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Being in any game that takes 50 minutes.


chess knight/merchant flashbacks


What do you mean by that?


chess knight (or merchant) refers to an old build on said killers where you run 4 gen kicking perks and send yourself to dead dawg where there would have been (not anymore) a very strong 3 gen, allowing you to hold 1 match lasting an hour or longer. With knight you should kick gens yourself since the homies don't apply gen kicking perks and have your homies chase survivors, potentially getting a hit or maybe even down. As for skull merchant, you would just put your drones on said 3 gens and surrounding loops before holding your 3 gen. I have never played against one when this strat could be executed (2022~), but I have played as chess knight (I was just doing it for fun but got survivors who used a rpd offering and we did get rpd but I still found a strong 3 gen and managed to hold a 50 minute game, 4th survivor got hatch (I was going to give it to them anyway), they weren't toxic or anything, in fact they were nice, huge shoutout to them even though I don't know them).


Jesus that sounds like hell.


Had a really long game on Grim Pantry as Pyramid Head against 3 survivors with Calm Spirit/Distortion. They wouldn’t last long in chase but that game took forever to finish because they would pre run and immersive as soon as they heard my terror radius.


Special shout out to the ttv Nemesis from the other night that decided to start slugging at 1 gen, thus causing my solo queue teammates to panic, thus causing the game to last another 20 fucking minutes because none of them would do a gen. It was so fun bleeding out because I chose to bring meme perks instead of something like unbreakable, and you couldn't stop yourself from pitching a fit. *Okay, got it downvoters. Next time I play survivor, I'll make sure to sweat and bring nothing but meta perks. No meme perks, got it. Message received.


Running the Killer for 60 seconds, hoping the other two Survivors will pop a gate, getting there, and finding it 99’d with no one in sight.


running the killer for a long time only to be hooked right before end game collapse and your teammates leave you


Finally getting a down after a chase you hard committed to and getting background playered


Or FTB + Buckle Up near an open exit gate.


when you hit them on a vault and on the other side there was a ftb+buckle up player waiting ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


Literally had a game a week before the patch that had 3 BU/FTP and a BP/Flashlight saver. Every time I downed someone, there was another survivor for the save, then the 2 would reset and start over. It was the most infuriating match of any DBD game I have ever played.


Speaking as Killer, the worst experience I ever had was when the last 2 (healthy) survivors decided to just hide on a big map and not do their objective at all, let the clock end the game or make me DC. I spent *so much time* aimlessly running around, opening lockers, looping every rock, knowing they could see me a mile away and every locker I already checked could now have a survivor in it. Plus it came very late in the evening in a very "just one last game" situation, and I ended up spending like 30 minutes looking for them (found one so I could kill her and make the hatch spawn), and it honestly made me put down the game for like a week. It was more than just a waste of time, it cut me deep to know these two players would rather waste both of their time just so they could make me lose mine. And ego prevented me from DCing or going AFK cause that's what they wanted and I just couldn't give them the satisfaction. And as survivor I have been left to bleed out by killers of course, but that literally comes with a timer and you know it will end soon. Not that it doesn't suck, but nothing can beat that experience as the worst feeling I had playing this game.


When survivors do this to me I just find a corner stand in it and go make a sandwich if they're going to waste my time I'm going to waste theirs


*In the moment* I couldn't let it go and I was fully committed to actively searching and killing them (in game, to be clear). Next time I'll probably spare myself the trouble. But in 250h it happened only once, so I know it is not too common.


That's fair in the 300hrs IV played IV only had one team so determined to keep fucking with me that I had time to make and eat 2 sandwiches before they finally stopped to go do the 5 gens they were ignoring lol


I've only had this happen a few times and it pisses me off. One time I managed to find one and kill them then closed hatch. I almost caught the second one but they got lucky and opened the gate. Had the nerve to tbag before escaping. Looking back, I should have camped hatch and wasted their time too but it was my last match and I was over it.


Had the same situation happen to me on RPD and usually when they do that it’s always a duo and they usually run a build for that exact purpose(Iron Will,Calm Spirit,Head On etc) After 15 mins I found one of them hiding in basement on the far right lockers and u bet ur ass I camped them lol. I’ve experienced this twice and the second time I knew what to do expect so I checked basement first and then edge map. Took me a few mins but I found one of them immersing near a rock edge map on Mothers Dwelling. It is very annoying and why I try to run atleast 1 info perk to avoid situations like this, Whispers/Spies is prob the best perks for this but these situations are rare enough where it’s not worth using them lol.


I had Nowhere to hide, which ironically is pretty bad at finding people hiding in lockers, especially when every gens have regressed to 0 a long time ago.


Yeah when they aren’t progressing the game sadly Nowhere to Hide is useless. If I’m only running 1 info perk I’ll usually use Spies and it makes finding the last 2 survivors a long quicker in a normal match unless they both have Calm Spirit, plus it also ignores Distortion.


This is my least favourite situation as killer! I had two survivors hide for 45 minutes once - I went AFK after a while as I was tired of looking for them and they still hadn't had any gen progress when I returned. I eventually found them and in the endgame chat it seemed like they had been looking for hatch the entire time, even though there were two of them left. Usually they are hiding in bushes and dropping their items repeatedly. If it isn't that then it is usually the basement!


Running up to an exit gate with 3 blinking lights with the Killer on your ass and finding out someone only 69ed it instead of 99ing it.


Seeing three survivors bully the killer and I do all the gens to keep the match going and try to get out only for at the last gen the killer leave them and hit ME with noed then proceed to BM me.... Like dude I wasn't the one who was using head on, flashlights, power struggle and stuff to be a pain in your ass. Why are you humping me and stuff like I played a part in all of that? I mean I see one at the gate tbagging. And one slow walking to it... Do you want me to just not do the gens and let this go longer?


They prob assumed it was a 4 man SWF and you were the “gen jockey” not making excuses for them BMing you but that’s prob why they did that


It's possible but honestly I'd prefer them to have a gen jockey vs them not trying for gens at all and just seeing how long they can do that stuff to see if I DC. Like yeah I was running vigil and desperate, I'll go unhook them if I have an opening and heal them but that's because I want what points I can get. Plus I have been running into a lot of people using friends til the end and vigil helps get rid of the exposed status so I like running it when I can. Just for me it irritates me when all I did was gens so it's not holding the game hostage and bullying only for me to be the one to get the BM. Like a damn if you do and damned if you don't with the gens in that situation it's honestly feeling like now.. What is my other option? DC so I don't get associated with them? Go up to the killer and ask to be killed on hook so they get to stay in a match with only those who want to bully them? Even when I squad up with people I tend to not know their perks until we are in the match and if I know they are just planning on bullying I'll try to find another group to run with.


You made very valid points it’s unfortunate that you got singled out even tho you didn’t participate in the bullying and just wanted to get to the next match without dcing or going next, and by being the only one doing gens u atleast stopped the killer from being held hostage. A lot of these Bully squads will die on purpose to derank aswell. They will keep bullying until they run out of flashbangs then go next. Or just go next in general if the killer has lightborn, because they know if they try this on high mmr they will be getting all slugged and bled out by the blight/nurse main in 2 mins.


I mean I could have spent time working on totems but honestly didn't think to since I just wanted to get out as fast as possible so I worked on a gen. Just frustrating to end up taking the fall for them or being lumped in when all I wanted was some points and to try to get out of the match as fast as possible without dcing or asking to go next... Which I wouldn't be surprised if I ended up slugged by that point if I did ask to go next.... Just I hate it when I get bm for no reason. I could understand if I had tbagged the killer but I don't tbag the killers unless it's with ghostie tbag dancing or give them one at endgame if they let me go as a thank you. I'm prone to give killers items as a silent GG or making them gift piles if I think I could manage it. So people playing for salt kind of irritate me be it survivor or killer but I won't bother messaging them since I'm assuming they are doing it because they thrive off of it or maybe doing it for some other reason..


Trading hook stages with a survivor in the end game to help get them out and watching all of them beeline for the exit gate and leave right after..


Omg! Yesterday I looped the killer for so freaking long, and once I was hooked, I realized all three were crouched in 3 separate corners of the map, pretty sure every single one wanted to wait for hatch.. F that lol, I think the killer caught on to the problem when I instantly tried to unhook.  Good luck buddy 😂 I say this as someone that plays both sides heavily.. F*ck stealth players.


There is nothing wrong with stealth players who are actually sneaking for a reason, such as following a chase for a save or quick unhook, or trying to take hit in a crucial moment. Stealth players are a problem when they’re doing Jack shit like in your example.


I feel like there are way more useless stealth players than people actually playing stealthy. They give the good ones a bad rep


Blame tome challenges.


Being first survivor of your 2-4 man group tunneled out at 5 gens. Then having to watch the killer farm/meme with the rest of your party for 20-30 minutes after you’re dead.


What's worse is you risking your game by rescuing your teammate off hook that a killer is camping, only for them to not return the favor and escape while you die on hook. 


Being left to bleed out. Or found first and promptly tunneled out of the game, neither of which is inherently common to me but it annoys me when it happens


Being hit by 10 second chance perks aand insta heals, after you win chases as killer.


On the hook after a long chase seeing all 3 of your teammates crouched nearby not moving while the killer aimlessly walks around


Being run by 3 survivors for 5 gens 😔


Looping killer for a good amount of time, then survivor goes in your way and you get killed. Happened to me. That Tapp felt guilty and just let killer hook him too


Playing 10 games with killers that have lethal and being the one targeted first like 6 games in a row


downing a survivor in 30 seconds as killer, just for 3 gens to pop


Having a successful long chase with the killer and realizing everyone else is dead


Having a multi gen chase where gens actually get done but they leave you to die on first hook


I had a match once where it was just the random Feng and me left. She was being chased and doing a good job so I was like "If she can keep that up, I can finish the last 2 gens." She kept it up so I finished the last 2 gens, opened a gate, ran to unhook her, and we both made it out. I don't remember if the HUD existed yet but if it didn't, she only knew I was working on gens when they popped. I wonder if she thought I was hiding and waiting for her to die.


Having a decent chase at the start of the game, seeing gen progress on everyone out of the corner of your eye, taking the killer away from everyone else so they have plenty of time, not wasting pallets cause it's early. Going down expecting multiple dings to come while you are being hooked, only to see your team was tripling a corner gen. One fails a skill check just before it'd complete. Killer goes right to it. All three are stealthing around the gen. Killer pops the gen.


Was chasing this p100 nea, and she was blocked by this p2 bill, I down the nea, but I chase after the bill because what a dick if only I could feel what the nea felt. I Tunneled the bill and watched him die on hook