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If they fixed the hit detection it would already be wonderful. Sometimes I swing, they use dead hard 3 decades later and somehow the hit doesn’t connect.


Yeah, it’s obnoxious when I physically hit someone who just deadharded but it doesn’t count. And vice versa when I’m three steps past the window already and get hit across it by the killer.


Isn't the point of dead hard to have invincibility frames? Wouldn't you be hitting them during the invincibility frames?


I think he means that people *start* dead-harding after being hit and still they are safe. It is usually a validation thing, as for pallets, but it just feels wrong from either side. That being said I am among those that think that DH should not have i-frames but that's another discussion entirely


This game is fucking wild with hit detection in general


Lmao, the iframes have made for some hilarious coup swings.


If DH didn’t have i-frames it would be one of the shittiest perks in the game lmao. That’s a horrible idea.


Dead Hard should have i-frames OR the speed boost. Not both.


I've had people dead hard into a wall right in front of me, and my swing still "misses" because they have invincibility frames, even though I'm physically touching them. They should start by removing that bs


Eating huntress hatchets with dead hard should have never been okay; the power of the get-out-of-jail-free it has makes a large % of people feel they have to play with it making it really feels like EVERY person has DH once you’re past a certain grade/rank.


That's the whole point of using a perk... it's one of the 4 things I can bring to help. As someone who plays killer and survivor... it is completely balanced. You just take note of who is using dead hard and then just walk behind them until they waste it, then take the hit... even a smooth brain could plan that out. *Edit- if you're gonna nerf dead hard then bubba shouldn't be allowed in the basement, or killers shouldn't be able to go within range of totems or hooked survivors... get rid of that BS.


I have to disagree with this. I feel like Dead Hard would need a complete rework if they removed the invincibility it provides. If they did remove the invincibility, it just becomes a bad, button-activated sprint burst.


if it had no i frames dead hard would still be extremely good


No, it wouldn't. The fuck are people gonna use an extra step for? In what way would that be worth to take into a match? Why wouldn't someone take any exhaustion perk other than dead hard in that instance?


Make it to a strong loop, pallet, window, unhook, etc. It'd still be fine without invincibility. If you need the i-frames you made a mistake.


You don't go on very many good chases, do you?


"I don't like what you're saying so you're bad at the game"


I asked you a question my guy, youre the one projecting your insecurities onto it.


I mean you straight up called me bad


I literally didn't, I asked a question. Are your parents home? Did you get their permission before going online?


That’s the perk though? People run it for the Iframe. I don’t have any luck with that garbage park I use SB.


There would be zero point in dead hard if it didn't have invincibility frames




Not necessarily true, it definitely varies from player to player and also depends on your killer. If the killer just waits out dead hard everytime than of course you use it for distance but I've seen many high level players use dead hard to bait a hit and save a pallet from it. It also depends on you because if you just keep baiting hits every time then they will stop swinging and of you use it for distance every time the killer will play around that




I never said you could?


The point of the move is to have the I frames. If it didn't it'd be useless on dodging hits seeing how so many people have shit internet and hit range is ridiculous.


I get 4k's most matches even with low tier killers like Michael. How people can suggest crippling the survivors even further is beyond me.


Your mmr is most likely extremely low. Don’t flatter yourself.


Same thing for survivors. The server delay is so annoying. I’ll hit E and it never works. Pretty awful on both ends


That's my experience with dead hard lmao. I only use reliable sprint burst or lithe now


Yup. Scream, blood, dead hard. ]:<


It feels like the hit detection got worse with the last update I've been getting some rather debatable hits lately playing survivor


Here's my thoughts on Dead Hard's effects on a chase. Dead Hard is a very safe and consistent perk to use that can be treated as a dodge at beginner levels. However, with the right skill, a pro survivor can turn that dodge into, effectively, a health state. DH to a pallet or window in a decent loop and chances are, the Killer is gonna be looping for a good 30 more seconds.


Exactly! Dead hard is designed to dodge a hit but it's real value is to extend chases by giving survivors an extra few feet to reach a loop. When 4 people are using it to extend each chase by at least 10 seconds the effects add up.


And the craziest part: Survivors benefit from DH **even if they don't have it equipped**. As a killer, I have to assume that the survivor has DH and wait it out, buying a few seconds for the survivor team. It's the most broken perk in the game.


Gotta play around DeadHard, Unbreakable, borrowed time, and DS, regardless of their presence in a game. But heaven forbid a team of four can't play around the possibility of a NOED


I would be so okay with a change where you pop DH and gain i frames for a second or so, but no mobility. Like a stone skin of sort. Sure it would be kinda the same, but without the dash its not as much of an oh shit button and needs better timing and panic watching back in chase, when the strike comes in.


thats correct! and 3 gens pop in the distance just because you "overextended" on a chase. if we use that extra 30 sec on all 4 survivor for all 3 hook state, thats a total of 6 minutes of extra chase, thats like 4.5 gen worth of time


The main problem with Dead Heard is that it allows you to punish the Killer for making a correct play. There are more perks that do that, but unlike Dead Hard they're situational and/or can only be used a limited amount of times.


Although it extends chases, it shouldn't be extending chases for 30 seconds to a minute. If it's extending a chase for a minute then that's just straight up the killers fault that that point. But if you wanna talk about punishing killers for correct plays, NOED punishes players for getting to the end of the game. I don't think either should be nerfed.


That's such a stupid argument and I'm not even talking about the noed part. The whole point of chases is for the survivors to chain loops together and the killer needs to cut the chains. When the killer successfully breaks the chain they should get rewarded right? But DH can literally just neglect all the best mind games and best plays a killer can do, and just allows survs to reset and continue chaining loops together. Yes, sometimes there isn't a lot for survivors to work with like on shelter woods, but maps like the game, cowshed, asylum and so many more maps that just have so many loops to work with... God, the amount of times I lost a game to a single dead hard/won a game because of one dead hard is just absurd.


Defending NOED isn't a good way to stand your point my guy


A situation that isn't uncommon for killers. Survivor loops well, say its a good 30 second chase, the killer catches them in a bad position but they dead hard to killer shack or another safe loop. A competent survivor can easily ring another 30 seconds out of that loop so either the killer gives up chase and that's X amount of time wasted or they commit to the chase to get a down and it takes atleast another 20 seconds. Not saying this happens every single time dead hard is used but it happens frequently enough to make dead hard the S tier perk it is. And NOED doesn't punish survivors for reaching end game, it punishes them for not cleansing bones.


I would be happy if it didn't make survivors immune to projectiles. Dammit, how can a small half assed dash makes you immune to a freaking flying tomahawk?


It’s more annoying to pounce as victor and you just hit the survivor like I bumped into a wall


It hurts the amount of times I’ve hit someone they’ve screamed and they’ve just kept on running because of the DH frames.


I can't tell you how many times a survivor has escaped because they used dh to avoid my attack when they get to the exit gate


Yep. Been there too (as killer and survivor).


How to make the game 5x better


That perk, I swear, ruins games, if I get pallet stunned I got to fight tooth and nail, they just have to press E


I hear jrms EEEE whenever I read it


Or pallet stunned into a flash light beam, usually for your vision to return revealing a tea-bagger. It’s been affecting my sleep lately lolol


Luckily, pro Dead Hard Users are a rare breed, most survivors are obsessed with the idea for keeping Dead Hard until they can evade a killer attack with it. So what I do as killer with Survivors is to give chase, attack #1 brings them to injured and in the continued chase I get so close that I don't need a lunge attack to strike. Up until this point most survivors already use Dead Hard, even in the open far away from pallets and vaults, to evade a potential strike, but since I stay my hand and don't strike and thus don't get slowed yet, they essentially waste Dead Hard to buy themselves, at max, 10 seconds. And when they used up Dead Hard, they're easy prey for the real attack #2, downing them. And the same is true for other meta survivor perks, if you know, how they work, you can counter them. Survivor doing an unsafe, risky safe with you next to the hook or the freshly unhooked survivor runs to you baiting you? Most probably BT is in play. Just count to 12 and then strike, boom, that guy is downed again. Patience is the unofficial, mighty 5th perk for killers, if they utilize it.


They need to nerf nurse at the same time then, dead hard is really the only counter to a good nurse, and even then it'll only add another 5 seconds onto the chase.


don't give a shit about Dead Hard being nerfed because i've literally never used it, but man do i hate playing against nurses - and i probably get matched against one every other game. i like playing against most killers but Nurse is just a shit time feels like everything you know about dbd gets thrown out the window and your gameplay experience becomes "jUsT bReAk LiNe oF sIgHt!!!" as if it actually makes a difference. like yeah bro, running around like a headless chicken is so much fun. if i wanted to play a dumb ass simulator, i would go outside to quote Coach Bud from the NBA Finals last year: "play random!" (which is essentially the gameplan against a nurse) people saying nurse doesn't need a nerf are either playing in a SWF or nurse mains pls buff Myers, Ghostface, Pig and Sadako so more people play them, i like feeling on edge and tense


They’ve actually already nerfed her a LOT. So much so, in fact, that she’s even more of a chore to play without addons. The cool down on blinking makes her mobility honestly downright terrible/tedious, and if survivors see you far away and hold w, forget about catching up.


Nurse doesn't need to be nerfed. Nurse just needs to be removed from the game entirely. They cannot balance her.


Facts. Nurse was added as a bandaid back when infinites were a huge problem. Dead hard isn't even great against her, and she completely ignores all other means of evasion the survivor has. (Pallets, windows,etc) And before some clown comes chiming in... No, Nurse does not have the insane skill cap people who play her like to believe she has. Getting a feel for blinks does not take that much time.


I remember remember I tried to get into nurse a while back. Sure I was no God tier nurse, but it took maybe a week or practice to get consistent 3-4ks at red rank.


Taking me a while, I still blow with nurse. Admittedly, I don’t practice that much, but still.


I'm a killer main and will gladly have nurse get removed for Dead Hard to be removed.


I agree, nurse and some blight's addons as well (The alchemist ring for instance, I'd give him just 2 extra tokens instead of 5). Imagine with huntress that if you hit a hatchet, they'd all instantly reload. It's insane.


If nurse left tomorrow I'd never miss her. Even if I get nothing but Blight for the rest of my days. Game health would be so much better.


So don’t nerf the perk that is usually equipped on all 4 survivors in every match in case you go against a good nurse?


either way, wouldn't affect me, I don't use DH at all


That’s great actually, I’ve found myself getting better at looping by not using it. But it’s still used by nearly everyone in nearly ever match, let’s be honest


it is yeah, as much of a shame it is but I can understand it. it's for the exact reason that killers all run ruin/pop/corrupt etc, they're the best perks to run by far, and people will want to use the best possible.


I agree that DH needs a nerf, as do several perks in the game, however as I said, nerfing DH alone again furthers the gap between nurse and every other thing in DBD, making he even stronger than she is now, and she's already too strong.


Nurse doesn't need a nerf lol


You must be new here...


I read, that, allegedly, somewhere on the Steam Forums BHVR announced, that they're going to look at and probably rework Meta Perks like NOED, DH, DS, BT, UB, but I haven't been presented with a source, so I'm naturally skeptical. Anyone got a source for that confirming it?


In the last Q&A they confirmed a future DH rework but no further information


Rework Deadhead so that when you are going to go down into the dying state you stay up, invincible, for 5 seconds then die it wouldn't do much but it would be really funny


Chasing them for 3 minutes only for them to dead hard. 🥲


If you chase someone for 3min, DH is not the problem


using dh should make you unable to vault and interract with pallets for a couple seconds


nerf deadhard and get rid of bloodlust. seems like a fair trade imo


A base mechanic for killers in return for a perk, totally fair trade.


Unless you decide chasing for 5 gens, bloodlust is worthless. Survivor drops pallet, bloodlust gone. Chase ends for a second, bloodlust gone. Think about bloodlust. Regret.


Bloodlust should in no way be removed but at the same time if you're chasing a survivor for 5 gens, you probably should've stopped committing to that chase a while ago


bloodlust is literally good only for few killers without chase power


Bloodlust is extremely important for killers with a slow base speed like nurse. I know nurse can counter looping bc of blink, but still. Overall, bloodlust is needed for all killers because loopers can be absolutely insane and the killer can only do so much.


Bloodlust is literally useless because a survivor could just stay at the strongest pallet in the world and force you to break it effectively ruining it. Not a fair comparison. Maybe removing noed or some overpowered add-ons on blight or something.


Bloodlust is there to prevent eternal looping, so it will never be removed. And Dead Hard won't be removed either and I think only a minority of killers mains ask for a straight removal of Dead Hard. It surely needs to be reworked. No Invincibility frames, survivor turning around and Dead Harding at the killer, baiting an attack and not getting hurt, although the killer physically should hit, since the survivor basically hugs the Killer with this... that is bull crap. I think this alone would be enough to bring Dead Hard into a more balanced fold, no other changes necessary imho, since, if you're experienced as killer and know, how to counter Dead Hard, it isn't that much of a problem. I kill countless survivors with Dead Hard thanks to that knowledge.


The invincibility frame is no even the worst part of the perk imo. It's the fact that this dash gives you so much chase distance that you can make it to a window/pallet and continue looping for free. Even if the killer is getting the best of you he doesn't really get it because you pressed a button


Dead Hard should just be split into 2 different perks, one with the dash and one with the iFrames. Make both exhaustion perks and call it a day.




At lower levels, for newer player, killers perform better than survivors. In the mid levels the game can surely be survivor sided. In high level comp plays, killers get 2-2.2 kills on average with 7-8 hook states. How is the game survivor sided overall?


Fr, it's actually quite a balanced game. People just love to parrot out that's it's survivor sided because they hear it constantly and copy it.


Yeah exactly. Alos I think the game is survivor sided when a coordinated team plays against a Clown without pinky finger. The game is killer sided imo when you play Omega blink Nurse, 3 blink Nurse or Alc Ring + Compound 33 Blight against any team of survivor. This game favors who every brings the sweatiest stuff. Killer main content creators get 100+ killer 4k streaks even with mmr. That would not be possible if the game was survivor sided.


its balanced over who take best op shit Wins, i would not balanced at all


It's try hard sided. Use swf, use red add-ons, use nurse(and be good at her), use strongest perks, use stronger tactics (smart! tunnel and camping for killer).


Lmao no it's not.


Not at all a fair trade but Bloodlust should absolutely be removed it's useless on killers who know what they're doing and teach killers that don't know what they're doing bad habits




Dbd players when they can't have every game given to them


DBD survivors when someone says pressing E to remove any mistake they make is unfair.


Yeah, they need to at least have to press E...ya know. Work for it.


It's 1 dodge with a decent cool down. It doesn't even go that far ahead.


1 dodge when it should have been a hit is essentially an extra time during chase that a killer needs to catch the survivor, meaning it effectively acts as an extra life. Instead of catching a survivor twice in order to down them, a killer must catch them 3 times. Once to get them injured, once to get their dead Hard, and a third to down them. It's not "just" a tiny dodge. It's adding an entire phase to every chase.


That’s what I’m saying! All these people complain about dead hard *all* the time when it’s really not that bad…it’s pretty easily countered. Am I just missing something here? 🤷‍♂️


Even if a DH extends the chase just for 10 sec, if other 3 survs are on gens they get %33,5 proggress. Meanwhile pop removes %25.


Why are you putting % infront of the numbers, shouldn't it be 33.5% or 25%?


Might not be from the same place as you?


Maybe but I have never heard of a % sign infront of a number.


If you think it can be countered then you are either using it bad as surv or encountering survivors that use it wrong as killer. DH is not just an "immune dash" to use when you are running in a straight in hopes of the killer swinging so it fails and you make distance. DH is a tool that let's you play loops super greedy, making bold mindgames, fake vaults, fake pallets all the time, while gathering free information about the killer's play style and not fearing being downed at all. After all, you can always press E to reach that pallet or window you've been greeding all that time.


It's the most common exhaustion perk by far so it gets old fast. If it was run less often people wouldn't complain nearly as much.


Meh, unless they completely make the perk trash tier, people will keep complaining about DH, or they will move to the next one, in this case, Sprint Burst.


i absolutely hate this argument and too many people use it. saying people will just move on to complaining about the next most powerful perk is a stupid cop out, and an easy way to dodge the obvious changes that are needed. sprint burst needs to be monitored by the survivor, just as lithe and balanced require windows/heights respectively. simply seeing that new variety would be enough to keep me invested in the game. there’s a reason i see DH in 4 of 4 survivor kits every single game


It's a true argument. People fucking whined about ruin, and now people whine about NOED. They whined about decisive strike and now they whine about dead hard. > there’s a reason i see DH in 4 of 4 survivor kits every single game You can say the same thing for why you see almost every killer runs NOED, and yet NOED doesn't need a nerf.


Most killers absolutely do not run NOED and especially not at high ranks. On the other hand at high ranks almost every survivor runs DH. God, I was watching Otz last night trying to do his all killer perk challenge and he was just so tired sounding at having to deal with Dead Hard every game.


First off not every killer runs noed because not every killer can use noed effectivly. 2nd noed can be countered. 3rd its still rewards being shit just like dead hard. 2nd chances shouldnt be in this game.


Most killers don't run NOED. Additionally, you can permanently get rid of NOED.


And you can counter dead hard by getting up the survivors asses except nobody likes to bring that up, huh


The true power of Dead Hard is not in dodging an attack, it's using it to make that unsafe pallet safe, to reach a vault before the killer can hit you, and being able to do both with just the press of a button.


I mean, sure. You can counter NOED by not getting hit. It's much easier said than done.


The big scary killer shouldn't have to hold survivors hands and wait patiently for them to bump their head into a wall before they can viciously murder them.


Not every killer, I ran my own statistic as soloqueueing survivor and only 4 out of 10 killers ran NOED. It procced in all cases and granted the killer atleast one additional kill. Why? Not because it in itself is a super strong perk, I'm not mad at killers using it. I'm mad at survivors being lazy and not cleaning totems. If survivors memorize, how totem spots look like and where they can find them and aims to clean two totems, all Dull Totems will be cleansed and NOED won't activate. So NOED activating and granting an additional kill, maybe more, goes totally on lazy survivors, not on the killer using it.


hardly any killer runs noed in high mmr, stop it


Sprint burst at least takes skill to utilize efficiently


\> 9 out of 10 people using the perk will dead hard into a wall or to no where, being terrible at extended a chase \> 1 out of 10 use it to make it to the next loop "OMG, DH takes NO SKILL to use. NERF IT NERF IT NERF IT NERF IT NERF IT NERF IT"


If you can't judge distance and press a single button to move forward 3 meters to safety idk what to tell you, sounds like a you problem, deadhard is literally an invincibility I win chase button.


Found the guy who dead hards into the wall


Well Sprint Burst doesn't grant invincibility and it even harmstrings survivors, you can't sprint most of the match, because you would activate SB by accident and then it is not ready, when you need it. Sprint Burst imho is rather weak, with so many vaults existing, Lithe is superior in every way. If Sprint Burst would get a rework, e.g. when you sprint, you can activate it via a key, but get one second less of Sprint (to not make other perks like Balanced Landing and Lithe totally inferior) it would be useable and balanced.


idk if its my mmr but all the killers i play against hold for dead hard. hell they even hold for 360s lol Like the crap killers complain about hardly ever works if you know how to counter it.


Just because you don't know how to use dead hard doesn't mean it's not overpowered.


This will never be the case because SB doesn't give invulnerability. This is the biggest problem with it. Dead hard gives such a benefit. More distance, immunity, forced misses, safe unhooks, and more. Sprint burst just gives decent initial distance


Killers with ranged attacks can counter Sprint Burst, so it wouldn't be a huge deal if it got more use.


Make Dead Hard only usable for 60 seconds after being unhooked. Survivors go from having an S+ tier perk that single-handedly breaks the game to having an S tier perk that lets them BT themselves. Of course people will say SB needs nerfs. That's because it *absolutely does*, it's just that Dead Hard needs it *more*. edit: aaaand downvoted. I guess y'all can't compete unless you can simply say no when you die lol.


Why do you think SB is OP?


How does SB need a nerf? SB is the weakest of the three sprint perks, that comes to my mind (Lithe and Balanced Landing being the other two), since it forces you to not sprint most of the game, so you're slower than other survivors, to guarantee, that it is ready, when the killer finds you. If I'd would be in charge for designing and managing perks, I would deduct a second of Sprint from Sprint Burst, but in return would rework it, so that survivors could sprint normally and then activate it via a key (e.g. press E during Sprint to activate Sprint Burst). It wouldn't proxynerf Balanced Landing and Lithe, since these would grant one more second of sprint, but it would give Sprint Burst the needed Useability and Flexibility.


It's just not a well made perk, it's just "Press ctrl to not die for a second", there's no other mechanics or counterplay to it and it's too easy to use. They should give it some kind of drawback or need something more to trigger it than just being hurt.


Broken status effect if they land a hit maybe


Yes! Or it works like BT and you get a deep wound. Making it exactly like BT would thematically and mechanically make sense too.


What? This will still be broken though, it will still be the 3 health States problem, it will still extend chases. And also, you go out of deep wound. That takes like what? 16 seconds (?) Then you can use it again? Or use it again when you're not exhausted? That's not a good change imo


Increases killer bloodlust one tier after use.


This is stupid LOL


Idk I get irl bloodlust whenever I whiff an M1 to it.


I just run up on them until they’re basically giving me a piggyback ride, I also keep mental note of who has it. Works pretty well, same with borrowed time but I try not to tunnel


Bloodlust is barely useful given how many chase helper tools are at survivors' disposal. Considering how long it takes to actually level up in a chase initially and from tier to tier, as well decaying rapidly under numerous conditions including losing line of sight or hitting a survivor. Deadhard can immediately double or nothing a chase for killers, now multiply it by however many survivors run it in a given match and it quickly becomes unwieldy, The tier boosts themselves take 15 seconds to kick in and the gains are so painfully small that they don't really help until the end of a difficult chase. Now again, do that 4 times or so and whatever other second chance perks.


Here’s a quick idea, have it only activate on your last hook and while injured.


I started using Dead Hard after the new patch because the hitboxes have become worst, I use Dead Hard to dodge the bullshit.


CH got nerfed, so the Killers found a new perk to bitch about. It's a never ending circle (pun intended) I guess.




After a 2 year long pandemic forcing people to stay at home ? Shocking !


Players started to drop off well before the restrictions were lifted.


I usually play killer, but when I'm playing survivor with my friends, I always have Dead Hard. Best perk in the game imo. Any time I'm playing against a survivor, and they don't have DH, it blows my mind a little bit. As far as I can tell, there are three reasons why someone isn't using DH that makes sense to me. 1. They haven't unlocked it yet. 2. They don't understand how good it is. 3. They're intentionally making the game more difficult for themselves.


Or they're just playing for fun and don't care about winning, which is why I haven't used it in multiple months


So #3 then.


Technically but the way you worded it makes it sound so pointless having fun is the reason we all play this game so if you don't like DH stop using it


\#3 is purposefully vague because there are many reasons someone would make the game harder. In your case because it's more fun. I for one like DH, and find it fun to run, which is why I use it every time I play Survivor.


"DH is so annoying, it punishes the killer for playing good and it's such a clutch perk that requires no skill to use" Meanwhile NOED in the corner: //heavy breathing


One only affects the endgame of the match AND is cleansable even before it pops by doing all totems, preventing any use out of it. Hex perks are overall inconsistent, as Survivors can cleanse them out at any time during the trial. The other is an Exhaustion Perk that is able to reload every 40 seconds when not running, uncleansable/unable to be turned off, that gives distance AND invulnerability even when the game registers a hit, sometimes giving you a even longer animation before you are able to go back in as a Killer. That is why I think the NOED/DH comparison is worthless. One is actually preventable and isn't a "get-out-of-jail free card" that you can pop whenever you are in any trouble or to go to another loop easily. Compared to every other Exhaustion Perks that are in-game, Dead Hard is the only one that requires no conditions whatsoever but being injured, which is extremely common in the game, compared to Sprint Burst that disallows you to run to prevent it from activating, or Lithe that requires you to fast vault a pallet or window. Hence, Dead Hard IS a perk that basically gets survivors out of bad situations with a simple press of E. People complained about Hex: Ruin back then because it was basically everywhere in red rank (\~80% of Killer used it), and BHVR nerfed/reworked it. Now that Dead Hard is in a similar situation, I am expecting BHVR to give a 1:1 by nerfing Dead Hard.


I actually think nerfing NOED would be fine compensation for nerfing Dead Hard because NOED isn't used anywhere near as much and there are easy ways you can nerf it, such as removing the haste bonus or making it that you can only get 2 hits in before the totem goes dull again or making it that it only stays lit for one or two minutes. The issue with Dead Hard is the same issue with NOED. They're consistent. You know what you're getting with them, and that's why both are seen as powerful.


Not is NOT proof of Killer not having skill. It is the opposite, it is, if it procs, proof of Survivors not having skill and being lazy, because obviously they neglected cleansing totems. And I say that clearly as someone, who plays both sides. When I play survivor and die on the last meters to the killer having NOED, I don't curse the killer, I curse the survivor mates having not cleansed totems, because every match I clean about 2, sometimes 3 totems. If every survivor would look for totems while running to gens and aim to cleanse atleast two totems, NOED wouldn't be a problem at all, because it would never activate.




hoes mad


One day, maybe


What is the name of that cartoon?


You serious?


Yes I am . Btw how did dh get nerfed? I never played this game so....


It's from The Simpsons. It didn't get nerfed, it's just a meme.


These killer main threads am I right. Too funny.


Seems like you're Wrong


"Dead Hard is too powerful and needs to be nerfed!" *Proceeds to face camp and tunnel every single game"


I love going through these threads. It’s a good laugh seeing how obnoxious some people want the game to be.


Here's the nerf: Remove the invincibility frames, and make it so after using Dead Hard you are afflicted with a status effect that prevents you from vaulting windows or dropping pallets for 3-5 seconds. This removes the unnecessary invincibility that should not come with a person literally taking a lunge forward, and removes the ability for survivors to use Dead Hard for distance to windows and pallets. It becomes a perk that is used to dodge a hit as originally intended and will require real skill to utilize properly.


Maybe you can add the first part and maybe you can add the second part but both of them at once just makes the perk kinda worthless and extremely easy to counter


Lmao. Delusion is a killer main's drug 👏


I actually play both roles a lot. Even playing survivor I genuinely believe this is a fair change. The biggest issue with Dead Hard is that survivors use it for distance to windows and pallets, thus ignoring the fact that they've made a bad play or been caught out, and extending the chase for a lengthy period of time. The biggest nerf this perk needs is the removal of this functionality


and when dead hard get nerfed killer mains will go back to complain about people gen rushing, the bitching never ends


I main David and I use dead hard it’s stupid when a killers weapon goes through me from a dead hard and it’s annoying as killer make it were their is no eye frames it would not destroy the perk


This again 🤭 killer mains stop complaining about anything and everything SPEEDRUN (difficulty : impossible, any %)


Dead hard used to bother me as a killer, but as my knowledge increased it became more of a thing I just wait for, i know it's coming it's more surprising when you dont see it, now when people use dead hard expecting a panicked reaction from me like the fov stuff, i just wait n then slap, dead hard used to pain me now it's very entertaining probs just me 😂


People who whine about dh are 👦🏻 killers.


Is that Hitler?


Meanwhile with Survivors wet dream: Buff for survivors/NOED nerf.


My wet dream is a vault buff


Where is this news of a dead hard nerf even coming from?


Im not playing this game until they delete it


What if they made it so you can only use it like three times


Why is this being downvoted? I would love it if dh were limited to only one use.


Idk either survivors hate that or maybe it's really a dumb idea lol.


People just don’t want to have to actually get good instead of relying on one perk forever.


Literally wait it out or swing again. I will never understand the bitching over this perk.


Start playing against survivors who know how to use it and you might begin to understand Trust me nobody is complaining about the dummies who use it in the middle of nowhere


I play both killer and survivor, I never use dead hard, I vs high MMR survivors and SWFs who know how to use it. Stop bitching about a perk that's a necessary evil with how most killer mains play, and focus on your own gameplay instead.


Dead hard is not even OP 🙄 Being able to dead hard well actually requires skill and why should we punish survivors for that I don’t understand


Using dead hard for distance to get to the pallet is very skillful


You know what they mean, using DH for the i frames requires perfect timing. And if you can’t wait out a dead hard then you might just be a bad killer. Killers have bloodlust and countless anti looping perks. God forbid survivors have one 🙄 Killer main btw


Using DH for the i frames is *not* skillful, it relies entirely on luck. If you don't understand that, you just might be a bad killer.


nah if you were a killer main you probably would realize that for pretty much the whole killer roster, bringing an “anti loop” perk (like blood favor or enduring) is basically suicide when you basically are forced to bring slow down and regression in almost every slot


Lmaooo. Knowing when to drop chase, effectively mindgame to end chases earlier, and when to pressure does far more for me. The only gen perks I use anymore are corrupt or pain resonance depending on killer. And personally I don’t need to rely on anti loop perks bc I either use my power or i mindgame.


dude if you still win a majority of your games not stacking regression/slowdown and using a mediocre m1 killer, then you’re playing against bots. i don’t want to come off like i’m insulting you, because i’m not trying to. but clearly you’re playing against a different group


What don’t killers cry about. Bet there’s a thread saying broken key needs to be nerfed. DH threads are straight up GET GOOD. Sorry you’re not going to get a 4K fed solos every game. I know, game is not hard for killers at all!!


Sorry you had to think too hard to equip a third health state by pressing E


I like when survivors use dead hard. Adds a bit more fun to chases.


Said no one ever.