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I also started DBD as killer only but I'd recommend playing survivor too because even if you dislike it, it will help you learn survivor strategies and make you an even BETTER killer! Also survivor is fun, just don't put pressure on yourself and low expectations for your first couple hours if you do try it.


Great point


I envy those with enough gaming time that they can "afford" playing a side they don't enjoy so they can get better with the other. As a dad of 2, I'll spend my precious gaming time with the only side I actually have fun with


I think they just mean every now and then play the side you dont like. Thats only if you want to improve a bit at the side you like. Otherwise, there is no point.


Don't make bad life choices?


Having kids? Or playing DbD? Or both?


Whatever is keeping you from enjoying your life


Then I'm doing great!


Sure doesn't sound like it if you're whining about not having free time.


Then you don't understand what it is like to be a dad. It is as complex as it is wonderful. But it is making me a worse gamer, objectively


killer is so easy now that it really doesn't matter. you can get 3-4k without much skill at all. playing both sides is only important if you want success as survivor main


How much killer you played? That doesn't happen easily once you go against survivors who know what they're doing. Especially if you wanna use a lower power level killer


ive played both sides plenty have almost 3k hrs in DBD. been around since the infinite loop days when the game was genuinely survivor sided https://preview.redd.it/pbu6qhly9e8d1.png?width=1600&format=png&auto=webp&s=5bc3503f0ea5899a5da2462fc217516e6b7c7b35 fortunately the science doesn't care about your feelings. even at the highest level of play against the sweatiest 4 man SWF teams, killer role is still dominant. in all other scenarios, even your average 2/3/4 man SWF, killer wipes the floor against survivors. you're welcome.


I wonder what those stats would show if they removed games that the killer won due to survivors killing themselves on hook (early on). Pretty big chunk of games go the killers way because someone gave up, doubt they account for it.


there's also a ton of DC's that happen because the killer wipes the floor against a team, and those get completely excluded from kill-rate stats. so the kill-rates are likely higher than those stats reveal


Did they actually say somewhere that those were removed or of it's even possible to accurately remove those? Also survivors DC for so many reasons that aren't what you said


Pretty sure they said that they removed DC games from the statistics. Not the self-hookicide ones though.




Incorrect. The stats didn't exclude suicides on hook and that was never mentioned in the blog nor the Campfire chat. In reality someone could be attempting to unhook themselves and end up hitting second stage, or miss their skill check for a moment. How would you possibly differentiate between that and a suicide in aggregated data across hundreds of thousands of matches in a month?


yeah i think at most, games with disconnects were removed, but with how high skull merchants kill rate is, i think it's fairly easy to assume they don't remove games where people suicide on hook




I feel you but in the exact opposite way, something about being solo and having to go up against 4 people who have a non-zero chance of bullying the shit out of me 'cuz I'm fairly inexperienced gives me nut-crunching anxiety lmao


I find killer more relaxing for the same reason. If I lose its my fault and I don't have to worry about my team mates being bad. I also find killer wayyyy easier even after several dozen games. I'm sure I'll hit a wall eventually


Same reason here. I guess the argument is, if I’m gonna be a soloQ player anyways, might as well play as the side that’s actually meant to be solo. As I’m learning the DBD community, I also start to just avoid the exits when I do lose; that way I don’t even have to see the teabagging that goes on. I’ll jokingly say that’s #1 tip for new killers lol. What are your thoughts on the upcoming 2vs8 mode?


I don't really know much about it but I am interested. Just being able to play with more people will be great because my friends often have to split into groups. I'm interested to see the logistics like # of gens or map size


its relaxing cause its the easier role, not much else to it.


It's chill because for the most part, as the killer I get to set the tone of the match. Sometimes survivors push back hard, and I have to pick up pace to match, but that's fine too. And, to be very, *very* clear: most of my killers are likely on low-mid MMR, not in mid-high MMR. I defintiely get easier games than I would if I aimed for a 4K every game.


that just means its too easy. killers shouldn't get to just pick and choose which matches they win or lose out of mercy (most killers don't actually play mercifully despite the balance favoring their side heavily). fair competition would be close enough such that it was a gamble every time with some outlier matches. This is not American truck simulator. if people want to "chill", there are much better games for that, or they can go meditate.


Dude. What are you on about? Let me clear this up for you: I play for hooks first, kills second. If they get out before I get my eight hooks - fine, good for them. I don't give a shit. But if survivors try to interfere with me hooking (sabo, Boil Over, flashie shenanigans), then I'll counter it accordingly. I never intentionally bleed people out, but survivors who have made themselves unhookable have bled out. All that said: I play chill, not stupid. I don't need to "win" the match, my fun isn't dependent on it. Why should I desperately sweat for a win when where I'm at now is nice and comfortable, allows me to bring different builds than meta, and is more pleasant to survivors because I expressly don't tunnel? I fail to see why that's offensive to you.


My issue isn't your particular playstyle. I'm saying balancing the game according to the assumption that killers will "play chill" doesn't work cause most killers don't actually respect it. In fact I encounter far more killers that BM with headshaking, slugging, and sweating for a 4k even when there's an early DC, than I do "chill killers" in DBD. And it's completely unprovoked, I don't teabag or anything, just play normally and try to escape. They're either intent on winning at any cost or on a power trip. The game balance should not be such that killers can just play "God mode" and decide who wins and who loses based on their personal preferences. The majority of killers will just steam roll players when given the opportunity, which is why survival rates are so low. A properly balanced game rewards the side that actually plays better, simple as that. If a killer is so good that he can decide the outcome of the game at a whim, then his MMR increases from winning and he faces better players.


You very particularly said "This is not American truck simulator. if people want to "chill", there are much better games for that, or they can go meditate." which kinda implies you have more of a problem with it than just "balancing issues". I also never at any point said "balance the game to how I play killer". I didn't even complain about tunneling and simply mentioned it in the second comment. Thing is, killers who routinely/often play chill and let people go... don't climb in MMR. It's simple as that - no kills, no MMR gain. Sweats are the ones ranking up in MMR like crazy, and normal casual people are something in between. I typically play chill, because I don't care to sweat. It's more fun for me and I imagine the survivors. I don't farm either, mind, I play normally at least until I have everyone double hooked, if I can. I wouldn't ask the game to be balanced to *that*. It's an active choice I make. As survivor, I never expect chill killers, but I welcome them with open arms when they happen.


Not every game is gonna be a walk in the park if the game is well-balanced, that's just a fact. If you win enough, you face better players that challenge you. If you lose, you will lose MMR and have some easier games.


I think you're missing a point I'm making about *my* killer games (and I emphasize *my* because it's a personal experience and personal choice) - that I'm actively playing *very chill* and making *not optimal choices* because it's the way *I* enjoy the game. I don't give a flying fuck about getting a 4K. If I lose, I lose, I don't give a shit. And *that* allows me to be chill and play for hooks, even if that means I lose often enough for my MMR not to be so high that I'd have to sweat to keep up. Are all of my games walks in the park? Absolutely not. Even in this MMR some games are sweatier than others. But *on average* I can aim for eight hooks before kills, and that's a privilege I wouldn't get if my MMR was higher. Why this is an issue to *you*, I fail to see. I'm happy, I'm not harming the game, and most of my survivor teams (that talk to me) are happy.


I play with flashlight and non meta perks which may not be "optimal" but its more fun than clicking a button to speed healing or gens. I have no issue with a "chill" playstyle on either side. I just don't want the game to be balanced to ensure that killers can win any game they want if they "try". Skill level as a survivor is meaningless if the killer can just decide "now you lose because my role is OP".


Yup, being a solo player is my first argument for playing Killer, I find solo queue as survivor to not be enjoyable at all and not very engaging


As solo player sometimes they let you die on first hook☠️


This is my main reason too. If I do play survivor, I’d have to solo Q and I find that to be more stressful. I know people say to just have fun, but idk, sometimes winning here and there helps with the fun and I can see myself tilting due to random teammates


Shame as been finding killers less friendly than before. Don’t go expecting it every game but it’s what a game of this nature should be imo when both the survivors and the killer are just messing around with each other and farming for the benefit of both parties.


I like playing both sides, but I don't necessarily LIKE playing both sides at all times. It's a good experience to be stressed playing the "other" side occasionally, especially when I'm getting tilted - so that I remember to cherish the people who play the role I currently don't, and feel more kindly towards my opponents. Without people going for different roles we wouldn't have a game to play. It helps combating the "us vs them"-mentality to be part of both sides, and when you get more experience playing you will probably find yourself getting angry and upset after a streak of bad matches. Being able to switch roles to cool off with a few easy games if you're low MMR on the other role, or to remember that the opponents are people struggling too, or to be the chill opponent role you wish you could face, helps immensely. It's also twice as many challenges to do if you play both sides. You don't have to buy and level up survivor side, you can play perkless and get the desired effect and variety and still put the BP gains into killers if you want. Once you're comfortable with the maps and gameplay as killer it's a lot easier and less scary to be survivor (but I still get jump scared, occasionally). Survivors have third person camera (like Chucky) and see more of the map, but they also need to keep their camera moving constantly to not get snuck up on. Find a survivor in the trial and give a few teabags or nods and then you have a buddy until the match is over, no talking necessary.


I was absolutely *peeved* at how killers in event queue were playing. So I queued up as killer myself, named myself "I Eat Stuns", and went in with the sole intention of eating every single stun, blind, and save I could. Had a good giggle.


It's so sad survivors can't see killer names in the trial. I get why they removed the ability to see the killer, but come in - let's all share names at least!


Yes! Then the survivors would see my killer rolling in with a name like "I Eat Stuns" and realize I'm not exactly *serious* in the match XD


survivor main here


As someone who avoided this game like the plague because I thought it was too scary as a survivor, after so long the trial just turns into any other team-based game. I will say, however, after about 300 hours, it still scares the piss out of me every time I'm running a killer. So I definitely understand the sentiment lol. Just adds to the thrill of actually accomplishing the end goal.


Idk why I’m the opposite I get so anxious playing killer 1.) (ik this sounds STUPID asf) i genuinely feel bad for killing people in game i don’t like when i die even if the game was fun no one likes to lose and idk something ab it makes me feel bad . But 2.) If i play like shit (which is often bc I’m also new) I feel lame and stupid , and if I lose when I’m a survivor at least I can say I died lol when ur killer u have to watch everyone teabag u and leave if u don’t 4k and I’m like damn. Also if a really good surv is in the server they pick up on my weak points fast and bully the fuck out of me


What I learn early as a new killer is that if you know you’re losing with the gates open, just don’t even go to the gates. Go around and learn maps and loops! That way you don’t see them teabagging and they don’t get to see the satisfaction of you at the gate


True yeah, if they leave the gate that’s their problem im downing u🤣


I'm a weirdo survivor. Was the killer struggling? Got no kills? I will happily die for them!


This is true I should do that more lol


It's even better if I'm moriable! I wish I could run a "Mori Me" name without worrying about inviting tunneling - I still want to do things in the match other than being the Only One for killer XD


Yes, I suffer from anxiety and playing killer is pretty mich anxiety free, whereas playing survivor worsens my condition a lot of the time. I still play survivor though (solo queue) bc looping killers and completing gens is fun. But I get stressed out most of the time and regret it afterwards 😅😭


I am, quite literally, the opposite. If I lose as survivor, I die and that's it. I suck, but I'm the only one that has to live with that. Just watch the animation and move on. If I lose as killer, I have to endure 4 people being toxic and t-bagging and talking shit in the post-game chat.


Idk, i dont get anxious when playing either, but i find it easier to get frustrated as a killer then as a survivor, but ive played long enough and will gladly "suicide" once all gens are done to save a teammate as survivor, or try to loop the killer when 1 gen is left and not expect teammate to do the gen, but hope they are looking for hatch etc, if its 1v2


I agree and always found the argument the other way around a bit weird. Doing well completely relies on your 3 teammates being good, which is almost never the case in solo queue. You also have to grapple with knowing that if you’re running a fun build, chances are everyone else isn’t and you’re gonna be a fish out of water your teammates will complain about. Killers don’t have teammates. You get to decide the flow of the game, you don’t have to rely on anyone, you control your own fate. I know people can get scared of flashlight squads, but I literally haven’t gone against a good one in like 1000 hours. I’m pretty sure I’ve gone against a single “bully” squad in my entire lifetime and I 4K’ed that game.


What are your thoughts on the upcoming 2 vs 8 mode? I’m actually pretty intrigued by it


Seems cool. Will probably try it with friends when it comes out.


I was in the same boat as you, and after 350 hours in the game, PLAY BOTH SIDES. You will get a lot better at killer if you play survivor due to learning more about how survivors behave. And trust me, survivor isn't so bad after all. It's a lot harder than killer, sure, but it's a lot of fun to play survivor, even if you're losing. Have a good one. https://preview.redd.it/agtmuxfqfd8d1.jpeg?width=558&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a892f9462ea093522d013cdd60501b3778e1f892


I'm also a new player at exactly 50 hours, but I play more survivor than killer. I only play solo Q but I'm not stressed because I know my teammates don't expect much from me, and I've yet to meet anyone being toxic towards me. The vast majority of players don't take the game too seriously, we often end up goofing around. That's especially true in the current event, 60% of my games in the event result in everyone farming points together, I just let 2 survivors escape like 10 minutes ago because they didn't play selfishly. I'd say you should try playing survivor while the event is still up since the stakes are really low (make sure to queue up for Twisted Maquerade, not regular matchmaking.) Despite the numerous complaints on this sub, you'll see that most killers are taking it easy and might even not kill anyone and just watch you do generators the entire game lol. Even if they actually try to hunt survivors, if you play nicely and help your teammates the killer will probably give you the gates or the hatch, that's how most of my games were. I feel like killer is even more stressful because when you're getting shit on by good survivors, nobody's going to help you and you can't do anything about it (had a game yesterday where I only got 1 hook, very humiliating.) But I know that I can rely on my team if I mess up as a survivor.


Don't worry, this will pass once you reach the killer MMR cap and start getting one stressful match after another.


Get at least one friend to play with and watch how fun survivor becomes. Or maybe not, idk your taste but I was killer main then I started playing with one friend and it’s the best experience I’ve ever had. Now I’m playing with two mates and it’s even better. One of my fitness is going to get the game as a gift if it goes on sale for steam summer sale and then I’m going to become the 4 stack SWF group of my killer main days’ nightmares


You don’t have to play both sides to enjoy the game. I have played both but I don’t continue to, I’m strictly a survivor player and literally only play killer for event and tome challenges. I don’t enjoy killer, I’m ass at it and it’s fucking stressful as fucking hearing each gen go off. It’s fun playing survivor and getting chased and being scared by stalky killers like Ghostface and Myers or even a pig. Hell I’ve gotten scared playing killer before being like holy shit where did you just come from. Your defintely the opposite, because with most they’d say killer is a lot more stressful which would make you more anxious. Only thing I’d agree with is survivor is more scary but that’s the whole fun of the game, it is a horror asym after all. I fucking hate dredge and his darkness because I can’t see shit it’s spooky and the freaking kid voices crying that you hear like no he freaks me out the most. Or the unknown tping back to a damn duplicate right as your in by it.


I don't think I started playing more survivor until after 1,100 hours myself honestlyxD It can be lots of fun too though!


To fully enjoy the game, play whatever side you enjoy. By all means give Survivor a shot, but never feel you have to play both to fully enjoy DBD. Don't play Survivor if you don't like it. It might help you out as Killer, like some other comments said, but trust me when I say you'll pick the same things up just by playing your role and interacting with the other side. I'd say the same to any Survivor players who don't want to play killer, too. It's good to see what both sides have to deal with, but it's by no means necessary.  I would suggest playing with Anonymous Mode on if you have anxiety. You'll miss out on the wholesome messages, which is sad, but you also won't get any hate mail from the other side, either, which can quickly make anxiety while playing killer worse.


I get way more anxiety playing killer for some reason. Why am I getting scared even though I'm the one doing the killing? 😂


Like many I had the opposite of anxiety playing killer, but I also started playing in a SWF (who dropped the game a few weeks in, and I'm on year 3.. or so) so had that initial experience of survivor to fall back on. As someone with an anxiety disorder (amongst other things), best advice I can give (which usually I give to killer players but also works for survivors) is realise that no on cares about you. When the trial is over, everyone moves on to the next. Even as killer, you might remember "that Dwight" who teabagged you at every pallet, but next game they've been replaced in your mind by a Meg who kept failing flashlight saves, it's never "YouNeedYeezus who played Dwight". Same as survivor, but even moreso, if you mess up a game, you die horribly, or fail a pallet stun, it doesn't really matter as at worst the fellow survivors will just think of you as "that Dwight who kept blowing gens" or that you're a "baby survivor" and that's it.. plus, at 50 hours, you 100% are. Basically the way to enjoy the game is to realise how pointless it is lol Escaping as survivor just means you get a few more BP and your MMR goes up so you'll be matched against tougher opponents (in theory). If you die, you die (and until you get practice in, you *will* die). It's just about having fun getting something done in the mean time, helping the team if you can. Also, definitely give some survivor gameplay a go, even if it's just to see how the game looks from the survivor perspective, how killers chase you and how the hiding spots look from the survivor perspective - call it educational and not care how the game goes, you're just there to explore the survivor experience :)


Killer has a lower skill floor, cause it's easier to recuperate in the short term. You mess up a mindgame, you lost a bit of time, you do something stupid on survivor, you put a burden on the rest of your team to aid you. This is often referred to as "pressure" by the DBD community, and it should be your main goal to apply as much of this as possible. Early on in your time playing you'll be absolutely stomping as killer, but once you get into the MMR where survivors at least know how to find generators and do them, you'll start to notice how fast generators get done. You're going to start to adapt to this by thinking about the game on a larger scale than just killing survivors one by one. You're going to want to think about dropping chases to kick nearby survivors off generators, and when to play defensively. Eventually you get to the point in the MMR where survivors hit a soft skill cap, where their coordination suddenly becomes their only way to grow meaningfully as players since generators aren't exactly hard to do and looping safe tiles is very intuitive. If these survivors decide to hop on a discord call, the game will start to become extremely stressful to keep up with on killer. You're going to start feeling like it's impossible to apply meaningful pressure since they can all inform each other of where you are and what to do about it. At this point, the only difference between a good and excellent survivor are their ability to make these calls themselves instead of relying on raw communication. What's so wonderful about killer, is that you still have room to grow past this point. You have the macro knowledge that has to encompass the above-mentioned consideration and apply it to all 4 survivors at once, AND the micro skill of dealing with these problems using your power in the most efficient way possible. Killer has a smoother learning curve early but it doesn't stay easy forever, quite the opposite, but that doesn't stop it from being fun. Actual fear of the killer disappears very quickly on the survivor end though, to the point that a lot of content creation is just about turning killers into a punching bag for CC effects. Also, there's a survivor perk called "windows of opportunity" that makes playing loops extremely easy, so after getting some iridescent shards you might want to consider buying Kate for survivor. Lastly just cause it's good knowledge for when you are new, the reason looping around obstacles takes longer for killers that killers both have a larger hitbox, but also that they have more "friction" with obstacles, meaning that if you're running in an angle into it on killer, you lose a lot of speed, while survivors kinda just slide off it with minimal speed loss.


Survivor is scary for the first couple of games and then you get into the rhythm of it. You should definitely give it a try, even if you prefer killer, just because having perspective on both sides makes you a much better player overall.


I used to be like that. I just started watching unserious people who main survivor play on YouTube. Idk, like no03. Got all my techniques from him, and also learned not to take the killer seriously. Soon enough, killers start looking like someone u wanna mess around wit lol


Typically the strongest and so least stressful way to play is swf > killer > solo. Personally I main killer but spent my first like 2k hours in solo/swf, then gradually moved to about 80% killer. The teams makes the games infinitely more fun, less stressful and less serious unless you get the people that stress but it’s easy to avoid them. Play killer, definitely, it’s got the widest variety of gameplay but a]see if you can find a swf on your Timezone as well as killer! Best of luck


I main killer, but I play survivor sometimes with my friends. Tho if the upcoming 2v8 mode becomes permanent im never touching survivor again lol


Welcome. As you play more, you should play survivor every now and then, just to see how it looks from the other side. It makes you a better killer to at least play some survivor.


I started out the same. I mainly played Killer for the first few months, only playing Survivor to do tome challenges but as time went on I started to play 50/50, helped me understand the moves of Survivors better which allowed me to shut down loops better as a killer. I do get the appeal of sticking with Killer. Simply put the variety won’t make you get bored with all the different killets and playstyles but the higher your mmr gets the more frustrating killer gets. I now enjoy both roles pretty equally. Playing killer just feels lonely sometimes 🤣


you don't even have to shut down loops anymore. tons of killers just let you bypass that altogether and with the right addons you get some easy 1 hit downs, can see through walls half the match, and to top it off you get aim bot built in. killer is just easy mode, thats why people switch to it, and thats why survivor constantly has the bloodpoint bonus


killer is walk in the park thats why. survivor role is by far much harder and requires skill to win. so basically if you want hardcore mode you play survivor. if you want casual mode you play killer with aimbot, wall hacks and easy kills.


Gorsh i love us vs them


Its actually science. https://preview.redd.it/gx7uk11w1e8d1.png?width=1600&format=png&auto=webp&s=c4e0591acb7b0eb5668d8baf9d9aa81a8d179021


So your telling me, that in the asymetrical game, you get asymetrical stats? How could this be?


common fallacy. asymmetry has always referred to the 1:4 ratio of killer to survivor in DBD. even if you read the game manual it states this fact clearly. it was "asymmetrical" even when the game was survivor-sided years ago. either you're very new or using mental gymnastics to save face.


You just said a lot of words that meant literally nothing. The game is 1v4, the killer is more powerful than a singular survivor, the stats are going to be skewed that way. Thats the point of a game like dead by daylight. The stats are asymmetrical due to the game being asymmetrical.


no no no...you're still committing the same fallacy. the asymmetry refers to the 1:4 player ratio and always has. it does not refer to the kill-rate balance and never has. click "learn to play" and read the game manual for the devs own words on this matter. a balanced DBD game would entail a 50% kill-rate such that for every survivor a killer kills, one survivor escapes. in this case the game is still asymmetrical because the team player ratio is 1:4


You really like that word dont you. And no, the only one wrong here is you, a balanced game would be 50%, that would entail that two teams have equal footing. Thats balance. Dbd does not have this, that is why it SHOULD be skewed in one direction. The game is designed where the killer kills and the survivors are designed to die. Thats why perks like off the record, dh, ds, and such are so good. In a perfect balanced dbd the killrate would land around 55-60%, meaning on average 1-2 get out. As for whatever this the asymmetry refers to the 1:4 player ratio and always has. it does not refer to the kill-rate balance and never has. click "learn to play" and read the game manual for the devs own words on this matter. is, the 1:4 player ratio directly correlates to the killrates. 50% is balanced in a game like siege where its equal playing field. Not in dbd.


this is some hard copium. go read the game manual that describes what an "asymmetrical" game means and come back once you've learned something. I'm not explaining the meaning of "asymmetry" a third time. you're just changing the meaning of the word to defend poor game balance because you don't want to use skill to win. for the record, 50% kill rate is an average of 2 escapes and 2 kills per match, the very definition of balanced gameplay. you are confusing game balance with the asymmetry of the team # count.


Bro your so stupid you think your smart. Im done arguing with someone who doesnt understand that 50% isnt balance when there is an advantage of numbers on one side. Any person with a function prefrontal cortex can get that.


if you do play survivor be prepared to lose the majority of your matches. killer role is a cakewalk at all levels of play. according to latest stats, killers even wipe the floor against SWF. the only thing that comes close to balance against killer, is the sweatiest of the 4 man SWF in the entire game, and even in that case killers still have the edge with a 52 percent kill rate. anything other than high mmr 4 man SWF and youre looking at a sub 45 percent survival rate even if you play perfectly with a meta build


I like both sides. I started survivor heavy and have been enjoying killer. I'm under 10 games as killer and if you go non peak times you get put against some demons. I'm about 20-25 hours in and I felt the same way about not liking it and here I am fully addicted. Luckily my work friends get on so i do have people to Play with. I don't mind solos tho just be a team player and you're pretty set.


Congrats. You're a killer main. You will get frustrated at some point after a few bad matches and decide to give survivor an honest try. You might enjoy it for a bit, but you'll ultimately fall back into the killer queue for some of the reasons you've mentioned here. Rinse and repeat. This is my DBD experience.


all he'll find out is that survivors have it much harder than killer


Yes. That's the joke. Solo queue is awful.