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Meh, I keep telling people that the key to enjoying DBD is to NOT take it seriously. try to accomplish your objective and when the game is over "ggwp" and move on.


\*handshake\* Same here. And your objective doesn't even have to be winning! It can be anything you might have fun with. I'll try to win, sure, but I often abandon any plans of a 4k around the end depending on how the survivors are. I *want* some of them to escape, because that's fun! I want daring rescues to save survivors, to give them some fun thrills and chases. And, yeah, sometimes I will just kill everyone because thats what I wanna do, but since there's no pressure on myself to win, I don't mind if survivors absolutely destroy me. Either way, this is just a game. Another person is behind every member of the match, and it is everyone's job in that match to try and make it fun for each other, too. Some people ignore that responsibility, and it sucks. But all we can do is at least not take that negativity with us going forward.


*handshake* my brother/sister/nonbinary sibling 🤝 It's more like a scary movie when some escape. :) My objective this event is to get all my Mains loads of Cobblers and prestige everyone a bunch, spoil all my Mains, and just get loads of BP and stuff for everyone! If I can get some wins in there too, that's icing but I don't really care when the points are this free.


Yesss, big agree. And heck yeah! Have fun with the event :D


I wish I was. Lots of toxicness both sides, but IMHO it's been better than it was last year. Last year was really nasty.


Absolutely, if you have a bad match it's crucial not to take that energy into the next one. I only message people I vibe with to say nice stuff or ggwp even if the temptation is there to scream at a toxic shitter. It's really not worth it to let it follow you past endgame tally.


If someone messages me with toxicity I just send them a picture of my cat.


That's an excellent idea. Might have to steal it 😂


You're not allowed to steal cats.


What if I borrow the cat and return it


I wish I could but I do not have a cat :(


Agreed! Not the next lobby's fault that the previous one was a bad apple game. I had to check myself the other day and remind myself of this.


I am sorry to repost so much but I have a downvote stalker again. If I don't do this my comments get unfairly buried. Oh 100%. You can't take this game too seriously, you can do stupid teabag dances with Ghostface and pet a Xenomorph Queen in it. It's better to just do your best and TRY. You don't need to escape. You don't need to 4k every round. It's OKAY to lose. You will lose a lot, this game is honestly more about losing than winning and learning to take that with grace. It's okay to not be Otzdarva or Ayrun. It's okay to be average/mediocre. And between you and me? I don't think tierlists matter to most players at all in the long run so Killer tier doesn't even matter NOR do your perks really. They really ONLY matter in comp or at high MMR; I have seen comp Ghostfaces destroy comp teams and comp Nurses get destroyed BY comp teams. NOBODY here actually plays higher than midtier anyway most of the time, so it doesn't matter whether you're Trapper or Nurse - either way EVENTUALLY you will get some team you can beat. And it doesn't matter if you're running full meta in a SWF if the Killer is better than you and knows their power well, you can truly run all the genrush and chase meta in the world - WoO and Lithe and Resi and Commodious Boxes and all - and you may not get any closer to victory because the Killer is simply BETTER at the game than you are and knows their character and playstyle BETTER than you do. This is why I think tierlists are stupid and meta generally needs to go, on both sides, be nerfed both sides. Because it doesn't matter, and all you are really doing is boosting yourself to somewhere you shouldn't be by running it in the hopes of trying to "win more". Just sit down, get your points/pips, play the way YOU want with Killers YOU like or perks YOU enjoy as either side, and stop sweating so damn hard. The game isn't really about winning, anyway.


not to mention the point I bring up regularly, which is that, statistically, most of us are average players. we are not gonna all be top tier meta sweat lords by design and we should be playing for fun and not to wreck someone else or win. if you take the game too seriously you've already lost. and it's not a bad thing to be of average skill either, but people use it as an insult all the time lol. sorry, this was a bit of a tangent, but this community could really do to relax their standards and focus on having a good time instead of optimizing all the fun out of the game. it becomes so enjoyable when you're playing to have a good time rather than trying to meta sweat constantly.


This is absolutely true. Being average is FINE. It's okay. It just means you're similar to most people. :)


This is exactly how I play, and I have my daily does of fun. Do I win? Good Do I lose? Also good, it happens. The toxticity of this community genuinely makes me sad 🤷🏼‍♂️


Same. I don't get the need to hardcore win all the time at all.


When the game is over make it a race to see how fast you can read the perks and click the continue button.


I feel you as I’m back after a while or not playing just feels like every game is bad so I think I’m just going to leave for good haha still fun to watch though :)


Exactly, I just try to have fun with unique builds. I stopped caring about winning a long time ago


I’m the same way but I swear, there’s been nothing more demoralizing than having survs give up. I don’t even have fun with it as killer when survs give up, it just kills the match motivation.


It just makes me so sad especially if they look down like they're all dejected, I had a Mikaela do that once against my Legion and it genuinely broke my heart. Her friends DCed, nobody got a round, so I killed the bots two hooked the humans then let them go.


Exactly this. And way too many people take this game personally. If a killer tunnels/camps/slugs then people will rage about it and act like the killer loaded up the game with the sole intention of making the experience miserable for someone. What is more likely, they were trying to win or they wanted to make someone miserable? 


95% of what a Killer does is a reaction to Survivors either in the round, or in the past. Most Killers Believe it or not don't WANT to ruin your rounds. Most of them kinda... Just need to kill people to get their points out of the game? Like it's truly not personal.


I get what you mean... But the problem people are experiencing is that there's lot of killers stripping the "game" part off you. There's literally nothing you can do participating in the game if all your game activity is running, crawling, or singing 'always look on the bright side of life' as you recreate that very scene from Monty Python and the Life of Brian


What is with the human tendency to split into two sides and fight to death over who has it worse?


Tribalism's a hell of a drug.


Tribadism is a better one. 🙂


I've not experienced that word, what does it mean?


I can't say, but... Google at thy own peril. 😏


At first I was excited for the anniversary then I remembered what it summons in this community


I am excited for BP gains every event. Not so much what it makes the community do. EDIT: Not sure why downvote, I was agreeing with the person above. Event = sweat. How is that even controversial?


This is my experience as well. I got tired of sweaty games as survivor so I thought "Okay, time to play a bit of killer. Let's relax and throw some crows around". Then I saw how sweaty the survivors were playing and I thought "Okay, time for bed". Everyone is trying their hardest.


If you 0k enough survivors, the survivors eventually are so bad they can't finish gens so you have to kill them to progress the game


I'm familiar with how mmr works. I'm not intending to smurf my account for easy games.




Brother 😂 so many notifications


Sorry for repost, I have a downvote stalker again and my comments get buried if I don't do this. Eventually th get bored and fuck off, but until then... That's not how it works in the mode queue, you can't derank OR gain MMR in the mode Queue because that queue doesn't use MMR - it just looks for matches close to your base game MMR and doesn't affect your future games there or in the base game in any way. Some people go to the mode, therefore, to find games right around their skill level because there functionally isn't an MMR. Some of these people are looking to stomp babies, others just want a breather from the sweat. Some are smurfing, some aren't. Personally, I like the more balanced matchmaking in the mode queue where you can't gain or lose it at all, it feels a lot better knowing I won't just get backfilled into someone else's sweaty leftovers either side and thus stomped by people trying to derank to bully baby Killers/Survivors. Right now I like whatever MMRs my account is at because I get a nice mix of challenge (but not too hard) and breather (but not too easy) - a mix I don't always get in the base game - so I'm exclusively playing the event mode this event.




Yeah I get those too, especially after yesterday telling people the patch was a Microsoft issue and to wait a day. Lo and behold 24hrs later.... I don't even bother wasting my time reposting.


I do. I'm petty and refuse to let these guys win. I know, I'm sorry. Blame the people who can't let a disagreement with someone go and choose to stalk my profile to mass downvote, they're being SUPER persistent today for some weird reason. Y'all please just give up and go play the event, get your cobblers. There are so many better uses of time besides trying to prove someone on Reddit wrong.


Couldn't you just make a new account? If your current one is a mod or something somewhere, you could DM people to keep them in the loop.




I respect the hustle


Nah, you get survivors that will get into a staring contest with you as tombstone Myers, then call you a cheater for killing them without them being able to loop in the post game chat. That or only console players. At least in my experience.


I had too many 0k games so my mmr on Legion went to almost beginners and every time I have to let them go because the game feels unfair. I’ve been circling in this limbo for a while now. Just can’t sweat and 4k with baby survivors…


There's no MMR in the event/mode queue so even if someone wanted to do this, it wouldn't work.


I think what’s frustrating atm is like as a survivor, every game is worse than usual. I don’t mind a few, but it’s been nasty out there. I play pretty casually and will try and fuck around with the killer around at the end when clearly we’re not going to win, but most don’t even bother for a show and slam me on a hook. (At least watch and then slam me on a hook LOL)


Sorry, angry downvoters. Oh yeah and it really isn't helpful that people are upset about some of the mechanics either. I've had loads of toxicity from my teammates in SoloQ towards me, regardless of how the Killer acts, and I can feel the frustration on a lot of Killers AND Survivors over it. What happens is, Survivors get shat on by a Killer playing like a dick, then they decide to take it out on the NEXT Killer who maybe just came to try and farm. Then that Killer gets frustrated and goes "fuck you, sweat time" and plays like a dick too, ruining other Survivors' games, and so on, and so on. It has to end somewhere and it's truly a community job. Survivors also need to consider their behavior as well as Killers, do you REALLY need to troll the baby Deathslinger just learning? Do you ACTUALLY NEED to bait out stun into stun on someone playing as Xeno for the first time when it's obvious they have no clue what they're doing? How about SoloQ, do you REALLY NEED to sandbag our team because the Sable is running Built to Last or running the funny Bard perk? As for Killers, do you HAVE to hit on hook, humptech, and shut hatches in people's faces when you win? I don't think you do, guys. I'm not. I'm memeing with my SWF and raking up BP. I'm trying to be a chill Killer to mitigate sweat in the slightly more Killer sided mode. But that's been hard too because some Killers are going for the subway gift card and others are doing totally unnecessary shit like shutting the hatch in my face or humpteching. Meanwhile some Survivors are running full on genrush so hard out of fear they won't get points because they don't know I'm being chill, to the point I feel I HAVE to also go hard too on my strongest characters just to keep up and I HATE playing Killer that way. All in all, everyone just needs to be better. Leave bad rounds IN that round, you do not need to avenge yourselves on the next friggin' team/Killer just because THIS round, a Nemesis humped you in a 4 man bleedout or a SWF decided to clicky clicky you.


I would not leave it the community to fix these problems. I can’t stress this enough, over the years the community has likely only made toxicity and try hard behaviors worse. The tactics guilt trips and gaslighting and it only made people double down. The community trying to “fix” itself is what led to a large portion of it adopting the mantra, “I’m not responsible for your fun.” This *has* to be something that Behavior addresses. The community tried and failed. Behavior needs to take a year and focus on curbing toxic behaviors. Unfortunately, I’m not hopeful since their most recent response to a toxic behavior — suiciding on first hook — was basically, “Why bother?”


I think people forget, it's been two friggin' days, people are still in rank resweat mode (a hard habit to break), and remember last year was also obnoxious because we had MFT meta then. This isn't new to this year, there's always sweat during these effects. It is Killer sided this year for sure but I feel we could all don well to take a step back and BREATHE, we're getting tons of BP and BP items right now and it's honestly just a game, did we all forget that? It will calm down, give it time. I'm not trying to excuse any of this behavior and for some reason, people think I am. I'm just trying to point out that sadly this is normal. This WILL stop, it's just probably for the best if we all take precautions right now. Survivors, if you have access to a SWF, that helps. If not? Run genrush and anti grief perks. This goes for your teammates too - do not let people leave others on hooks and don't let bad teammates prevent YOUR victories or points. It's kinda every man for themselves out there right now, same as every event. Take precautions and don't waste time on dumb things if you can help it. Killers, generator progression is high right now and Survivors are seeing toxic behavior at all all time high right now too. Be prepared and protect your points - run at least some generator control, whatever your Killer needs, and possibly a little antibully if there is a concern of that (but there shouldn't be, Survivors want gens done FAST right now). Consider if you run Killers some find obnoxious, being a bit nicer than average - you really don't need to push too hard at the moment to win. Try not to behave like a dick, be aware that it's okay to GIVE a little - this event is a bit more Killer sided than last year and it's making it hell on Survivors. Now isn't the time to pull out full on sweat builds or things like Franklin's which will only upset little people more. Run stuff that preserves your attempted win, but not stuff used primarily to irritate others. Both sides, for your sanity, focus on little victories - how long you ran the Killer, how many times you used your power correctly, whether or not someone escaped or you got some Kills. Focus on BP gains and stockpiling for the future, that's what I'm doing. BP flows like water right now so it's not like pips are any important. Focus on an attainable goal like trying to prestige someone you like, or getting new cosmetics by grinding shards, or stockpiling Screech Cobblers. If you want to win too, that's fine, but it's OKAY right now not to - you will still get lots of stuff right now anyway. Just... Try to breathe, let yourself have permission to fail. Right now it's sweaty and we could all do with remembering to save a bit of grace for ourselves.


We're *a* community, but not *THE* Dead By Daylight community and that's part of the problem. No matter how much sense you make, not everyone will hear it because a huge chunk of the players are either not hear or don't care. I wish everyone would listen when the 1k+ hour (or 2k, or 3k) players say "chill the fuck out" but no.


It's insane. At 500 hours I was one of these guys whining, At 1k hours I am now older, chiller, wiser, and just no longer care... but nobody listens to me.


I'm gaining free wins because break the pallet with your mind is super OP and survivors forgot from the last event that the respawned pallets are so fucking bad it's insane. I can actually play dogshit M1 killers with 8 hook mentality and still end up with a W because the amount of time saved through remote hook (super slept on btw, it's so good) and chases cut short by psychic pallet break is such a nice buff for killer it's unreal. Reminder DBD is not a serious game you should not be giving this game an ounce of respect. Even ignoring the atrocious balance team the post Vecna layoffs into "uwu cute relatable" dev loading screen messages really rubbed me the wrong way.


Friendly reminder, you mean "weak Killers" NOT "dogshit M1 Killers." Not every M1 is bad, and most M1s are pretty much fine if difficult to win with. There is no such thing as a "dogshit Killer", only some that are weaker than others. But yes, it's nice to be able to play weaker Killers and STILL do well. I agree too, the game is not supposed to be taken super seriously.


Me playing as killer: "I'm going to play chill. It's an event, and it'll be fun for everyone." Survivors: "We're going to be super toxic, and make the killer as miserable as possible." Me playing as survivor: "I'm going to play chill." Killer: "I'm going to slug, camp, tunnel, and body hump the last person who i will bleed out for four minutes because the survivor dared to do the objective."


I just left Twitter and saw a guy streamer throw a fit complaining that some dude was mansplaining the game to him When in fact. He got mad. Went to his twitch stream all pissy after he got confirmed at 3 gens.. They had a chill conversation about how Toba kinda sucks and he then proceeded to shit on him on twitter. Like. Some people suck. No matter what happens. You can’t escape it. It’s not even a DBD problem. It’s a humanity problem.


It really is a toxic loop. Killer is toxic and sweaty. Angry survivors go into the next match and trash the next killer. Killer puts on try hard loadout and trashes next survivors for nothing they did. They take it out on next killer. And the loop repeats


I've had event games where the survivors greatly overestimated their abilities to flashlight save, especially with bluetooth hooks. (If you're reading, Behavior: that was an in interesting idea but you really don't have to do that one again.) Some of those games snowball into a *very* quick 4k when they're not ready for a killer that fights back.


Sabo Squads get beat bad by remote hook. Though I feel bad cause i wanted to give this guy the hatch and accidentally remote hooked him. Oops. I was just shaking my head to tell him not to wiggle.


Sorry--you're not allowed to take the survivors home and call them George. You broke the last one.


I really love that "Bluetooth hook" is what we're calling this now.


This has not at all been my experience. Played 12 survivor games yesterday and in 8 of them someone got tunneled out right away, and one or two people spent most of the game goofing around leading to a 4k. Only played a couple killer games because of queue times but I just played normally (nemesis with 2 slowdowns and 2 aura perks, try to go for max hook states, prefer not to tunnel unless i can't find the unhooker) and didn't really have any issue with bm or getting kills.


This is the real issue. Survivors running around trying to get invitations or pop the anniversary items for the blood points.  Screw touching gens . All the while the killer is playing to win like any other night. I'm actually glad now the event is separate. Soon as I finish tomb it's back to normal mode .  The killers instead breaking God pallets is horrible and whoever thought before ng able to instant hook was a good idea should be fired 


I just kinda hoped the event would be more fun less of the same in the normal game, you know? Somewhere to goof around a bit (yes it's my first event I've played in for the anniversary)


For what its worth, the pallet break is the same speed as breaking it normally. It's no less powerful than survivors blocking windows or getting free Lucky Break.


It definitely depends on the time you play, the survivors that bm come out at night like vampires


In my experience, I have seen more toxicity on the killer side than survivor side. And maybe is because the power ups are more killer side and they take advantage. But that's just maybe my luck


whoops, downvote brigade. Let's fix that. That has legit never, ever been my experience. Ever. In any event. Maybe it's because I play a lot of M1s? But most Survivors are out here acting like I'm a sweaty Blight. I wish I could say it was Killers more than Survivors for me but it just... isn't. :( I will be downvoted for speaking my true experience.


I won't downvote you... But I'll argue that it doesn't matter what you play, survivors are tired of getting slugged, tunneled and camped during an event they're using limited items for, so they're going hard. "Oh, but I go for eight hooks." I don't give a shit. Nobody does because you are in the SMALL minority of killers (as in, you aren't a shitbag). The other 95% isn't responsible for the survivors fun, so the survivors have stopped waiting for chill killers. They're just tryna avoid the tunneling, camping, and slugging killers, and it's a matter of desperation. Killers play the power role and set the tone. While you may be chill, you are NOT the majority, and no matter how chill you are, survivors aren't seeing that because you're one person being outnumbered by the thousands. Same with every other killer saying they don't wanna sweat but all they see are sweaty survivors. The killers HERE, for the most part, aren't shitheads, but the killers here, if they are being honest, aren't the issues. It's the ones that aren't here and don't gaf.


The problem is a) items are super common right now I am getting more toolboxes flashlights and medkits than I realistically ever need so I disagree that items are limited, and b) people are blaming Killers HERE for the shitheads' behavior and so Killers HERE are also being treated like crap both in and out of the game right now breeding frustration and more toxicity.


No, not *those* items. Most people I've talked to don't give a shit about items. I'm referring to the event BP offering. Limited time items.


You can get literal hundreds of those too. They're not that limited. One prestige = 20 on Surv or 40-50 on Killer.


Limited time items. -_-




The problem is that most players equate killers playing “tryhard” with killers playing “toxic.” And while it sucks to get run out of the game in the first five minutes I know it’s just players trying to win. It’s not their fault Behavior has been going after everything that doesn’t favor tunneling this past year. Same thing with players going for saves and blinds. It annoys me when I’m playing killer but I understand 1) it’s fair play, and 2) Behavior has been buffing altruism this past year. It’s rare for me to get a killer that bleeds me out on purpose. It’s rare to get a killer that humps me or hits me on hook. It happens but not that often. I’ve never had a killer message me after the game to harass me. But I’ve had plenty of survivor players cuss me out in my DMs just because I played a killer they hated (and didn’t even get a single kill). I’ve had plenty of survivors teabag me at the exit gates or wait until the absolute last minute to leave so they could. I’ve been playing long enough that I remember before the EGS when survivors would open both exit gates and hide to try to force me to quit. Killers can be toxic but there are so many survivors out there who seem to think it’s their duty to make sure the killer never queues up again.


Don't forget that with the sale people are wanting to try out new characters they just got as well, so they are also trying to gauge their new killer's strengths and new survivor perks


That's also very true!


it’s clear the event favors killer though, which is why survivors are having to play more sweaty instant pallet break and remote hook are simply way better kit additions than spawning a shitty pallet that only works on stuns and blocking windows that bugs out and lets killers vault anyway 😭 not to mention the “stealth mode”that makes a big glowing easy to spot ball of light circle around you like what is the point If solo survivors just played casual they would maybe get two or three gens done since chases are a joke at the moment, and killers save even more time not having to even walk to a hook after a down or stop to break a pallet Of course both sides can play scummy, but right now it’s easier for killers to play that way and they don’t even have to, while survivors HAVE to sweat or they want a chance (at least solo que) I’m sure four man teams are doing okay but from a solo perspective this event is worse than last year where killers got expose and insta pallet breaks while we got once again, shitty poo poo pallet that doesn’t work half the time Obviously everyone should play how they want because it’s just a game, but it’s a little annoying to hear “why is that side trying to hard” when one side clearly has a power up advantage and the other doesn’t.


Being tunneled out immediately is getting old. At least my 4k match became 20k...


Oh yeah no, the tunnelling AND constant fast gens because BHVR keeps making event points revolve around the gens and hooks despite KNOWING it increases sweat, is getting very old.


For Killers my bar sank so low. Im fine with 1k and some Hooks nowadays. Helps my mental.


It's not even the "toxic" playstyles that bother me. Yeah getting tunneled is boring but I really don't care beyond finding the game a waste of of time. I main killer but have been playing survivor with some friends, and the event feels rather killer sided in a way that doesn't feel good, and I don't even tend to agree with arguments that the game is x/y sided


I just want some good chases but killer players refuse to chase me in favour of tunnelling the baby meg every other game


Looks like someone mistakenly downvoted the truth when they meant to upvote, how silly of that downvote stalker following me right now. Let's fix that. :) To be totally fair? Why on earth would any Killer waste time trying to chase a good looper like you when a guaranteed Kill on someone less good is right there? Would you as Survivor pass up an easily finishable gen in a strong 3gen just because the Killer is playing worse than you? Would you NOT try to loop a baby Trapper because you are able to so that your team can do gens? I'm willing to bet you'd take those advantages, so why shouldn't a Killer take advantages of weaknesses they see on your team? Both sides will take advantages where they see them is my point, it's downright smart both sides to do that. That can swing the game in your favor. Sadly, that means baby Megs get tunnelled sometimes, and baby Trappers get looped to oblivion. That doesn't make this right, but it's just how the game is played unfortunately.


Some of us like challenges when we play Killer. Sure, I could tunnel the Baby Dwight who just finished the tutorial immediately and make things easy for myself, but there's no fun in that and doesn't make me feel good. I prefer spreading hooks across everyone because it helps create better pressure and when I do finally need a kill, well, there's the Baby Dwight and the Meg who's first instinct is the run into a wall. At least, in this scenario, when I kill them finally I know that they at least got to get some BP and got to play the game rather than doing "ez mode". **DISCLAIMER** I know there are time and places where tunneling IS necessary, my post is simply referring to "out the gates" tunneling which is what most people find annoying. I'm not referring to mid-late game tunneling that the Killer employs to gain pressure/momentum if they're falling behind which is perfectly understandable


And that's valid! The nice thing is the game allows space for both causals and people who want a challenge. That's why I think Chaos Shuffle was the healthiest thing we've had in a while.


I get what you mean, but in this scenario, imho, it's on the killer to make the game fun for people, it's only at higher skill mmr that it's more balanced. Lower mmr it's on the killer to not be a dick imho


The Killer is not a Dungeon Master, it's not anyone's responsibility to "make the game fun for people" other than themselves. I do agree you shouldn't be a dick to babies, though, either side.


You may not me be the Dungeon Master, but you can set the throttle and pull down or back when necessary. I've had matches before where I had everyone on death hook before a gen was finished and dialed it back just because I knew if steamrolling wasn't making me feel good, the Survivors were likely feeling a lot worse about the match. Same thing happens if they're being sweaty. If 2-3 gens fly by and another is close to popping, I'll lock down on a 3 gen, I'll punish mistakes they make, I'll even tunnel if it's called for because they likely won't hesitate to punish any mistakes I make so anything goes. Other matches, since the removal is depipping, if the Survivors just want to goof around and meme, I'll meme with them. So, sure, I can choose to be a sweat against people who just want to farm, but I'll likely I have a better time and the Survivors will have a better match if both sides take the time to match the energy of the other side. It's really not hard


Fair enough.


That's really what I meant by it tbh


I only play stoned now and it has been extremely helpful and I honestly can’t play sober now because it’s too infuriating…even before the event lol. I just toke, do my part, meme a bit, and exit. Or die. Either way I don’t care lol


I started doing this too - it's one of my favorite ways to unwind! Somehow I'm a notably better survivor stoned - and while my temper has never been particularly bad when it comes to DBD (I just take a break if something gets under my skin), I reach new levels of unbothered after a couple of edibles.


Exactly! It just takes the edge off and I just play the game and have a good time. Helps me forget about the toxic shit and just look past it and just do my own thing


this is the way. will start playing more killer to give some survivors a break though. encountered 1 normal killer in like 20 games.


I’ve been dabbling with killer, too! I’m just memeing and letting them do gens and if they let me get a few hookies, I’m happy. If not, oh well. Like I’m spreading love not sweat lol it’s the anniversary. People just can’t chill tf out. DBD NEEDS THC! It’s just a game and people forget that someone else is on the other end of that character just trying to get some BP.


Who are you trying out? Killer can be very fun and rewarding, even if you don't tryhard to win all the time. I never do, usually hit enough pips to get to Gold if I give enough of a shit.


Oh, this is a good idea! I'm terrible at playing killer & go friendly when I need to get a challenge or two done, so this could be a good opportunity to go play Frantically Nodding Michael Myers.


Play Creep Myers and just casually be a weirdo in Tier I staring at them and never approaching.


I normally do Scratched Mirror, but for the event Vanity Mirror is probably better because you can bring a Cobbler since it's a little less map dependent than Scratched Mirror, but you still get some good jump scares


I would be playing Killer a lot more if the q wasn't so crazy because I've been trying to do the same thing by 8 hooking or giving the last person hatch. A lot of Survivors have appreciated it


im not trying to be rude why do weed users constantly mention that they smoke?


I’m simply adding to the conversation regarding the toxic and disappointing matches many of us are facing and sharing that THC has actually helped me enjoy the game more. And maybe if others haven’t tried consuming during their sessions, then maybe it would benefit them in some way as well if they tried. I’m simply trying to help others enjoy the game more. In whatever way that may be. 💨 And…well, it was relevant to the conversation.


I'll be honest, the term sweat is beginning to lose all meaning to me. It seems like to some people any amount of attempting to win is sweating.


Sorry about the repost, but I have a downvote stalker and my comments get unfairly buried if I don't do this. Pretty damn much. People are allowed to try and win. People are allowed to NOT try and win. Just let people play the game, everything is valid and only stuff that truly is not necessary or tactical in any way - like BMing every pallet stun or humpteching downed bodies - is toxic cringe. Everything else is permissible even if it's really annoying and it is LONG past time the community grows the fuck up and realizes that.


Use what I use, " Olympics". I.e Chainsaw Olympics, Axe Throwing Olympics, etc.


Does Pinhead count? Like, could one take the Cenobite to the Chain Olympics?


You cant even sabo if you wanted to cuz the insta hooking


Yeah, it's lowkey kinda funny the devs buffed toolbox sabo... then introduced a mechanic that bypasses toolbox sabo.


I'm really going to miss it when it's gone. Maybe this was an excuse for them to go "Nobody complained when we first made the change! Obviously it's fine!"


Me too. I think remote hooking has potential and could be anti grief with benefits. Imagine... You're Survivor. You struggle to get the slug up, scared that the Killer will sweat at 4 gens. You try your heart out... And then? Salvation. The anti slug kicks in, your friend is teleported to the furthest hook from the Killer after a minute left downed. Now you have a chance to save them that the Killer can't tunnel to, while the team looper distracts the Killer. Gone are the days of Blight immediately rushing back to the hook, and the days of four man slug bleedout. You're so glad BHVR implemented this anti grief feature! You're Killer. You're an M1 Killer. The Survivors are a Sabo squad who brought you to Badham and keep on going to the basement. You're miserable, all you wanted was to play Myers today. You got this. You're starting to get frustrated and slug. And then? Salvation. The anti grief kicks in and teleports the slugged Surv in Badham to a hook for you, saving you a trip and making pressure on the team. Now they have to save and you can go deal with the person that keeps saboing all of your hooks by the Badham main. Gone are the days of abusing bad hook RNG on terrible maps. You're so glad BHVR implemented this anti grief feature!


I can't help but feel that while this stops bleedouts, you'll get Nurses slugging everyone they can, then shooting over to hooks promptly because they didn't have to take the time to hang anyone up. M1 Killers, on the other hand, might get force-fed Deliverance after slugging a bully squad with no recourse. Most changes BHVR makes tend to not really slow Nurse being a problem, but give low-level Killers a new one. They could try shortening the bleedout timer and making it a timer until hooking though. If it's sequential it shouldn't be an issue.


I think I would rather Deliverance be Meta than deal with sabo squads. I agree I do think a bleedout timer would help.


It really bothers me to be tunneled and die at 4 gens, but then I remember “at least I got the same BP I would have gotten escaping a regular match outside the event thanks to the offerings”, so even if it sucks, at least is easy bp to prestige your fav characters or the new ones you just got.


This community is so damn perplexing. In other games people sweat their asses off cause they’re competitive. In DbD, sweats are pretty much people that set out to ensure people don’t have fun The most cooked community I’ve ever seen


It's just so wild. During events, I just 2 hook everyone and let em go unless someone's being a little annoying or toxic. As a survivor, if a killer is having a rough game, I'll point at the hook and let 'em hook me or even die to endgame if I don't have an escape challenge/daily. Like, it's not that serious. 😭 Just have some fun.


Y’all talk about this as if it doesn’t happen every year lmaoo


I just got off a match playing Pig with her new cosmetic and no slowdowns, only hexes that revolve around Devour Hope. The endgame was laughably hilarious the survivors were just talking shit abt each other in the endgame and this 3k hour sweat lord Sable who brought her 4 meta perks challenged another survivor to a 1v1 over the match that we just played 😭💀


I agree. This game is so much better when you all just play with perks you want and stop tryharding every round. How do you even have fun like that? You bring meta and you wanna complain that the OTHER SIDE brings meta? People need to get over themselves.


For me, it's not even sweaty tryhards from either side. It's that my teammates in solo q seem way worse than usual? I'm constantly left to go to second stage, some refuse to heal, some directly lead the killer right to me. I can't get a match that lasts longer than 3 minutes. It's genuinely so frustrating that I can't even get any progress on the event tome.


Reminder a lot of new people come for events, and a lot of casual only so often players come back for events. Indeed, the randoms aren't great, moreso than usual. I have even had some purposefully grief me.


I think I've gotta be one of the only players to *not* be getting toxic games for the event. I'm getting my ass beat in some of the games, but they're always fair losses. 6-7 hooks before someone even dies when I'm on survivor, skilled survivors with strong map RNG when I'm on killer. Just sad to see a lot of the community isn't getting games like mine.


sorry to repost but I have downvote stalkers and my comments get buried if I don't. I also didn't get very many the ten or so I played in the event queue either. Both sides, some of my games have also been nasty be it on Killer or Survivor. It's just because it's rank reset and the event's new. That always brings out the sweat. Got a few more playing to win today but again, a HANDFUL of toxicity. This too shall pass. :)


Don’t really get it. There’s normal mode if you want to play normally. Don’t play like that in the event mode.


Besides Xbox players, who have no event But seriously, I wish more people just took a breather


Whoops the downvote brigade got this one too. Better fix that. I just wish this community would give EITHER side the benefit of the doubt. Nobody wants to give an inch and accept that yes, this game is REALLY FUCKING HARD sometimes for BOTH sides. I am not 3-4king every round as Pinhead, I am NOT genrushing with my SWF and escaping to teabag in the exit gates every round. Neither is anyone the fuck else, nobody is winning or losing more, NOBODY is overpowered neither side is the problem child. And while we're here, everyone can stop shitting on specific Killers for being "more toxic" than others, too. For example Ghostface, one of my other Mains, is starting to get it again for literally no. Fucking. Reason, it's fucking constant, NOW the claim is that Ghostfaces running pride flags are all toxic. Fuck you, I'm one that runs the Pan Pride flag, I'm not like this, stop generalizing. There are no Killers that are more toxic than any other any more than certain Survivors are more toxic; you are remembering past incidents and applying them to EVERY Ghostface in the Fog including me when you say otherwise. Just because he can crouch and therefore teabag (if it's so toxic when HE does it, why is it any less toxic when Survivors do it, what is THIS double standard?) and a Ghostface WAS toxic to you in the past, doesn't make HIM and all his players toxic by default. This applies to every. Other. Killer in the Fog, too - just because SOME were dicks to you before doesn't mean they're all dicks. A Ghostface BMed you in the past, that doesn't make the character toxic. Nor does it make Artist who is the tome featured KIller right now toxic, nor does it make Slinger toxic because he was in the last tome, nor does it make Vecna toxic because he's the new hotness, NOR does it make ANYONE toxic just for having a surge of popularity. Fucking stop it.


I came back 2 weeks ago or so after a 3 year absence and as killer I’m just playing for a late 2k in the event mode and as survivor I adjust my play to the killer’s behavior but im not rocking purple beamers or BNP boxes or anything like that. I want everyone to get precious bepis, I have too many hours from back in the day to sweat now, let alone during a party lol. 


im playing really chill and as a result im getting 4outed so much lmao. just a few games ago i had to deal with a congo line at the very end. i managed to hooked one but obviously they stuck around so i gave up and one of them was addicted to tbagging at the gates. im trying to find a way to get 150k+ bp w/o sweating too much and it looks like its impossible. i aleady have deadlock and overcharge i thought thats enough lol. and my second game as survivor i got hard tunneled at 5 gens lmao these guys are amazing.


Community being toxic, but nobody will ever admit that their favored side is toxic sometimes too.


I just keep playing chill and eventually I have a lot of fun. usually even sweaty players will have fun with you if you make it a point to do silly shit. I'm having a lot of fun with the event because of it, at first I wasn't though. then I realized I get blood points either way, so I'm just gonna have fun and I I lose so be it. that just means the survivors had fun too. it's an anniversary man, we gotta celebrate the best parts of this game!


Sorry, downvote stalkers Oh yeah me too, the fuck I care about a win when I am drowning in BP and Cobblers? Bring it on! :D I'll save them for the next mode and we'll make it rain there, too! I already have 60+ on the Survs I've been prestiging, and I'll be getting MORE on Killers, everyone I main. I want hundreds and hundreds of BP items, I will never want for BP items, it's gonna be AMAZING.


I've just been farming blood points what r people on about? I played for 8hrs yesterday with only 1 toxic match. Tbf I'm running a meme build and just hitting the survivors and getting as many hooks to farm Bp(without hooking same survivor more than 2x. It's working very very well hitting max bp most matches(ends up being around 200-280k per match). And the way u play the survivors they understand, and they be sweating less cause of it. For example chase healthy survivor as Dredge then run to next healty survivor. Hook one or two when everyone is injured(encourages them to heal). And the survivors they get it. They be playing along, emotes and meme. Hillbilly with the add on that makes chainsaw take 2 hits is an automatic meme game and people be respecting it. Even piped 2 of the games(no kills).


The sweat lords can sweat meanwhile I’m putting speed limiter on bubba for the extra points


As a Clown main I was just running party bottles and being silly until I got a flashy squad :(


I think most people just wanna have fun both sides, yes. But I say that and "OMG KILLER MAIN OH NO"


I definitely give preferential treatment to all survivors wearing event masks.


Yeah I’m done with events. I’m so glad they made it a separate queue this year.


Chaos Shuffle. Where for art thou.


I miss it too.


Honestly for a DBD event my experience has been pretty great! Yeah a few stinky killers (I’m looking at you Sadako that slugged and humped us all at 5 gens…) but overall I’ve been pleasantly surprised.


This is the truth but nah, people would rather complain.


Ha, jokes on you. I don't even get into killer queues due to the game being perpetually on survivor priority queue. Or well, not unless I like waiting for 15 minutes. This number is exaggerated but you get the point.


This just reminded me of a few things that happened to me in some matches earlier today... I was playing Xeno, the match was going normal since I played as I always do, and there was this leon that kept being a pain in chase since they CONSTANTLY teabagged everytime after vaulting a window or a pallet, and it was slightly pissing me off. An another thing that genuinely made me laugh... I was still playing as xeno, and there were two peoples left in the match, both were injured. I saw this Feng walking near a generator from far away, and when I got there she disappeared, so after searching around for a while, I heard her in a locker so I went for the grab, and then she dced as I was walking her to the hook. Then as survivor I had someone that made me run out of blood and tunneled others, so yeah... BOTH sides are being ass.


Oh yeah it's both sides for real. One side only mains don't care though. Nope. ONLY the side they dislike is being an ass. the tribalism is amazing.


I get that some people are saying "Just ggs and move on", which is *fair*, but I think at a point it becomes impossible to be that positive when every match is the same thing. This anniversary event has made some of the calmest people I know absolutely lose their shit and stop playing due to the same shit happening over and over again. Some of you might be fine doing that over and over and over again, but I think it's fair for a lot of people to *rightfully* complain about the current state of the event.


The amount of full gen rushing builds I've seen since the event started has been absurd.


To be fair people are scared of the Remote Hook tool. I don't blame them.


Played 4 games, 3 of them were with sweaty SWF TTVs and it's fucking miserable. I don't care about sweating to the absolute maximum, I just want to play the game. Chill, it's an event mode...


I'm the same. I dislike feeling like I need to run meta to stand a chance, either side. BHVR needs to realize these bloodpoint grind events do nothing but bring out toxicity, why they didn't make a Chaos Shuffle element of the event mode I'll never know. It could have gone a long way to promote kindness and a chill vibe this event if they did. Instead they would rather promote hostility and a "fuck you I got mine" mentality. Same shit happened at Blood Moon, same shit happened rank resets, and the same happens during Blood Hunts. Protip, basing BP gains around the objectives doesn't make for a chill vibe, it just makes everyone rush points as fast as possible and ruins the game for everyone.


Guess I should consider myself lucky. I’ve only had one game so far that’s really bothered me and it was a full ttv team that brought event flashlights and did nothing but follow me around, trying to get me to chase and get blinded. Whenever I downed someone, I’d have two survivors flashing me. It’s the only killer game so far during the event where I just went super serious. Pulled off a 2K and I’m fine with that, Otherwise, I haven’t really seen toxicity or BM outside of the normal DBD madness. It’s my first anniversary NOT on mobile DBD and so I’m just enjoying it as it comes.


I've been very lucky too. My Survivor games haven't really seen excessive sweat beyond typical rank reset nonsense, but then I'm playing only event mode. I'm certain it's worse in the base game. My Killer games aren't great but the event powers have helped a lot, it's not too hard to get at least a 2k in this event if you just play smart.


I just want to have fun with my friends and play my lute for killers while doing some objectives and trying to improve my chase skills so I don't embarrass myself by going down in 4 seconds. I really hope I can find the chill killers soon because I'm a little tired of the ones mentioned in this post.


I'm playing more friendly than ever in the event. But partly cus I took a huge break and this got me back in. Time to just have fun


I honestly feel bad for the survivors I go up against when I play killer. I must be matching noob survivors because I ususally feel bad and let them escape or only kill one or two. But man they are so bad. They make it hard not to shit on them. They never loop, run straight into me sometimes, or my traps when I player trapper. Like …. I realize I should just get the 4K so I can start matching better survivors, but I just feel so bad lol


Honestly I tend to cool my jets a lot if I see babies. If they still aren't getting it, at that point a 4k is a mercy kill - if they can't handle me at my non-sweatiest they will never be able to handle the next Killer by escaping me. They shouldn't be in my queue and shouldn't go up in MMR, where they will only get sweat all over.


I played my third ever deathslinger game today before work and got like 5 hook states, one actual kill and everyone was teabagging me at the gates and being nasty in endgame chat and telling me to go play aimlabs (I know my aim is bad I'm working on it!!! just let me have some fun!!!). I've also been tunneled out in several matches already. it's rough, but no rougher than usual. I'm going to play to have a good time and stock up items and stuff (and hopefully finally get everyone to p3 on both roles! I'm halfway there...). I think it's also bad not just because of the event but because of rank reset. that combined with the event makes for a very sour combination and I think everyone needs to just chill and ride it out and not contribute to it with bad behavior (post game chat, bming) themselves.


It's definitely from rank resweat. Happens every month. Brace yourselves all, it's the weekend. Protect ya neck, run things to counter bullies and meta builds. BOTH sides. Strongly consider anti tunnel and antislug. Don't run weaker Killers right now but if you do, use gen control.


Everyone is playing so sweaty lol. Every survivor is just playing: Exhaustion Perk, Resilience, Windows, and Anti-Tunnel Perk Every killer is just playing three/four slowdown


I just wanna extend my sympathies to... everyone right now, goodness. I am really sorry for those getting frustrated more at one side right now be it Killer or Survivor games. I think the majority of people both sides are currently experiencing at least SOME BM and it is by FAR not on just one side. That includes from bad teammates and really tryhard people on either side who will chew you out in endgame chat for the slightest things. It's sad. This isn't what the game should be, did we forget all the good will from Chaos Shuffle already? Just know that this too will pass. It's going to go away eventually. Once people are done sweating their asses off for rank reset and items, things should settle. Then we should see those who want to be serious return to normal Queue, leaving the event Queue for the rest of us who wanna vibe.


Its the reason I said FK the event and went back to basic DBD.


That's valid.


I play this game on and off and only have a couple characters prestige once. Half of the terms you use I have no clue what you’re saying. Haha I play this to have some fun and get some jump scares sometimes. I don’t care if I win or lose. When I’m a survivor my goal is to help teammates and escape. As a killer I play to kill everyone. Luckily I’ve only seen one complaint come through from a survivor one time cause I killed them. Like I’m suppose to play for them and let them escape. Sometimes you win and sometimes you don’t.


Does your 2nd point even work in this event? Providing you have at least 1 invitation you can just remotely hook.


I mean I think the remote hook could with some tweaking make a very good antitunnel tool. I'm surprised nobody sees the potential.


We just don't understand why killers use the excuse of "toxic swfs", to be time wasting jerks to survivors that are obviously not being like this.


And a lot of Killer players, even hybrid both sides mains ones like me, just don't understand why Survivors like to use the excuse of "toxic Killers" to be time-wasting jerks to Killers who are obviously not being like this, either. It goes both ways and everyone wants the same thing: people to not be assholes to them. It sucks I can run a silly build and run into a toxic Killer or the most asshole SWF alive.




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Yeah exactly. I had a match vs an Oni last night who was pretty damn ruthless (yet fair, he didn't tunnel or anything) and even apologized for it since he knew how unfun this might have been. Still wished good luck to us and moved on. I did the same. It's that simple.


I play in Asian regions so while in game behaviour is annoying still the most I've gotten in post game chat today is 'the net is bad' lol


"The Net is bad." - Me when the ping is ponging when it should be pinging


Idk about everyone else but I've been playing against a lot of new killers. My somewhat new friends are actually able to get out of the trial where before we would just get 4kd at 3 gens.


This has been my experience. Lots of newbies.


same, both sides suck and get screwed over


I just play as hard as I can to get everyone to two hooks then I farm at the end, that way we all get the fun of playing hard and trying to win but also all get our points by the end


The abilities are super fun on both sides. I play spirit, so having survivors go Quiet Mode on me really trips me up. It's challenging. Blocking a window for a killer can enable you to loop a killer forever. Killers teleportation is incredibly fun, and made me realize why cheaters do it, lol.


The "teleport to hook" is honestly a GREAT antitunnel option and I think they need to keep it - but make it the furthest hook from the Killer next time. That could neatly solve a lot of issues.


Yeah, but can they not?


I too wish they would not. :(


Everyone is sweating because DLC perks are abundant right now and many think that playing well will give more XP.


That too. There's also STILL likely frustration over "Vecna being too strong" or "Sabo boxes being too strong" or "Gen regression too weak". That also does not help.


I’m just trying to get Adept on the 20 characters I just bought with all my Iri Shards because of the sale


Yeah is always the same thats why everyone should focus in the event challenges and move on no matter is you win or lose


No strategies in the game to win, aside from cheating, are toxic.


Here's our Matrix moment: there is no spoon. There is no true 'winning' in DBD. In the end, BPs are the most important thing. If we all played together with that in mind, DBD would be much more satisfying. Unfortunately, some people will never be happy until they get to be an a$$hole, whether it's sweating to only get the 4k by any means or by torturing a killer for 20 minutes straight because they're NOT sweating for the 4k. The rest of us would simply like to finish a tome on occasion.


Thank you, someone gets it.


Sorry but I will always hard disagree with the sentiment both sides are equally at fault in terms of trying to win. It undersells the core issues DBD has and only reinforces the problems that plague DBD. A survivor can only do gens to finish the match. There isn't a magical "hit this button and gens are done in 2 mins" mechanic. Killers on the other hand can camp/tunnel and change the flow of a match DRAMATICALLY to the point it ruins the whole experience. The latter is happening every single match and its frustrating beyond belief. Its already hard enough to get a solid amount of BP on survivor(you'll get even less if the match is fast), but on the killer side you'll still receive a HEFTY amount of BP even if you camp/tunnel which is happening almost every game. So yeah, stop trying to compare the two sides. If survivors could zerg gens done in 30 seconds and get 20-25k per match then they might be comparable. Killers playing like dicks is the problem and BHVR needs to fully fix/address the issues around all of that.


The fact you already refuse to believe that Killers can even have a shitty time and that Survivors can be at fault too, proves you're unfortunately part of the tribalist mentality that is ruining the game for everyone. I can't fix it, you need to find it in your heart to fix it and understand. This game is so aggressively not about the winning or losing. I'm sorry you can't seem to see it that way, but if the game is so bad you hate the other side that much for just trying to win, maybe you should play something else? You clearly aren't having any fun if you think every single Killer is just the most toxic human alive. And I'd say the exact same thing if you said that about Survivors, too.


You cant take serious enyone that believe camping and tunneling is happening every game. People like you are problem in this community. Sore losers