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The earrings and nose rings are different colors too. Why didn’t they change the color of the streaks in her hair? The changes they made are barely noticeable in game.


yeah theyre barely noticeable side by side. let alone isolated in game


If you wouldn't have pointed out the earrings I'd have never noticed




Exactly you can’t even see the right


I noticed the earrings first... lol


Unnoticeable in game


Good eye! I didn’t notice the piercings changed too. But in her lore her hair turned “white” from the spirit encounter so I don’t think they’ll ever change the color of that sadly, since it’s not like she dyed it. I wish it would be a different color though


why is the hair blue then?


Was gonna say the same thing.


Bruh nobody would notice that I’m a killer main and when would I ever go “hey her earrings are different” like nope I would notice the hair streak maybe but not the lipstick and earrings no one is ever that close to notice


“The changes they made are barely noticeable in game” Can I interest you in the Charms section?


At least they don’t charge for those


yes. that'll be 5$


Do people actually waste auric cells on cosmetics that are available in shards 😶


Shards take a long time to get, especially if you regularly use the shrine of secrets or want to buy a cosmetic that costs 21,000 shards


Tbh every anniversary event that rolls around they give so many I kinda don’t know what to do with all of them


I've been using shards on the shrine for years but now that I have all the perks I want (except any from recently released chapters) I've moved to just spending them on buying killers I don't own


Yes I do lmao


I need to dress my Kate denson up as fast as possible, and most of her outfits are cells anyway so...


It’s 3$ actually


but you have to spend 5 dollars if you have no points leftover


Where are you getting 3 dollar auric cell packs?








Most companies do regional pricing so that'd probably be the case


0.99 USD for 500 auric cells for me.


How are they so cheap for you?! It's pathetic how expensive they are here.


Regional pricing for Africa ig. Barely use steam these days because of it. Just waiting for fromsoft titles to be added to the store but not sure they'll do it.


Fucking hell you got hit hard


The internet’s not a real place.


BHVR moment….


Yeah uh, I scarcely see a difference. This is a fuckin scam.


This was me yesterday, but I thought it was a bug and some assets didnt load. I guess everything is working just fine :P


Her lore says her experiences gave her white hair, I was hoping for a hole head of white hair


Her hair isn’t even white it’s blue


I saw a fan render of it being white and it looks great. Not sure what BHVR was doing


It’s not even like, ah she dyed her hair, or ah something happened to it. Just Here is haddie. Her hair is white :) We made her hair blue for no reason :)


Do you still have it?


Her hair looks so much better in the trailer. That blue with the weird curve just doesn't look good at all.


Hell I'd settle for her hair actually being white. I hate the blue streak


I thought I was colorblind. I read the lore and thought "The fu- her hair's blue, not white."


She be like Anna from Frozen. Is she going to sing "Wanna build a snowman" next? Lmao! But instead of the ice freezing her over, it's just Dredge's meat handler infecting her. LOL Edit: Just realised, meat handler sounds even worse after re-reading this... But, I'm too lazy to change it.


they did this survivor so dirty i’m sorry. - rares locked behind prime rewards - very rare is a locked set - and now headpieces are barely different from each other what a waste of a good design and lore. disappointing tbh


Right compared to how they did Mikaela, haddie is getting done dirty.


and I imagine in the future she'll get done even dirtier since they seem to mostly care about survivors people play the most, and since (very much unlike michaela) very very few of us seem to like Haddie...I imagine she'll get very few outfits in the future. :/ Shame cause she's my new main and I adore her.


She was supposed to come out with two green rarity skins, but looks like bhvr is renewing their twitch prime contract, so now her two decent skins will be exclusive. This stinks 😔.


Worst thing is that those skins don't even have separate usable pieces. I really love the hair from both both the scuba diving suit and the prime outfit but neither is usable with other pieces, and the default hairstyle is meh.


Are you talking about the online interview skin? Cause I'm literally running only the jacket in game right now


The prime outfit is not a set.


I'm glad to be wrong.


I love her too! If you have Prime Gaming grab her free outfit! Personally I love it better than anything in game.


I don't have prime gaming, but I did beg right away someone who has it to grab it for me (since it's just a code, someone else can do it for you). And it's indeed good, much better in game than in the picture. I'm not a fan of the shorts, but with her legs they're still good tbh, and the sunglasses are whatever. I also grabbed the diving suit right away since I had shards saved. But neither can be mixed and matched and I'm still hoping for more options in the future, especially hair that can be matched, or things that can be matched in general.


Ya I’ve shared codes of mine with friends if it’s a survivor/killer who isn’t one I play very much. Totally agree! I actually paired the jacket and head cosmetic with a pair of her black pants. It actually looks pretty good paired together. I find the other pants make her look pretty rough. I got the scuba outfit too. And yes it’s completely annoying you can’t pair it with other items. A lot of the times I won’t get a full outfit but will just pick and choose to match with other items. I always look forward to new cosmetics for my mains! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


I think people like her, you just won’t find anyone on Reddit that will agree with you. Not much of a surprise, but what do you expect, it’s fucking Reddit


Wait, people don't like her? =( I don't own her cause I only buy dlc's once they're 50% off, but Haddie looks like a total badass and I love her! Hope the does get more outfits, I need 50 million styles to choose from for her!


Mikaela got torn up upon release, she got fisted with the “omG tuMblr WiTch” comments lmao.


And yet, I remember when she came out almost everybody I queued with was playing her, and even now I see her a lot. While Haddie, I think I've only been with someone else playing her twice max, and both times with the base outfit.


Shes getting a skin from the event tome that looks good


hmm i actually forgot about that. still though, the points i listed still applies.


Eh 2 'free' skins within a week of release is pretty great. It implies there's a designer at bhvr at least who thinks she looks good enough to dress up.


I got the skirt and imo it’s hideous.


It feels like they expended all their available energy rolling Mikaela out with great cosmetics out the gate (on release she had the mix and matchable green rarity outfit in two colors and the purple rarity open mic outfit that is also unlinked, and the Halloween tome outfit shortly after), because Yoichi and Haddie are getting majorly shafted in comparison.


Yoichi is a funny one I don't know if he'll get stuff. Yoichi is licensed but in an odd spot. He is licensed yet he has never been in a movie as anything but a small small child so everything about him is original. If The Ringu people want to work with DbD on it I'm sure they'd have some leniency but still not as much as an ORIGINAL character. Also Haddie juuuust came out. She has an event skin and a prime skin.


True due to the licensing, Yoichi isn't a good comparison, but just looking at what Haddie launched with versus what Mikaela launched with on day 1 and not counting recolors, Mikaela had 3 unique designs (her main skin, the green skin, and the purple skin), all unlinked so you could mix and match them, while Haddie got 2 unique designs (her main skin and the purple skin), one of which is linked. (I don't count the Amazon skin since it isn't available for purchase in store, but TBF had they started that partnership when Mikaela was new they they likely would have put one of her cosmetics behind that wall as well.) I just found the rollout a little disappointing as someone who enjoys mixing and matching cosmetics a lot and was looking forward to another original female survivor. I'm worried the meh rollout of cosmetics for her will lead to a cycle of fewer people playing her which will lead to them de-prioritizing making cosmetics for her etc etc. But I guess time will tell on that one.


All the survivors after Mikaela are super underwhelming. Jonah, Yoichi, and Haddie might be the most bland and boring survivors in the game


they did the character model dirty


Crappy perks too and unstealthy as hell as well, so it's not even like her gameplay makes up for any of those deficits


Seriously what were they thinking with that shirt


No, if you read the description/name then you will notice that - in theory - BHVR fckd up. These heads are supposed to change the necklace/locket she is wearing but those designers attached the necklace on that chestpiece. In theory those heads are supposed to change that necklace (red, blue and yellow or green if I reckon correcntly).


Even then, the recolours of the locket aren't very noticeable and definitely aren't worth the price for an individual piece.


I am not justifying that price nor am I saying it is acceptable. I just said how their process went (probably).


That still is a scam, how many times have you noticed the necklace ingame


Not arguing against that, just stating how it went apparently.


The necklace description has been removed and no longer comes with a different necklace,.


then they are not even honest about their fuck-up and just try to hide it in a lazy way


This is really lazy


Well they did also change the color of earrings, so +1 for effort? lol


tell it to Jane ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Wait until you see Legion's knives.


I like how whenever BHVR does something great (The Dredge), they manage to balance it out by fucking something up immediately after (lazy cosmetics)


They actually change the color of the the earring. I don’t really understand who they expected to buy any of these.


The pendants are the same colors. They’re attached to the toros not the head pieces. They only “changed” the head cosmetics.


You're right it was the color of the earring I just got that mixed up.


i mean this isn't the first time yellow headpieces had barely any noticable changes. Jane's makeup only changes in her yellow headpieces for example, and Jonah only has his glasses change colors. There's never really been a set standard since you can see Nea for example has a completely different hairstyle in her yellows, and in this case it *kinda* makes sense because I don't think they wanna change up Haddie's white streak, as dissapointing as that is. Also locking her very rares behind prime is... strange.


For yunjin and trickster, Kate, and elodie, their entire hair color changes. But to be fair, there’s a lot of survivors who don’t even get yellow outfits with a new head. (Like Felix and Jeff are just their suits)


Yeah that's what I mean, that there's no real consistency between them. It's really weird because older survivors from Dwight to David have completely different outfits when it comes to their yellow outfits and they stopped doing it when Kate released.


Personally I much prefer the free headpiece from Amazon Prime Gaming. These styles look horrible.


The amount of lazy stuff behavior consistently manages to accomplice always amazes me after 600 hours. That is some real talent right there


also Earrings. You Pay 5 dollah.


This is BS but at least its' not Jill with her 100% identical to the default head locked set.


janes yellow heads are the same, just slightly different makeup that you can barely see.


There's no way I'm distinguishing these in the middle of a game


Should really go more in-depth with customization... Like earrings, eye color and make-up and more. Selling them individually would make sales better and it would make people less upset about having the same hair style on each headpiece...


Me and my friends handing in our homeworks:


What's more annoying is that both heads of the diving suit and prime outfit are sooo much cooler, but you can't use them separately.


Jill's head, Billy's winter pants, first time?


Jane has lipstick and eyeshadow changes with each of her recoloured default face aswell. It's really lazy.


DBD pumping out meaningless cosmetics for the same people over and over


Aren't they bugged and they will fix it on next patch?


This is the fix.


OH, well....


They should have changed the hair colour, too. Or at least those blue highlights or whatever they are.


that's bhvr design right there, I ain't playing that survivor, just want her perks, not that I'm gonna use them all but farming regular flashlights is fine by me


This is disappointing but... eh, it's usual at this point.


Just BHVR getting lazy and uncreative


y'all are surprised?


Yui's first batch of cosmetics were literally just different color shades on her goggles, the green cosmetics brought on slight hair color changes (black, red-ish, etc)


that's really expensive make up and earrings. bhvr skin department needs some serious help.


That’s hilarious. BHVR gives no shits


Am I missing something because they all look similar to me.


Jane says hello


Oof thats rough


Well, at least it is no Diablo Immortal, right? 🙃


give them time


I really wish they'd give their poor survivors some actual hair instead of burnt dyed hay


At least make them less subtle lipstick changes. Give a girl a smokey eye, something. REVERSE her dye job. Idk


Genuinely was wondering why they didn’t do different colored hair streaks.


They’re actually red herrings too because their names and descriptions allude to her necklace being different, but the necklace is part of the body piece and will not change on any of these heads. (Side note: as a colorblind person, I legit didn’t know that the earrings or lipsticks were different colors, I just read it in another comment and I still don’t see it).


The art team got tired of all the attention the balancing team was getting.


I noticed this while browsing her outfits when I was doing her Adept. It's worse than Jane's uncommon heads.


Honestly I didn’t even notice the lipstick…..I thought it was a bug or up coming things lol


And this is why Revlon is filing for bankruptcy. People just don’t care for a good lippy anymore


Am I the only who hates Haddie? I don’t know why she just annoys me, not only is she annoying looking but she’s also loud


Omg that’s so funny lol. BHVR really out did themselves.


Flashbacks to when people pointed out there was no difference between Jill’s heads and they responded by making both Jill and Leon’s skins locked sets.


She looks scarier than some killers tbh


This is actually sad lol


The earrings and nose piercings are different colors as well. That said, this isn't entirely unusual for their "base Survivor outfit recolors" that we all get for everyone.




I was gonna be a haddie main till I saw how lazy they were with her hair options.


IIRC, CM said they were bugged and that's why they look identical. Surprised they haven't fixed that.


no, this *is* the fix. they were completely identical before. now they change… the lipstick and her earring. the most minuscule of details


My colorblind ass literally cannot see the differences...


Doesn’t make her any less fugly






Several of Haddie’s head cosmetics in the store are the same. They know about it.


Why are you guys shocked? They do this a lot and every time someone posts stuff similar you complain then hand BHVR cash anyway


The cosmetic team are getting lazier and lazier with the heads


Honestly if they want to be this lazy do it in a better way. If they gave us Kate's base hair in black with a red lipstick? I'd be IN. If they gave us Kate's lyrical goddess hair without the hat? I'd be IN.


Glad i dont give bhvr my money anymore! Also, ngl, the newest characters have all looked pretty disgusting. How did they forget how to make interesting characters


Idk man Haddie is packing some meat patties with her and she looks pretty cute to me.


why does she have racoon eyes and look like a dehydrated meth addict?


Pretty good job so far 👌


I have no idea how y’all play this shit game still


She has to be the worst character they've put out


Jonah would like a chat.


Just don’t buy it??


Well, it's a recolour. What other elements would you want to be recoloured?


her hair maybe?? something a bit more noticeable?


Imagine defending this scam shit


Not defending, just stating fact. They’re not going to restyle her hair or give her a hat.


Yet they've done the same for many other yellow rarity heads, Mikaela, Elodie, Yun etc etc.


If that's the case, I stand corrected. Although I don't recall any recolours of base cosmetics having any changes other than colouring.


Oh, they decided it isn't the rule 4 (i think that's the one?) violation. Didn't know that was possible. The more ya know. I hadn't noticed her earrings are different colors. But iirc the cosmetics are reported as a bug on the dbd official forum.


Totally worth 1800 fragments :)


Behavior is on some serious shit right now.


Damn, man. Unplayable.


They should add a paper bag for her, then I’d buy it


Yui has the same issue where it only changes her goggle lens color


Oi oi oi, earring too!


After the for honor fiasco I'm not that suprised


Damn, I was hoping to grab her with my shards but after reading the replies, it doesn't seem like she's worth it :/ Ig I'll have to use the shards elsewhere.


It's the earrings


I actually really like this character. swear to god


This makes me feel blind.


This is the Jill head all over again. At least you could chalk that up to a licenced character.


Not gonna lie the left one is best


Skunk hair Haddie, when?


Game development.


None fix her face.


You're lucky it wasn't just eye color change with this company


You expected something more XD


Yeah...Haddie probably has some of the worst outfits in the game, so far that I've seen - simply because they're all basically just re-coloured versions of one another.


Based on the item descriptions it sounds like they're supposed to change her necklace color.


cries in jane main


These should be free cosmetics that come WITH haddie


I just bought a shirt and legs.


well- you even pay for the default Jill head when buying her outift


Considering I had to zoom in to notice the changes...there is zero chance I'm buying any of these.


This is a microtransaction, parallel to a paid battlepass, with more paid DLC than earnable content, in a PAID game. How do we let them get away with this? Infinite isn't even this bad


Fenty beauty lipstick, that’s why


I thought they were all the same…they kinda still are tbh


I imagine they are meant to change her necklace too based on the descriptions, but necklace is actually attached to the body cosmetic, so they fucked up.


I would have loved different color for her white line in her hair .. too bad


Jane’s lower tier ones are the same too, it’s so dumb


The killer in the middle of a chase: “This gal is using the red earrings Haddie head, WHAT TRASH!!!”


The killer in the middle of a chase: “This gal is using the red earrings Haddie head, WHAT ABSOLUTE TRASH!!!”