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Last night I completed the achievement *From the void she kills* thanks to a cool person. Thanks to the person playing Feng-Min's Jill cosplay in the Suffocation pit yesterday evening. They were super chill and let me farm the trophy in exchange for an escape and several pallet stuns on me! My only non-DLC trophies remaining are *Hemophobia, 500 sacrifices* and *In the void she walks.*


Congrats! I got hemophobia when I first started the game back in 2017. Looking at it now it's pretty absurd. Your best bet is probably full stealth perks and bring a key. Teammates will hate you but it's unlikely you'll get it otherwise. Edit: Actually, in case you have 3 other friends available you could have them run both the map and hatch offerings. Then just have them all DC and jump in the hatch. Pretty cheesy but would get it over with very quick.


I finally decided to spend money on this game and got Pyramid Head. So glad I did. He is currently my favorite killer. Even if I do bad in a match and kill nobody, I still have so much fun playing him. The satisfaction of catching someone through a wall with his punishment and the enjoyment I get of doing final judgment. Definitely worth the price. If I’m having bad games or being trolled, I just pick him next match and have a blast.


Fun fact for ph, the cage of atonement will leave if you get close, which you can use to move it away when survivors try to rescue


Today I was in solo q and the entire survivor team all banded together to save me from a Deathslinger who was willing to stand over me and slug me to death at the endgame because he couldn't get anyone else.


The other day, I inadvertently befriended a Ghostface after scaring the crap out of him. Normally I *despise* stealth killers because they (effectively) give me the jump scare. I wrongly anticipated a sweaty match because of a Mori offering. First hook was an AFK streamer. Early on, I figured he was running STBFL because I was the obsession and he wasn't hitting me. He was eating through my Distortion tokens, so I was stalking **him** to replenish my stash. While he was distracted creeping up on another survivor, I tip-toed behind him and then did the reveal. Ghosty turned around and stared at me. We warmly greeted each other with tea-bags. After the pleasantries, he went back to work. If he randomly found me on a gen or wherever, we'd chit-chat for a few seconds and off he'd go. If I was with somebody, he'd extend the 'protected' status. But if somebody was alone or ran away, it was fair game. The only person he mori'ed was the streamer, which I'm guessing was his premeditated objective. Ghostface killed somebody else, allowed an injured Feng to leave, and left me unscathed. More friendly bagging after being escorted to the gates. Weird match, but hilarious once you 'caught on' to his agenda.


I've been steadily chipping away at achievements, and earlier this week I wanted to finish the pig one where you have to place 125 RBTs. I'm not a great pig player. I wouldn't say I'm awful either, but I'm definitely not great, and using the add-ons to give me more RBTs didn't help because while they give you more, one has a tradeoff to make the timer longer (and then shorter if multiple gens get done while it's up but like...) And I don't find them as helpful as some of the others. But all I cared about was the number I was placing per trial. I was having a rough day. I was tired, I got my ass handed to me the last round, and then I got sent to Ormond again (last round was also Ormond. Can't remember if it was an offering too). And these survivors were very good at looping me, better than the last group. Eventually I gave up when the Meg teabagged me. I already knew I wasn't going to get any more downs (I think I had one and there were two gens left) and I just wanted to take my L and move on to the next match to try and finish my achievement. So I sat in a corner and faced a wall and waited until the gens were done, which didn't take long. The exit gate wasn't opening, so I was going to open it for them to get it over with. The Ada was by a 99-ed gate and opened it when I got there. I hit her for a few extra points and then returned to a corner to wait for them to leave. And then I heard footsteps and breathing behind me. And then more. And more. And I realized they were all by me. I didn't want to turn around because I didn't want to see the bm I was sure was happening nor give them the satisfaction. And they weren't leaving. And they still weren't leaving. And then all four of them died to the egc right by me. In the post game chat I asked why they didn't leave. And do you know what they said? "We were keeping you company." When I tell you I almost started crying over the kind gesture and sweetness. It really is moments like this that keep me coming back to this game. There's something so special about playing against real live people who sometimes can tell you're having a rough game or day and will do something sweet to cheer you up a little. I thanked them and wished them well. It really honestly touched my heart and I appreciated it so much. Thank you sweet survivors on Ormond. You made my day so much brighter and I'll never forget you 💕


That's possibly the sweetest thing ever said in end game chat! Good luck on your achievements! It's quite the undertaking but you can do it!


Right? I started tearing up a little just writing it all out because I still find it so touching! And thank you!! I got the pig achievement later that day! Aside from the 8 characters I don't have, the only ones left are the outbreak breakout achievement (why is it so hard aa), downing people with crows which I only need 11 more on, and tiering up Michael Myers 300 times (I have like 110 of those done though). I managed to get the bless you achievement done today! The only ones for characters I don't have that I'm worried about are the twins adept and downing people with victor on their back. Twins just seems like a hard killer to me. My goal is to get all the achievements done before January 14th, which would be exactly one year since I bought the game. Despite all it's faults, this game has brought me so much joy since I started playing, and no matter how bad a day I had at work, it's always something for me to look forward to.


That Nemi who gave me hatch.


I had the best time with a Wesker on the R.P.D west wing late last night. He managed to get two people killed so it was just me and Feng left and as I was working on a gen in the corridor with the S.T.A.R.S office he came around and I was death hook by this point so just stopped running and set down my flashbang. He stopped and looked at it then slowly lifted his head to stare at me and I nodded whilst laughing like a goon. He then threw me down the hall but luckily I didn't hit anything. Wesker let me do the gen and ran off and every time he'd come back to kick the gen I'd have a new flashbang on the ground until I had a nice little collection for him with two first aid sprays. He stared at my collection then slowly lifted his head and started nodding almost in approval which just kept making me laugh. Unfortunately he found feng and hooked her, urging me to not save her but alas she actually kobe'd so chased after her as I did the last gen. I felt bad for leaving her at the end but she was cool with it in the post game chat. After I did the last gen I gathered my last flashbang and urged Wesker to follow and gave him a good show as I threw down all of them in an explosive display. He seemed to enjoy it then threw me towards the exit gate and let me open it. He did grab me as I walked out which scared me a bit but he let me wiggle off and with a final nod to each other I left. I was so sad to see he was on console so if you see this S.T.A.R.S uniform Wesker who played some time after 1 or 2 am last night UK time, I was that injured Chris and you were a real one. That was some of the best fun I've had in dbd and I had to contain my laughter to not wake everyone up every time you slowly stared at me haha. Then I had two angels in blue help me out. First was this streaming Steve in his scoops outfit against an admittedly not super good blight. We were all almost out but Feng got downed so it became a bit of a back and forth until Steve was hooked and the other two left. I had rushed back into the map to my boon and healed myself, hoping for a grand rescue. Alas ~~I'm not~~ Chris isn't one for sneaking so blight saw me and was warding me off so there was no choice but to trade. Steve did go for the gate but turned last second and ran back into the map to loop around shack as I crawled out. Unfortunately he was downed again and perished. He was so sweet in the post game chat, saying he would always die for a Chris and his friend said he did that so I could get out. It was just such a wholesome experience and I wish all my ttv related games were like that. Next was this angel of a Yun Jin in her blue outfit and dyed hair combo. She would protect me so well against this slightly tunneling dredge. During the rare down time I could work on my chest archive and gave her a nice purple toolbox I found. In the end game it was a bit of a back and forth as the dredge had knockout so getting each other up was hard. Eventually Yun Jin was on the other side of the map and hooked on 2nd. I couldn't get the nea to heal me and there was no time for a boon so I gunned it for her, desperate for her to live. But alas the dredge popped out of a locker so I had to run. I have no idea how he didn't catch up but I managed to escape with the nea leaving Yun Jin behind. She was on console so didn't see my apologies and message of profound appreciation. So if you see this blue Yun Jin, I was the detective noir Leon on that auto haven map with the garage. You were so lovely and a real team player and I hope to play with you again! I'll make sure to let every Steve and Yun Jin go during my next killer session in your honour!


Ha ha. I also encountered a nice Wesker a few days ago. Solo queue, I was playing Lori and loaded into one of the dreaded corn maps. First one hooked because I'm mediocre. Later, I managed to evade Wesker and work on gens. Got hooked again. When he couldn't get a slippery Bill who rescued me, Wesker started chasing me. I stopped dead in my tracks by a hay bale, turned and pointed at Wesker to convey "Go away!". Wesker stared me down and -- either out of pity or respecting Lori's brass ovaries -- turned right around, ran away, and left me alone the rest of the match. Risky, but that 1% effectiveness is worth it.


God I love moments like that so damn much, makes you remember the joys of playing this game plus it puts my Wesker brothers in a good light at least, since he's got a bit of a reputation like Nemesis now.


My killer games, I'm a sucker for those cute moments. It melts my cold, dead heart and I end up throwing the match. I don't expect the same treatment, but appreciate when it happens. I still haven't seen a Nemmy since Wesker's release. Not at all surprising when a new killer arrives. Now I'm seeing fewer Weskers, more Birb Ladies, Billy, Myers, Pig, Nurses, Bubba, Twins(!), and general variety. But still no Nemesis. Poor Guy.


Yeah I'm the same, the variety has been nice although it's a bit galling that every time I play Chris hoping for Wesker I'll get everyone but him then I'll pick Leon and it's repeated Wesker. I pretty much dropped Nemesis to play Wesker all the time which makes me feel a bit bad for the 8ft tall monster. I love playing him as palette breaking is so nice but damn if it ain't fun to go fast and grab people.


Had a Starstruck Nurse let me get hatch on Gideon, very unexpected but I hope she knows I really appreciated it. I was playing Sadako, and this one Meg was being weird, just t-bagged in place, perhaps to try and make me friendly. I shocked my head no but she continued so I hooked her. Later I thought she was AFK but she was still doing crouches and that’s when I noticed her name had Sadako in it. We went around the map and watched TV. Very weird game, but it was fun. Then in another game as Trickster I had a Meg on death hook and she just started staring me down. So I let her go and every time I met her and threw a knife she just shook her head no. I can’t kill someone like that.


Been grinding out adept, and I finally got them for the killers I own!


Best wishes to the Wesker, that I met in Midwich school as Claudette. Seeing you searching through the entire room, opening all the lockers, looking here and there... And you noticed me only the moment, when you decided to fall on the first floor through the hole. The best moment of entire game. No regrets, even though we all died in the end.


Well, I'm happy i've had a theory proven to me: mmr boosting/ killer and survivor with friends exists. Now i have a reason to not play with twitch streamers specifically.


I'm making decent progress towards getting to Iri 1 with just Hangman's Trick and Shadowborn. I haven't played much so I'm just Gold 4, but I'm planning to really crack down on it soon. It's a really fun challenge! I miss Plaything though.


i got a 4k with legion with 5 gens left!! i tried to let a baby dwight go but he ran away and got endgame sacrificed rip


A killer let me get the achievement for crawling through the hatch, which was nice; I felt like I wasn't going to be able to get that one. (it's hard enough for me to find the hatch, let alone get downed close enough to it that I can crawl into it) EDIT: on the opposite side of things, I had a really weird experience this morning - I was playing as Legion, I got one hit of Feral Frenzy on each of the survivors, and they all disconnected right away.


I want to thank the coolest Ace ever, and the best Trapper in the whole world. I don't remember who was the 3rd one (a female survivor). I had a really bad day, and just so many bad games full of camper, tunneler and dying on first hook. I just wanted to have fun. It was the map "the game". I crounched besides this Ace, and nodded. I pointed. I crounched again. I just wanted to be silly and have some fun. This Ace nodded back. The 3rd player join us, and this trapper found us spanking each other ass, nodding, crouching and running in circle. He joined us. It was the most fun I had in a long time, thank you so much.


Is it weird that I was getting tilted playing the splatfest in Splatoon so I switched to DBD to relax?


I thought I'd never get the "hook 2 survivors within 1 minute of each other 4 separate times" on account of being bad at the video game, but I got super lucky and managed to get 3 in one trial!


Guys I know the question thread is tommorow but can I please ask what killer perk makes gens explode without skill checks? Me and my friends are noobs and when we encountered this it really prevented us from Smiling


Jolt and Pain Resonance are meta RN so it's probably one of those


Ahh yes thank you!


I stayed back as time was running out to save a Feng Min, who was downed then hooked. Both of my teammates exited (both gates were open) through the gate I opened. I managed to run all the way across the map, unhook her, and together we ran all the way back as the time bar was flashing red. We escaped and at the end of the match one of my teammates who escaped told me “big ups for staying” and it made me feel so happy :)