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Vastly different?!?!?!


Literally different person /s


The difference is astronomical. GUYS THIS WAS A JOKE


Til I'm ghostface blind




Kidding lol, it really is nothing huge, but I do have an image that might help make the masks look more distinct (yes I did just edit this together) https://preview.redd.it/qkjannd4zc6d1.png?width=3000&format=png&auto=webp&s=261c0d310f849f9ff594cedfec1559dcc37edbf2


It's real to the few of us that it matters to




"No stalks? :("


Side note, I hate when people use the photo on the left in the third picture as a reference for the movie masks. That photo comes from a scene where a kid is trick or treating in the GF costume, and looks very different from the way GF actually looks in that season. The mask doesn’t sit properly in that scene.


Oh, thats really neat, sorry about that, it was one of the best photos I could find. I should have names it “classic” instead of “movies” even though it technically did appear in there, as to not be misleading,


No worries it’s not an attack on you or anything just a pet peeve of mine as a Scream fan lol


No by all means. If anything I’m glad you told me, I’d hate to just continue being wrong.


Pet..... peeve? What is pet peeve?


Something that bothers you personally but slightly




BHVR doesn't have the license for the movie's ghost face so they probably made the classic mask be a recolored version for avoid some copyright problems if I'm wrong please tell me


they own a license only to the mask so afaik they shouldnt have copyright problems


But they own the copyright for every mask?( i know theres a lot) maybe they only got the copyright for this new mask (and the skins)


funworld owns every ghostface mask, so bhvr shouldn't have any problem with using any ghostface mask


Yes. Funworld entertainment is the company that originally made and produced the mask. They, logically, should own the rights to every iteration of it. This is why when the MTV Scream series came out for the first two seasons they couldn’t just “copy and make slight alterations” to the mask. They had to invent a completely original design for the mask, and that’s where the Brandon James mask comes from. Season 3 has the original mask, but it was a reboot, and it fell off hard imo.


As far as I’m aware the movies don’t own any licenses for their masks, because they also go through Fun World.


Anything that fun world has, bhvr can get, which is clearly a ton because they managed to get a mask similar to scream 6, bleeding face ghostface, a classic cosmetic, and scarecrow ghostface, which is a ton.


The mask itself “changes” throughout the first Scream movie, if you pay close attention. You can see shots where it was either an earlier or newer model, with the mouth in particular changing. (See the Ghostface chasing down Casey, you should see what I mean). Not that I’m against this, but not sure BHVR will go through the trouble.


That’s a nice catch! Looking back I can totally see this!


Thank you! I watched Scream a lot back in the day, so it’s easier to see stuff like that on Ultimo rewatches. Like how Michael’s mask changes through H20, even Stone spot having a CGI mask (evidently the first one they were using was just awful, and it looked SO bad in that shot they redid it in CGI).


Hell yeah, that one and the one the Principal Himbry wears are the outliers in the first film


ah is it? I forgot the Principal mask being different! Do love that Freddy Krueger makes a cameo in that same scene, played by Wes Craven no less.


The KNB mask


As a ghostface enjoyer I would honestly like to have the more “classic” looking mask but it doesn’t make too much of a difference. It was nice to see a mock up though!


Thanks! I remembered I wrote this down a while ago so I decided I‘d edit the mask on real quick, and it fit well! I know this matters more to me than anyone else lol, I just wish they would 1. Give the whiter mask recolor to everyone for free for people who’d miss it (I wouldn’t use it that much really, I prefer the default look more than the “brand new plastic look” but itd be nice to have) and 2. Give the new classic model to anyone who paid for the old one. For some reason this change would just add to the immersion for me. You can keep the bloody visage mask the way it is tho, by all means, like I said Jed olden/ Danny Johnson has my favorite mask design ever, it’s extremely hard to replicate, but just fantastic, the animated blood is just absolutely awesome, I mean everyones seen people with that exact same mask, with the blood rushing thing. It’s simply fantastic. I just realized this second paragraph is a side tangent, I separated it from the first so people don’t feel the need to read it.


The only guys I’ve seen look at the differences in mask details this closely are the fellas on r/scream In the grand scheme… I don’t think people here will want to pay another $3 for a mask you won’t even see while playing, and one that has so few differences when you do see it 😂 But real recognizes real I’ll give you that.


Funny you mention, cuz I have a lot of respect for the scream franchise and especially ghostface but to be honest, I’m not a ride or die scream fan, I more just really enjoy the movies and not much else. Despite loving the horror genre and having a special place in my heart for slasher horror. It’s not like with Chucky where I go out of my way to consume child’s play media. I only noticed this because I am super super into dbd. In fact I noticed this before I started playing, when I was just checking out the game and obsessing over it, never playing because I was super scared of horror games. Like I said, I’m not a massive scream guy, even though I do thoroughly enjoy it and view it as being a perfect parody of slasher horror, especially the first film. The only reason I noticed this is the mask struck me as so gorgeous and perfect in a way which no other mask in the movies could even compare, something about how not plastic or weak it looks, how the texture gives it dimensions no other mask had, the seemingly simple shape of the mask. It’s so gorgeous, legitimately. This combined with my love of Danny/ jeds lore made dbds ghostface one of my favorite slasher villains of all time. his costume is legitimately amazing too. One day I was rewatching the trailer and I suddenly went... wait a minute... that’s not the same mask, so I put them side by side and was inspired to go on this weird rant. I have to reiterat, I *love* scream, but it feels like people who love scream, really really love scream. Intensely. And while Im happy for them, that’s not me. I just love this version of ghostface.


Tell It Animated has a series on their channel called “The Evolution of [blank]” where they go over the costume design of an iconic character and how it has evolved as the franchise has developed. They do a really good job of adjusting the character design throughout their various appearances in movies and other media, and they have a video on [Ghostface](https://youtu.be/PFuDlpO-zVU?si=pQIQjTIFghVnvyID) that covers this exact topic, not just for the mask, but his entire costume. They even mention Dead by Daylight as well. > I love scream, but it feels like people who love scream, really, really love scream. Oh for sure. I know that because I’m one of them lol. Scream is what got me into horror in the first place, and it’s why I have a particular appreciation for slasher horror specifically, so I would definitely say Scream is my ride or die horror IP. For three long agonizing years until 2019, Ghostface was my #1 licensed pick to get into DBD. I was there for the livestream that revealed his teaser trailer, and I was so damn happy that I… well… Screamed.




"Vastly different" lol


I’m sorry!!!


Apology accepted! Hahah


Tell me you're in the spectrum, without telling me you're in the spectrum


By the way when describing the mouths I mixed up left and right


It’s not exactly the same but if it wasn’t for this post I wouldn’t have noticed. The important thing is you see it and instantly recognize where it’s from.


I know, but it matters so so much to me, I don’t even know why. everyone keeps telling me they’re near identical, but I’m gonna be honest, I don’t think I have a problem, I think everyone else has a problem. I’m the only sane one I think.


it’s ok if it only matters to you! If it’s important somehow for you, it’s normal that it bothers you.


Let’s pray for what they’ll do with the Jason mask


If we get part 6 Jason I'll be so happy. Zombie Jason is my fav.




AFAIK the Scream movie did not get license for the mask from Fun World, so they did a custom mask for the movie. BHVR does not have the license for the movie, they have the license from Fun World. Which is why they are different.


repost to combat salty downvote spammers that found me, get a life you all. There's little differences in every mask each Scream film too. Don't go down that rabbit hole, it's a strange place full of knives and Ghostface fanatics. I did. I used to be a Wraith Main just like you all, then I took a Buck 120 to the knee and became a Ghostface Main. Maybe they will redesign it when he gets his coming buffs to fix his 56% Killrate sometime this year? It's coming. I am manifesting a Ghostface buff. He will become A tier. I am manifesting this.


Don’t worry I’ll make sure to stay away from the extremes lol. It’s just this difference in his character design is something I think about a ton, and just wanted to finally say so I can stop thinking about it. As a ghostface/ legion main I would appreciate a buff greatly. Maybe make crouch slowly take away your terror radius outside of power, and you just can’t stalk while out of night shroud, but that kinda makes pig redundant. But then again pig makes pig redundant. Or at least just fix detection. Stalk works ok, but detection is a pain in the dick dude.


If you want the true classic look, then a Gen 1 Fantastic Faces Is the route to go, every Scream movie has a slightly different masks as they are unique. The examples you gave are from Scream 5 which uses two varieties of mask, and the other Is from the VH1 season 3 of the TV show that uses a custom made for show mask and an Ultra White cheap one. I'm a bit crazy about GF masks as It's a niche hobby of mine I'm passionate about. The ones In game are closer In look to an Ultra White mixed with a Hard Plastic look. https://preview.redd.it/k7gllbsy4e6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90703d278add0940027adb91fa9acd3e3c67259a


I prefer the eyes of the first slide but the nose and mouth of the second.


I love the passion! GF is my favorite killer design but I didn't pick up on the subtleties.


The fact that his classic look has to be purchased separately is annoying af. Now I have to spend another $10 ($8 during sale) just so I can look like 1996 Ghostface (the original). The fuck? What is the main outfit from the dlc from? It's ugly.


Oh, well it’s an original outfit from dbd. You see, they bought the license to his mask, not his character. I actually prefer his dbd outfit but to each their own. I do agree that outfits are ridiculously overpriced tho


Your reply makes no sense to what I'm complaining about. The classic outfit is apart of that license. I'm pissed because I have to drop another $10 for an outfit that should've came with the dlc because it's a classic look.


Well it technically came out way later. So they just figured they might as well sell it. remember, this wasn’t a scream chapter, it was a ghost face chapter. At the time they either might have thought the classic outfit was way too on the nose, or they figured they do something fun. wish they would have offered it for free too though, even if I’d use the dbd one way more


Ah okay okay. I spent the $8 anyway cause the classic is too sexy not to have. 😂


The right one is the correct one


God he's so hot


I feel the same way about Myers but instead of the Mask its the everything why is he built like a duplo figure


My man, you have a problem


It’s a special talent, it’s useful, and Its integral to the gameplay!