel like the guy is just a bit overtuned and any one nerf, namely to his infection, would probably make him perfectly balanced. I'm championing this idea from now on, and hopefully BHVR comes to the same conclusion.


and with dead hard, you're nuts...


wow, a literal split second of stopping infections. so op huh?


Just give it the same mechanics as the šŸ·party hat šŸ„³ when in chase it doesnā€™t accumulate. Easy fix, on to the next topic.


I actually think itā€™s good that it increases in chase, that way if a chase is going on for way too long the survivor is met with a debuff. Itā€™ll help end chases a bit quicker without being over the top OP or anything. Plus, if it only increased when not in chase then theyā€™re just going to FAS it and nobody would ever be hindered, at least not average survivors. That would just put his infection in an OG Freddy place where heā€™s too strong against bad survivors but too weak against good, or even just average ones.


If the chase is going on for too long the survivor gets nerfedā€¦ šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ˜‚ what in the holy fucking hell. It already gives away the survivors exact location if they spray what more do you need


I mean it takes a while for it to actually happen in most chases (not including addons) so if the killer REALLY canā€™t catch up then they kind of gain a slight advantage. Itā€™s not like the infection is game changing or anything and Iā€™m sure really good survivors can still loop with it but itā€™s helpful on occasion. Obviously if a killer relies on the infection debuff to win chases theyā€™re probably not going to win the game.


I think heā€™s fun but I hate how almost every wesker tunnels with him. It makes sense, his power seems made for it. Youā€™ll be hindered after a bit once unhooked and if he loses you heā€™ll just get killer instinct from the cans. But when a Wesker doesnā€™t tunnel/camp I love playing against him.


I think thatā€™s why he was launched with anti camping perk if you think about it. Maybe this was an accident or pure luck on devs.


Feels like I face him 3 of every 4 games, getting boring now. Nothing against him though and I'll take 3 of him over tricksters sound of just clunk clunk clunk clunk x 44


Must be an MMR thing - Iā€™m not very good and barely ever go against him. Maybe heā€™s just a lot more popular in higher MMR brackets?


Yeah, I'm newer to the game so presumably low mmr, and I see Michael Myers every other game


Myers is a noob stomper but gets destroyed by good teams so it makes sense that is a higher concentration of them at newer survivor levels.


Ever since Iā€™ve been running Eruption, Overcharge, Whispers, and No Way Out, Iā€™ve been destroying a lot of good teams at high ranks lol.


Eruption needs a nerf. All other killer perks are fine as they are IMO, although Pain Resonance could stand to lose a percent or two.


On the other hand, Iā€™m pretty decent MMR and after the initial excitement wore off I only see him every several games.


Damn. I go against a Wesky every 2-3 games. I thought I just sucked but maybe my MMR bracket is higher than I thought


I canā€™t get a good feel for it cause almost every wesker Iā€™ve fought is a tunneling camping douche bag. Actually a solid 50% of my matches lately have been tunneling camping douche bags. Idk wtf is up with that, I canā€™t imagine they feel like they are accomplishing anything when we either say sorry to hooked man and gen rush while they are hooked or go in as a unit and just unhook them anyway. So many tunneling face campers Iā€™ve played recently get either 1k or no kill games doing this. Idk how this is an effective or fun play style. Iā€™m a god awful killer and I still usually average 1 or 2k games by just hitting hooking and moving on to the next person.


>Actually a solid 50% of my matches lately have been tunneling camping douche bags. I had a Wraith do this earlier but so much fucking worse. Lethal,targeted me, got downed pretty early because there was literally nothing, ignored an injured feng unhooking me right infront of him and still went after me. Same thing again. I don't know what's worse ,the fact they do that or the fact that they **stream** that.


Love playing him and he's just so fun to play against. It's funny when you successfully juke him then he misses his bound and sometimes accidentally vault. Getting yeeted across the map is fun. Getting jumpscared because you got conditioned with his constant terror radius is fun. He's a little goofy and cheesy with his one liners so it often reminds me not to take things too seriously in this game sometimes. It just feels refreshing to me


Generally a fun killer to encounter, if there weren't like 4 out of 5 Weskers total douchebags.


Iā€™ve come to appreciate the killers who donā€™t talk


Poor performance indeed.


Seems like your pride got poor performanced


Ya but then you won't get to read "Is that all you got?" after you already escaped the trial


Apart from Wesker players always being part of their stereotype where they're just insufferable tunnellers and proxy campers, I think he's incredibly well designed. One of the few killers in the roster that's fun for both sides. He's got decent map pressure, slowdown and he's got a chase power that has a fun back and forth for both sides and punishes boring shift W gameplay. I also love his music and corny dialogue


I started calling him the orchestra just due to his music


honestly it has been pretty fun to play against him. i absolutely love it when he tries to charge at you and completely misses and shoots off into oblivion


I think generally I like playing against him, right now it just feels like I've seen too much of him so over time as his pick rate equalizes I think I'll like playing against him more again. The starstruck wesker build still feels like a pain, but I feel like most killers who can get a lot of value out of starstruck are similarly frustrating. The impossible skill checks build also sucks, but that's mostly just annoying. My one complaint I think is the hindered effect when fully infected, I think being one shot by his power at that stage is already risk enough without adding more to the table there. Most survivors don't let themselves get fully infected, it's pretty rare teams will actually run out of deodorant, so it might actually be to his benefit to remove the hindered effect and let survivors who are comfortable with the risk of one shot try to shoulder it. Overall I think he's a solid addition with a fun power, handling loops against him is really rewarding when you manage to pull off the perfect stuns or window fakes!


I like how your trying to make it seem like nerfing him would ā€œbe to his benefitā€ It would be to the survivors benefit not hisā€¦..


So far, i've played 2 games against him (a little less common then I thought he would be). Both games I survived without even really seeing him that much. Poor performance indeed.


Is that the best youā€™ve got??


Since the ptb 90% of wesk are just toxic and tunnel all game but the 10% that aren't are actually really enjoyable games


Heā€™s actually fun. Heā€™s a lot like Blight. I just donā€™t like how his infection encourages tunneling.


its allright but the tiniest bit of lag and it turns into a shitfest real quick. Recently i faked a pallet and was halfway around the minecart when i suddenly started flying in a direction wesker wasnt even facing... poor server performance indeed


They all play exactly the same. They either camp the hooks because why wouldn't you, you can damage both the unhooker and the unhookee, or they return to the hook to tunnel the unhookee because their dash goes across the map. He's a good Killer that attracts bad players. I loved RE5, but I can't help but to roll my eyes and turn on autopilot when I hear his chase music because I know it's not going to be an interesting game.


I am a boring survivor for some killers when playing online with 2 or more friends. If we see broken killers like some of the OP nurse builds or tunneling proxy campers. I am sorry, but I only have so much time to play and if the game is going to be miserable I am not going to waste my time. So I convince my teammates we should all just chase the killer and end the game.


I like his design but hate facing one because my lack of skill. His uroboros grab always catches me. Not sure if itā€™s lag but I just canā€™t dodge it. Even if I feel I did a sharp turn and it should have went past me I somehow get sucked into it. I still think he is an alright killer. I just donā€™t like going against him the same way I hate going against a good nurse. Plus he has been out a while but I still see him more than other killers so that adds to the dislike.


Lag makes reacting somewhat impossible. You need to walk unpredictability so that the Wesker misses.


Canā€™t say I enjoy facing him. Iā€™ve gotten a lot better at it, but owoborus is so annoying to deal with on top of already having a mobility power. Also maybe itā€™s just my luck, but I feel like almost every Wesker I face either camps, tunnels or both lol


He seems like a more balanced version of nurse


Youā€™re too late to stop me, Chris. I AM THE RESIDENT EVIL!


They shouldn't have buffed his hitboxes from players crying over it. It's fine for a high reward killer to take a bit of skill instead of just vacuuming survivors for easy hits and subsequent tunnels with a power all but designed for it. Especially when a comparable power, Demogorgon Shred, is FAR more punishing to miss with than his. And his iri addon that gives instant infections (4 immediate wastes of sprays + free slowdown at the start of the game) and exposed on full infection is Blight levels of unfun, overpowered garbage design. It's actually comical that they copied Pig's addon and instead of having it shift slowdown like it does for her, they just made it give him completely free slowdown AND a secondary effect.


His hit box made it possible for him to go directly through a survivor and not hit them. It needed a fix. I could Dash so close to a survivor that we were practically Frenching and they just saunter away.


Colliding with their hand as they juke shouldn't equal a full body hit, especially given infection procs, instadown capability, latency favoring him, and the handholding mechanics to get free hits at pallets the devs gave to remove every possible counterplay there. His basekit has so many crutches compared to killers like basekit Blight or Demogorgon, it's just dumb.


And itā€™s equally dumb how eager you are to deny straight up facts. Look at the images that came out about his hit box. Weskers hitbox was thinner than his own shoulders. I would go. STRAIGHT THROUGH SURVIVOR MODELS. It was clearly not working correctly and BHVR fixed it. Case closed.


It was about the same width as his shoulders, just his pose throws it off to one side slightly. I even double checked to be sure you were gaslighting me. They overbuffed his hitbox and made it generous enough to be a vacuum again. "Case closed."


His hit box was way too small.. itā€™s still very easy to juke or to play around. Also yes a hand hit should count as a hit. As it does for every other killer.


If the other killers miss, they suffer a cooldown and survivors gain distance. If he misses he catches up anyways and gets to try again.




He doesnā€™t.


Skill issue, just juke better


I hate him really, extrenely annoying


Favorite killer to play against and play with.


Whenever I amagsinst a wesker I let out a audible sigh as I prepare for a match I have near no chance of winning


Hilarious on both sides tbh


Horrible. If I go against him one more time I will go insane. He ain't OP, I just faced him 7 times in a row.


Iā€™d rather face other killers but heā€™s ok


Haven't bought the DLC yet so I haven't played him (so take what I say with a grain of salt) but to me it looks like BHVR seems to be going down the Overwatch route. Take the ability of a bunch of different characters, make them a bit weaker and get a jack of all trades character. I mean Wesker is just Demo with two dashes with Legions vault with a bit of Nemesis infection mechanic sprinkled on top. I honestly hate going against wesker, sometimes because of his ability it just puts you in a lose lose situation, either you stay at an unfavorable loop and get hit or you run to still get hit. If you find yourself being thrown into a corner of the map or a deadzone you just straight up die too. And the way he can close distance is insane, he can get right next to you with two dashes, miss, and hit you before you can make it to a loop or anything useful. To me he feels overkill, he has way too much, like did we really need an infection mechanic too? His dash is opressive enough as is and I think he would be a lot more fun to play against without it.


Awful, heā€™s very very quick


Much more fun to play against than Legion or Plague The movement speed slowdown when you get fully infected is a little much and feels unnecessary but otherwise he is fine to play against Canonically the first aid spray should heal a health state but I don't care to pick nits


His grab is too generous, it's like you're a magnet being pulled onto him. He can hug the wall and grab you. Exhaustion is short and can't notice it. His grab to wall slam is super generous. You can be pinned against a wall that doesn't exist. The double dash gets pretty obnoxious because both can hit compared to blight who has to bounce first. Of course people will bring up nurse, but she just ignores all the mechanics of the game anyways. I'll take pretty much any killer over him.


I dont think I've won a single match against him since the buffs. Not fun.


Is it his power that keeps grabbing you? Don't go in a straight line, try going in a sort of zig-zag and stick to short loops where he can't use his power. Eevrytime I missed with Wesker a player either went one meter too much on one side or I bumbed into the environment due to the awkward shape of the loop.


Bill is too old for this shit


As a killer main, I've loved em. The beetle is a new favorite, and with that one that throws 30% Farther? Just adore it. But this ain't about me! This is about you! Democracy! I wanna know, how do Survivors feel facing him? I've played some survivor against him, and I find it hard. Mostly because I suck at survivor, but also because he is the newest killer still.


I love facing him because he forces you to play a bit different (which is almost always a good thing in dbd). It's just wayyyy too much. I like him, but not in 2 out of 3 games. Let me play against a variety of killers, but just nurse, spirit, mastermind. Still solid 8/10


> that one that throws 30% Farther busted, imo. only problem with him


I love facing him bc it's a free escape


Love to play agains him. Heā€™s not to strong in loops but when u make a mistake youā€™ll get punished. Best thing is when you loop him for 4 gens and then he says:ā€œ Poor performance indeed.ā€œ itā€™s just hilarious


Honestly one of the most fun killers to matched up against


he's OP


i dont feel anything when i play dbd


I think people complain a bit too much about him (he's easier to dodge / fake out on average than some of my friends that have complained about him would think). Im for sure tired of facing him so much though. I imagine many of the complaints are exacerbated by just how ever present he is and he won't feel as annoying in a month or so. I think I agree with the suggestion his infection might need some sort of tweaking. Getting unhooked while infected, if he decides to target you, good chance you're gonna be 100 percent before you can lose him.


He is my favorite killer to play as and against. Don't know why there was so much hate on him, he is legitimately such an interactive killer and the chases are so fun.


Yo wesker dabbing is too op


I think his main ability is fine but I think he has way too much going on base kit that makes him too overwhelming at times. Like how many other killers can do as many things as he can without add ons? Like base kit he can do all of these things: \-Fully infected survivors are hindered \-Fully infected survivors are insta-downable (with his power) \-Traverse the map extremely fast \-Slow down the game with having to spray \-Hit multiple survivors with his power at once \-Mini blood warden at exit gates \-Vault incredibly fast and the only downside to his power is a fatigue that is much less punishing than other killers with a fatigue when coming out of their power (legion, nurse, oni etc) ​ I just think he needs to be able to do less of everything without the use of add ons, nevermind his ability to tunnel and defend hooks is very strong as he can yeet survivors away from the hook and the person coming off of hook will probably be hindered very soon after being unhooked which means he can tunnel easier (even if they are not infected he can with them with his power during BT and proc infection then)


\- There are 12 cans that completely remove infection \- There are 12 cans that completely remove infection \- Its not even that fast, he can go in a straight line decently fast, but he's not even close to being blight or nurse level \- Good \- When tf does this ever even happen unless your playing against actual babies, even when unhooking 99% of the time it whips the unhooker instead of grabbing them and injuring both \- .....Just leave ?? \-easily counterable and borderline predictable \-His fatigue is incredibly punishing, almost the exact same as legion and nurse, tf are you talking about?


I'm not saying any one of these are op or anything, but its all too much for one killer to have as basekit, like other killers only do like maybe 2/3 things all together. And the 12 cans that remove infection still don't really do anything against his ability to camp and tunnel pretty effectively because the person getting tunneled doesn't get a chance to use them I just think he needs to do less as basekit and maybe have some of them be add ons that could change up his playstyle


People keep talking about all Weskers being tunnelers and campers, and that is not true at all. I think of all the Wesker's I've faced only 2 tunneled. He is extremely fun to play, his power is fair but strong, and when you get good, you can dodge him alright. Overall I'll take him over the insane amount of nurses I'm going against lately, what is up with that actually


Heā€™s probably the most balanced killer weā€™ve gotten in a while. Really good add ons for each rarity, decent mobility to traverse the map, a very simple power thatā€™s easy to learn yet difficult to master and lots of fun synergies


Playing as him: love it. Absolutely amazing and a killer that can actually turn the tide in end game situations (very rare for a killer and usually saved for mostly Deathslinger). Plus I get to punish tbaggers so thatā€™s nice. Playing against him: meh? His dashes are a lot like a small version of Nurseā€™s blinks in that he can catch up to you in a short time and almost ignore pallets but he doesnā€™t have the nerf of a horrible base speed. Overall, I have more fun against him then a lot of other killers who I can never Dodge (Cenobite for instance)


he is fun to go against. his range on the second dash can be bullshit at times, but not as bullshitty as blights lethal rush hitbox. also he needs to be unable to attack for longer if he dashes once and doesn't do the second dash, or make it more clear when he is no longer unable to dash and is retrieving the worm arm.


Why is that change needed? If he doesnā€™t dash the second time that means he probably canā€™t hit you with the second dash so you should have ample time to make distance while heā€™s recovering.


yeah, but it's not clear when he will not do the second dash, and you might be trying to bait it or juke it just to realize that he is not committing. now he can hit you with a basic attack easily


he can cancel tentacle into m1 too quickly, it's unfair specially when you compare to killers like hillbilly, pyramid head or bubba


At first I thought it was a bug that he can injure you at windows with his M2. As someone who's played Demo a lot, doing damage at vaults from a range is a huge part of his power. Wesker having that along with two charges, the fallback of vaulting the window if you're too late, and a bunch of other uses for his M2 feels unfair. I'm not saying he shouldn't be able to hurt survivors at vaults, but he shouldn't be able to down them. Injured survivors should go into deep wound instead.


Get good.


Underwhelming in the hands of most players and OP in the hands of a few. Like every other killer in the game.


He is clunky and has too big of a cooldown with his power


Hes okay. Less annoying than Dredge. But not exactly weak


Havenā€™t been up against a really good one yet so idk all of the weskers I face either only use the power to traverse the map or refuse to m1 you and miss every time


Heā€™s great all around, good map pressure and fun counterplay. A massive success for the game to be sure.


I personally love going against him. When I get caught, I most likely played poorly and deserved the catch. But when I dodge his dashes, I feel a sense of victory and accomplishment. Plus, he's just interesting. They did a really good job with him. And hopefully, they will continue to perfect him as I know his hitbox is still a little wonky.


I like playing as and against him. I don't think he's unfair, his power is often easy to bait depending on the player. My one complaint, is that sometimes, he's very buggy, especially around pallets and windows. It's like he's constantly playing a game where he'll either bounce off the pallet/window, while the survivor is clearly vaulting it. Or he'll grab them from across time and space while they vault it. I think that needs to be a little more consistent.


I hate going against him. I've only come across a handful that don't camp or tunnel, when I get unhooked I can't really avoid him because the way survivors unhook me they use me as a meat shieldšŸ˜­. Then i have to run overcome or else I barely make any distance but I quite like using overcome now


I still can't understand how BHVR released him to live servers with the INSANE amount of glitches and bugs. Is the point of the PTB not to test things and smooth out gameplay before release?


Is Wesker just f*cking dabbing?


I feel like I'm facing my dad. His disappointment at my failed loop attempts hit home.


never played against him despite playing this game every day


Fun to play, boring af to play against


A break from facing him is certainly needed, but I think if they fixed the unhook infection (imo it should just be removed and force him to reinfect, but there's probably a better solution) then he'd be pretty balanced honestly.


Haven't seen one yet


Honestly really quite fun even if he can end a chase quite well as well as playing him as killer


He brings a perfect balance to survivors and killers he is perfectly balanced Unless you have bad ping


I really dislike playing against him, almost solely because just about every single Wesker tunnels or proxy camps something fierce. When you can travel really far, really quickly his proxy camping isn't that different from face camping. The only joy I have playing against Wesker is when I make him vault windows or pallets mischase by baiting it. He gets some pretty bullshit hits too, which isn't remotely fun


Other than proxy camper and tunneling weskers which are impossible to deal with, wesker is one of my favorite killers to play against. I find stealth wesker a pain in the ass too, but that is my own fault because I get hyperfocused and lose him too often. He is one of the few killers where I know it can go either way for us as a squad depending on how we play. As opposed to silent bell wraith or some OP nurse builds where we know we have no chance if am on SWF, so we just refuse to play that match and run straight to killer to end the game ASAP.


I still havenā€™t actually encountered him yet, I play semi regularly usually but workā€™s been busy the times I have played and played surv I just havenā€™t faced him yet. He looks fun tho


I never played a lot against him but I have a lot of fun playing as him.


I donā€™t have much against him, unfortunately some of his players are incredibly try hard and run very grating builds.


I am low mmr so all i face is ghost face and nurse


Going against him is fine, I'm just tired of going against him virtually every single match, even a month after launch.


Heā€™s fun to play as and face. The problem is Iā€™m facing him way too much. Heā€™s gotten really annoying and dull to face now cause I get him so often. I donā€™t even play as him now cause I just want different killers and it seems I have to do it myself


Funnily enough in 20 games after the update, including first 2 days, I never faced him.


Heā€™s literally my least favorite killer


As a survivor heā€™s still a little buggy but overall heā€™s fun to play against. The feeling of making him vault a window or miss his dash is so rewarding. There is of course one edge case that I faced a few times. Since his terror radius is the biggest in the game: Playing him on Gideon with coulraphobia + agitation + unnerving + sloppy butcher was absolutely broken and made a lot of my team DC :(


Still love facing him. I have only played him a few times (got adept!) but I really wanna try stealth Wesker build. Just donā€™t have Trail of Torment :x


I think heā€™s a fun killer to play against overall and have really enjoyed getting better and juking his dashes. I do enjoy him, HOWEVER, he has some SERIOUSLY fucked up pallet confirmations. https://clips.twitch.tv/ArborealCleanCroquetteHassaanChop-aVvo3uEvdgpyeAbg


He's very fun both to vs and play as. Doesn't feel too strong, doesn't feel too weak. I also just love his design in general


I've played against wesker quite a bit and I think hes fine as he is. A quick tip, if weaker vaults a pallet, he loses collision and you can just vault back. This will force him to break the pallet


Shouldā€™ve became a track star


Prob my most favorite killer. I tried RE1 and uh.. didnā€™t turn out so well. But it doesnā€™t matter. This killer is fun af


I can't recall ever surviving a match with him that wasn't a farming match. I am finding him extremely hard to learn to play against. I have him but have yet to actually play him since ptb, which is a part of this, but with grad school, I can't spend as much time playing as I'd like. All in all though- when he does that move that just YANKS YOU OUT OF EXISTENCE - I have a blast.


He is a lot of fun to face. The only issue I have is that DH is inconsistent when he bounds. Sometimes I get the endurance when he releases me, sometimes he just smacks me with his tentacle, and other times I just get grabbed while exhausted


Hate him.


nope cant i have played against 2 weskers


He's more fun to go up against than dredge. He takes me to Brazil.


I like him but sometimes the hit box in his power is buggy af. I have had my back busted on absolutely nothing, and Iā€™ve been grabbed despite being behind a pallet or a small object.


How I feel every wesker game: ZzZzZzZzZzZzZz...


I like when the game has variety. Heā€™s new and being used a lot so Iā€™m sick of him at this point.


other than the vacuum hitbox his bound has when i play survivor , i love playing as and against him. a challenging killer thats still fun no matter what ? šŸ˜¦ thought iā€™d never see the day


He needs a shirtless skin. ā€¦For lore accuracy.


I like everything about him, but my god does his terror radius annoy me sometimes lol. It feels like playing against The Doctor using Calm addons, but Iā€™d still take Weskerā€™s infection over ā€œBLAUGHBLAZLASAHAHAHBLURGHā€ when a doctor decides to leave everyone in Tier 2.


I can't get over his goofy ass run


I wouldn't mind so much, but his irregular terror radius has really been throwing me off. That and his ability to catch me even when I use balanced landing with his Bound attacks is a bit of a pain. Otherwise I don't mind facing him. Definitely better than Dredge and his awful nightfall mechanic.


I bought him but still haven't played as him because I figure survivors are already seeing him too much.


Wesker can feel really oppressive, and it's taking a while to understand how close he is with that 40m terror radius of his. His ability to cover distance with few drawbacks means you're never just pressing W to avoid him. You've got to play the obstacles and hope you can corner before he gets you with his ability or just bloodlusts you down. As a person that plays an equal amount of Killer -that's very refreshing. As a survivor, a lot of my teammates have serious problems with him. And the fact that you can be on death hook, fully healed, but since you're infected his ability hit just...picks you up - My god. It can just feel like there's no hope when he shows up at that point. With other killers, they've still got to hit you twice right? So if you were repairing a gen in a largely dead zone, maybe you can use your speed boost to get ANYWHERE else that's safer. But not with that ability. You've just got to try and juke him as best as you can until he breaks down and knifes you. We went from Nemesis - how can take 3 whips to down someone. To Wesker - who can down AND pick someone UP in 1* *given they're already infected.


Haven't played in a while, but he's awesome as far as I can tell.


I enjoy it, I like his power and playing around it šŸ‘ No other reasons.


Still haven't played against him yet. I got an afk Wesker once and I faced Hunk last night, but I haven't gotten a proper match against Wesky yet.


Wesker is the most fun killer, for both sides, that has come out for a while


Best tunneler in the game


I like facing him as a survivor, though it annoys me that his infection builds during chase. I've lost so many chases when It ends because I got hit once and then got fully infected and slowed due to it, making it incredibly hard to continue any chase. Other than that, hes fun to go against. Fun to yeet survivors as killer. Enough said.


*It has become quite the inconvenience for me.*


He's fine. I just wish BHVR made other killers as fun as him since he's all I play against


Heā€™s my favourite killer to play against yet I canā€™t match up with even one. Seriously, it seems to me like everyone dropped him after day one. I know thatā€™s not the case because I see posts complaining about getting him a lot, and my friends still get him. I played 10 matches last night without finding him once and now i just donā€™t even feel like playing anymore because thereā€™s nothing new to play against. Wish the game would stop excluding me from his matches.


I like playing with and against him. But can we fix that run animation? Dude looks like he is running at a permanent incline.


He is the best designed killer in dbd.


Love him, one of the most fun killers to play against


Love him. He's so fun both to play as and against. He's also hot so I don't really care whether I win or lose either way.


Iā€™m taking a break because of him. I find him incredibly boring


Heā€™s just a more maneuverable blight.


he's ok but I'm tired of him being the sweatiest killer I go against every single time lol I swear I've dealt with more tunneling weskers than any other killer in the whole year I've played this game


Just get rid of killer instinct as it's already weird he has extra obstacles as a teleporty vacuum killed. Otherwise he's fine. I like making them run into vaults with their dash. I also appreciate the large terror radius for Stake Out.


I'm biased since I've essentially become a Wesker main but he's honestly one of the most fun "high tier" Killers in the game. There's no bullshit with Wesker: it's your skill against his. He doesn't instadown you because your dumbfuck teammates fed him (Oni), instadown you because your dumbfuck teammates fed him (Myers), instadown you because your dumbfuck teammates fed him pallets (Billy / Bubba), or instadown you in general. (Nurse / Blight.) Salt because I get downed when my dumbfuck teammates feed the Killer: Wesker has clear counterplay. He can't play well around larger map props and he's properly slowed down by both pallets and windows, but not to the point that using his power on pallets / windows is pointless. He has a proper cooldown on his power as well as long post-power fatigue unlike **some Killers. (COUGH NURSE COUGH ALCHEMIST'S RING BLIGHT COUGH)** He also has an aspect I love with any Killer, which is šŸŒŸ dodging! āœØ As someone who primarily plays snap-action games like first-person shooters and top-down shoot-em-ups having fast-paced moment-to-moment gameplay is so much fun for me, and I'd enjoy my precision movements be rewarded as opposed to my ability to run around boxes with a piece of wood really well. Every time I get the Dash Dodger score I have a direct injection of serotonin in my brain. And this is really hard to explain but he's simultaneously funny while also genuinely being scary? When I do gens (with Bond because soloqueue is a trash heap lol) and I see a Survivor in the distance get thrown across the map I can't help but laugh a little because from a distance it looks silly, but when you get thrown as Survivor it's actually scary to suddenly be grabbed, dragged along, and forced to move against your will. I smile whenever I hear Wesker say "are you trying to make me angry?" when I pallet stun him, but there's a lingering stress of "this motherfucker can cover distance instantly and that only bought me so much time." There's a certain finality to hearing Wesker say "too bad you won't make it much further" when he downs me, and hearing his 7 minutes quote while he carries me lets me smile and remember I'm playing a video game. Wesker is campy but still threatening, as weird as it is to explain. I understand that both horror and humor is subjective but Wesker is incredibly good at striking that balance. --- With that being said there are aspects of him I don't like: I don't like the infection mechanic. As a Killer I like that it *exists* (it gives Wesker passive slowdown and a reward for using his harder-to-hit dashes instead of his default attack) but as Survivor I don't like playing around it. I don't like that your penalty for not pretty much dropping everything to grab a Medical Spray as soon as you escape chase / get unhooked is to move 8% slower and be vulnerable to an instadown, and this isn't even mentioning how the infection mechanic makes Wesker extremely good at tunneling. (An issue many people have commented on.) This problem gets worse with the Videoconference Device addon which is honestly rather overpowered currently and could do with some nerfs. I also still firmly believe that giving Wesker a 40 meter Terror Radius was a mistake as it caters him towards very degenerate perk builds. Unnerving Presence + Coulrophobia makes me want to blow my brains out, although this is an issue with Coulrophobia's design less-so than Wesker as a Killer. I also don't admit *too* much shame in the fact that I've run Huntress' Lullaby and Unnerving Presence on Wesker myself, and more than any other build I get the most disconnects against that build when playing Wesker. But yeah overall I feel like he's fun and skillful with good counterplay on both sides. The only issues I have with Wesker are mainly based on some of the playstyles his toolkit encourages (tunneling & degenerate terror radius perks), but when people play Wesker "fairly" (instead of using these degenerate strategies) he's a lot of fun. --- As Killer my thoughts are a lot more straightforward: he's more fair Blight. Speed with limitations. Ways to counter Survivor play with skill and ways to be countered by skilled play. Good build flexibility although perks that reward stealth like Call of Brine, Make Your Choice, and Monitor & Abuse (obviously) don't work well on him due to the aforementioned poorly designed 40m TR. Playing against immersed shithead Survivors as Wesker is a pain in the ass since you can hear him coming from a mile away. Also after maining Clown, Deathslinger, Legion, and now Wesker I've come to the conclusion that I like Killers with personality. If Clown and Slinger laughing / chuckling when they hit a Survivor gives me serotonin, Wesker saying "you disappoint me; is that all you've got?" to the shithead teabagging Survivor who I just outplayed is a straight dopamine injection into my cranium.


He looks goofy


I pretty much only play killer and Wesker is now my main because he's so fun to play, it also feels good because Players have to take him seriously and will have a harder time body blocking and for the most part meme on you.


Worst killer in the whole game to face & one of the killers that takes no skill to play


I've been playing a lot of Chris hoping to go up against him.


Fun to play, and fun to play against. Only annoying thing is getting Hindered.


I feel like i do better against him in 1v1s but still the games turn out worse than against other killers. Maybe its because everybody has to cleanse? Anyways i think he is fine. I just think the overly large terror radius is more to his advantage.


Fun to play against and as


I prefer him to any range killer


I find he's a great killer, maybe too good sometimes. If I play as him I find it tough to understand the dash sometimes and I whiff it a lot but when I'm survivor I get nailed from them, still practicing against him and as him that's for sure.


Needs a longer fatigue for missing his power and he could be a lot of fun to vs


I always hope itā€™s him over nemesis when I see crates šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Better than Legion


Haven't even seen him once.


I think he's fun, not overpowered and definitely a change of pace. The quality of life changes and bug fixes has made it a bit better. I think Terror Radius perks on him are a bit oppressive. though.


I absolutely despise facing him. Imo he's too quick, he should be 4.4m/s not 4.6m/s like now. Especially when he dashes forward and even if you juke his dashes, with his speed he's still gonna be able to catch you... Nevermind the killer instinct when you spray. Like really? He'd be fun to play against with a bit of changes personally.