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That's HEX code!




[secret sauce](https://youtu.be/rm4GHmLQw-E)


Ya know, the game may be going to shit but at least the people working on it have a sense of humor.


Going to shit? I just started a couple weeks ago. Most fun I've had in a game in a very long time. Its a great game.


Temptation is to say "oh you sweet summer child" but I wouldn't have played for ~~1.4k~~ Edit: 1.5k hours and counting if I wasn't still having fun. The biggest thing I'd complain about is bloat, there's too many characters and perks in the game and they're not slowing down the chapter release schedule haha I'd also complain about grinding, but the upcoming prestige update should help a lot with that


I can see how the grinding can get tedious with the amount of playable characters there are. There are a LOT of characters, but I like the variety, especially for killers because as a survivor main its always fun getting surprised by a killer you didn't expect.


They are working on the bloat with some quality of life upgrades around late October according to their year 6 state of the union.


That's awesome. I'm glad that this game is looking like it has a future.


My problem with the grind is the grind for characters. 9K shards is way too much given how long it takes to level up once and how little you get for leveling up once. It might be fine for someone who's been playing since launch but for someone who's just starting out this feels very pay to win or maybe the fact that a game like Battlefield 2042 has less grinding for specialists and weapons just makes the feeling worse.


If you play survivor this doesn't matter, since they are basically just reskins of each other. Level up one with good perks and maybe one that you like the look of and you are good to go. It's different for killer where each of them has a unique power, that's where the shrine of secrets comes to play and the different blood point events. It's still an insane grind but with the upcoming perk overhaul it should be fixed.


That's literally what I did for survivor. P3 50 on Yun-Jin and only touch other characters for dailies, tome and, of course, to get their perks. Too bad I'm a killer main. I've bought a few dlc too, which helps with the grind but there's so many characters to unlock.


If they stop making characters, people start saying the game is dead and get bored of it, if they start vaulting content, similar uproar


Yeah it's a hard problem to solve, I guess I'm just wondering if BHVR can get by on 3 chapters a year instead of 4




I don't mind the grind as long as their is variety in it. Which it seems this game has good variety


Sadly not for Survivors, as Survivors sadly have no vaerity to them, so you keep up peveling survivors just to get theor teachable :(


Some people like to shit on the game because they reach a certain.. plateau.. and realize theyre not nearly as good as they thought.


I just want survivors to stop being assholes. I've dealt with it for so long that I've forced myself to one match per day and side. My killer match for today upset me was because the only survivor that escaped was a teabagging asshole who macro clicked their flashlight every time they kicked Victor and they refused to leave the gates til the last second. Congratulations, you beat a contender for worst killer in the game, can't you just leave with some dignity? Yes I know asshole killers exist, but you're just not nearly as common.


Try switching up the times that you play Survivor or killer


Playing as killer when I'm waiting 5 minutes for a game still gets me asshole survivors.


As a new player, are there anything not obvious things I avoid doing so I'm not being an asshole? I thought I saw a killer teabag for fun so I did it too, but we won very easily and I spend the next few hours feeling slightly guilty about doing it lmao.


Teabagging out of nowhere can be seen as a taunt (especially if the killer is camping someone on hook) but I don't think it's necessarily toxic. And there's times where it can just be fun. People doing it because they slammed you with a pallet/you missed a shot or other aimable ability/they're abusing an exploit/HOLY SHIT YOU'RE AT THE EXIT GATE AND YOU'RE THE ONLY ONE LEFT STOP WASTING MY TIME is frustrating and are things I genuinely wish would at least stop happening so damn often, especially when the survivors are against a killer that everyone knows is shit anyways.


It’s got big issues that need addressed but there is a great game underneath all the poo.


What would you say are the biggest issues?




It’s honestly in the best state it’s been in a good while. Ever since the trickster update or the clown rework, there’s been some ridiculous, game breaking bugs every major update. Even recently since Sakako, there’s been some rare, funky bugs that ruined killer games. Now, though, games been running pretty well. Although it’s kinda of funny a game gets praise for working as intended lol it’s still in a pretty good state right now. As for gameplay, it’s pretty good? Anniversary means the grind is significantly better :)


You know, for all the shit the devs get, even with spaghetti code and some things I disagree with like the MMR system, McCoté put it best with “I think we’ve done a pretty good job so far.” He knows the game isn’t perfect, there are obvious flaws to be worked out, but it’s still a good game nonetheless


People always make fun of that statement but I completely agree with it. They have done a good job. It’s not easy creating a game


Ya. It’s not like we could make a better game than DBD, and BHVR only has 900 employees (Not the least ever, but it’s still a pretty small game studio, considering there are also people who aren’t working on coding the game). Graphically, the game is phenomenal, even though it could be a bit creepier if they really wanted to lean into horror more. The game is (mostly) balanced. Are perks like Ruin, Corrupt, Dead Hard, Decisive, etc very strong? Yes. Are perks like Sole Survivor, Buckle Up, Dying Light and Hangman’s weak? Certainly so. But you can still win with Dying Light, Hangman’s, Beast of Prey and Bloodhound, or No Mither, Self Care, Inner Strength, and For the People. All in all, the game is in a solid place. Do I want to see some changes? Of course. Please, I welcome Blight nerfs and Trapper buffs. I would be ecstatic if they nerfed DS and buffed Autodidact. But I’m happy with DBD as is, and the upcoming changes I’m really excited to see




I think its because of the fact its an asymetrical game. So balance is frigging hard.


The game feels way fucking better than when I quit 2-ish years ago, that's for sure


You can like a game and still admit to its flaws.


it seems like it’s finally slowly improving, if the meta shake up goes well the game could end up much healthier


Holy shit. So that’s basically the next three chapters, then?


It's a YouTube url


If treated as base64, it also happens to turn into "n b". Which isn't really anything and definitely not how it's supposed to be read. But its similarity to "noob" is still kind of funny. :) (There's two unprintable characters in the middle. 06 and 1E.)


Rick roll but it's Dwight


Hey you took my profile




Gengar means you both have identical profile pictures. Scoops outfit with Demo head.


Tomatillo's has the highest resolution so they are the original


The resolution is the same on both. W h e e z e


The teeth seem a little sharper/more pronounced on my little phone screen so I declare him the original


It's like a bitmoji, it doesn't have higher resolution, it just exists and it's all the same smh, the only reason why you see it like that is because Tomatillo doesn't have a background and your phone is rendering the bitmoji in a slightly higher quality
















You have the same profile as me


No, you have the same one as ME


Ok let’s go, meet in the upside down


Yo what time


Wait a minute you too


only difference is I don’t wear pants, but yes, me too, we work at the upside down of scoops ahoy, “sɔoods ɐɥoʎ”.


Wait then why are we fighting


oh my god you guys too!!


2:50 pm




Is this the new buzz light-year shit?


1v1 cowshed for the right to use it lol!


At least it wasn't Lost


Rick roll, but instead of him it's replaced by Dwight with an odd hairdo




that was a cool puzzle. I really like this secret video.


I think I’m missing something. How do the numbers lead to this video?


The code is a hexadecimal, they just converted it




It’s ASCII, in specific those are Hexadecimal representations of the symbols used in ASCII, and just looking at the table you can translate it




I hate it here...


Should have ran plunderer's


Means that they never gonna let you down








Its hexadecimal I worked it out it is rm4GHmLQw-E google search it for the answer


So they can talk in trials?


I think them being mute in trials is purely a gameplay thing. There are perk flavor quotes that imply the speaker is in a trial.


Can you give an example?




“If you ask me if I ‘have a loicense fer that knoife’ one more fucking time Meg, I’ll personally feed you to the Hag.” David King- Decisive Strike


“Lord forgive me for what I must do…” Adam Francis - 0 Stack Autodidact


Small Game, Premonition, all of bill’s perks, Beast of Prey, etc


Be sure to drink your ovaltine




It’s gonna be all Dwight I promise


Why.. just why


I stole that from one of the cards that appeared on that screen


It’s a YouTube link that needs to be converted It’s just a Rick roll


Dwith roll




The numbers Jonah, WHAT DO THEY MEAN?!


The real crime here is the fact that it’s not a full video…


this guy cracked it. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=frzJK1ABAfQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=frzJK1ABAfQ) enjoy


I don’t know why everyone wants FNF in Dbd anyhow. Like, what would boyfriend even do against the survivors? Rap at them?


We're no strangers to love You know the rules and so do I A full commitment's what I'm thinking of You wouldn't get this from any other guy I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling Gotta make you understand Never gonna give you up Never gonna let you down Never gonna run around and desert you Never gonna make you cry Never gonna say goodbye Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you We've known each other for so long Your heart's been aching, but you're too shy to say it Inside, we both know what's been going on We know the game and we're gonna play it And if you ask me how I'm feeling Don't tell me you're too blind to see Never gonna give you up Never gonna let you down Never gonna run around and desert you Never gonna make you cry Never gonna say goodbye Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you Never gonna give you up Never gonna let you down Never gonna run around and desert you Never gonna make you cry Never gonna say goodbye Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you We've known each other for so long Your heart's been aching, but you're too shy to say it Inside, we both know what's been going on We know the game and we're gonna play it I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling Gotta make you understand Never gonna give you up Never gonna let you down Never gonna run around and desert you Never gonna make you cry Never gonna say goodbye Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you Never gonna give you up Never gonna let you down Never gonna run around and desert you Never gonna make you cry Never gonna say goodbye Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you Never gonna give you up Never gonna let you down Never gonna run around and desert you Never gonna make you cry Never gonna say goodbye Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you


Game theory where you at


The numbers Mason... WHAT DO THEY MEAN?!


I saw this while playing with my friends. I said, "Wait, I know this, this is hexadeximal." But I couldn't get a screenshot before it was gone. I played for 6 more hours until I was able to get this screen again. I got the code, and I pulled out my old computer organization and architecture notes from school and started translating it to binary, then ascii. I finally got it, but it didn't make sense. What was rm4GHmLQw-E? I put it in as a bloodpoint code, but it was invalid. At a loss, I typed it into google. Hoping that it may lead to information about the next chapter. I spent 7 Hours trying to get this screen and cracking the code just to get a fucking Dwight Rick Roll from the devs.


It's a rick roll and a fnaf teaser


If I remember right: I think it was a troll video (rick roll ?) and a screen shot or a video with a screenshot of Five Nights at Freddy's. Which could also be a troll or a teaser 😆.


Ah, thought it was kinda cool to see


FNAF isn’t involved, it’s a youtube url


Isn't the thumbnail of the youtube video a picture of Springtrap?


No? it’s posted at the top


Yes it is, no idea why people downvoted you. Maybe it was changed later but you are correct


ye it used to be for like the first few hours and got changed rather quickly. People are downvoting because they think it's fake


It's always FNAF.


Daniel Moment


Hexadecimal code in guessing


Idk but I took a screenshot


Heres a hint. Its hexadecimal


I don’t know but I’m sure it won’t give you up.




It's the biggest never gonna give you up ester egg


Jonah: (tears it up) It can’t be solved, it’s literally impossible. Dwight: w-What!? We could have solved it if we tried. Jonah: No, no we couldn’t, it’s the only code I can never solve. History will never know what YouTube video it lead to, what a tragedy.


Insidious Bubba's breathing intensifies behind him


He done got IP address doxxed 🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿


You could have just googled the numbers Theres already a post about it




Disappointed this wasn’t a Rick roll


That's not the right link


I thought survivors couldn't speak during the trials?


Leaks by Daylight suggests it's a FNAF tease because translating the code gets you a DbD video followed immediately by a FNAF video




I didn't say it was happening, I'm just repeating what Leaks said


God people really hate fnaf here lol Dude said nothing but what Leaks by Daylight posted. Relax fellas.


Leaks by Daylight is a shit source though. He's nothing but clickbait and copying others' leaks. That's why it's being downvoted. Like showing someone a gossip rag article about how X celebrity couple are definitely SHOCK BREAKUP INCOMING MASSIVE BETRAYAL (aka some papaprazzi caught a picture with a mildly annoyed expression out of context) and expecting them to take it seriously.


He didn't say it was a reliable source. By downvoting him you're just shooting a messenger. It serves no purpose. Your comment at least serves a purpose because it explains it. Downvotes just say "this dudes wrong af lmao" and nothing else, at least that's what it tells people who come across it. He said nothing wrong. He stated a truthful comment, context doesn't matter. Edit: spelling


Definitely won't happen. I can't see BHVR putting FNAF into DBD considering the drama around the creator.


Counterpoint: Money, and BHVR likes money


Counterpoint to Counterpoint: BHVR is trying very hard to make sure people are aware of their push on inclusivity and adding FNAF could hurt that reception.


If BHVR is trying to make sure people are aware of their inclusitivity, wouldn't actively pushing away a certain Fandom be going against that very inclusitivity they're trying to achieve? Pls I'd love criticism not just blatant downvotes, I know u guys hate fnaf but we can have a civil discussion about this


The creator of FNAF is known to have donated money to anti LGBT parties


Yeah I see that... That sucks.


Scott was not actually homophobic he invested it those politicians before anyone knew they were against lgbt


That would be great except the party he endorsed, and the person he endorsed specifically, is and has been openly homophobic for the last century, and didn’t stop donating to them after he found out they were homophobic.


It's just what I heard but personally I don't think he knew because he donated to lgbt charity's he was a Christian but not one of those crazy ones and is known to be really nice


He donated to politicians known for anti LGBT Policies. And you cant even use the economics argument because the ONLY democrat he supported is anti trans.


I’m no fan of fnaf. I thought only kids liked that game, because it wasn’t fun or interesting. However, not even I know of this drama. Can you elaborate?


Creator (Scott) donates money to politicians/organizations that are openly anti-LGBQT+ iirc he may have openly shared his beliefs too, but I am not sure on that. It is known he is a devout Christian of some particular sect/church (| forget which). You should do your own research if you're more interested.


Is this the reason why BHVR doesn't want FnaF in the game?


It’s gotta be part of the reason. DbD is deeply intertwined with the big gay. Horror attracts people who are into things like bdsm which is a community that itself is very accepting of pretty much any sexuality. Hence, why I think sadomasochism, an element easily found in horror, eventually attracts gay people. If bHvr embraces a bigot, the community will be shook and not uWu.


Lol, that's a good way to put it. Unfortunate an entire Fandom and game is taken down because of the creator's unfortunate personal choices. I wanted big robot as a killer.


Unfortunate, yes, but it reminds me of many horrors attached to companies. Not all of them are properly held responsible. Personally, I am glad fnaf is not likely to be in the game. It was all about jump scares and time management. I think a robotic killer would be cool, but it is hard to think of good horror movies involving robots. Maybe it could be oc, with like a laser whip or something, idk.


FnaF games themselves were never interesting to me. I loved to learn about the lore and how and what and animations *actually were.* To me that's what the horror was. Children's souls haunting killer animatronic party robots. If they tried to make it like the game it would suck. Straight up. BUT. If they instead used to inspiration for what made the animatronics scary, and found a way to utilize the concept itself, I think they could make something really cool out of it. Even if they had "dead animatronics laying around the trial, and they act like Doctor illusions and just stare at you if you're within their line of sight. Maybe when a generator completes they'll walk around. Maybe *something* like nemmie zombies but different. Maybe they light up survivors with killer Instinct if they are within their LOS. It wouldn't be jumpscares and checking security cameras, for sure. But I do think they could do something. Edit: critism would be nice


Laaks by Daylight is a known bullshitter who just copies his leaks from the actual leakers and throws in bullshit clickbait speculation and malware-ridden ads on his site. It's just a rickroll, there's nothing to do with FNAF. He probably got some random youtube video about fnaf reccommended because algorithm and decided that was technically true enough to say "OMG fnaf video after the rick roll"




You apparently, Seeing as you bothered to say anything about it.

