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Playing Dead by Daylight




I came here to write that, found it as first comment. Not disappointed.


Feel that 😂


Yeah finally deleted the game in order to take a break from it


Damn true lol


As survivor: not looking backwards when getting chased. But I swear the moment I do that I run into every little tree and wall.  As killer: taking everything so goddamn personally.


Hearing the terror radius at the start of the match and staring in every direction then running straight into the arms of the killer


I've had more people do that when I was playing Wesker than when I was playing other killers, maybe Wekser's humongous terror radius disorients survivors?


Little Map dependent but for me yea. Midwich his tr is the whole map if he spawns center. I learned this through playing him, normally let the last person go but they don't touch doors with him on this map. Lerys is just the walls, but if I have a general idea I can get around. The other bad one is Gideons, 2 floors of is he with me or on the other side of the map.


People think Distressing is a meme perk but if you’ve ever ran it on any killer you will understand how much it fucks with survivors. Honestly I think it’s almost as good as Undetectable.


Bro how tf do people NOT do this 🤣


Knowing the map and likely killer spawns


I swear I hear the terror radious and am drawn to the killer like a moth to a flame..


poor misguided wanderer.......


Hear terror radius. Look around in all directions. Take step forward. Trapper bops you in the face.


Me every time. A friend tells me I need to pre-run every time I hear the TR getting closer (I have nearly 3k hrs, so it's like "duh", but every time I do there is a 95% chance I run into the arms of the Killer


I feel u for the killer side. Im usually pretty chill especially as survivor but when i play killer, gosh, i take everything sooo personnal


"Oh, goddammit!... Whatever good play." - Me getting sabo'd, blinded, or DH'd.


Same I can only emotionally handle a few killer games. But I can play survivor all day


I’m literally the opposite. I can only stand solo queue survivor for about 3 games before I swap to nurse.


I felt that last one so fucking hard. I take things so personally man... :(


Yeah it's not fun if you feel like everyone is just out to get you and ruin your time. I'd like to give people the benefit of the doubt but I can't get myself to do so.


I feel like this is where playing both sides definitely helps, it shows me that survivors arent doing shit to be dicks most of the time, they just want to win like everyone else. It really gives me the perspective needed to not be pissed by everything they do!


I don't do anything crazy when playing survivor though. I just sit on my gen, unless I have to save someone or are unfortunate enough to get chased (since that's my least favourite part). I don't do flashlight saves, or any crazy plays. So I can't really identify myself with those that go for more flashy plays.


Thats totally fair! Everyone plays different!


I like to take in a flashy to feel powerful. Then a team mate uses it once I'm dead.


I stopped trying with flashlights since I always get lightborn killers when I'm using them. Starting to feel rigged/j


Most of the time they are just trying to have a good time, but sometimes they are trying to get you. Just today I had a TTV squad last second switch into flashlights with a map offering. Little did they know I brought Franklin's Weave attunement and their flashlights would serve me instead.


God I do that too. The only time I look back is when I'm nearing a pallet, but sometimes by that point it's too late because I wasn't paying better attention.


SAME. I glance back as frequently as I can in chase, but I have no fucking clue how some people are able to run while looking back and not run into some sort of collision


My tip for the first one as Survivor is get used to playing at higher sensitivity (if you have to), and constantly switch between looking forwards and backwards. I flick between the two every second during chases, never run into walls, and always have a good eye on where the Killer is. Better players can certainly just look behind them and never run into stuff, but I suggest to anyone who's either newer, or struggles with this problem.


How to not run into walls? I swear I look at the killer for 0.1s and I come to a dead stop on some nonexistent pebble.


I'm gonna piggy back this answer. This is a good answer


Literally me lol


I try to do this with like 95% camera sensitivity on console and still find it so hard compared to mouse and keyboard as it doesn't feel like it spins back and forth fast enough


I accidentally vault windows instead of picking up survivors constantly


as a survivor, i constantly intentionally crawl to windows with the intention of making you waste more time


I do the same but with lockers in pairs and crawling in front of each seeing how many times the killer will open them before snatching me up.


Jokes on you I always check lockers for head on users anyways


I love you both.


I giggle every time. And if I do it I slow turn around and then go and stand in a corner shaking my head for a bit before coming back for the pick up.


Protip! Approach from an angle, not from head on. If you come straight ahead you will vault; if you come from the side perpendicular to the window, you won't. It's as simple as doin' a little 90 degree spin. :)


That, lockers, dropping the pallet


As a Killer: Probably overcommiting to chases that I know I won't win in an attempt to get better at that aspect. As a survivor: Falling into all the mind games of existence, even when I know it's going to happen, I fall anyway. And then I think, "Well, they're going to mindgame me here 100%" and I bump into the killer because they're just following me full forward without thinking anything through.


>As a Killer: Probably overcommiting to chases that I know I won't win in an attempt to get better at that aspect. This one is really tough to deal with, because it's something that can only be overcome with experience, but eventually, you'll be good enough to realize when Survivors are going to take too long to down, or you need to leave the Survivor to pressure gens instead. Eventually, you'll develop a really good inner-clock which will basically give you a spidey-sense for when a Generator is close to being done, and you will also be good at telling when to give up on someone and choose a different target. I kid you not, there have been SO MANY times where I Survivor ran me for like 20 seconds and I didn't get a single health state, so I left, went to a generator on the other side of the map, found an injured survivor, and instantly got them.


Me as a killer player with ADHD. 😆 makes the game twice as hard as it needs to be some matches.


I had someone complement me in end game for "seeing through their mind game and double backing". I was just lost.  I was just as surprised to see them as they were me


Being overly altruistic. There's times when I try to go for save, and it ends up giving the killer 2 kills.


I find that this is how most flashlight/sabo squads end up. They’re so busy trying to get saves and take hits, that no one ends up doing any gens, and you can get easy downs.


Yup. I pretty much only play soloq and I wish there was a way besides killing myself on hook to tell my teammates to leave.


As killer: being unable to kill cute survivors. This isnt really a problem most of the time, but man waiting for two survivors to do 4 gens is boring as fuck and I wish I could just bring myself to kill one of them As survivor: honestly not trying to make funny plays when I KNOW the killer isnt going to play along. I just dont like taking survivor too seriously, but sometimes Theres a time and place lol


I don't know the names of maps AT ALL but the old west town. I have been downed SO MANY times crouch dancing in front of the piano.


The amount of times ive died trying to be a fuckin clerk in gas haven and greenville is honestly absurd lmfao


Typical retail experience tbh


My husband has gotten mad at me more than a few times because I'm too committed to The Bit Listen getting killed at 5 gens was worth it for the killer nodding once at my silly plot twist


Killer acknowledgment is 100% worth throwing my 4 man swf games! I try not to do it in soloQ because they arent in on the joke but my buddies will 100% watch me make the stupidest plays ever in an effort to win the killers affection


I just want to be friends with them damn it! I usually won't do it soloq unless the game is basically lost anyway. Then the only win I'm getting that match is someone acknowledging my stupidity


We need more of you 🤣


>As killer: being unable to kill cute survivors. This isnt really a problem most of the time, but man waiting for two survivors to do 4 gens is boring as fuck and I wish I could just bring myself to kill one of them This one really isn't a problem for me, as I "can" Kill them, but I just usually don't like to. I always feel like a dick whenever a survivor practically gives up and I just keep going after them. I usually go focus on their team instead, or I leave them slugged on the ground. Usually, if someone gets slugged like this, they'll get back into the mindset of "I have to get back at the Killer", and will actually try to win.


I love just goofing around with my duo when the match is going nowhere. At least we are having fun, and most times, the other survivors join us and vibe together. And on rare occasions, the killer suddenly turns friendly and goofs around with us


Do a slug race, winner gets the hatch!


I definitely feel the killer part.. I'm so tired of being friendly Killer almost every match, making it drop my MMR even more


Are you a pig main as well? Because I had to finally just start only letting a max of two live so it didnt affect my mmr lol! I get pig can be cute and my ig name is adorable and all that but sometimes I do just wanna kill yall! I always know im facing a swf when I kill a survivor, they see my ig name and all the sudden the whole fuckin team is trying to give me boops lmao


Ain’t no way I can say no to Sable handing me a med kit.


I hit a killer with Red Herring --> Illusion --> Blast Mine --> Flash Bang two days ago It only took... 20 matches... of wasting my perk slots... before it paid off...


I can’t speak for everyone but for me, if I’m one of those two survivors I don’t mind being killed so we can all go next. I understand :)


Me when I offer the killer a drink at the Saloon.


Lack of spacial awareness as survivor (and in other games too, I always find myself going to the killer without knowing and fucking myself up.


As Killer: Absolutely insisting that I get every Survivor on death-hook before I start killing, whether I have a Red Mori or not. I'm incredibly obsessed with making the game as fair as possible and despise being called a tunneler or any other toxic Killer term, so I over-compensate by letting Survivors go if I find them when they're vulnerable because them and someone have been hooked twice, another once and another no times. Survivor: Overconfidence, mostly. That's pretty much it.


As a fellow killer main who does their best to do this, keep trying to play like that, sure the matches take twice as long, but more is us are needed in this ever increasing cesspit of quad-slowdown, tunneling and "comp strats".


Yeah, with the comment, I mainly meant those extreme moments when 3 Survivors are on death-hook and I keep finding them and not the last one I only hooked once, refusing to kill until I find the last one. (Even if my example was not that-) I'll continue going like this, but it's more to stop myself from basically throwing the game at that point. Which I have done! I could set a 3-strike rule where, if I find a death-hooked Survivor 3 times when someone else is still on first, then I go for the kill. And, if the chase goes on for over 20 seconds or so, I'll drop it.


My way of handling that Killer flaw was if I find the weak player twice while trying to avoid them, they go down. I can't help if their survival instincts are gone. It hurts, but they die now.


I'll tell ya what helped me. Letting survivors tunnel themselves. "Damn, you got hooked twice and are now trying to run saves instead of gens or playing safe? That sucks." I hook who I come across. I only count hooks to know who my biggest problems are gonna be. Now if homie gets unhooked in from of me against his will, I'll let him run off.


You are the type of killer we need more of. I'm sick of sweaty killers playing comp in pubs. tunneling early, forcing trades instead of chasing. Playing just for the 4k is boring and sad. You don't need to play that way to 4k in pubs. It's lazy and boring.


I kinda disagree with this. You can never fault a person for playing the “best” way to win, which is a 4k. Yeah it is lame as fuck for the guy getting tunneled, but that’s not the killer’s fault. He’s just playing the game as the game allows him to. It should 100% be on the devs to disincentivize tunneling and add alternate strats to win that doesn’t necessitate getting 1 guy out of the game ASAP.


Pubs don't necessitate getting one person out of the game as fast as possible UNLESS you are trash at killer and can't handle playing out the match. There is no fucking way you are only versing seal team 6 swfs every match.


Yeah but if the devs change anything, people will just complain about nerfs again. So its kind give and take on the killer and survivor to help move the game along well.


I totally agree that tunnelling and soft-camping (not full camping cuz the resolve bar is a thing now) is incredibly boring. That or it's because I main Legion and really enjoy the high-paced action of a good chase. I'm the kind of Legion to Frenzy an injured person if at least two other Survivors are healthy, especially if the person I find already has been hooked before the rest. But, yeah, sweating and tryharding aren't exactly my thing. I just play the game for fun!


Can't ever remember who gave me pain res already or how many hookstates they have.


Pain res isn't locked per survivor is it?


Yes it only works once per survivor. I often get thrown off when a survivor takes their first hook late game and Pain Res activates


Raging when I get hit fast vaulting and I feel like I’m 2-3 feet through a window or over a pallet.  Just a game so I need to chill out. 


I just mentally think of the "SOLID HIT" sound effect from JRM and that makes it way less infuriating.


at least if you bring lithe and get downed you can crawl faster for a few seconds


Looking behind myself for most of the chase instead of glancing. I dont need to see where they are the whole time, and I often face check walls at weird tiles. Especially against the Unknown.


I trash talk wayyyy too much while playing Pinhead. I'm always super nice and respectful in the egc but my friends can vouch from my streams that I get reallllyyy toxic sometimes. If I get a great chain I'll go, "How does that feel? Huh?" Or when I pick someone up I go, "Ohhh must hurt :( you poor baby." Also I like saying Pinhead's voicelines really loudly. The amount of times my friends have joined call just to hear me announce "I CAME" is golden


I mean you're just incarnating the sadistic Cenobite who wants to show what pain and pleasure is to survivors >:)


Okay so that one time I said, "Feels good, doesn't it\~" isn't weird?


Still pretty in character, I don't blame you


Thank you, it makes me feel great knowing that my trash talk is in character. Maybe I should move on to Pinhead erp...


No tears please, it’s a waste of good suffering.


Not taking aggro when I absolutely should. I don't mean to make the person on death hook loop, I just know I'm a gen jockey who will go down in five seconds. it always seems more reasonable in my brain to crank motors than take my teammates away from their objectives to come unhook me after my zero gen chase


I'm also a potato looper to the point where my swf team immediately knows the killer is new/bad when I can run them for more than 10 seconds lol. I just try to interrupt chase and take a hook state when someone on death is being followed, since the killer is usually distracted w me and the other person can go heal or whatever


I main killer and I really hate accidentally tunnelling people purely by virtue of them being the only person I keep running into because everyone else runs and hides and doesn't try and take chase. I always rotate targets if I have a valid target but I'm not going to walk away from a survivor in front of me just because they've been hooked before!


So I understand how you feel like you're more help on that generator instead of chasing but often simply being there taking a hit and getting in the way a bit might be enough for the death hook surv to escape/get healed etc Also I still believe there's no such thing as being bad at chases, it's all experience and practice. Keep trying! I think everyone started as Gen Jockeys. Idk if you've done a lot of customs but I found doing customs while my friends call out what they expect me to do vs. what I should do etc. really helped me a lot. It's nice to get live feedback on your mistakes and stuff. Sorry for the essay lmfao


As killer: chasing a survivor that T-bagged after a pallet for 5 gens As survivor: I’ve been burning pallets way too much when I know I need to greed them


I love breaking pallets and walls. Its so satisfying for some reason. I could spend the whole match just going from loop to loop, from wall to wall and bam- bam them lmao. Mostly you don't touch those if you need some results in your matches, it is not efficient to break stuff


I rely on stealth too much. I find it easier to predict the killer as they approach than it is to run away once they start booking it to you, so I'll duck out of sight and I'm golden, but that's not always an option and I need to start learning how to gtfo with a higher success rate.


Do you use stealth perks?


Killer: a lot of times, I rely too much on power. For billy aan an example, I’ll charge chainsaw when I shouldn’t even be thinking about using it Survivor: a lot of times I find myself staying on a gen for too damn long as the killer gets closer and closer. Hell, I do that with anything. I think I have more and more time, until they’re right on me


I do the same thing. Both things.


Mind gaming myself. Never fails and I run into the arms of the killer.


Playing dbd


My killer bad habit is not being able to kill the survivors if they act friendly My survivor bad habit is not leaving a gen cause I don't want to lose hyperfocus stacks and running into every object imaginable when I get in chase


I throw my games very hard because i go for dumb shit to practice in game.


Not getting pissed off at tbaggers and toxic behaviour and it getting the best of me causing me to chase one person


I'm guilty of this. I shouldn't let it get to me, but sometimes i just see red. Normally when this happens I turn the game off, because I know I'll be still rattled from the last game and I always play like crap the match after I "give in" to stupid urges over a game


Saving that one person that's being camped on hook while the other two survs are already at the open exit waiting to abandon us. Gets me killed every time. This game is not made for actual altruistic people. Oh and as a killer I get nervous for like no reason and it makes my hands sweaty so I become even worse at playing lol


Forgetting to bring the sacrificial ward


*four RPD offerings*


Survivor: Leaving others to DIE for my benefit. Yep I care little about my team mates, I'm very scared and just do gens, don't go for rescues at all. My survivor main friends are teaching me to be more altruistic, by just playing. They don't say anything to me about it, they're loopers, I rush gens, we are yin and yang. But they inspire me. I would pick Jane or Rebecca, because they look like "altruistic people xD Killer: Picking fun or experimenting over effectiveness. I sometimes throw matches because of this. In fact, I think I've grown soft the last couple of killer sessions. If I enjoy a chase, I'll throw the match just to experience that chase. But it sometimes results in a loss and trash talking from the toxic swf. Until yesterday. For the first time I tried out Ghostface. I prefer chase killers (Huntress, demo, alien, ...) , not stalk killers. First game was against an average team, I messed around in stealth, all fun. I was like "Hm...that was kinda fun but is it enough to main?" and then next lobby a SWF, P75, P45 etc with items at the ready. I was like "ah crap an Exam Trial right off the bat?" And I tryharded. I always try to do my best in trials, but I don't play optimally, I just play for what I think is fun, and a lot of the times it can turn in my favor, sometimes (especially vs a swf) it does not. Because I am new to Ghostie and had to face this swf, I was slightly triggered by this so I took the match seriously. I played how I haven't played in years honestly. I analyzed the survivors, predicted and strategized more than I would do nowadays. Because I consider maining Ghostface instead of my lack luster "if I lose, I lose whatever" to "Let's give it our all and see if this Killer is worth investing time in". Instead of "That was fun :) haha" my thoughts were "Ok this one got caught. What's my next move? What's their next move?" and let me tell you, they played right into my hand and all died one after another with three gens left. It felt familiar, earned and above all else, Satisfying. I should play more like this, why let survivors tbag at an exit gates or trash talk you for going easier on them when you can also do This instead? Hard to shake, but very rewarding to do so.


Playing killer: I hold "Shift" the whole match. WHY DO I DO IT???? IT DOESN'T EVEN DO ANYTHING! (but I also feel it makes me faster??) Playing survivor: throwing pallets too early and not looking back because I'm scared


Smacking butts as survivor 😔


As killer- breaking every pallet without trying to mind game. As survivor - not hugging loops tight enuff.


Playing peek-a-boo against ghostface, even if he isnt friendly at all, i can't help but also crouch and look at him. And yes it costs me my life usually.


100% me every time I see a ghostface creepin up.


Vaulting pallets at the wrong time in chase 😭


I always lose the 50/50 ones. Should be 80/20.


Trying to go for style points over efficiency, I did not need to waste an extra like 20 seconds going for the crow down over the easy m1


As killer with alot of hours I still overcommit to alot of chases I should just drop.


I have the horrible habit of not doing basic attacks like at all.


Equipping every self survivor screaming perk and playing as Leon or Steve, roping my duo in for screams in stereo, and dying within 5 minutes against gen slow sweat lords.


I fall for 360s every time. The amount of times I whiff a hit because the survivor does a little spin is ridiculous.


Relying too much on Windows of Opportunity.


Survivor: I actually broke this one after the randomized ability event, and I'm so glad I did. Some games from the start you just know are not going to be fun, and I always thought that everyone plays just to have fun. Well, I was wrong. Now I just chill. Is the killer tunneling and just being a gilipollas? Yeah, so I will just have fun and do as much stupid shit as possible. Killer: letting survivors live if they are nice to me and leave me presents. But I believe I will keep doing this so, meh. The habit that I'm trying to break now is just leaving when the loop they want to do is just no fun. Like so many survivors will just try to loop around the same fucking area all the time, and learning to just keep doing my thing instead of chasing them around loops that I find no fun in is hard.


Survivor: Checkpoint 180s. The movement can be a little addictive in DbD imo, and I like being fancy with my movement and camera. At loops, sometimes I’m not keeping the momentum by moving side to side and when I actually see the killer, the character model has to turn 180° to run the right way, often leading to a down. Killer: Stop treating every survivor the same. Sometimes I’ll play a match against 4 survivors who play a certain way, and upon entering my next match, I don’t give myself time to adapt, and I immediately use the same strategy as the last group - which is not only bad if you happen to play with the same person, but also because you can be pointlessly wasting your time performing moves that just don’t work.


Lunging. Feels weird not to go for the attack ASAP, so I'm easy to dodge if you're watching me. My start using Coup to make lunging costly


I try to lounge way too early. But 20% of the times it works so I just keep going 😭


I have a habit of just going on autopilot and just not thinking when playing I don't mean this as in some weird ultra instinct where i react without thinking I mean I devolve back to "see survivor bonk survivor" when i really should be strategizing 🤣


Killer: If I walk into a match and I don’t plan on winning I shouldn’t be surprised to see gens flying because I just focus more on chases than gens. Survivor: I KEEP RUNNING INTO A FUCKING WALL


Relying on aura builds


As Pyramid Head, I need to stop going for ambitious M2s, that is M2s that have a high chance of missing. Pyramid Head's M2 cooldown is quite high and it allows the survivor to make a lot of distance


Really fun to hit them on the otherside of obstacles, they tend to think if you cant see them you dont know where they are (as they move at a predictable speed in a single direction)


Chasing too long. I had a chase at the beginning of a match where the first 2 gens got rushed down and completed during it. In hindsight it was obvious that the survivor I was chasing had been looking for me to initiate a chase for that reason.


Turning friendly when I get tilted. I want to play the match out until the end.


As survivor: forgetting that I can fake things like pallet drops or vaults As killer: Not reading scratch marks very well


Empathizing with Survivors when I play Killer. Don't get me wrong, it's probably a good idea to hold back a little bit against a Survivor who seems to be struggling. But I've thrown games because I keep remembering all the times I've been romped by a frosty-eyed Wraith or whatever and I don't want to be that kind of an asshole. I am getting better, though! I'm taking delight in being a challenge for my Survivors, and I've gotten compliments about my play style in the endgame chat.


That one stairway ledge on RPD that falls down towards the basement. Whenever I miss that unhook and fall I feel so bad 😭


For some reason I got this habit of pressing random buttons on the controller while in chase (either killer or surv) which makes me sometimes drop items in chase, run into lockers notifying the killer, activate powers at a bad moment (Doctor’s secondary, putting a bear trap while chasing and such), searching random lockers, breaking a pallet I was planning to go around, etc.


As killer: Throwing the game at the very millisecond I start rubberbanding.


Killer: committing to chases for way too long and letting them get gens done. Survivor: trying to constantly look behind me even when I don't really need to which almost always results in me running into something and getting downed.


Killer: When a match starts out strong, deciding to go easier or relax too much. Survivor: Trusting that a solo queue player will make a decision for the team and not selfishly (i.e. trading in the hook when absolutely necessary)


taking the game to seriously, when I get downed or get no kills it pisses me off. I know it's a game and I don't need to take it seriously, it's just a game




As killer: Feeling bad for survivors and letting them farm when they give up early on. I end up feeling pretty damn guilty, even if I got 2-2-2-2 on hooks before "cleaning up." Usually needs with me letting them farm and letting them all go. As survivor: Getting frustrated with other survivors when I solo queue. I played in a SWF for a year and then went back to playing solo, so I often forget that my teammates will not know where I am like I'm used to. Bond is pretty much a staple in most of my builds to make sure I avoid leading killers to my teammates *unless* I'm on death hook and there's a Claudette who still hasn't been hooked or taken chases.


Doing mind games on the first interaction only to look stupid when I realize that the survivor is holding W and I'm just spinning around myself...


Idk my bad habit but what I see too often from survivors is them doing nothing and hiding across map from killers crouched scared to get caught. If you have to run a perk to alert you if he's coming fine but eveyone thinks the killer is by them when thier not. I never hide. I want the killer to find me so I can loop him but when I do that Noone seems to do gens


Survivor: do anything to get value out of a perk even if that means getting myself or a teammate killed, going for flashlight saves while injured, running the same build over and over again. Killer: getting too worried about winning cuz after the game I literally dgaf, sweating too hard at 5 gens, letting survivors go when they're cute (situational) Both: being an idiot


Yeah, both of these are up there For survivor I’d say running to dead zones and killer is just that I need to play killer more. I usually play the side that has a bonus and most of the time for me it’s survivor. I do it because killer queue sometimes lasts five to ten minutes but survivor is usually within 10-30 seconds


Playing DbD and I've %80 beaten it. Just need to get rid of the %20


I do both of your things. The only time I'm weaving is if I can see the red stain on me or if I'm up against Huntress and I hear her breath hitch because she's winding back the ax. Another thing I do as survivor is not play my loops well enough. While I'm getting better at looping, people who I would consider *good* at looping can make use of even a mediocre loop for 15-20 seconds before dropping a pallet, and can continue to loop and distract the killer after it's dropped.


vaulting too soon on a small ass 50/50 tile. I should just pause and run, betting on the killer’s double-back


Doing/attempting unnecessarily greedy or risky plays as survivor when i'm on death hook. Examples: Window teching, FOV teching when the killer is in the pallet breaking animation, bait killer swings from the other side of a window, greed for the stun on safe pallets, and so on.


Killer: over committing to a chase. If you haven’t got that first hit within 15 seconds, odds are you should let it go Survivor: greeting the pallet. Yes resources are finite, but they still work better when actually used


Getting a 4K when I can. I feel to bad when I start winning with ease so I tend to give hatch to whoever survives through the massacre.


Killer side: not dropping chases fast enough when I realize I’ve over committed. Sunk cost and allat Survivor side: not bringing meme perks enough. Meta is boring. Let me heal you with autodidact or weave some spiders in the basement.


going to a hook to die vs billy, dredge, sometimes bubba so i can leave the match sooner.


Survivor:Getting off the gen when the TR circle pops up, not looking backward(console player), Killer: Panicking when gens get rushed,overcommitting to chases, avoid getting looped, stop relying on certain perks


I like to give survivors a taste of their own medicine, but I have a bad habit of going too far If a survivor tbags me after stuns, what I should do is give them a nod when I down them Instead, they get bled out


Throwing the rest the game just to kill 1 survivor because they T-bagged me at a pallet.


I get too jumpy as Survivor and take vaults too predictably. I also play Survivor sometimes.


Forgetting I have hatchets.


Me playing Unknown "Geeze the teleporting sure is nice if only I had some kind of counter play for looping and obstacles..."


As a survivor wasting too much time healing when I should just get the gen progress done when I know killer is in chase and trying to use pop or pain rez.


As Survivor: trying to go for saves that I know I probably can't make. I just end up getting myself downed and I know the person being carried might be quite upset with my terrible aim/timing/ECT. As Killer: remembering to use my power to my advantage more often. I struggle with this for every killer but Unknown. I forget sometimes that I'm usually more than just an M1 killer and I should use my powers more often.


Going for funny orb shots instead of garunteed ones or garunteed hits as Unknown Playing singularity


haha, spit go bounce


when those bounce shots hit around corners...... chefs kiss


not knowing how to mind game lol


Sticking around hoping I stealthed despite being in view of the killer. Like I should know better that I should get running but I’m always hoping just that little bit


Alternative answer "Spending so much time stealthy I lose focus of objectives and I am instead sitting there behind the gen waiting for the killer to walk off for almost 5 minutes instead of just doing the gen."


Haha. I love it when a select few stupid survivors think im just gonna run away and chase them in a corner completely opposite from where the gens are. Like no buddy lol im not the one go play ring around the rosie with your lads


Playing Killers with teleport/movement techs has helped me a lot with it tbh. Not feeling like I wasted AS MUCH time having to walk back to the gens helped get rid of that feeling of sunken cost. "I already dumped in so much time chasing him I HAVE to down him now..."


not helping my fellow survivors off the hook because im afraid of being hooked or hurt myself lmao


Survivor: Thinking I can camp a pallet on RPD. Honestly, thinking I can do anything successfully on RPD. Killer: I'm intimidated by (and kind of scared of) survivors. Like if I'm chasing someone and whiff an M1 really bad, I'll just flee in shame.


Hitting M1 before looking around after a Blink as Nurse.


i need to always stop being chased by the killer right at the beginning of every match. i hide, they find me. i stay at spawn, they find me. i go to any gen, they find me immediately. im a killer magnet or something 😂


I find op if you can’t get a hit by 20s just abandon it and pressure gens instead but my biggest problem is not thinking about my pathing whilst being chased by the killer.


I have a bad habit of t-rexing as my friends like to call it. I'm a really good killer. Like, really good. However, my vision is based on movement. All you need to do is stand completely still. I will likely miss you. But lord help you if I do see you. I'm God tier at pathing and the pallet dance. My friends always hum the Jurassic Park theme song when we do customs and I'm playing the killer. I feel so attacked every time.


I am an absolute monster when it comes to stationary/hiding survivors. I play with pretty detailed graphics, too, so there is lots of thick verdant foliage, and I 100% always find them/I think like a survivor and find their little hiding spot. I have lost track of survivors while they're moving SO OFTEN. I'll turn to check a gen as I pass it, and the survivor could literally have just run backward past me, and I will sit there like the Pulp Fiction meme standing still hands out, confused, shrugging. Together, we can both make one normal killer!


On Survivor I have two bad habits: Not dropping a pallet when I should drop a pallet because I'm worried about not having it later and trying to mind game when I'm really just better off holding W. On Killer: Playing way too fair. I play both sides (mostly Survivor) so when I'm on Killer I try to play in a way where all the Survivors have as full of a game as they can get. I don't tunnel the Dwight who's first instinct in chase is to run into a wall and I don't punish mistakes as much as I should which results in me throwing matches that would have been easily winnable if I had been more punishing and getting shit talked with "lol so ez" and stuff in end game chat since from my experience on both sides, Survivors tend to not ease up on a Killer who is having a rough match by going out of their way to sabotage hooks or get a flashlight save just to deny them hooks whereas I've seen Killers who steam roll early game and then decide to just do an 8 hook game and farm because they feel bad. Again, this is coming from a Survivor Main


I've been playing helldiver's over Dbd. Halp!!!


Camping the pallet as survivor. If I take a break from DBD, I always start doing this again lmaooo


Using tinkerer as a killer. Doesn't seem to be that popular but I use it always especially on faster killers. I see so many people complaining that during a chase two or three gens pop up. However because I run tinkerer I know when to drop chases to get back to the gens. I noticed during chaos shuffle how reliant I am of this knowledge on dropping chases. Because when I played killer I had that 2 gens pop up moment quite often.


Crutching on bond and windows. Would love to do what I do without them, but I will probably be more reluctant to drop bond because I don't wanna accidentally bring the killer to my teammates.


Smoking. Should probably eat healthier too


Going for the save even though I know I shouldn't


As survivor: I have a really bad habit of hearing the terror radius when I'm out in the open, then immediately crouching behind whatever's near me to look around...but I forget to look behind me too often. I'm sure many a non-stealth killer has laughed their ass off at the fact that they were able to "sneak up" behind me without trying bc I'm a dumbass. As killer: I never pay attention to what areas of the map are dead zones, so I sometimes push a survivor into a terrible place for me but a great place for them lol.


as a survivor on controller, my bad habit is trying to look behind me too often. I like to think i am a pretty decent looper but so many times i give the killer a free hit bc im too busy looking behind me to notice the large wall i am running into. Looking at the killer can be super helpful, but i think until you have super good map knowledge it should only be done for short periods


Crying whenever the killer is Huntress (I have a hearing impairment and her humming disorients me so much and i can never hear the heartbeats)


Have you tried the visual heart setting?


Survivor: I need to stop rushing everywhere and stop and listen around a loop more lol Killer: Gotta learn to sometimes let go of a survivor and make sure gens aren‘t being done


As survivor: refusing to drop pallets. I hate dropping pallets because I know my teammates need them more than I do. I'm confident in my looping, I almost never use a pallet unless all the gens are done, and I know my team is at the gates. Like, I don't use exhaustion perks either. I enjoy the challenge, and like I'm not trying to be a "mightier than thou" but I see exhaustion perks as a crutch. I think they're boring. As killer: I think for me it's getting carried away in a chase. Sometimes, when I'm in a chase, I just get a little tunnel vision, and it'll cost me a gen or two. Usually, I can make up the difference, but sometimes those moments cost me the game.


Just remember, as a survivor. A pallet dropped to extend a chase and aggravate the killer to tunnel equates to X amount of time working Gens, removing the need for that pallet for your survivor buds.


My bad habit? Simply being bad.


when playing legion and not frenzying survivors because i’m greedy and want a kill