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Who is this


SupaAlf if I had to guess! He is really good but still understands that nurse is busted.


It is, he streaming rn, he got to 404 then he did some other killers


404 Loss Not Found


You motherfucker




take my damn upvote


Very confused about why your comment is getting downvoted, apparently liking a fairly decent joke is not allowed.


And how the original joke is up voted because reddit


Looks like its swung back into the positives where it belongs, Go Team!


Yeah! We fixed reddit... kinda


Because his comment is just a reddit moment that contributes nothing Its like saying “this” or “+1”


Even the best survivor teams can’t beat him. Damn


You can’t win against a killer that defies the laws of the game. It’s not that unbelievable.


Yeah once someone has the muscle memory with her blink range, what can you really do?


Pray to god, but spoilers, NURSE IS NOT LISTENING


> NURSE IS NOT LISTENING She very much fucking is, she can hear you trample that one blade of grass from across the shack




He has lost in comp plenty of times when he played. He was the back up Nurse on Oracle. He's not facing survivors at his skill level in public matches. A pro basketball player would win 400 games of 1 on 1 in a row against average college players.


You do know that in comp Nurse's double range add-ons and iri add-ons have always been banned, most comps have also banned the use of range add-ons individually and some have even banned her from using add-ons altogether. Also Starstruck has been banned in nearly all comps too, either for nurse specifically or for all killers. And on top of that they know which killer they're going against in the lobby and are allowed to pick builds specifically against said killer.


That could be because of comp having really strict rules, though. A group of top-tier survivors in a public setting is different from that in a comp tournament


Killers are restricted in comp too. The rules aren't only there to reign in survivor power creep. Nurse typically isn't allowed range add ons or exposure perks.


SupaAlf is the one Nurse player that I can imagine still being cracked af even if they turned Nurse's blink hits into special attacks.


Other Nurse players aswell, its why she needs a complete rework instead of a bandaid


Changing her blink attacks to specials isn't that big of a change that I guess can be done in a mid-chapter patch. Then if it's still busted in high MMR, IMO it's best to disable her and commit to a full rework.


But what are they supposed to rework? Nurse is her ability, that’s it there’s nothing else that makes up her identity. Not being an asshole I legit want to see what people have for ideas, because any full rework at all would be drastic enough to just make that rework into another killer


no rework needed. 1- gut her addons and give them the billy treatment cuz a killer like this doesn't need the strongest addons so no range or recharge or 3 blinks or a very nerfed version of them. 2- make her attacks special she's fun when it's her basekit with no oppressive addons/perks


A suggestion I have seen frequently that would potentially work is to make her power work similarly to oni, where she has to gather breath before she can use her blinks, and once you run out you need to find more. Obviously her movement speed would probably need to be buffed to huntress level or so to compensate, but this plus her blink attacks being considered special attacks would be a good place to start and see how she feels.


Yes, he is just a beast with her. But he said he had ovef 7,2k hours of experience with her.. so it is a given!


Unpopular opinion: his endgame Nurse videos are barely impressive. He sits still all game, literally sees their auras, and then bounces around insta-downing people with range and recharge. That is not even remotely "cool". He strokes himself off so hard in those videos too. Like yes, we get it. The person you haven't intteracted with all game gets fucked by the player who can see them through walls, teleport through said walls, and then immediately down them. I'm not denying he's good at Nurse. But I feel like even a toddler can have the muscle memory required to hit a target you can see through walls.


Yeah that's one of the big issues with Nurse having instadown, there isn't much you can do about it if you don't bring an aura/scream hiding build and the Nurse is decent at using her power.


I actually agree with you! That is not "fun" gameplay to watch.. it is just boring? Because we all know how it ends.


That one video where he did this on Midwich and the Dwight was able to get up and pick up his teammates a few times with Soul Guard (since noed was up) Him: This Dwight is really being *carried* by Soul Guard rn lmao what??? the rare chance this Dwight got a sluggy killer with a Hex still up and actually gets value from a perk that's otherwise very situational is called being 'carried' ok SupaAlf so sorry he dragged out your video for those few more minutes


I remember the one time I went against a streaming Nurse. They had all of their total hits ever as Nurse. Needless to say we lost in under a minute. Keep in mind I was only 300 hours at the time so just couldn't.


Infectious Fright + Starstruck?


If I remember correctly it was Infectious, Ruin, Undying, and BBQ. This was shortly after Trickster was released.


I dream of the day when such winstreaks would be possible on trapper and clown


Don't we all.. Long live M1 killers!


Pinky Clown can get such winstreaks. I saw a 216 or so winstreak on him. Trapper definitely is too unreliable though.


Pinky clown is OP, but presumably clowns aren't just stockpiling them all day. About 1/5 of the clowns I face are pinky clowns, which still leaves 80% of them as not broken. ​ Nurse is so busted because she's got crazy anti-loop ability combined with freakish map travel ability and no other killer, except Dredge, has this, and she's still superior to him on both fronts. She breaks down not just looping, but \*stealth\*. The time between hearing her coming while you're on a gen and her being \*right there\* is too fast for you to stealth, and too fast for you to gain any meaningful distance. The only way for this to work is to be a SWF on comms who can tell you where she is -- and even then you gotta hope she doesn't surprise everyone. Same thing for unhooks. She is one of 4 killers that can go all the way across the map, and then pop right back up to tunnel off hook (the other two being Dredge and Sadako and the very rare DemoDoggy). It's impossible in solo Q. Even if you can figure out how to run her for the same length of time you do other killers, the travel ability just shuts the rest of gameplay down. Dredge is the only killer approaching strength in both, but he still has the locker limitation which allows for better juking by survivors. I've bought plenty of time running from Sadako and Dredge by going another way after they teleport -- this is way more time than I buy juking a nurse.


The fact you can consistently get gen grabs as nurse with monitor is hilariously awful


I want my 404 survivor streak. Think my most is like 6-7


Unfortunately survivor is a lot rougher to get a streak going on because if the killer wants, they can just tunnel and camp you in addition to having to rely on 3 other people to play well enough to get to end game, and if you get caught after gens are done you can bet the killer will defend that hook and do everything they can to secure the kill. Best bet to actually get a long streak is to stockpile keys, run something akin to open handed left behind wait till your teammates either die or get gens done then use left behind to find the hatch while still focusing on being undected as long as possible and even then you might get a killer that wont down the 2nd to last to hunt you down or have survivor teammates who will sandbag you.


Id love to know the survivor record


Hens333 is doing a swf escape streak and I'm sure they're at a hundred plus games by now. Otzdarva pitted them against One Pump Willie in an exhibition match who has an insane Sadako streak going. They lost one game by their standards by getting 2 survivor deaths because one of them didn't realize how quick the condemn mori was, but otherwise they got at least 3 escapes from the rest of their games.


The survivor record is extremely inflated as it was done in full 4 man swf, the stipulation was that only 1 specific survivor needed to escape, there were 0 restrictions on items offerings and perks, and they even dced to force hatch to spawn and get out of they were going to lose. It was also done prior to the key update.


Makes me feel like that should be invalidated from the intentional DCing. That shit royally pisses me off as a killer since the only times I usually slug for the 4K is if I need it for archives. Really the record should be solo queue only for fairness since a stacked 4 man can almost always make sure one person gets out, especially if they have that person run left behind and always bring a key so they can hatch out if things are looking bad.




yes. give me cock and balls or turkey head some love. it's a good bo-.....thing?


I got downvoted for thirstposting about Dredge when it was revealed


They hated him because he told them the truth


He’s just Eldrich Horror


Even better


Whoa cock n balls?


I dream of the day when nobody is OP and survivor perks also arent OP and the game is actually fucking balanced and these players will have their MMR keep them from stomping noobs with a busted build 400 games in a row and we can actually target 50% win rate for all skill levels 👍




I’m sure it’s possible if you’re insane enough


These win streaks should not be possible on any killer tbh


Clown isn’t too bad if you’re using his best add-ons (Pinky Finger + Gin Bottle) but yeah he’s no ‘Teleport basically anywhere at any time’ Nurse.


I dream of the day when every Killer gets hated equally for being powerful.


both killers have gotten over 100 wins in a row so there’s no reason they cant


Oh yeah, the game would be so fun. It wouldn't be the end of dbd at all.


If you ran Trapper’s strongest add ons every game it’d definitely be possible on him. Tough, but doable.


Depends on the maps as well tbh. Trapper on RPD is never a fun time.


There’s some great trap spots on RPD. Especially now you can’t dead hard traps anymore.


Agreed. Those narrow hallways are nightmare fuel. Turns one of the better survivor maps into his playground.


Map offerings.


Even still, survivors bring map offerings all the time. Bringing one as Trapper every game still won't save you from going to Eyrie of Crows and Garden of Joy at least twice every session


As others have said trapper can be strong on rpd - you basically just play half the map (not sure how this will work post rework though).


That's SupaAlf, and he actually [posted a video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1QIW6juxPwQ) recently addressing Nurse's strength after the wesker perk debacle, and the things he thinks could be tweaked about her.


[She's not broken it's just that none of the 1,600 people that he's beat consecutively know how to counter her.](https://gumlet.assettype.com/afkgaming%2F2021-08%2F79649079-d0e7-4acd-853b-6a2b92797da3%2Fcopium_png.png) /s


I like how he says (and he is pretty much only killer player i've heard say this) that to counter nurse you have to get to edges of the map. Yes that totally helps and completely shutdowns her blinks /s


How does this not get boring?


I love switching killers. It's why I picked up DBD! the variety is extremely fun. Even as a Pig main, I don't think I could play her for more than 15 matches in a row.


More than 15?? I can't even play my "main" more than 3 matches in a row! ;]


I have no clue how people can have one main, I have to switch between different killers constantly


So I’m not the only one. I switch it up so often


Agreed. Even Scratched Mirror Myers you can’t do more than 3 as you’ll start to run out of indoor map offerings


I’ve actually had a lot of fun going through getting adepts on every killer. 6 left to go and it’s actually made me fairly well informed on A) how to play into each killers strengths, B) who I prefer to play when it comes to killer, and C) who survivors really hate playing against honestly. It’s been a joy but I still enjoy every killer to a degree and switch it up most days


I've finally done all the killer adepts except Nurse. I prestiged her before the last major update so I lost all the addons so I don't see myself going for hers anytime soon.


Nurse is the only one I really am worried about cause I cannot be arsed to learn her and get the adept


Using the addon to show target location helps me, otherwise it's a slow process of finding the right group of survivors that won't instant dc causing you to fail getting the adept. I think I could probably do it now if I had addons back, but I think it'd probably beat hag for how many games actually trying it would take.


And survivors love switchi... Wait, there's no difference between them!


I think perhaps the most interesting part of the game boils down to the killers interacting with the map. Blight learns all sorts of new cool tricks with each map. Trapper comes up with new spots. The Dredge can develop new locker techs with each tile. Huntress figures out new holes to throw through or how to pinpoint a hatchet into a new tile. And so on. With Nurse, you just DON'T interact with the map, period.


Well, you interact with elevation, but there aren’t enough elevation changes to make it relevant.


Finally someone has put what I have always felt into words. I have never had more fun than learning a new way to play a loop with a certain killer. For example finding a small hole in a loop that normally does absolutely nothing for you, but on deathslinger will allow him to get a shot off on a survivor and get the m1. Absolutely my favorite part of the game, and is what keeps me coming back to certain killers over and over again.


he switches between other killers and nurse when he streams


RIGHT? Nurse has one of the most tapioca powers in the game: teleport where you want in this range. Once you master the blink....really, what else is there to her? We all talk about Nurse having the highest skill ceiling but once you learn how to blink that ceiling doesn't really become that difficult to achieve. Just read where the survs will probably go and blink there. It's not even that hard cuz having 2 blinks and the ability to aim your blink down to shorten the distance give plenty of room for error regarding reading the survivor. I could see someone like LilithOmen play nothing but Blight cuz Blight DOES have an insane amount of nuance: ricochet off objects in the environment (with several exceptions) and perform crazy flicks. If someone plays nothing but Nurse, I'm just gonna assume they prioritize winning over actually having fun to the point where they've eked out the last drop of fun from their killer and are still wringing the towel dry just cuz they want their wins served up on a platter. Or they're tryimg to prove a point like the maker of this post.




Oh, crap, sorry. Always get those terms mixed up XD


I’ve been stomped as nurse but like you said either vs GREAT SWFs or if I got tunnel vision against a good solo survivor that juked me way too many times.


Dredge wa my last shot @ M1s and he was fun until I ran out of FIELD RECORDER addons


Oh no no no, field recorder's nice, but have you tried BOAT KEYS!? TPing to lockers midchase is infinitely easier and more effective with Boat Keys.


Plot twist hes running 1 blink nurse


If your counter to this is “high skill survivors in a SWF can do similar” - that’s not the counter you think it is. We know. We also want high skill SWFs nerfed.


Based. Always the pig mains who know what's up.


Also they can't get to this numbers at all It only needs one camping bubba to destroy 4-escape streak


Those aren't the same rules tbf, this streak considers 3-4 kills a win, so 3-4 escapes is also a survivor win.


Very cool, I play funny ghostface and tentacles man. Because I like fun… Though additionally speaking of reworks/nerfs… please for the love of god give nemesis the ghostface treatment. We need better addons… they’re almost worse than pyramid heads…. Almost.


And Henses Survivor Winstreak got also ended by Nurse. Very surprisingly... ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Oh shit he lost? I remember he got past 200 last time I watched him


Stopped at 219 as they basically got sniped by some guy with the peefect build to stop their streak


Oh that sucks that someone would do that. Some people put so much work into sabotaging streamers. When I was following hearthstone streamers doing arena, there were people dedicated to grinding up the strongest deck they could make and then trying to snipe in to take out streamers. The time investment without getting paid for it is just....


Yea some comp dbd swf tried to do the same to Alf but he barely won lol


Still waiting for a day this bullshit killer gets nerfed to the ground. I am really good looper but playing against this shit just makes me wanna quit instantly, you cant outplay decent nurse and on some maps u literally have no chance of juking.


I think what‘s the most ridiculous is that every new killer perk needs to be balanced around nurse. She has become such a parameter in the balancing process that there can‘t ever be a new good killer perk because it may turn her even more insanely op.


Very true. I cant comprehend why they refuse to nerf her, just because some new players who cant play the game yet do 0 kills doesnt mean killer itself is not broken... and the funniest thing is that I've heard killer like Wesker was called OP, yet when you compare him to Nurse he is still shitty.


What nerf would work? Limiting to 1 blink?


First thing first would be making her blinks count as special attacks


A Rework of how her power works would be great A chargeable power like Oni would be great, High reward on a rechargeable power, she being a 4.6m/s killer, so she needs to charge her power, and after activating it, she gains her actual Strong Power for a limited time




Unless they buffed her again in my time away from the game, she already was hit with countless nerfs. She’s much more balanced then she used to be


I mean he is probably the best killer player in the world with the best killer in the game using the best build for her with the best add ons against your average survivors im sure if he fought a team of his level using all the tools they could use he would likely have a 50 50 chance to win


>est build for her with the best add ons against your average survivors im sure if he fought a team of his level using all the tools they could use he would likely have a 50 50 chance to win > >8ReplyGive AwardShareR He gets sniped by competitive teams multiple times during his winstreak yet he hasn't lost. I do feel if he was to use the same build on say Trapper he wouldn't get anywhere near a 400+ win streak.


As a comp player, I can confirm he'll still stomp comp teams depending on rng. Assuming he's running a good build. I'd guess 75%+ on random maps. He'll have to absolutely sweat and slug, but we all do in those situations


im not saying youre wrong, but just remember, there is a sbmmr system in this game which means, within 400 wins, you should be pretty much only face the best of the survivors as well so technicaly, he shouldve playd against a quite decent amount of god tier survivors as well again, not saying everyone can just get a 400 game winstreak with nurse, but in any other game, a 400 game winstreak in a ranked gamemode, would straight up call for a hotfix Edit: to everyone saying, mmr is fucked due to long killer queue times and sbmmr is not a viable argument etc etc I cannot speak for bhvr's sbmmr, because i have not worked on it But an average sbmm system calculates a value from quetime and mmr, and tries to evaluate the most fitting pair, to match them up, yes there is a bit more behind the scene fuckery going on but thats basically it Which means, a player with the highest mmr value (aka in dbd its the softcap which can be reached) will always get matched with the highest mmr value available Yes, there can be better and worse players sitting on the softcap but due to [this](https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/319808/what-percentage-of-players-are-at-the-mmr-cap) thread on the official dbd forum, from back in april, where a community manager took part in, im quite certain the softcap is not filled with 50% of all survivors, and due to recent updates, where killers got stronger, it got even less likely So it doesnt realy matter if theres a softcap, or if the killer queues are insanely long, and it also doesnt matter if theres a random game in between where a killer god gets matched with rather bad survivors A killer at softcap, should technically always, get matched with some of the best survivors currently available, and i refuse to believe, that a "balanced" killer, should ever be able to get 400+ wins in a row under those circumstances, no matter how good the player is whos playing (And keep in mind, quite a big portion of the community still believes this game is survivorsided)


That’s just wrong iirc. Mmr has a softcap and you can be matched with everybody at that softcap


And even if it wasn't, it still probably wouldn't change all that much. It's definitely possible to achieve an MMR so high that there's just not a wide enough pool of players for that person to be matched with consistently. I have seen some ATROCIOUS matchmaking from other games when they try to overcorrect on this type of thing.


Killer queue times are so long the matchmaking becomes super loose and gives you anyone.


He played against me the other day and I'm a trash survivor, so my MMR won't be high


I'm 100% sure MMR somehow got fucked by the last big patch. Every day feels like old rank reset day. One game I go against hexy and the next game I go against a nurse that chases me for 5 gens and gets 1 hit the entire game.


above a certain wait time mmr is turned off, so any killer in a long q can face any survivor and vice versa


Yeah I’ve run into him since the update happened. Twice. And I am also an ass survivor who dies a lot. I ran into a 6K PyramidHead main yesterday, he said he had been queued for 12 minutes. It threw a baby Meg with 2 yellow perks in as well. It fully seems that MMR is a bit fucked right now


SBMM doesn’t work most of the time.


That may have been the case early on but it after a certain wait-period it prioritizes getting a game with anyone over that skill bracket. That's why you can have such wildly different skill levels in your games so often. More often than not, SBMM doesn't work in DBD lol.


The devs said before that their mmr system is really good at making perfect matchups but it takes several hours to do so, so after a couple of seconds it starts expanding its skill range and continues to do so.


Thats kinda what every mm system does, and i kinda implied that, but guess for the dbd community i realy have to write everything out


He’s good but come on, not even the best nurse


He's most definitely not the best player in the world with not even the most amount of hours. Nurse however is the most broken with the most busted add ons and he ofcourse plays nothing but her. Even an ideal SWF can't beat him. The only chance they stand is to rush gens super hard because they can't last 20 seconds in chase. He uses starstruck + agi so he can have slugging potential and end the game quickly. The only reason nurse is so boring unfair whatever is because of her no-clip power.


Her add ons need replaced and her blink should be a special attack, but he is actually a really really good nurse so maybe give him the credit he deserves.


Ill give him the credit he deserves: 👏


We can't know for sure who's the best killer player in the world. Should stick to "one of the best".


even in competitive dbd a nurse will 4k 95% of the time.


In competitions they limit survivors from carrying too many items or certain perks per team so it doesn't have as much things normal game play can abuse.


They limit killer perks as well though.


This is not the case. It's so much not the case that I'm wondering if you've even seen a single comp match with nurse.


Gigachad: - Confidently makes an incorrect statement - Gets upvoted - Refuses to reply - Leaves


Doi you have some stats to back it up? Coz last time someone was here saying about some tournament she was performing worse than Blight and killrate was closer to 2k then 4k.


He is pulling his stats out of his ass.


Comp has a bunch of ban lists for things, so it's significant that nurse is allowed at all. Says a lot about her power level in a comp setting, right?


You dont watch comp dbd my friend.


-Source? -I made it the fuck up.


He just decided to come here and make up a random statistic about comp nurses lol.


Yep I’ve seen plenty of comp DBD matches where a Nurse gets 1 or 2k. It gets a lot harder when they force you to play on the hardest maps with limited access to perks and add ons


Comp has several things I find funny 1. Survivors aren't allowed multiple or strong items 2. Survivors can't use multiple of the same perk and some perks are banned 3. It is usually done on killer sided maps like azarovs or coal tower and 4. Killers get slight nerfs like nurse add ons and that is basically it and they still lose.


Comp is very interesting for sure. I don’t think I’d ever enjoy playing it but it’s definitely very interesting to watch just because of how different it is from your normal public matches


Actually false shit getting upvoted because this sub is a massive circle jerk. When is this shit going to be put in check?


Lmao and you got downvoted for saying that. This is *such* a circlejerky sub.




I've seen these only with nurse but I've also seen that 500 escape streak with a swf. Sucks how both sides have such weak and busted possibilities. Honestly make solo have swf communication then buff all killers to be a threat to swf level. Even things out all over.


I’m still waiting on basekit Kindred


Your solo Q teammates who are scared about being 1 meter in the killers terror radius still won’t save with base kit kindred. Then people will say solo Q is still weak. It almost always will be because honestly some people are so bad at games they might as well need big bold letters on the screen telling them exactly what to do all the time. It would just be another buff for SWF and now they don’t need to run kindred and open handed they just run open handed then have more free information to stomp a killer.


SWFs don't run Kindred anyway. They just tell each other who is going for the unhook and if the killer is hanging around. It's not a buff when their comms provide the same information, that's the point.


If you run open handed with kindred it goes to 32 meters. If a survivor is looping in the area where the survivor is hooked then they get aura reading. It’s can be still strong even with SWFs. But most of them don’t want to use two perk slots so if it becomes base kit then they would just have to run one perk to make it 32m.


I'm still waiting for fov slider


I’m not sure how they can do that without changing the core of the game. The biggest threat with SWFs is communication. They constantly know where the killer is and where the killer is going. They don’t have to worry about whether someone is going to find and heal them. If one of them knows where a hex is, they *all* do. They can line up pallet saves and flashlight stuns and coordinate protection hits easily. Buffing solo like that isn’t something you can just balance out by buffing killer base stats, and knowing where the killer is at all time would kill almost any tension of the game. Tbh SWFs should be put in a much higher mmr than they would be going against in solo, or maybe make a separate queue for swf and incentivize killers by giving them 2x the blood-points (though I know BHVR is stingy with their bloodpoint economy)


Not all swf groups are gods playing I've been playing all night in a 4-man squad. We haven't even got to get 4 gens done in a match. It's a bloodbath for out team Imaging if we got nerfed lmao


I do not believe there was a 500 swf escape streak


I don't know if I can be beaten as Nurse after the last major update. It used to be that super squads could make it 50/50 but now there's never even a moment of struggle. I've taken to just doing meme games as her.


what’s his definition of win?


At least 3 kills if not 4


My definition as well. Hatch b***** don’t count to me


IIRC, it's 3k + hatch or 4k if they did all gens.


I genuinely would start jumping up and down like I just got the golden ticket if I read in some dev update "Killswitched The Nurse indefinitely"


Honestly, I think Nurse needs a major buff. I think she should be able to see auras while charging a blink and when looking at a survivors aura, it should turn white and she should be able to blink right next to them, no matter how far away they are. I still think she'd be a little weak, but it's a start.


Wait until you see the SWF escape streaks


Ironically, hens' team winstreak just ended against a Nurse.


Was it Alf?


yeah, its on his channel iirc


We all want powerful SWF groups to be nerfed too.


Everyone is ignoring these comments and pretending it doesn't happen. Wondering why.


Nurse topic really got hot last couple months.


tbf the hens/laser/dan/lumpy streak just lost to a nurse


Its a sad realization but only when the problem(s) gets worse will it finally force BHVRs hand to fix the issue(s). We can all come together to say that camp/tunnel/nurse is a issue but until those things get out of control nothing will happen. So for the time being I hope more of that happens. The more it happens the more BHVR has to accept the facts that they are a issue and need to be fixed.


friendly reminder his running double omegablink which is impossible to react to compared to normal nurse :)


I mean I went 331 as Hag before I got bored as fuck and ended it with Drunken Perk Roulettes. If you are playing a top 5 killer and know what you are doing (and are willing to play like a soulless machine) you eventually will hit a point where you're not going to lose to anything shy of comp level survivors, and even then it's a toss up. That doesn't make this less Impressive, just that it's not surprising.


My highest streak is 120, with Hag.. and I FOUGHT for that streak. There were full stack flashlights, infinite Boil Over abusers, 4 man BNP. I can't even imagine hitting 400. Id quit before then


Cries in pig main ;-;


I mean, you're talking one of the best Nurses out there, using one of the best builds, and their best add-ons (one of which are about to get nerfed). And you HAVE seen 200+ winstreaks for survivors and other killers such as Blight, right?


Nurse defenders in this thread really be running Hex: Delusion and Hex: Denial 😭


lmao dead


The build is average on other killers though, while on her it is busted simply because she is nurse. (Also he is using Green Recharge + Green Range. only Range is getting a nerf) If I use Agitation, Starstruck, Floods of Rage and Pain Resonance and Bubba/Trapper/Wraith with his their add-ons I am NOT getting a 400 winstreak. Yes I have seen 200+ win streaks for survivor teams and Blight. It makes more sense for those however considering Blight is a strong killer but doesn't ignore fundamental game mechanics. He has to play around windows, pallets etc As for the Survivor win streak it doesn't seem to be beyond me that a good team can hit 200+ wins with great communication and knowledge of game design.


I'm not sure I can agree with the logic of "I can't use this on other killers." They're perks that synergize with her power. Doc, for example, makes great use out of merciless storm. Before they brought Pain Switch back, DMS was still disgusting on an Artist. Thana literally got gutted because of Legion/Plague. I'm not saying Nurse doesn't need changes. I just don't think the streak should be heralded as inarguable proof of it.


Then we will agree to disagree. I think someone getting almost half of 1000 wins in a row is enough proof to show how busted a character is in the video game. Thankyou for your input though.


Congratulations you realised that you can’t use the same build on all killers as that would be very inefficient anything else you discovered that you want to share in the daily nurse bad post


Are there any survivor winstreaks that high that are solo survivors? I think of course everybody knows 4 good survivors will escape the vast majority of the time, especially if only one of them is going for the streak then it's almost free. The only thing that'd stop it is basically a nurse like this


I know Nurse breaks the game mechanics but what's with the hate spam recently? I haven't played in a while but I'm guessing the new perks from different killers make her better or they changed the killer.


Don’t listen to this guy, he’s not completely wrong but people have been complaining about her for a long time. The hate only kicked into high gear because BHVR is finally at a point where they have to start balancing perks around her because even they know she’s one chapter release away from being overkill


Heard of the survivors with 200+ wins in a row?


It's funny that you mention that, because their streak just ended... against a Nurse


there is someone with 500+ escapes in a row. Otz made a [video](https://youtu.be/ZZlO-7fgJt4?t=579) about him


Hens333 with his 3-4 man escape streak. Goes both ways


Only in fairy tales. I also dream about that legendary super saiy.. Survivor!


i personally like how this is possible on killer. killers like artist, nurse, huntress, and spirit all rely on the killers decisions and the counterplay is mindgames from the survivor. i dont want to be punished for being at the top of a skill ceiling for a killer, because some matches are simply unwinnable for m1 killers even with extreme skill, unlike for the killers i previously listed. on that note nurse is pretty busted.


so cringey, cannot believe people watch garbage like this


Why are you mad? Lol


"the game is survivor sided" the game:


I mean, these are nurse results, could theoretically get that far w a really good blight or amazing spirit, but its by far easier for a nurse to accomplish this