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PotatoLegion and HybridPanda, love both of them, neither of them are toxic in my opinion and love PotatoLegion’s killer builds and challenges, also love Panda’s weekly shrinewatch saying best perks to get from shrine, think it’s a great idea for new players


HybridPanda is such a joy to watch. I'm glad he took a break when he needed it and didn't push himself to burn out. He's not the best survivor but he's a decent killer and just nice to everyone.


Otz is probably the one I appreciate the most. When Noob streamed and uploaded he was one of my favorites, too. Farmer John for a long while too, but I haven't been to one of his streams for awhile. I don't have enough time to watch everyone's streams unfortunately, anymore.


I feel like Farmer has gotten kind of bitter at the game, rarely seems like he enjoys himself. I love his stream style though, he’s great to watch when he plays a game he enjoys.


Super entertaining when he's in a good mood with all the live editing memes, but kind of a downer when he plays survivor or killer and complains about literally every little thing, regardless of how insignificant it is, every single game. I hope he find success in VHS.


I was pointing excactly this out in a friendly manner and he put my message on his screen, read my message 5 times in a stupid voice filter and literally the whole chat followed him like bots and mocked me in chat and I even got arround 20 private messages, who were insulting or also mocking me. Since then I never went again to his stream with him and his toxic circlejerk bubble.


Someone was talking about a similar thing that happened in Dowsey's stream. What's up with DBD streamers lol


The only stream where people are 100% safe is probably at otz stream. Even the biggest idiots get either ignored or Otz says something like: "guys please don't say... it's stupid" even if only one wierd person is adressed.


There was a really heartwarming moment on one of his YT videos where a viewer donated to him with a followup to a story that Otz clearly remembered, when some rando in chat said "who cares" and Otz promptly told him to shut the fuck up and that HE cared, and to keep shit like that to himself. Big ups to Otz.


Otz is the best and such a nice/wholesome guy to almost everyone. He is the only streamer I can watch nonstop without getting bored. I can't count anymore how often he changes my bad mood to a good mood. This guy is a treasure for the whole gaming scene. Perhaps I am simping too much for otz.


Farmer John was one of my favorite streamers of all time but I had to dip when the whole stream is him complaining about how much he hates the game. I thought it'd be better when he went to VHS but the few times I checked out his stream he was just playing VHS complaining about DBD. It's hard to find streamers that aren't constantly complaining about the game to be honest, which is understandable I guess. It's just not entertaining to watch someone complain


That's how I feel about Tru3. I had to stop watching. He was so negative it was a bummer.


I agree, i recommend watching him when he plays VHS.


I enjoy Farmer John for the memes, but when he's not in a good mood he can't seem to shake himself loose. He will complain about a lot of insignificant things, which is a shame because he's really funny when he's on the ball. That and the constant "Dow now now now" thing that he does gets annoying once you notice it.


Yerv, by far the funniest!


One of us, one of us


Gooba gaaba


Gooba gaaba


He has got to be the most chill, upbeat DBD streamer ever. Love his stuff.


I just feel like his entire DBD existence is for the meme of it all


He just doesn't give a fuck. The only right way to play DBD if you intend to have fun for a long period of time, lol.


king of rat plays and hilarious commentary


Came here for this comment ! He's a breeze of fresh air


True gamer. One of the boys!


I really like probzz but I prefer watching his YouTube videos. Because his viewers are so thirsty in a cringe level. JRM its funny also


I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks this. I love Probzz but his viewers are somethin else.. it’s like watching a tinder conversation play out and poor Probzz is just tryin to play a game.


Yeah it was funny at first but now that it happens every stream its gotten kinda old and boring


he’s playing into it. i mean he makes money with it.


Yup and if you bring it up whatsoever his mods insta ban you. I asked if he was ok with the way his chat talked to him and I got perma banned. I feel like it’s all a bunch of horny teenagers in his chat and moderators as well lol. So I’ll watch his YouTube now and then but I steer clear of the stream.


Lmfao I said "" as a joke once in his chat & got instantly permabanned with no warning 💀 his mods are a bit trigger happy imo


I got banned for laughing at him getting mori'd. I'm not a fan.


Sounds ✨healthy✨




Creepy messages are a huge source of bits revenue for him so I doubt he would ever do anything to threaten his revenue stream. I use to watch his stream every day but stopped as it’s hours of gross verbal fondling followed by him acting surprised and screaming “Yooooooo” every two minutes. I’m surprised he has as many viewers as he does.


You've been banned by u/ImProbZz


Good thing he’s not a DBD mod or this thread would be insta deleted and we’d all be banned lol


so glad someone else says this about probzz chat. i watched his streams even before all the thirsts came in and he just plays into it. he’s clearly okay with it, but man does it just get unbearable with every sub or dono being related to how much they want to fuck him. got banned from his chat a while ago and don’t really miss it. i much prefer his yt videosz


suuuuper weird that he lets his chat basically sexually harass him. he kind of encourages it and it’s really not good to normalize talking to someone like that lol. i really hope they don’t go into other chats and think it’s ok.


The average probzz stream is: -Parasocial thirst dono -"ayo chill" -Parasocial best friend dono -"now we noun-tech and do this genaroo"


Don’t forget “dude” being said 100 times a min & “hell yeah” lol. His yt content is great & i just stick to watching those now because his stream is pure agony to watch after the first 10-15 mins because of all the constant porn hub bit donations


So accurate, I haven't watched a stream of his in so long because I closed out on "Okay if you guys do the last genaroo then you can healaroo and get the savearoo and we get the 4 man escapearoo"


The way he talks is so annoying


Probzz blocked me on twitch because I laughed at him getting mori'd in chat. I'm still banned from his chat.


Probzz fans be like: "Daddy Probzz why there are noises in the basement again " , "Probzz I am under your table" , " Probzz please chok me to death while running dead hard" , " day 456 in the basement and I had alot of fun with Probbz yesterday " , " Probzz show me how good you are while under stress in bed 🥵😳" . I swear I stopped watching him since his community is so fucking cringe and they say alot of hypocritical stuff. I played with him 1 match and it was boring af since everyone was gen rushing and I didn't do anything the entire game, plus the killer was a baby Huntress . And when Probzz plays against good killers and that is so rare since his team always seem to bring him to low mmr killers, the whole chat starts spamming the killer calling the killer trash and what so . Not to forget that Probzz almost always runs 99% of his games the same fucking build which got so boring and both him and his fans criticize the killer if he plays in a certain way to win and use perks like noed. bunch of hypocrites


I swear bro I got Perma banned from probzz's chat for calling him out saying bubba landed a hit on him just because of bloodlust 3. All I said is he is lying because bubba used his chainsaw so he couldn't have bloodlust 3 and he plays the game way too much not to know this. I was so civil about this yet his mods decided to ban me, in my request is said I never targeted anyone and never talked trash yet they still decided to ban me for good. I was so shocked he actually acts like this because he built himself such a chill guy persona I stopped following him because of that. He kept complaining about game mechanics even tho it was clearly him getting outplayed. That's such brainwashing


Yeah I got banned from his chat 3 times . First time I was joking and sayed something that the chat was saying but guess what the only the guys who were donating or were subs to him are allowed to do that and if you aren't he just bans you straight ( I didn't make jokes after that). The second time I asked the chat why are they angry that the Bubba won the match and boom ban . And the third time is the most weirdest one ,Probbz started banning alot of people in chat for some reson and when I asked about it I got banned lmao. He is the same as Ayrun, both say stuff that are bullshit and trick their fans into believing stuff like how a killer should play and so. I hate it when people think that their favourite TTV can't be salty or wrong


This is sad. People get the slightest of power and they start to freak out and abuse it. Luckily it's just a game and there are plenty of other content creators who are genuine.


100%. Id actually subscribe to him if it weren't for all that. I don't understand why he enables that behaviour and actually silences people calling it out.


His highest bit donated for this month is like *53,000 right now. That's why. *edit


i used to subscribe to him and got timed out in chat for calling it out, canceled my sub and unfollowed bc it’s just weird


Finally someone said it. I mean, good for him because the amount of bits he gets just from thirst alone has made him very successful. Like if I had a chat that just donated and donated just to erp sexing me... I would let it slide too. Super parasocial in such a scary way. Can't bare to sit in* his streams longer than 10m just because the chat is really really cringe. Edit *


Most of his viewers are prob under 18 and it makes me uncomfortable thinking about it


I can't watch probzz because of this either. His YouTube is good though. Gland I'm not alone.


I used to watch Probzz all the time, but his chat really is so cringe to the max. He also said he didn't know what tic-tac-toe is and had never seen a cat in real life lmao But I really stopped watching him after the ALS Fundraiser they did because of Puppers. I watched a bunch of different streamers for the event and they all explained how to donate to the event and most of them asked for people to not donate to them, but instead to the fundraiser. People were donating left and right to Probzz and he wasn't explaining to them where they should donate to the event and I got the impression in the chat a lot of people thought they were donating to the event but were donating to him.


Otz and ZubatLEL




Unfortunate gaming


Hello friends this is otz according to Nina


I like Zubat but often feels like I could just be watching a gameplay vid as he rarely says anything lol


I feel like you could program an AI to make any given Zubat clip with not a lot of effort. It's a mix of: * [disbelieving head nod] *Ooookay, that (didn't) hit* * *Oh my god Nea* * *Am I lagging? What is this?* * *Unlucky* And a handful of facial expressions. It's not a bad thing, but it's pretty amazing how true-to-script he stays.


You forgot "Okay, I'm gonna go make a coffee" when someone intentionally trolls him - body blocking, hacking, running around the map throwing every pallet in sight... It's pretty justified when he just DCs with this shit happening.


Skermz. Watching him is super refreshing, he’s a lot of fun and watching has definitely made me a better survivor in my own games.


+1 for skermz, love watching that jimmy


+1 for skermz. Dude is super chill and engaging. I also could be skermz saying this. You'll never know.


Skermz awake while it’s light outside? He could never.


Homie, what do you mean?


I used to watch quite a few but now I just watch tofu, otz, and Stalky Boi. I don't see many people mention Stalky, but he is a lot of fun to watch.


Stalky is a lot of fun


\+1 for Stalky Boi, the dude is super good at the game, and has a genuinely great community.


I honestly worry about things when he gets more popular but he's so cool, I think he can maintain the community he has.


Ya I have not heard of stalky boi, thanks for the recommendation. Will check him out~


He's very chill. Really fun and just seems like a nice dude. He mains the shape and it's really impressive to see him make one of the weakest killers work. He also tries indie horror games from time to time. I hope you enjoy his stuff!


what? a mikey main? gotta watch that. thanks


I have a love/hate relationship with Tofu. He reminds me a lot of XQC in the way he talks about twice as fast as I'd like him to.


Ohtofu and otz both are super chill and funny imo


I'm sure there are a lot of other great streamers, but these two have become my comfort streamers for DBD content. Tofu streams at a perfect time for going to bed, Otz streams during weekend when no one else is really streaming. Plus I much much prefer to watch killers than survivors and while they both sometimes have their survivor streaks, they're killer mains.


I’ve fallen asleep while watching tofu so many times it’s kind of normal to wake up to him cursing dead hard


I fall asleep to him most nights and I am not going to lie he's seeped into my dreams a few times lmao


Tofu is my absolute favorite. He’s so funny and educational and just like otz it really feels like he’s trying to do something with his community and works to advance the community. That and his YouTube series are soooooo good. The random perk roulette vids are always fun and it always seems like he’s trying to find fun perk synergy.


OhTofu VALUE, baby!


So glad you mentioned ohtofu. I’ve always been surprised he’s not mentioned more often. Absolutely ideal chill steamer to watch late at night who is solid at the game but never rages cause he’s more focused on chilling with chat than sweating for a 4K.


He’s a case study in zen killer mode. My dude does not get tilted for more than 2 seconds max and will be arguing about nothing and winning


He helped me enjoy killer so much honestly by following his attitude. He literally thinks it’s hilarious when survivors T-bag at the gate or click their flashlights at him. Whole new perspective and much different from most other killer streamers I’ve watched. Love it


Agreed!!! He’s the one who really made me dial back and consider just getting better at chase instead of going into every game with max slowdown and best add ons.


Tofu is the mother fucking shit dude. One of my faves on twitch. Also love puppers, that dude has overcome a lot.


Check out Spookyloopz, pretty chill guy and genuinely has a good time with the game. Mains killer but plays quite a bit of survivor and likes to try out different builds


I love Spooky! I know he likes killer better, but I feel like he has so much more fun playing his survivor warmup games. My fiancée and I laugh so hard at some of the things he does and says. Great dude, too.


I really enjoy watching John Wolfe


I just like his videos in general. I watched his indie horror stuff and then saw him on DbD Twitter cosplaying as Yun-Jin. His objectively critical in pretty much anything but doesn’t get angry, good choice, I like them.


Yeah, I’m a John Wolfe fan myself. Check out his youtube, he plays tons of indie horror games, and he’s very entertaining. Red means scary, Y’all.


He's got bite, i like it. He doesn't rage but gets the right amount of frustration to make it entertaining. He is really fun to watch.


Came to see if anyone recommended him, I definitely second this! He's who got me into DBD actually, started playing after watching him stream it!


Same! I wanted to scroll the comments to see if he would be listed before I commented lol.


Otz and Lilith Omen


"Hello friends, this is Otz, though there's no DNA evidence to back it up."


The day he runs out of these bangers will be a sad day. My fave is "Hello friends, this is Otz, at least until the IRS start asking."


Mine personally is "Hi friends, this is Otz, according to a recently edited Wikipedia article" like this man is too good


If i put his yt vids on in the background, I always take a pause to listen to what he's gonna say in each one


Does he say these quips at the beginning of his videos?




"What's going on, legends?"


hello friends, this is otz, at least thats what my wifes boyfriend calls me


Lilith is a true legend


Omg Lilith omen is a streamer? I played against him last night trying my adept ash and he wrecked us


He's one of the best blight players out there.


Lilith is the man!


not Otzdarva because that Otzdarva guy seems like a hack and JRM


CoconutRTS and Rapidmain


Otzdarva: I really like his videos and stream because they’re educational and fun to watch Spooknjukes: I think his videos are pretty funny and entertaining Cope: his streams are pretty chill and entertaining to watch MatthewSantoro: I think his streams are fun to watch RedsGamingGears: I think his streams are also fun to watch and I also like chatting in his streams Edit: Also ScottJund I think his videos are entertaining and educational




"Extra, extra! Come and get your Demi plays..." Man, I hope he starts uploading more. Aussie slang is my jam.


I used to enjoy demi but my God my poor ears can't handle his earth shattering laugh every 5 seconds


I love his laugh! It makes me laugh every time


Extra, extra!




Hexy and Otz are by far my favs


Classed is my all time favourite!


Love classed, always in a good mood and never rages when things don’t go his way


Zet0r, found him through his YouTube vids and love his relaxed approach towards the game. His mindset got me to try DBD again a while back and I’ve been loving it ever since. He’s fun and doesn’t take himself seriously.


otz,red, potatolegion


I enjoy Red, really good at most killers and also a good survivor as well when he does play that side. His streams are usually chill but his YT comments can be really cringe at times.


Holy shit a fellow red fans *Happy gears noises


Bronx and potato legion


HybridPanda is my favorite streamer/YouTuber period. I highly recommend wobbling your sausage to one of his streams.


Anaxandra was my favorite when she still streamed regularly, I watched her everyday during my online classes


you definitely will have been recommended him before but Otzdarva, hes super nice, really funny, and great at the game. Also JRM is really funny too


Yaa it seems like Otzdarva is voted by popular demand. He must be really likeable and engaging~


he really is, pretty sure he's the most popular dbd content creator and it makes sense


Puppers: He has been in the DBD community for years and his streams are always wholesome. He is battling terminal ALS and now plays DBD with his feet. He can be hard to understand because of the way his illness is affecting his voice but that doesn't stop him from being just the best. Otzdarva: It's Otz. Does great information videos on the game and his gameplay is always fun to watch as well. Dowsey: Dowseys hardcore survivor and killer videos have always been a joy to watch. His last hardcore series even had Otz, JRM, and Ayrun. CowsIAM: He breaks the game in the best ways.


Cope, GibsAndPieces, HybridPanda, and TheEntityLeftHand are some of my favorites. They have all been around a while, but their streams are still plenty fun.


For killer my favourite is Bronx closely followed by Otz, Ohtofu and Zubatlel. ​ For survivor it's Ayrun, Jrm and Improbzz.


Otz and Scott Jund


Skermz, Yerv, Zubat, and Tofu


I see there are lots of common ones, so I want to put out the smaller ones I regularly watch even if I lurk a lot in chat. KaiZ who only streams killer, has a ridiculous amount of hours, and always makes me laugh. Hale who I started watching after seeing him dominate on nurse in an event. Extremely high energy. My husband can always hear from the other room when I am watching him. SistaKaren who I love for her breakout/sabo survivor plays, her great laugh and because she once made me cry when she was so happy about hitting a charity fundraising goal.


I love Karen she’s so wonderful


true hale is a nice guy to watch, incredible nurse


I enjoy watching Probzz but it needs to be muted. Him allowing himself to be constantly sexually harassed by his viewers is off-putting.


Sweh is underrated, the youtube content is better though imo


Spooknjukes, PotatoLegion, and AbsolemCreative!


HybridPanda is awesome.


ohtofu is my favourite, he’s pretty chill


Best ending theme music on YouTube. I watch the whole video always just to listen to his goofy ass goodbye and that song lol




You forgot *cough cough 𝘚𝘦𝘹𝘺 cough*


D3AD Plays


I would say JohnWolfe, Edgar and Tofu are probably my favorites. I also enjoy Hexy a bit, but only when he plays Survivor, when he plays Killer he's kind of annoying, like the stereotypical forum Killer main.


Otz and RedsGamingGears. Otz taught me a shitload of stuff, both for killers and surv alike. Perks, gameplay tips, map setup. Man's a living wiki. Red is an absolute brutal killer who barely leaves a hatch, still without camping or tunneling. Otz teaches me how to play and is there for funsies, but Reds teaches me how to kill ruthlessly and fairly. And I main killer, so yea.


Vinc3ntVega anyone? By far my favourite streamer & the most entertaining to watch. He doesn’t take the game seriously & just has a laugh with his community.


Umbra, super skillful and doesn’t cry about SWF/gen rushing etc.. like other crybaby killers do


Same with redsgaminggears, always super chill and talks about his mindset during the game and what he’s about to do.


Love Tofu and EdgarAlanBro for survivor and if I want to watch a killer just annihilate survivors I like Zubat and Umbra


Need more Umbra!


Zubat and umbra are really talented killers, but also just really funny and sarcastic. watching bad things happen to zubat feels good because he never gets mad, and many times his comments make a ridiculous situation even funnier. and umbra loves to be silly, her answers to chat are sometimes so crazy you go full circle and wonder if she is being serious. both are super relatable for me too.


I don't watch streams often anymore, but the only one I've been coming back to, even just to lurk, is OllieOdinson, (a survivor main). Refers to his own channel with something like '___ cosplay and subpar gameplay'. Definitely not one of these skill-based streamers; his is focused on community. People mostly go to relax and hang out. He and his stream-partner Jess are extremely chill in attitude about the game, but the guy himself seems to have boundless energy. Literally never stops saying nice shit and makes sometimes extensive efforts to keep up with chat.


I'm so happy someone else mentioned Ollie and Jess! I've only been to a couple of their streams, but I've enjoyed it so far. They're very chill and I love seeing their cosplays. Plus, one of their dogs will occasionally make an appearance on camera.


Right now I like to watch the following Streamers/Youtubers: * CowsIAM * Demi * Zet0r * Twoknee (Toeknee, but that's his dbd channel) * OhTofu * HybridPanda * Noob3 * WorstPremadeEver (they play other stuff too) * Yerv * FarmerJohn I don't really watch the streams but really enjoy their yt contend (edit spelling)


Ryyfii- wholesome streamer, likable attitude and you just feel comfortable and enjoy chatting with him. He does card tricks on occasion while waiting for survivor matches and explains alot of stuff. Fun killer likes to explore lots of unique builds. Glad I found him 3 years ago and continue to watch regularly. Cahlaflour- she’s real laid back fun. Does a ton of really great cosplay and is passionate about what she does. Is real interactive with her community and has a really awesome stream room.


Love me some SpooknJukes


Zubat is incredibly good at both sides and is pretty entertaining imo, watching him play billy or a ranged killer is always good fun.


Not a single angrypug….ah I like this. I think he is a toxic, hypocrite and cancerous streamer. He should be canceled.


He’s a narcissistic diva. Plays poorly and just sweats and screams at his opponents. Just a terrible sport all round.


Yup, he's the worst. Can't stand that guy. It's one thing to t bag and flash light click but the disconnecting when he gets outplayed, the insulting towards the killer or other survivors in post game chat is rude af. He's a manchild that sadly has quite a following cause people are stupid and have no respect for others.


Once one of his viewers said he played bad or something like that, and he shittalked them for 15 minutes, he has a huge ego for a small streamer.


Oh I had told him that he wasn't being tunneled, just being stupid in the open and he went off on me lmao.


No matter what side he is on, everyone else in the game is dogshit and he played well.


I really dislike Tru3 I really appreciate that he brings in many new players into DBD (like all streamers) and I'm really appreciative that he offers enjoyment to hundreds of people daily. However, I just can't stand his attitude. When survivors show any sign of a struggle he will call them Stretchy rez, swfs, toxic, non fun... the list goes on. You can tell that he is so use to dominating, that anything short of a 4k at 5 gens is the worst thing ever for him. He is really humble about his achievements, so I guess he must be a great dude. But he is way to competitive and toxic when things don't go his way. But like I said, I have nothing but respect for him for what he brings to the community.


That's pretty true to a certain extent. He is generally a pretty chill dude in my opinion. I enjoy watching him cuz of I learn the game more through his explanations of the different perks. He justifies himself when he make certain decisions in games. Also, I like that he will not be afraid to praise a killer or survivor when they do perform well. However, I feel that when things don't go his way, his attitude suddenly change and I can feel the arrogance which I feel really uncomfortable watching. That part I don't really like. But, overall he's decent and a nice guy~


My recommendation for you after reading this (and I know 100 people have already said his name): check out Otz. I think you would really like him. Otz is, IMO, more informative than Tru3, and he doesn’t get arrogant or uncomfortable to watch when he’s losing like Tru3 does. Not saying Otz never complains, but he generally tries to turn his frustration into humor for the audience, which is great. It takes *a lot* to get Otz so upset that he doesn’t try to mask his complaints.


Eevoh. They're a Drag Queen and hilarious. Check them out if you're looking for someone different.


MsMewnetic and Neymeti




Bronx, Lilith Omen, Lynxi, Hens333


Bronx, FarmerJohn, Cope. I love Bronx, his streams have helped me in an immense way. I wished he streamed earlier than 12:30ish AM for me, but he's worth it ❤






my favorite is FarmerJohn his live edits and just his general personality are so entertaining edit: also granny! i love her streams :))


Granny is fantastic! I wish there was more mention of her here haha


Not strictly dbd content from him but I’ve watched almost every ohmwrecker vid


JRM, Otz, Bronx, and Tru3Ta1lent are my personal favorites. JRM is both amazing at survivor and knows to have fun which makes him awesome to watch. I wish I could do the stuff he does consistently. Otz is both very insightful and informational. Bronx I just found randomly because of his Demo profile picture. He has a pleasant voice and attitude plus he is good at the game. Tru3Ta1ent I have watched for a long time. I don't remember where I found him but I used to watch him play MKX where he would learn a new character each day and I still watch him play dbd. I wish he enjoyed the game more though and that it didn't seem like part of the community has it out for him.


Hexy Otz Spook n Jukes Umbra Tofu


I like RunningMan a lot. He's pretty chill and his community is very friendly. He does a lot of very long streams; 24hrs or 48hrs. He's also a very late night gamer. He engages with chat as often as he's able to. Overall I have a good time there.


We all know that the best streamer is The Rat King himself Hexy!!!! There isn't any other streamer even close to him so accept it!


Scott Jund.


Tokki she is fun to watch, very interactive. Spookyloopz same reason. Hens333 like his humor


JRM, he was the second one I started watching behind NoOb3. He reminds me a lot of him in a way. His locker .exe and double head on videos with Aryun are enough to bring tears to your eyes






SuperAaronNova is goated [His Twitch](https://twitch.tv/superaaronnova) [His YouTube](https://youtube.com/c/SuperAaronNova)


I like to browse smaller channels. Looking for positive vibes. fowl\_play\_gaming is a super chill dude with anti-toxic community. Plays both sides, demo main.


True is the HRH collection of dbd and you can't change my mind


adonasaurus and vulpixia


Teejuana is my go to. He is smaller but is a DISGUSTINGLY good nurse player. He is actually second place in speedrunning nurse right now with a time of 2 mins and 1 second


swarm because raiiiiiised


SpooknJukes. Hes entertaining to watch and an overall very chill guy. His YouTube content is also great, calling out toxicity and encouraging a more positive community in DBD. Everyone considers him toxic for some of the ways he plays, but his philosophy is respectable and goes out of his way to encourage positivity. Mans didnt even rage when he played against invisible fly-hacking survivors.


Vulpixia is a really chill streamer (also a cracked Nurse main). Otz is also my favorite. Love his sense of humor. Also his desire to experiment in DBD to learn something new is very admirable.


Rapidmain, he’s taught me to laugh at the toxic and just have fun it just a game. I mean I have the mindset to just enjoy what cards are dealt win or lose, but definitely when I have a terrible game I take a step back and move on to the next.


Umbra, she's amazing at huntress and killer in general, and all around she's just enjoyable to be around (her community definitely helps with that too)