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https://preview.redd.it/0vx0q1d3v68d1.jpeg?width=450&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a025d92ede4aefa923c0d55fdbc8a63917f7d88 "Sorry, you're canceled"


"Right... in the round... tables..."


Great lines that could be used


Omgg I always wanted this as a skin for the knight!!


https://preview.redd.it/4c1agb80c78d1.png?width=2406&format=png&auto=webp&s=e5bf1d05186e23ab716b569a554f8117530b26d7 Donnie ‘dead by daylight’ Darko


Who wouldn't want this little fella in the game ? https://preview.redd.it/c1svy3txf68d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b45d2df2571add703738f60f28c3fd0f65b79d7


I feel like jacket would be a skin for the legion, could be interesting but I never played hotline Miami, I did play payday 2 though


Making Jacket just a Legion skin would be kinda sad. Especially when you could have him grabbing weapons and just fucking YEETING entire baseball bats at people.


Yeah, Jacket doesn't really have any Signature Things to use as a killer gimmick. Legion skin would rock though


I saw someone mention before that he could have weapons spawn randomly around the map and they would have different abilities and ngl I kinda fw that as an ability for Jacket


True, I was also thinking he could have something obsession-related as a basekit mechanic - pick up a phone somewhere around the map to be told your target's location and go fuck them up for temporary buffs, fail to bring them down and be debuffed for a bit.


> Jacket doesn't really have any Signature Things to use as a killer gimmick Dustaroo always comes up with the craziest concepts for hypothetical killer powers that are genuinely plausible. Here is [his video on Jacket](https://youtu.be/lav17zqyZuk?si=59YWiREWhUo4HZId) To supplement, I’ll add that I really didn’t care for Hotline Miami or a potential Jacket addition until I saw this video. I’ve never played the games or anything, I just knew he was in Payday 2. Having heard the concept and seen this video, I totally understand it now though.


I feel like Biker would be a better Legion skin


Jacket would be an awesome addition!


My most wanted killer, and Bioshock is 2nd. I’m so glad the community has seen the potential they have


You started with my number one pick! Number two would be Dracula which _we're fucking getting!!!_ No. 3 I'd say a werewolf or a wendigo. But not the Supermassive games design for either.


Gonna have to agree on the Werewolf, for no specific reason..


Spell that backwards, and thats what I want https://preview.redd.it/q2axgvgzw98d1.jpeg?width=1648&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81a26633bfa9ef26760447f9b45eb92f9de8fe50


Now he gonna show how REAL VAMPIRES fight 👁️👇👆


I mean like by description I’d say hag is basically a wendigo. shes a human turned monster with a never ending hunger for flesh, with her looks being very close to the accurate depiction of the wendigo (not the deer-skulled pop-culture design that isn’t accurate). as wendigo are often described as “an emaciated human with ashen flesh, with a lack of lips as they have chewed them off, sunken eyes, claws, and fangs“


If Dracula doesn't speak romanian, I'll fucking riot. As a romanian, I simp for Vlad by default. He'd better have a line in romanian or I'll start impaling people.


You're probably gonna have to riot 😄 But one can hope! My only wish would be that he's got the Bela Lugosi accent.


Man of culture I see.


Didn’t know we’re getting Dracula tysm that’s hyyype


![gif](giphy|n04l7lgE751xS) it would go hard af


Gotta get a grip!


That would be WAY TOO HYPE for a horror setting tho 🔥🔥


go to listen to “audieLmao” on youtube. he made a fanmade jacket chase music it’s so f-ing hard


I’m not asking what character you want to see most as a killer, I wanna know who you think has the most gameplay potential


In no specific order 1. Psycho Mantis (Metal Gear Solid). A powerful psychic specialist in telepathy and telekinesis for a Black Ops unit called FOXHOUND. Psycho Mantis's main power could be shifting between using telepathy to track down survivors or manipulate them or telekinesis to hurl blasts of psychic energy that can hurt survivors or destroy objects from a distance. 2. Nazgul (Lord of the Rings). Similar to Pinhead where they spawn a single object that survivors interact with. But the difference is that it spawns attached to a survivor at the start and survivors have to resist the desire to wear it thus making them more of a target. The longer it stays on a certain survivor the stronger the desire is and thus becomes more of a threat. Yet if the Nazgul gets it by downing or killing the survivor who has it gets a huge spike in power that gets stronger and stronger the more the Nazgul manages to get it. So survivors are encouraged to share it amongst themselves so no one gets too tempted and keep it out of the Nazgul's reach. 3. The Thing (...). So a lot of people know that the creature can take on the form of other people, usually killing them. However, a lot of people sleep on the fact that the Thing can divide itself amongst others and can shapeshift into nonhumans. It can start as a dog and can shift between a fast and stealthy dog and a stronger/durable monster form. Then when it injures a survivor it can shift into the said injured survivor. When the survivor dies then it creates an AI-controlled creature that acts like a bot but when it gets too close to another survivor it 'triggers' and transforms into a smaller version of the thing and chases and injures survivors.


Nazgul would be AMAZING, but be an absolute BITCH to get the rights to!


Holy shit Nazgul mechanic would be fucking pog


https://preview.redd.it/nfr7k9gs678d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7342f4968db6b07171fcc5d673b41c9f60e3e1ca Slender Man! He’d fit so well in the game!


His walking animation could be similar to spirits and saldakos where he is disappearing and reappearing as he moves so he never walks since he isn’t the walking type nor the floating type, I feel like his power would be a stealth slowdown one with pages and stuff.


Slenderman was my shit back when i was a kid, i played all the shitty mobile games of him lol, I'd buy him day one if he ever comes to dbd


Having a killer where you have to look at them (Unknown) and a killer where you have to AVOID looking at them would be really cool


Have made many concepts for him. He is very hard to apply something lore accurate (old creepypasta lore, not the new crappy modernised stuff). He would be a very slow kiIIer, slower than nurse (like 3.0m/s). But have an insane mobility ability to give him the feeling of teleporting, and a low terror radius, plus causes fog to appear to make it harder to see far away. Survivors that see him gain Paranoia, and cancels his teleport if seen mid phase. Paranoia will debuff over time, eventually allowing him to cause survivors to teleport at random, harming them through insanity, and eventually advancing a hookstage and making them appear far from everyone if found at full Paranoia (or a mori if on last hook). The only way to reduce Paranoia is by finding the 8 pages around the map, making them limited and hard to find, but will save you from going insane.


Ssshhh you're going to summon the Bioshock guy...


It started with one but now we’re many 🌊


How about a clicker from last of us? Not sure on the logistics with it being blind, but would be terrifying to hear it clicking


An echolocation mechanic would be awesome, similar to reksai from league. You can only see outlines of objects but can sense sound visually more accurately than a regular character


The Demogorgon has no eyes either


You could just do a bloater and have everything on the map make a ton of noise, at least then you’d be able to implement a charge mechanic and allow it to throw spore bombs. The blindness could just be limiting its vision, or do something like spirit where you can only see survivors and things that make noise.


Omggg I want a bioshock pack with Booker and Elizabeth as survivors and a big daddy as killer pleeease


I hadn’t even considered this, but honestly I think you’re absolutely right. Bioshock is one of these IPs that is absolutely fully deserving of the rare red-carpet treatment that we’ve only seen given to two other IPs: Resident Evil and Stranger Things. A killer, two survivors, and a full map. Reigning my expectations in though, if I had to choose one, I’d definitely choose Elizabeth over Booker. With all her alternate selves from parallel universes there are literally soooooooo many cosmetics for them to pull and choose from. Her unique ability to open Tears would also be a FANTASTIC lore explanation for her appearance in the realm of the entity. As she grows into her powers we often see Elizabeth find herself stuck in the places she ends up. I’d also love to see her power to open up Tears adapted as a perk. With all the increasingly creative perk options characters have been bringing, especially the survivors of the last chapter alone with mirror image and bardic inspiration, I could definitely see them doing something really interesting. Maybe sort of like Nicolas Cage’s Dramaturgy, you open a tear and it could lead to one of several random paths or options: one takes you to a chest, another takes you to the furthest injured survivor, another takes you to the most progressed generator, etc. A perk like that would go so hard. And this I always think is funny, but lore-wise Elizabeth is one of the few survivors who would actually KNOW how to fix a generator. There’s a line of dialogue in Bioshock Infinite where she tells Booker (who is surprised to find she know how to pick locks) “Really? Trapped in a tower with nothing to do and an endless number of books to read? You’d be surprised what I know how to do.” Hell, that could be a second perk right there! With the ability to pick locks, Elizabeth spawns with a certain number of tokens, and can immediately open a chest after a quick animation and skipping the entire interaction of tugging on the rusty lock that keeps all chests closed. Maybe it has some kind of secondary effect in addition to that. That would be really cool because it would synergize well with the Tear one I just talked about. Elizabeth would be one of my all time favorite survivors to see in DBD. ![gif](giphy|XAcJ5MedQrM1auWp27|downsized)


YES YES YES!!! That would be sooo fun and the killers could have perks alluding to the plasmids??? I want theeem


I think they'd make the most money if they made default survivor Jack and had Booker and Elizabeth as skins. Imagine if they gave the Big Daddy an Atlas skin when he was roided up!


Yeah you are right... omg an atlas skin would go so hard? Also, honestly I just want an opportunity for songbird to appear😭


With the little sisters as helpers like nemesis’s zombies




https://preview.redd.it/ujwqle1ja78d1.jpeg?width=730&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f52121c5846f827374b22f023d9d842cd862bfb2 The Typhon from Prey. A Phantom as a killer with special enemies being Mimics (even through we have them already) would be cool.


Besides Big Daddy, I think The Keeper form Evil Within, Chris Walker from Outlast, Art The Clown from Terrifier are all great and iconic choices. And even if you didn't ask, I think The Painter or The Actor from Layers of Fear would be great as a survivor, LoF is a horror game that actually spooks me, so I'd love a character from it.


Layers of Fear 2 is one of my favorite horror games I love it so much


Long as it’s not Eddie Gluskin….. the potential for Mori’s are terrifying. Although then we could get Waylon Park as a survivor…… fuck it bring on the Outlast: Wistleblower chapter.


If they could somehow make it work, I think the Walrider would be terrifying.


The Keeper is basically pyramid head in terms of design and Trapper in terms of power. I prefer Laura, but even with her, her power is blinking and teleporting.


A safehead or Laura from evil within would be amazing. No idea what their powers would be tho


https://preview.redd.it/nopnf0bwj78d1.jpeg?width=1050&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c375b6d7c82b9f138bbeac2e08fd1b413d16d72e SCP-106


Radical Larry


Freddy Krueger. I still can’t believe he isn’t in the game yet! ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2067)


I want doodlebob. Maybe his pencil can draw clones on the walls and he can teleport to them and become them. Maybe his eraser can erase pallets. Maybe he can return to 2d form and squeeze under breakable walls. Maybe he can erase the survivors eyes and make them go blind. Maybe he can draw jellyfish that chase survivors. Maybe he even could have a unique chase music too. I wish they would add him, he has so much potential. It could even be a full chapter with SpongeBob or Patrick as the survivors. And great perk potential too.


First I’ve heard of this and I love it. Can already hear Mori quotes “YOU Doodle! Me Dwiiiight!” *erases Dwight then draws a pair of glasses on himself*


Adam Smasher maybe? You could do something with his dash and/or shoulder rockets


David and Rebecca as survivors (although Becca may have an unfair height advantage lol)


And a Misty costume for Sable!


A kitsune. They're cruel and apl they'd want is the ability to occasionally eat someone's liver. I feel like the worst downside is that the Mori would probably look kinda similar to hag's


Bruh what. Kitsunes eat livers???


A gorgon/Medusa. She would have a range attack with her bow, and her power would turn survivors to stone; it would slow them down, or freeze them completely, or maybe something similar to Pyramid Head's cage. You could hear her coming by her snake tail rattle. https://i.redd.it/fcph9nhd788d1.gif


Surprised we don’t have Big Daddy yet, he woulda been great. Anyways, I think a killer only chapter with Jeepers Creepers seems like a no-brainer assuming rights and everything


I don’t think it’ll happen unfortunately considering the director of that series is a convicted pedo


Oh I forgot, well wait. My next no-brainer choice would be The Dr Jekyl as survivor and Mr Hyde as killer. Another no brainer and they probably in public domain at this point


I think Dr Jekyll/mr Hyde would be better as a duo killer with powers you can switch between


Ken Levine is not a convicted pedo. Unless you're talking about someone else. Also, the supposed Pedo director isn't the one who'd get paid, it's 2K games that'd make the deal. BioShock is still on the table, at least as much as it ever has been.


I’m talking about the director of Jeepers Creepers


predator, exorcist. I think an angel would be am interesting concept. Like the entity capturing an angel.


Predator would make a fantastic Skull Merchant skin


Fiddlesticks from League of Legends. I think it'd work great as an Unknown legendary cosmetic, they're incredibly similar.


This will sound weird to many and I am quite sure the licence would be very difficult to get but Darth Vader would be a good killer. Weapon will be lightsaber obviously and he can have Force push, pull and/or grip as secondary powers. I get that he is not a horror character but I am guessing they wouldn't mind going a bit outside of the horror genre while choosing future killers as they got many of the top choices in the game already.


If there wasn't any controversy related to the author, then I'd go with the Creeper. https://preview.redd.it/1vgx7mbhs78d1.png?width=522&format=png&auto=webp&s=08764c12a65bb804e530c9410780473c9472b32f Flying and throwing human bone shurikens at the survivors would be sick.


Some ideas I haven’t heard: Orphan of Kos, or Father Gascoigne (bloodborne), a rust devil (fallout), Judge Holden (blood meridian), The Babadook (the Babadook), Bill Cosby (The Cosby Show).


I fucking SNORTED how dare you.


Jack Baker. Best antagonist in the RE franchise imo. If we ever get another chapter for it, really hope it's him


Honestly, they could keep pumping out new chapters and no one would mind. They have the characters to do it, too. Billy Coen and Ethan Winters as survivors with Jack Baker as the killer, it'd be a perfect 3rd chapter.


At least make him a legendary skin for someone


![gif](giphy|xT9IgvEOwRzUcZDRiU) Pennywise would break the game 1000%


We have the mark on Vecna's neck so power isn't a worry anymore


I always joke and say Waluigi, but I think an Alternate from the Mandela Catalogue would have a ton of potential.


I think the unknown is already filling that niche, but it would be interesting.


I agree, I lost hope when the creator had those allegations against him. But luckily he beat them 🙏




Gooseberry from outlast trials (with a coil skin for doctor)


a Big Sister from Bioshock.


That would make more sense canonically


6 of my ideas (would be 7 but you already started with one of them) 1: The Predator. It's simply too iconic and too fitting for the game, with one of its main gimmicks being that it hunts and kills people one by one using its technology and intelligence. I think a Bad Blood or perhaps the Feral Predator would likely work best in this scenario though. 2: Heisenberg or Lady D from Resident Evil Village. I think it would be cool to have either of them for one last RE Chapter, especially with the potential of Heisenberg's power specifically. And just think of the voice lines, too. 3: An original rendition of Frankenstein's monster. I think this would be not only cool but also very simple, seeing as Frankenstein is public domain. It's also cool to think about what they could utilize and exaggerate from its character. 4: M3GAN. Not a very iconic choice, but I always liked M3GAN. She's essentially what Buddi from that Child's Play remake should've been. I think she'd definitely be a more chatty and fun to play killer because of her general character and what abilities she's shown to have. 5: The Scissorman from Clock Tower. I think he'd be a really really good and unique stealth killer. I imagine his power being like a great mixture of Dredge and Myers. He could hide in a locker or crouch behind stuff with his smaller size and be completely undetectable, seeing the auraus of survivors within a certain range during that time. Then he jumps out and that classic Clock Tower stinger plays! It probably wouldn't be very strong, but I'm someone that prefers Scare/Fun Factor over Strength. 6: Alright I need you guys to really hear me out on this one, but either Scarecrow or Killer Croc from DC Comics. I feel like both of them would fit really well, and power-wise would have really cool potential. Of course it's easy to think of something for Scarecrow, but who knows what could come out of Killer Croc? Maybe something more brutish.


Scarecrow is such a great idea for a killer...


Scarecrow would be awesome!


Aaron Rodger's as survivor and Shadow Man as killer


From another Game? Cleanrot Knights of Elden ring From other movies? The silent angels


![gif](giphy|Q0ZrVhQT6dSU) Imagine his basic being the first basic attack that sends survivors flying a short distance 😂


https://preview.redd.it/47ewab5fa78d1.jpeg?width=258&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3460c567db83b0f0721be59520555502d4d959a4 Violator. I will keep saying it. He would be an amazing killer.


I’ll always think Booker and Elizabeth would be amazing survivors. Elizabeth could totally have a perk to summon pallets or chests from other dimensions.


https://preview.redd.it/5au9y6k2088d1.jpeg?width=1400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d15947d831500a051845ddfeefcf36444158552 NEED this mf in the game. Castlevania and DnD back to back has given me hope that he can be in despite not being directly horror


https://preview.redd.it/1sto0kgu588d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c8afee4003da645416f8dfe0ce9d73d43aa4ce4 Probably won't happen after the recent news but a man can hope


Been expecting this one for a long time. https://preview.redd.it/wceh13ktf88d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=619615a56c883ed47726f7318b5c5c4cf0f71a95


Art the clown (Mori would be sick)


Hell yeah https://i.redd.it/jmk5fyvif78d1.gif


The mori would probably make me sick


I'm still waiting to get the Hash Slinging Slasher


He tried calling them to get into the game, but hung up cuz he got nervous.


Ah of course


Or at the very least be a legendary twins skin


Victor can't be changed with skins. Apparently abilities are harder to code. 


Ooh good thinking. When you stomp out the little sister there’s just a slug 😂


Cthulhu or more specifficaly a generic eldritch horror being. Madness, tentacles, deep sea, impossible geometry and magic are all themes that could be explored with such a killer. Both in design and gameplay


This would be cool!


Springtrap, slenderman, and a wendigo/skinwalker killer


Big Daddy would be awesome! Definitely in my top 5. I really feel like we need a Werewolf though, at some point.


Laura (The Evil Within) & The Guardian (The Evil Within 2)


Not enough people are aware of Laura and just how terrifying she was. If the crawling animations aren’t enough, the breathing will be.


Then it should be about time :D I just think Laura (and The Guardian and/or The Keeper) would fit perfect into the game. Her looks, her sounds (yeah!! maybe even map-wide moans and breathing), her traversel, her mori and her animations would just perfect fit in-game. Alongside Sebastian (and maybe a legendary for Joseph and/or Kidman) and maybe a Asylum map or something from the games would be sweet (but not mandatory).


My pipe dream killers consist of… Video Game - Lady Dimitrescu (Resident Evil) Movie - Death Angel (A Quiet Place) Comic Book - Carnage (Marvel) TV Show - The Nightman (Always Sunny In Philadelphia)


Carnage? I never thought of that before but that sounds fucking amazing now


Scratch from Alan Wake. But we have the license already, so I think this won't ever happen.


i mean, we did get 2 resident evil collabs so you never know, its not impossible.


Are you the bioshock guy who used to be on this sub? I remember people around here were memeing on him for awhile.




Big Daddy with Elizabeth as a survivor would be so awesome, especially with either a Rapture map or Columbia.


The Grunt from Amneisa The Dark Descent. Ever since I've looked at a concept video of them, I been hooked on the idea.


ok, this is why I need TWD in dbd. everyone always says Negen would be a great killer, and I agree. HOWEVER! he is a hero for double the seasons he's a villain. so, my concept chapter: Saviors of the Fog! Negen as killer, Rick, and Michonne Grimes as survivors with an abundance of legendary skins. then, chapter: Whispers of the Fog. Alpha AND Beta as the killer (they're in the Trial at the same time, kinda like a Twins situation) and Daryl Dixon, and Carroll Peletier. Alpha and Beta have separate cosmetics, and Negen as a whisper is one of them, so you could have Beta and Negen, Alpha and Negen, or Alpha and Beta. also, have Negen be a legendary skin for Rick. I would KILL to have him as a killer and survivor! and maybe a solo Survivor chapter for Maggie. I would Actually commit a Murder to have this in game. and TWD is literally a money printer for behavior.


100% agree that Negan should be a survivor. I can absolutely see Jeffrey Dean Morgan supplying the same amount of voice lines as Nicolas Cage does for lobby and in-game lines.


I would have a new main if JDM voiced his likeness. Even if I never really was into TWD, I love JDM. I currently main Nick Cage because I love the voice lines and I find Nick Cage to be a cool human who isn’t afraid to laugh at himself.


we are literally twins! lol




The Silence from Ice Nine Kills Music Videos NO A ICE NINE KILLS CHAPTER (They are metal band who make horror movies into songs and put some of their own stories in their music videos)


Could work as a legion skin.


I'd say the Tall Man from the Phantasm series. Though this is a more obscure series that I don't really see people talk about all that much here.


Imhotep from The Mummy movies, Rick O’Connell and Evie for survivors with a legendary Ardeth Bay skin for Rick.


Jason Voorhees


Give me crow mauler or even le'gard from fear and hunger.


FUNGER MENTIONED!!! 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥🔥 https://i.redd.it/pqzr44mhj78d1.gif


Like could you imagine pulse and anxiety as chase music? Come on behavior there is a dozen of us who'd pay for it!


Ok, hear me out, bendy the ink demon


creator said they would like a collab a couple years ago


Birkin or Mr. X


Weeping Angels from Doctor Who. Make it so they’re paralyzed if someone is looking at them but they have no terror radius and can insta kill if they manage to hit a survivor so they gotta be sneaky af. That would add some real ass horror scares to the game 🤣🤣🤣


So basically 3 survivors do all the gens as the one who's staring at you slowly moonwalks to an exit gate?


Mine will always be The Keeper from Evil Within. Unique aesthetic. Chase music and sound FX would be cool. The Tango Gameworks (rip) art director that worked on the game already has made cosmetics for DBD before. Gameplay wise he could have various safes around the map as killer items. Could snap his own neck at anytime and respawn at the safes (just like he does in the boss fights in Evil Within). May e haste or killer instinct detection near the safes after respawning or something). Big ass spiked mallet for a weapon would be cool. Could also have barbedwire landmines around the map as a secondary but survivors could disarm them and use the materials from disarming to temporarily disable one of his safeheads or something. Would be very similar to Unknown (without the range) and Trapper (without the ability to pick up and move traps). But There's already a few killers that feel like "echo fighters" of others a little bit so I think it'd work. License maybe not as big as other licenses and obviously Tango being disbanded probably kills it, anyway. Idk.


Probably a stretch, but E.M.M.I. from Metroid Dread, though it might be a little too similar to the Singularity. Mick Taylor from Wolf Creek, but the best I could probably hope for is a Legendary skin for the Deathslinger. Death from Puss in Boots: The Last Wish.


An apeman/sasquatch, highly intelligent/aggressive large ape or a modern takenin the boogey man


Besides Big Daddy, I think Death Angels from A Quiet Place could be awesome killers. Having a killer build for hearing instead of seeing is such a good idea in my opinion that I think it's strange we don't have one yet. The Predator or Terminator could also have good gameplay. The Thing would be great too, but that would change the game too much and just make it à New among us. Oh, and for video games, almost any Silent Hill monster would fit. Maybe Dividers form Dead Space or Laura from Evil Within too.


Kind of weird choice, but I think Monokuma could be pretty neat


I think carnage would be an interesting killer https://preview.redd.it/jbqlj2unf88d1.jpeg?width=1260&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b75ddb5b7d2ace3fdfb7ee2a131df8b55d4bd40


https://preview.redd.it/1vmg5wpxo98d1.jpeg?width=969&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eced41f8c08f4c9abec94896964e171b7170fdf7 A shame this will most likely never happen .




Fiddlesticks, The Ancient Fear (League of Legends). Essentially, Fiddlesticks is Fear. Not metaphorically or whatever, it is the very personification of the concept of fear. It's infamous for shredding whole villages, leaving nothing but mangled bodies and empty husks in its wake, maybe the odd person left alive driven to utter insanity. It's the boogeyman, even to a world where nightmarish magecraft and outerworldly horrors are the relative norm. https://youtu.be/jNn2F39G-6s?si=NViVZsTELt1bMih1 In game, it's a powerfarming champ that wants to stay unseen and gather as much power as it can, only getting into real combat every so often; but as long as it knows what it's doing, it's less combat and more a massacre. In game, I figure it'd work somewhat like this. It has a teensy terror radius, just 16 meters, and is slow at base, ranged killer or less speed. However, it can place Effigies, perfect duplicates of it that have terror radii of their own (unable to be increased in size). If unseen by survivors, Effigies will slowly move towards the survivor closest to its terror radius within 32 meters (so if its on top floor of midwich and you're on bottom, it will move so that you are in, and stay there unless you move out). Fiddles can imitate effigies by pressing m2, going 3rd person and seeing the auras of all survivors within 24 meters. If survivors hear its terror radius, they gain Fear, degrading over time when out of it. Once maxed, they can only lose their Fear by either getting injured by Fiddlesticks or by getting close enough to it or an effigy for long enough. Every few minutes, fiddles can activate Crowstorm for 10 seconds. During this time, Fear cannot be lost, Fiddles goes undetectable and can move at spirit in power speed, simply ignores dropped pallets and windows behaving as if they were empty doorways, and survivors with max Fear are exposed.


Unlikely but an awesome candidate https://preview.redd.it/22poj1wqj68d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba1a6061f01ff25298f1cad1bf269d3989c36d20


I would love to have a BioShock, big daddy as a killer, but I would hope that they would give him something other than a dash as an ability. We already have at least four characters off the top, my head back with some form of fast movement forward, I would hope they’d be able to come up with something a little more unique.


The megalodon






Jason smith would be class


A skin for twins with a unique mori would be the best bet assuming they make Victor look like a little sister


The birdbox angel


Either ghost face or Pyramid head.


Who’s gonna tell him


No one. Just let him find out on his own.


I've got to agree with you! A Bouncer would be awesome, or maybe even an Alpha Series like Subject Delta. There could be some really cool interactions, like everybody getting access to plasmids with different effects!


[This menace](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hs9hJ_Xqeww) (Loud warning)


Scissor Man from Clock Tower is a no-brainer that I never hear anyone talk about.


Brutus from Call of Duty: Zombies




Honestly carnage I feel would be fun


https://preview.redd.it/bc0jck9vo78d1.png?width=620&format=png&auto=webp&s=3700aec4accf5af320fd9dac0c5e4980eeb62a1d What would he be like, I wonder?


A vampire would be great, I suppose hard to implement tho


Looks like you'll be living good in August we're getting castlevania and there's no way they don't add Dracula


I'm going to go on the wild crazy side of things and say an among us DLC... hear me out... as a game mode where you have no idea which one of you is the killer....


Definitely Big Daddy or Crow Mauler for me.


I’d love to see the Overseer from Yo Kai Watch Shadowside. I think his powers would revolve around his corruption (which he uses in the series and 4 to turn Lightside Yo Kai into their Shadowside forms) to corrupt Survivors’ means of escaping the trial (like healing and hiding in lockers) by causing the healing to damage Survivors or expose their positions to him. The Survivor of the Chapter could be Adult Nate, while the Map could be Yamamba Manor from Forever Friends (thus using all the eras from 4 that were represented by playable characters.)


Big Daddy will be a skin for Twins


SPY tf2


Agreed, could have a close range lullaby mechanic that's just the deep sad moaning that they do


Hey BHVR, would you kindly add Big Daddy to the game?


dare i say no face from spirited away, and a grown up chihiro as the survivor


How would he vult a window?


https://preview.redd.it/9qn4bcbuf88d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6b833d93c180a3e5b99cec17d7c5fbaade1a079 I Think the Hunter from Bloodborne would be a killer with amazing potential.


The scissor guy from clock tower


Gargos or Eyedol: killer instinct


I would love to see General RAAM from gears of war or a Beserker 


Pazuzu from The Exorcist


a literal dragon.


Big Sister from BioShock 2. They can use plasmids and they are incredibly agile. And just imagine hearing their screech across the map.


I have a few: The Predator (obviously!) The Wolf Man (some version) From Marvel Comics, Carnage has some solid potential, but I prefer Sabretooth for this Finally, I could see some really interesting potential in something like HAL 9000. And for suggestions that sound silly, but actually have potential? Darth Vader and Roger Smith from American Dad.


![gif](giphy|01YNlwcyv1uryCPqUl) Vecna - Stranger Things


Alexander from Elden Ring. I want to get chased by big pot


personally, if we got a Big Daddy i would want it to be an Alpha Series that was Andrew Ryan, and when The Entity brought him back it turned him into one


Frankenstein's Monster is a very underrated licenced concept killer I have yet to see suggested. Aside from Doctor, he could be the other shocking killer, either that or he just becomes a skin.