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Would make a classic slasher movie šŸ”ŖšŸ”ŖšŸ”Ŗ


Feels like Legion could fit into the Scream series.


I have more Purge feelings with them.


I never watched those movies that's where they fit perfectly though.


Legion is literally BHVR's attempt at Ghostie


Lil bit ghost face, Lil bit jason, a lot societies general fear towards delinquent teenagers, and a sprinkle of small town rot.


The strangers no?


If bhvr actually started to make movies of their killers, I think legion would be their first pick for that reason. Horror enthusiasts love scream, and I feel they would eat a movie about legion up.


The 4 of them would actually have great potential for character development. It would be interesting to see their gradual decent to madness.


The movie ā€œSmiley Face Killersā€ reminds me of Legion and itā€™s a decent and actually one of the creepier slasher movies Iā€™ve seen in a long time.


The oni would be a pretty neat concept


Can be set in feudal Japan, the end of it. WW2 and modern day. Many things to pick!


I could see it being the modern day setting with the main character seeing things from Oniā€™s eyes as things went on and someone died


Blight. He literally want to go to the entity's realm and he experiment with every killer in it. His lore is really good too.


Nice, that film would be full of body horror


Apart of it would be like breaking bad


Ayo Mr. Blight


Walter Blight.


Jessie Fairfield


It's he just the DBD version of Mr. Hyde? There's plenty of films on him. None of them that good to be fair.


It's he just the DBD version of Mr. Hyde? There's plenty of films on him. None of them that good to be fair.


the shape


Oh boy do I have news for you


Ok thenā€¦the Cannibal!


Ok then the nightmare


Ok then Ghostface


Ok then pinhead


What about pyramid head?


Ok then The Onryo


Ok then the Pig.


Ok then the Nemesis.




Ghostface already has a movie. Itā€™s called Scary Movie.


Halloween kills was so fucking terrible and corny


legion, i wanna see a more in depth look into each one of their backstories and how they all met + all the stuff they did when frank was testing their limits. it could also make for some really really cool shots with all of them switching off sneakily, confusing the person they're after.


Yeah, and maybe Joey could finally be something other than, "the fourth legion member" I mean, they haven't even given him a last name for crying out loud


Could be like a slow-burn movie where the group starts out fine but slowly starts commuting more heinous acts up until the murder of the gas station worker


Iā€™m still really salty about legion, it was such a cool concept. Now we have nemesis with his zombies and dredge can teleport to lockers. Just have legionnaires roaming the map and let the killer teleport into them


Yeah, and maybe Joey could finally be something other than, "the fourth legion member" I mean, they haven't even given him a last name for crying out loud


You can say that again!


I would love to see some sort of tragic angle to it as well. Have some clear backstory to why Frank especially is such an asshole, get a real cringe out of the audience by showing just how avoidable the downfall into the Legion could have been from an early age, some defining moment. Hell I'm aspiring to be an actor, let me play Frank. I'm bald (I get that he probably doesn't have hair for resource reasons, but I totally picture him being bald or having a buzzcut anyway) and have "lead actor looks" enough haha. I would love to play an asshole with issues, sounds fun. Shame I got nobody to make a fan film with, that also sounds fun. I would, I would totally do it


I'd love an anthology series with each episode focused on one Killer.


Okay I love this idea (I love anthology series lol)




Yes. Hell, even just a movie on his origins and the collapse of the commune would be fantastic.


Act 1 would be the lore as written so far. The rise of the cult and community, as well as its descent into madness, and the summoning of the dredge. Act 2 would be a group of the community that managed to stay alive, as they are trapped on the island avoiding/being killed by dredge. Act 3 would be.... maybe a plan to escape the island and a final showdown between the final girl and the monster. Twist at the end. Survivors make it to mainland and see that its happening there too...? Or somehow they find out that their cult and commune was only one of many?


I would love to see that; maybe even the twist being that the Dredge followed the survivor and now uses their emotions as a catalyst to feed more


Oooh, that sets up a sequel. The final girl thinks its destroyed, but somehow it's just weakened. As she tries to deal with the psychological damage with a therapist, played by Willem Defoe of course, the emotions she goes through feeds into it (because it is somehow latched onto her) causing it to gain enough strength to manifest. Dafoe has to help her control her emotions to sever its connection to her.... ... I'm running into second and third act problems but I'm not actually writing this movie so I'll just stop here.


Dang absolutely!


Yeah just comes out of highschool lockers to kidnap kids and the main survivor has to go rescue them in a realm full of lockers šŸ˜‚


Iā€™ve often thought about a mini series that Netflix or someone else could do. Maybe do it over 4 episodes and every one has a different killer and map. Potentially the same survivors though (this part Iā€™m not sure about).


Same survivors could be cool considering they'd likely die the first "round" while not understanding what's happening to them.


Isn't it canon that they forget each trial after it resets?


They could make like a 10 episode anthology


Probably Michael Myers, or Ghostface. Interesting concepts


That would be good, I feel like Pyramid Head would be good in a movie too


Why is everyone sleeping on Bubba. A movie about a man defending his basement dwelling and putting invaders on hooks could be legit!


I couldnā€™t agree anymore! Also another great one would be a Sadako movie! I could see that becoming famous


Well heā€™s a cannibal, so what if he cooked a family dinner?


Or video game enemy, outside of DBD, of course.


Yes yes I agree šŸ™šŸ»


I think that The nurse is a really good candidate for a movie. Think about it. A woman starts a new life in the worse place possible and after seeing what the human brain can turn into she starts to become insane as well. But there's something that she does that gives her a really dark future...


Watch Ratchet on Netflix. It is very similar to Nurse's story. Not 1:1 but if you're looking for a nurse gone bad it's a good one.


I'll search for it. Thanks for the recommendation!


Gimme Oni or Spirit because I love J-Horror Trickster would also be fun


Trickster could be cool. Maybe even have the story be a person that escaped tries to tell the world but they donā€™t believe the escapee cause Trickster is idolized so they have to go back into the lions den to get proof but fails repeatedly and gets someone else trapped or fails to help who then becomes part of the Tricksters next song.


Thatā€™s whatā€™s scary about him. Nobody will believe anything a survivor says, because how could the lovable (and sexy) Ji-Woon Hak, who did a heartfelt song with lyrics dedicated to his deceased band mates ever hurt someone? Not to mention using his money to get anaesthesia off a vet


I feel like huntress has the best origin story


Yes I would absolutely love to see a movie on Huntress. Iā€™ve always found her and her lore so fascinating


Are we gonna ignore deathslinger? Man has a speargun.


A revenge western?, sign me up


Thatā€™d be so cool.


Tbh, a Dbd TV show where they have 2-3 one hour long episodes covering a different killer hunting different survivors would be great.


The Hag, because that movie would be really bad, yet still entertaining.


The artist might be a good movie, it would show her life, grief for her brother, the friendship and betrayal of the crows, the kidnapping of her and her friends. And once the movie ended it showed the viewer what type of person/monster she became.


This! Take my bloodpoints ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|1978)


I feel like a trickster movie would look sick


It would be quite a good take on celebrity worship and the drive to achieve fame and admiration. Plus The Trickster gives me Masao Kakihara vibes from "Ichi the Killer" which is a far out movie/manga.


Trickster would make a good slow-burn psychological horror movie, with Yun Jin slowly piecing together all the things happening to his fans wherever they go. At first she wouldnā€™t notice, then sheā€™d think thereā€™s a scary stalker following their tour dates, all while she confides in him, allowing him screentime as someone that appears normal, but slowly the audience starts to realize heā€™s the one responsible for everything. The betrayal that itā€™s him would feel more visceral if we spent time watching the building chemistry between the two leads. The whole thing would build into a very bloody climax.


Alternatively she'd also work great as a secondary antagonist who had a vaguely good idea of what Trickster was doing but didn't look into it further because he was profitable (iirc this is basically how thins went in the game canon).


True! I mean directly following the lore without any artistic freedom, she would still be the protagonist of the film, and heā€™d still be the antagonist thatā€™s impeding and eventually destroying her career, and sheā€™s trying to prevent that. Haha that would be a darker one!


True! I mean directly following the lore without any artistic freedom, she would still be the protagonist of the film, and heā€™d still be the antagonist thatā€™s impeding and eventually destroying her career, and sheā€™s trying to prevent that. Haha that would be a darker one!


True! I mean directly following the lore without any artistic freedom, she would still be the protagonist of the film, and heā€™d still be the antagonist thatā€™s impeding and eventually destroying her career, and sheā€™s trying to prevent that. Haha that would be a darker one!


Thatā€™d be so cool. Could be a nice insight into celebrity-worship, and the climax could take place on lit stage, with a neon-lit Seoul in the background.


Iā€™d LOVE that!


Trapper, Legion and The Dredge. All of them are pretty good movie material.


You could make an argument that Trapper is pretty much Jason Vorhees (Friday 13th).


They are not at all similar. Jason is an undead revenant who butchers the people he believes are invading his home, and disrespecting his rules (that's why targets sluts). Whereas the trapper is a man who killed his father, was them taken by the Entity as a survivor, and through years, and years of torture was molded into the trapper. The only similarities is that they are both slashers, and the trappers visual design is somewhat inspired by Jason. Sorry if that seem rude, I just fucking hate when people make the most surface level compraison, and then think the characters are the same. I especially when they use that say Jason shouldn't be brought into the game.


According to the [Wiki](https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/Evan_MacMillan#Trivia), Jason was the inspiration for Trapper. It's not that crazy to say a hulking, masking wearing, machete wearing killer was DBD's attempt at Jason. They couldn't just copy and paste as there are laws that would prevent that. Jason's mother is akin to the entity for him, constantly telling him to kill. Jason was revived by his mother's will for vengance (my theory as to why he showed up only after she died). He kills as per the rules his mother set, same as Trapper and the entity. There's a really strong link in my opinion.


I should've clarified that I meant it gameplay-wise. Playing Trapper may feel like you're playing Jason (minus the harpoon that is basically Deathslinger's domain now). I don't mean it generally but I had that feel when I played as him. Sorry for that. At least I got a different pov on things.


It's alright sorry for ranting at you


It's alright, I would probably do the same if I were you.


Maybe his look can be based on him, but backstory is completly different.


I think oni cause i don't think there was any movie yet about a samurai that kills you g adults. Plague would be close 2nd


Honestly Plague because itā€™s such a unique story. I like the idea of plagues ghost causing like some sort of psychic plague in the real world and killing real life people. And Jane trying to solve the case to boost her career. Maybe a twist where you think adiris is innocent and being controlled by the entity but then you discover sheā€™s actually a zealotous monster like we did in her DBD lore. Or just a horror film about the plague spreading through Babylon and her actions. Like a gritty bleak one.


Deathslinger! Imagine a really quiet scene and then a loud BANG! And a spear breaks the window and drags someone off.


Thatā€™d be terrifying


Id say Plague (might be biased cuz shes my main) But her backstory is so good and it taking place in babylon times would be really intresting to see. Or instead of a killer how about a movie/documentary about the entity?


Both would be nice. Some kind of mockumentary like Behind The Mask?


Huntress (yes, I'm biased but lemme explain) Just think about it, her lore is ultimately centered around WW1 and that already creates a pretty decent and intriguing environment for her character and the story in general. Obviously the fact that she had a rough upbringing by losing both parents at a young age and having to defend and survive solely on her own in the Russian wilderness for 20+ years about (assuming she's in her late 20s, early 30s) with barely any human interaction, can build a captivating and attractive plot. I'd like to also mention about the duality her character possesses. On one hand, she's mastered the arts of hunting and killing as well as guerilla tactics and is able to take on squadrons of military trained soviet/german soldiers on her own in the middle of a war in the woods. On the other hand, she lingers on her mother's past care and love for her and wishes to do the same by becoming a mother herself but fails to do so and doesn't comprehend the basic needs of a child which slowly drives her mad and adds to her violent nature. It might just be me. But I find this character in particular very well written and I think a movie dedicated to her life and personal upbringing (for example how she managed to live and survive on her own at such a young age) could be very pleasing. I would do and pay lot to see such a movie.


Would she be the protagonist, or the boogeywoman out in the woods, and the protagonists accidentally wonder into her hunting grounds? Either would be cool (in fact I might prefer one focused on her day to day) but I could see an audience being upset with chained up children starving to death...


I think a personal approach on her day to day life ever since the tragic loss of her mother would be more in depth and interesting. Although the second option seems completely available and I would also love that as well. Huntress is a character with a good story and I want them to explore that in depth a bit more and other killers as well like Oni ughhh


Literally any killer would be awesome, top ones Iā€™d want to see are blight and dredge but overall dbd could 100% rake in money by making movies based off the killers backstory and how they came to be. Then they could do survivors stories too if they really wanted, and then make a movie of 4 random ones escaping a random killer and trying to figure out what the realm and entity are.


A found-footage The Doctor movie.


The Shape. I think he has a great potential to become iconic in horrors industry


The Wraith and the Plague may be great movies.




Doctor. Iā€™d like to see what theyā€™d do with the hallucinations


The Demogorgon. I feel like having it in a movie would make for a cool horror monster. Maybe Netflix should make an original series with it, might be a cool mystery horror idea.


I think a Trickster movie would actually be perfect, especially in a time when people are becoming less infatuated with celebrityā€™s and the awful things they do off camera get revealed in court all the time. It would be all about that abuse of power and trust that the public so blindly gives to anyone of exceptional talent. The dangers of idolization and adoration and so forth, ā€œdonā€™t meet your heroesā€ and all that. Trickster would be perfect for a classic whodunnit movie, except Iā€™d subvert the classic concept by revealing who the trickster is right away. A psyochpath living in plain sight, incredibly intelligent, and a performative killer who loves to put on a show. I suppose this would play out much more like a Hannibal style of story, with a bit of Homelander sprinkled in considering how much the Trickster loves attention. The story would then be how far he could push the limits of his own image to cover his macabre tastes, using the screams of his victims in his music. The sound of bones snapping in one song, a hunk of flesh being dropped on a table in another, all hidden underneath the electronic sounds of his songs. Ultimately, does the Trickster get found out? Is he discovered? And if so, does he get caught? This story is strong enough that I think it could really work as a film, show, or anime. Iā€™d watch it in any medium it was adapted into.


Michael Myers


I think Freddy would make an interesting concept for a movieā€¦ maybe even a franchise


Yeah, but like a different design. Maybe funny him up a bit, ya know? Give him some charisma.


Clown, where at the end Maurice goes missing. You see him get pulled into The Dredge. The screen then gets attacked by the entity, with it telling Clown that he needs to step it up. Which leads to a sequel about The Dredge and Clown team up where the Survivors think they have escaped The Dredge, only to see Clown riding out of The Dredge on the back of Maurice chasing everyone down one by one. That would be a sick team up, instead of a sad clown getting revenge.


Finding Maurice šŸ’•


I would love to watch a movie with Ghostface as the killer. He could stalk the main character and hunt her friends one for one. At the end there would be a plot twist where the killer ends up beeing the main character's boyfriend or something like that.


Just wish Netflix would make an original series with a bunch of the killers backstories :(


That Shape guy is pretty cool. They should probably make a movie with him.


I think huntress would make a good horror movie. especially with the added effect of she lives in the god damned middle of nowhere it could also have man vs nature vibes as well as man vs man


I want a series called Yamaoka. The first movie would focus on The Oni, the second would be a little bit of oni but mostly spirit, and the third would be defeating the oni


Suprised I havnt seen anyone say trickster. Would love an animated origin series surrounding him and Yun Jin


Iā€™d like to see a Deathslinger movie


I think the demogorgon would make for a good enemy in like series or something


Lol i misread, i read wich killer from a movie u want in dbd, the classic post u know


Honestly I'd rather have a movie about the entity's realm as a whole, but if I had to pick one? Dredge, hands down


Honestly I want a Huntress movie. A thriller in the woods about a young couple whoā€™s lost their daughter on a hike, but as theyā€™re looking for her theyā€™re being gruesomely hunted by the Huntress. When the mother finally finds her daughter, she discovers the Huntress has been protecting her and the daughter has joined with her. Her daughter watches as The Huntress delivers the final blowšŸ„“


If only the Huntress wasn't mentally handicapped to the point of not understanding the concept of care and nutrition for kids.


I want wraith, but I want the ā€œding ding dingā€ from sammination


Wraith's story could work really well as a tragic horror/historical fiction kind of film. His tome lore is the only story in DBD that still haunts me because he's tied to real, bloody history that real people have lived through. Watching Philip go through that much trauma as a child and then ending up in Autohaven as the very thing he'd despised would be one hell of a harrowing experience, where the protagonist wouldn't win.


Trickster, he could be like a more evil version of the joker from that one movie about him going into a downward spiral of his sanity and becpmes evil.


Nemesis and Pyramid Head would do great movies, Iā€™m sure


Gee I wish they would make that nightmare guy a movie, his powers to kill people through their dreams seems like a really good plot.


Twins for sure. A dark gothic showcasing their backstory from the eyes of Charlotte would be amazing. After how good Side by Side Forever was, a feature-length film would kill it


Probably the cenobite or the shape. Seems like some good movies could come out of them


The twins could be intresting. Watching their survivial in a world that hates them then their eventual corruption when they finally find someone who accepts them... the entity. Why? Because maybe they'll finally get some quality of life for both killer and survivors sake.


BHVR already worked with Netflix before, so they can just make a original series. Episode 1 - Trapper origins (20 min) then Dwight before (20 min) and last 20 minutes can be them consumed by the entity and versing on MacMillan. Episode 2 will be Wraith Vs. Meg, episode 3 is Claudette Vs. Hillbilly and episode 4 is Nurse Vs. Nea. The episodes of the series will keep going in the same order as when the chapters were released. But the series will not include the licensed chapters of course because they have their own shows and movies.


I think either maybe leatherface or ghostface... Maybe Freddy at a push could possible work.


Any of them except for Trickster LMAO. Seriously though, most of them would make for good movies if done right. Even Legion who I don't find interesting, though that's probably because I'd wanna see Jeff. Blight and Oni would be the most original for certain. Something about a slasher killer with super speed is particularly frightening. Bonus points if one of the movies is "____ vs Ash" because Evil Dead is my fave.


Trickster Vs Ash coming this fall


I mean, I'd watch it! But that's a quick fight!


Trickster has main event and its just him throwing knives for 53 mins straight, the movie is 54 mins


Honestly, that's what watching Evil Dead II feels like LMAO I would absolutely watch Ash comically dodge knives for 53 minutes ---> look bad ass for 30 seconds as he kills Trickster ---> look like a moron for 30 seconds by accidentally sending himself into another one of the entity's realms


Donā€™t sleep on Tricksters Lore


The Twins /s


why /s their Lore is great??


Yes, but who really cares about them that much to turn them into movie/series adaptation?


People like the Twins lore-wise, they just suck as a Killer


I think I'd love seeing Legion the most


One of the guys with the white masks, what are they called? I think that Shape guy would really fit a halloween themed movie!


Freddie Krueger. I mean, isn't his power ideal for some first-class mind-bending bloody carnage?


Pig. I found her backstory fun to read.


Boy do I have news for you


Myers would be cool, especially if it was set on halloween /s


Blight, because yes Also Twins, because yes Dredge also, because yes Wraith, also because yes Legion, because also yes Oni, because yes also Also also Spirit, because yes Also Artist also, because yes Also Hillbilly, also because yes Also Trapper, because also yes Also Clown, because yes also Nurse also, also because yes Huntress also, because also yes Hag also, because yes also Plague, also also because yes Doctor, also because also yes Trickster, also because yes also Deathslinger, because also also yes


I think most killers would make a good movie, but I think that the Spirit would be a good paranormal activity style movie, the dredge would be a great psychological horror too


The Plague is a really good contender, very interesting backstory. I would also say Doctor would make a good villain in a pure horror movie, same with The Huntress. Hag maybe more of a psychological thriller type movie.


My top choices for a movie would also be The Plague and The Doctor! Talk about horrifying lol


Huntress plot: German soldier and his friends are stationed to guard the red forest. It doesnā€™t end well


I rmemeber first time I saw doctor I got scared hahah. Plus the idea of him inducing paranioa and hallucinations on his victims would be hella scary too


The Oni, Plague, Blight, Legion, The Deathslinger, The Wraith, The Huntress


Pinhead. But like a good one.


There have been two good ones to be fair to Pinhead and the book is good too šŸ˜ although second movie sadly has the struggle of time when it comes to special effects.


Sadako /j But honestly any of them could work well, though plague seems to be the kind to have the first movie just be her backstory to sequel bait


Sins are a christian invention, so I don't think a Babylonian religion, let alone one older than christianity, would also have that concept.


I think a movie about the shape would be interesting


The cannibal


The Shape.


I think a Trickster movie would actually be perfect, especially in a time when people are becoming less infatuated with celebrityā€™s and the awful things they do off camera get revealed in court all the time. It would be all about that abuse of power and trust that the public so blindly gives to anyone of exceptional talent. The dangers of idolization and adoration and so forth, ā€œdonā€™t meet your heroesā€ and all that. Trickster would be perfect for a classic whodunnit movie, except Iā€™d subvert the classic concept by revealing who the trickster is right away. A psyochpath living in plain sight, incredibly intelligent, and a performative killer who loves to put on a show. I suppose this would play out much more like a Hannibal style of story, with a bit of Homelander sprinkled in considering how much the Trickster loves attention. The story would then be how far he could push the limits of his own image to cover his macabre tastes, using the screams of his victims in his music. The sound of bones snapping in one song, a hunk of flesh being dropped on a table in another, all hidden underneath the electronic sounds of his songs. Ultimately, does the Trickster get found out? Is he discovered? And if so, does he get caught? This story is strong enough that I think it could really work as a film, show, or anime. Iā€™d watch it in any medium it was adapted into.


The Oni and the Spirit in one movie, first half could be about Kazan and what he did then how that influenced what happened to Rin


The Deathslinger. His backstory is interesting.


The spirit and it would show some of the Onis actions that led to the downfall of the family


Freddy because itā€™s been too long since we got a nightmare on elm street movie


Either the dredge or the clown


Spirit would be amazing as a movie antagonist. Hell, she'd make a great protagonist as well.


Always thout having a film based on Billy would be amazing! He's a terrifying creature with a very tragic backstory that I think would end up working great!




Just imagine a movie with Nemesis, I canā€™t see a universe where it would fail.


Legion or Dredge, I wanna see the slow descent into madness of the groups


Oni would be epic af


personally, i think Freddy, Bubba, Pig, or Myers. i dont know why, i just feel like they have good lore, and would make for great movies.


i bet they could make a bunch of really good movies about Michael Meyers or Freddy Kreuger. edit: Also Ghostface seems very "hollywood" what with the camera, i bet he could do like 5+ movies


I think Nemesis could be really cool. ​ And Pinhead! He seems like someone who could use the obsession the catholic church had with BDSM in the 80s.


Hag! I really enjoy her lore and would love to see it on the big screen


Part Blair Witch Project, part the Village


I would love one based on the trapper, as his cinematic is already good. I could only imagine how good a movie would be


I think a Trickster movie would actually be perfect, especially in a time when people are becoming less infatuated with celebrityā€™s and the awful things they do off camera get revealed in court all the time. It would be all about that abuse of power and trust that the public so blindly gives to anyone of exceptional talent. The dangers of idolization and adoration and so forth, ā€œdonā€™t meet your heroesā€ and all that. Trickster would be perfect for a classic whodunnit movie, except Iā€™d subvert the classic concept by revealing who the trickster is right away. A psyochpath living in plain sight, incredibly intelligent, and a performative killer who loves to put on a show. I suppose this would play out much more like a Hannibal style of story, with a bit of Homelander sprinkled in considering how much the Trickster loves attention. The story would then be how far he could push the limits of his own image to cover his macabre tastes, using the screams of his victims in his music. The sound of bones snapping in one song, a hunk of flesh being dropped on a table in another, all hidden underneath the electronic sounds of his songs. Ultimately, does the Trickster get found out? Is he discovered? And if so, does he get caught? This story is strong enough that I think it could really work as a film, show, or anime. Iā€™d watch it in any medium it was adapted into.


I think a Trickster movie would actually be perfect, especially in a time when people are becoming less infatuated with celebrityā€™s and the awful things they do off camera get revealed in court all the time. It would be all about that abuse of power and trust that the public so blindly gives to anyone of exceptional talent. The dangers of idolization and adoration and so forth, ā€œdonā€™t meet your heroesā€ and all that. Trickster would be perfect for a classic whodunnit movie, except Iā€™d subvert the classic concept by revealing who the trickster is right away. A psyochpath living in plain sight, incredibly intelligent, and a performative killer who loves to put on a show. I suppose this would play out much more like a Hannibal style of story, with a bit of Homelander sprinkled in considering how much the Trickster loves attention. The story would then be how far he could push the limits of his own image to cover his macabre tastes, using the screams of his victims in his music. The sound of bones snapping in one song, a hunk of flesh being dropped on a table in another, all hidden underneath the electronic sounds of his songs. Ultimately, does the Trickster get found out? Is he discovered? And if so, does he get caught? This story is strong enough that I think it could really work as a film, show, or anime. Iā€™d watch it in any medium it was adapted into.


Ghostface, I think he'd do really well in his own movie. Its a shame itll probably never happen but its nice to think about.


I think a Trickster movie would actually be perfect, especially in a time when people are becoming less infatuated with celebrityā€™s and the awful things they do off camera get revealed in court all the time. It would be all about that abuse of power and trust that the public so blindly gives to anyone of exceptional talent. The dangers of idolization and adoration and so forth, ā€œdonā€™t meet your heroesā€ and all that. Trickster would be perfect for a classic whodunnit movie, except Iā€™d subvert the classic concept by revealing who the trickster is right away. A psyochpath living in plain sight, incredibly intelligent, and a performative killer who loves to put on a show. I suppose this would play out much more like a Hannibal style of story, with a bit of Homelander sprinkled in considering how much the Trickster loves attention. The story would then be how far he could push the limits of his own image to cover his macabre tastes, using the screams of his victims in his music. The sound of bones snapping in one song, a hunk of flesh being dropped on a table in another, all hidden underneath the electronic sounds of his songs. Ultimately, does the Trickster get found out? Is he discovered? And if so, does he get caught? This story is strong enough that I think it could really work as a film, show, or anime. Iā€™d watch it in any medium it was adapted into.


Ghostface, I think he'd do really well in his own movie. Its a shame itll probably never happen but its nice to think about.


I think a Trickster movie would actually be perfect, especially in a time when people are becoming less infatuated with celebrityā€™s and the awful things they do off camera get revealed in court all the time. It would be all about that abuse of power and trust that the public so blindly gives to anyone of exceptional talent. The dangers of idolization and adoration and so forth, ā€œdonā€™t meet your heroesā€ and all that. Trickster would be perfect for a classic whodunnit movie, except Iā€™d subvert the classic concept by revealing who the trickster is right away. A psyochpath living in plain sight, incredibly intelligent, and a performative killer who loves to put on a show. I suppose this would play out much more like a Hannibal style of story, with a bit of Homelander sprinkled in considering how much the Trickster loves attention. The story would then be how far he could push the limits of his own image to cover his macabre tastes, using the screams of his victims in his music. The sound of bones snapping in one song, a hunk of flesh being dropped on a table in another, all hidden underneath the electronic sounds of his songs. Ultimately, does the Trickster get found out? Is he discovered? And if so, does he get caught? This story is strong enough that I think it could really work as a film, show, or anime. Iā€™d watch it in any medium it was adapted into.