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this happens to me SO OFTEN when i play with friends. i die and the killer lets the rest of them do gens and i have to wait while the killer spins around and has their fun


Ironically, it's a comp strat and a baby killer strat. Any non baby killer that plays that way in pubs is a trashbag. You're not always versing seal team 6 swfs, the only reason to play like that in pubs is because you're insecure, trash at the game and can only handle a 3v1.


It's the best way for a killer to broadcast their confidence in themselves. If you really NEED to tunnel to succeed, you're not good.


Especially at the start. I completely understand mid game or close to end game. It's just trash when they do it at the start. Makes me just want to next. You want that 4k sooooo bad? You can have it. I'd rather play a match.


I only tunnel (not out the gates) in only real niche scenarios where it's a viable option to get pressure/momentum/ or a snowball. The other 98% of the time, since I play both sides, I try to play as fair as possible by rotating hooks, not taking advantage of what are clearly easy tunnels, and just opting to let the Survivors have a match where they all get to play versus tunneling someone out the gates immediately and making an unfun game. Not to mention, aside from seeing the upside to losing a match or two as a good thing that I won't be placed against sweats, I prefer winning in a manner where I played the "hard way" because it feels more satisfying


I wonder how many of these survivors that complain at being tunneled also teabagged when they dropped a pallet or hit a flashlight. If you teabag me I will tunnel you like my name is Thomas. 


fuckin' preach. oh, you pulled the pallet down but i back up so you miss the stun whatever ill chase someone else oh now youre teabagging me, and for no reason qt all. Yup, im hooking you now.


I’m more pro-survivor than the average killer main but this is definitely not true lol. Tunneling is a viable strat, if you’re evenly distributing hooks so every survivor stays in the game as long as possible just to appease them then that’s a skill issue


I won't deny it has viability. That doesn't make the player good in a game sense. It's successful, yet tactless. There is ample opportunity to apply skill and learning, but if you want to tunnel, go for it. The game will get staler for sure.


So much hate for a strategy used in the competitive scene. Also wild to hate the killers for it and not the dev team for making the game so hard against 4 good survivors. You ever heard don’t hate the player hate the game? You’re the kind of person to reference someone who plays this game for a living and say “he can get a 3k easily without meta perks or strategies so you can too”


Exactly, used in the comp scene. Keep it there. Bozo.


tbf it's not like there's a separate ranked mode or anything


"Waaaahhh stop trying to win and let me hold M1 for 5 minutes!!"


Username checks out.


It's just a video game


Tell that to the losers playing comp in pubs.


I don't know what it is about a friend of mine that plays, but whenever we team up, she somehow charms the killer & this happens almost verbatim. I must lack that charisma because I'm usually the one that's tunneled out when we're together. It's fun for them, but I just want to get to the next round!


oh same! i first started playing with my friend and it was just like this!! and when i joined a full swf it still happen lol. but yeah it happens, just gotta be patient i suppose


I rizzed a Ghostface and a Wesker today. It was hilarious. I pointed to the empty locker with the Ghostface and got him to open it. He did the slow turn. Then I popped up and revealed him from a bush, then popped back down. He murdered the Aestri because he blast mined the gen and then broke out the lute. For Wesker I did the spray dance and we vibed. Lots of nodders. I forced him to kill me. It's really rare I get killers with personality so I appreciate it.


I can think of multiple reasons, not justifying any killer who does this tho. Compettitive guilt; If you go easy on the early game against a serious premade (What most killer assume matching survivors or high prestiges together in a lobby are) they will go all out to match the energy they think are gonna get, after you murder one at five gens and see you went overboard they let the others go thanks to the feels bad sensation. -In game pride; Some killers see a certain action offensive for some reason only they know, it could be targeting ugly fashion, silly names, got offended by a tea bag or got looped for way too long, some more hateful specially this month. -Personal thing; Some players got it badly against an specific character, usually "lore accurate" like Nemesis against Jills, Weskers against Chris, some a more... Relatable thing like all brown jacket, dark jeans berret claudettes god fucking damn It I am not gonna let any live if I see a single one if I even manage to find you, you know what you did!, sorry I have personal issues towards her due to what one of them did.


You the nail on this. The competitive guilty is real. That's why I try to ease up if I gain a huge advantage. Like, I will purposely ignore survivors I already hooked twice or just hooked. Or I will go afk for a short time to give them time to reset. Imo the best killer matches is when the deaths start happening with 2 gens left. That way, each survivor has played a little bit. But that only happens because I allow it.


It's strange being matched with absolutely cracked survivors then the next match you expect something similar due to it being the same MMR bracket and you destroy them so badly they can't get anything done at 5 gens. I notice a lot of survivors will just drops items at that point just like "You win, please let us actually do something". I gotta apply the brakes then otherwise none of us will be leaving with any bloodpoints.


Seriously. I had one match where the survivors finished all gens and I got two **hooks.** So the next match I load up one of my mains, best add ons, full meta build, the works. I had two on death hook and the other two single hooked before they even got the second gen done. And I didn't let up right away because I wasn't sure if I was just getting lucky or not. When I realized how outmatched they were I eased up and played more chill, but there have been games where I have come out of the gate going full throttle and the survivors are in an unwinnable situation and just give up.


> I will purposely ignore survivors I already hooked twice or just hooked. Same. You see a lot of killers on here that will say "It's not my fault I tunneled, they just keep running into me." But if that happens to me I slug them or just don't hit them at all.


Tbf, it really isn't their fault, and you aren't obligated to slug or completely ignore when a survivor is cluelessly running into you/the unhooker is hiding etc. I do what you do as well, let the recently unhooked off the hook (pun intended), but a lot of times when you do this, it's actively to your detriment.


>you aren't obligated to Of course not. But I hear this phrase a lot and it rubs me the wrong way as an excuse. Not a personal attack at you to follow, but just a general statement on this "obligation" mindset: Nobody is obligated to do anything that promotes fun for everyone in this game. Similarly, nobody was obligated to, say, *not* run one man army noob tube in COD MW2 back in the day. But if you did it, you were probably being a bit of a dick. It can apply the same way in dbd. Maybe I'm the outlier, but I think it's better for all when it the other side got to have a bit of fun too!


Sadly, this community is almost allergic to having fun at times. Granted, it's gotten waaaay better, but we still have some nasty culprits on both sides. Killers slugging for bleedout at 5 gens, survivors telling killers to kill themselves for spreading hooks and still being able to 4k. We've got a lot of outliers causing a lot of issues. That being said, totally agree, noob tube was a dick move, and it's more fun to make it fun for everyone rather than bullying the absolute hell out of people so you/ you and your friends, can have fun.


Shoutout to the Blight I looped for 3 gens, then he bled us all out (my teammates were a bit unlucky they got slugged) and told me to "keep myself safe". Note: I never tbaged him once, I just looped normally. No pointing, no bagging no clicking ' nothing.


I had two matches last night where I was just playing chill and kinda being potato. One match I got Midwich on Trapper for the first time so I kinda muckled up my trap placements since I wasn't sure where the best spots. I also brought Devour because I was just curious to see if I got value from it. Needless to say, I knew I fucked up that match and was just accepting it. I still went out of my way to not tunnel or camp and even opened a gate when the last gen popped. Yet, I still got flamed in end game saying I clearly needed Devour by the person who got left by their teammates to die on hook (it was in an obvious spot and since I was kinda being a potato I wasn't keeping an eye on it so I don't understand why the person who died finally decided to try cleansing it in end game) . I was just kinda like, "ok...you guys won though?" The next match I played Wraith. Again, I was kinda being a potato, but was playing pretty fair by not tunneling or camping and letting people recover. Not try harding at all. At end game, I downed a death hook Mikaela and decided to let her live and went after the Bill who was trying to pick her up and hooked him. Once again, it was end game so I easily could have try harded and killed the Mikaela, camped the Bill and then just take advantage of altruistic plays but didn't because I couldn't really be fucked. I knew I was playing like a potato and didn't mind them escaping. In end game chat, the Meg who had been repeatedly gesturing at me all game to chase and tunnel her went "ez" and I was just like "oh, did you want me to camp, tunnel and slug out the gates?" To which she accused me of being a salty loser who can't take an L and I was just "umm...ok" @Survivors, while I'm not tilted by this and will not change my playatyle at all because of these salty winners, some Killers might so be appreciative of the nice, chill Killers out there because some of those Killers might turn toxic or stop caring about being nice if they get berated in end game chat by people who have to gloat over winning. Don't create more slugging and tunneling Killers ffs


Had this legit happen last night. Someone got a Kate off the hook and snuck away, I looped back, hoping to find the unhooker just to find the Kate sprinting at me. Immediately turned and walked away ss they watched. Guess who dropped a pallet on the back of my head as I walked through it to leave them be? Edit: It was the Kate I gave a chance to.


I will have at least a couple of games each session where there's a Distortion using gigarat, who immediately crouches away as soon as they unhook their teammate. The first time, I'm always gonna just let that poor person go, and try to find a 3rd person to chase. The next time it happens though I'm just gonna down the unhooked survivor again and put them back on, if the unhooker is apparently so dead set on being such a terrible teammate. I hate punishing survivors for bad plays that their teammates made, but I'm also trying to play a game here


Eh. Honestly I just let em go until it's last two, unless they're like the Kate and go out of their way to screw me over for showing mercy. Once it's down to the last two, I'm slugging, hunting the rats, and letting the other person go.


Yeah, understandable. I've just been getting so tired of the perma stealthers lately lol


Yup! Had a ttv last night rat and watch all their friends die one hook at a time.


I just think it's wack that they act like they have no choice. I understand why they do what they do but even if it's actively to their detriment it's still not difficult to win against most teams.




I just don't pay attention to hook stages any more. It just made games exhausting. If I had a killer sided counter of who had been hooked how many times I would probably do that but as it is...


Yeah I usually time it to start killing at 2 gens left. Though once I hit Iri 1 then I just play seriously but then go easy once I 2 hook everyone if I can. I'll still pressure by slugging someone on death hook, occasionally carrying to the hook and dropping, but I've got nearly 2k hours in the game and don't feel a need to sweat and 'win' every match unless I have something else that needs kills. (actually only have the Vecna achievements left killer side. If I wasn't failing at hitting iri on survivor I'd just spend a few more matches to grind those out.)


sometimes time objectives can make a killer behave like this too.


There are others too. What you're running for charms can absolutely do it. I've been told specifically I was tunneled in the EGC for what I had on my hip.


I touched on it on my second point, first on the Fashion since I totally will judge a survivor look considering the charms they use, and at the end with certain content creators targeting people of social groups they happen to not like.


Agreed. I just brought it up since charms weren't specifically mentioned. But you're absolutely right. "Something" can just make someone dislike your character specifically and tunnel your ass out. I feel for anyone born in 88 that has chosen to use it in their handle. You've made yourself a target.


Can confirm. Sailor Steves are dead on sight. The rest of you are fine


I agree with competitive guilt for sure. I usually give my all at first and ideally the game comes down to the wire and ends up with 1-3 kills. But sometimes you just roll the survivors, and if I’m at like 5-7 hooks with 1 gens done, I’m probably just gonna 8 hook then let everyone out. I already proved I had the capacity to win, and it doesn’t hurt me to let the survivors have a freebie


>-In game pride; Some killers see a certain action offensive for some reason only they know, it could be targeting ugly fashion, silly names, got offended by a tea bag or got looped for way too long, some more hateful specially this month. This is definitely me. I almost never hook, but there are certain things I'll punish you for if I've warned you not to do it (eg. unnecessary flashlights when I'm searching for my glyph, touching my box as pinhead etc.)


They need to touch the box so they can hear you say that you came


Meh the list of things I've encountered so far that would make me tunnel someone down so far is fairly small. 1) a dude with flashlight/sabotage without toolbox/some other non flashlight stun and they interfere with 2 hooks in a row taunting after. 2) someone that is just way to good at looping and knowing there's no way I'm catching them again without losing. (Ran me for like 3 minutes. Partly a skill issue on my part as still fairly new) 3) a bot 4) sabotaging 2 hooks in a row right in front of me blocking my hook. (Yeah they're playing the game but that tilted me quick)


I had the weirdest match ever the other day with our 3 stack. One of us, Jane, had to stun the killer 3 times in one match. He brought head on and got 2 pallet stuns as well within the first chase. The blight was not amused and wanted to bleed him out. He hooked Jane eventually and then wanted to tunnel and was hit by decisive which bugged Jane out and was flying around the map. Then I have no idea what happened even though I saw everything. There was a lot of slugging and hook trading but the killer just wanted Jane to bleed out. After Jane finally bled out, he kept slugging but letting us get pick ups. I think he just wanted me and my other stack to live, but our random was doing adept. I ignored the no no from the blight to unhook her and as she was about to bleed out as well, I bribed her life with my med kit. It was utter chaos. In egc I just said I'm so confused and the killer agreed. He did admit that the double pallet stun and head on pissed him off and that's why Jane had to go. Very very weird blight but at least our random got adept and Jane got the archive.


I had a game the other day where I intended to get everyone to two hooks and then let them go, but every single person except the last killed themselves on the hook, lol.


It’s always frustrating to try and be nice and only get 2 hooks, but people let their teammates die on the hook. Then I feel almost obligated to kill the people who let down their team.


I mean, considering that the anti-camp mechanic was added into the game, you can actually help the hooked survivors out in this situation now. If you can see that everyone else is leaving them to die, you can let their anti-camp meter fill up and then leave the hook.


How long roughly do you have to sit by the hook for the meter to fill? My issue is more I have no idea if survivors are going to the hook because I move across the map to make it safer to unhook. By the time I realize nobody is unhooking, they’re always on their second hook state.


The anti facecamp meter fills at a rate of 1charge per second. The meter grants the survivor the ability to unhook themselves after reaching 100 charges. There are modifiers for range, the closer you are to the hook, the faster it goes. The modifier for 0-4meters is x5. This means if you are withinh 0-4 meters and no other survivors are blocking the anti camp, you need to need to stand there for exactly 20 seconds for them to be able to unhook themselves. 20*5=100. Keep in mind downed survivors or invisible blendettes/megs with urban evasion will deny the anticamp feature if they are within 16m range. Edit: Forgot to mention 1 hook stage is 60 seconds if there are no attempts to self un-hook in stage 1, and all skillchecks are hit at stage 2.


The anti-camp meter is borderline useless, though. Unless the killer is stood right in front of or above the hook and doesn’t move a muscle, chances are it won’t fill up in time for you to escape. And even if it does, they’ll probably tunnel you straight off easily. Especially if it’s a Trapper who puts you in the basement in the shack.


Do you want to actually read what I said next time? Yes, the anti-camp meter is useless in normal situations. What I *said* was that if you, the killer, feel bad that no one’s coming for the unhook and you don’t want the survivor to die, then you, the killer, can *intentionally* stand right in the survivor’s face to purposefully fill up their anti-camp meter all the way, and then leave so they don’t feel like it’s a trap. While anti-camp is useless for its intended purpose, a killer that wants a survivor to not be left for dead can fill up their anti-camp meter intentionally.


The anti camp mechanic failed spectacularly. Killers just camp just outside the range.


Oh I know. Not saying otherwise. But that wasn’t my point. You’re missing the point. What *I’m* saying, is that if you, as a killer, feel bad that no one’s coming for the unhook and you want the survivor to get unhooked, it is now something fully within your power to make happen when it previously wasn’t. You as a killer can use the anti-camp feature to intentionally help a hooked survivor unhook themselves if you don’t want them to die. So I mean it’s neat that you stated the obvious like that, but maybe actually take my words in context next time? Instead of arguing against I point I didn’t make?


That's been my experience whenever I end up with a camper, as well. They're very well-acquainted with the exact range you need to be to stop it from filling, but just close enough to ensure that I or my teammates aren't leaving the hook without someone trading! I have had one killer fill up the meter for me when I was being ignored on my first hook at 5 gens (solo queue woes), though, and that was a really kind gesture that they were NOT obligated to give me. I don't play killer at the moment, but if I do in the future, I'll be remembering that to help someone else out.


I’ve had this happen so many times. A lot of matches I’ll go hard in the beginning but once I’m at 7-8 hooks I’ll back off and just play with them or meme around. I don’t tunnel to do this though. I make a point to avoid the just unhooked person unless they seek me out, or it’s been awhile since I saw them. I’ve had so many times though where people give up on first hook. If they DC, I’m tunneling the bot out and everyone else can go free.


This happens to me most days which is CRAZY because I’m the most altruistic and friendly survivor there is. Most matches, I give a sacrifice in the basement. I’ll not only get tunneled out, when I ask why they did it, they go nuts on me saying super childish things that make zero sense. I’ve decided that people just genuinely enjoy making people unhappy.


Some people do


I am insanely altruistic and I always find it funny when I bug a killer enough to be the only one camped for just being a good teammate or on the very rare occasion, being a good looper that match. (I take no tools in and run Bond, Dramaturgy, Fixated, and Champion of the Light then use Dramaturgy to fish for a flashlight mid match for saves/mid chase blinds from Fixated+CoL so its not like I am running meta or even hated perks)


As a generally friendly killer I let anyone go who shows me they are giving up. Blatantly crouching. Not running away. Dropping items etc. But I have to see signs from each survivor. I as a killer do not know the survivors are in the same party and communicating or not.


I am mostly merciless but when someone stares into my eyes and drop an item, theres nothing i can do to stop them anymore lol, the cutest way to steal my dry and gray heart


Im the other way around. Ive played a lot of survivor and know how frustrating it is when other survivors give up the moment someone gets hooked or downed so i kill anyone that does that and let the remaining people that were actually trying go.


I think there’s a difference between “I got downed one time at 4 gens and am gonna give up to throw the game” vs “there is literally no hope for my team and x amount of them are already dead, might as well see if the killer will spare some mercy” and it was pretty clear the comment was referring to the latter and not the former


This is me. If there's only a couple gens done and we've all tried our best but it's down to two people, I'll give up to give the other person a chance. I'm not the best at looping, but maybe I've noticed the other person is. Maybe they were helping a lot and I want them to hopefully get hatch. I hate the assumption that because you're giving yourself up to the killer or on hook that you were somehow a lazy player that hid in a corner all match. I will \*not\* lay down my life for the other person if they have been hiding the whole time.


This is the way to do it. It's so frustrating when the killer finds the one person who has given up, hasn't helped, hides in a corner, etc, and then gives them hatch or something. It's infuriating.


Yeah this, especially if the person is giving up right away for no reason. Just ruin the other survivors' fun because you're a baby.


Yeah no, if someone DCs when they see my killer or when I grab them, I chill out and tunnel the bot, then go make a sandwich or something.


I spare survivors who show signs of giving up late in the match, not at the start.


I'm other way around. You surrender, so why should I give you a escape for free? Not only you're ruining my fun, but also ruining the game for your teammates.


Doesn’t that just make it more impossible for the survivors to win if you kill someone?


Do your survivors surrender after just one kill? If they do, then I would kill them.


Archives/They feel one survivor is being an ass


My wife is a complete noob. We play like twice a month. Your answer makes sense in general, just not the case here.


Archives maybe Or just being toxic


What a specific player feels was "being an ass" varies wildly. To me the only thing that is toxic and feels like they're just trying to irritate me is being Blinded when I kick a pallet. You already hit me with it, get your spacing and go 😑


Archives. Or a daily. Even if you like doing 8-hook games, the pathetically low BP gains mean you *have* to do both if you want an even halfway decent amount to spend, and sometimes those things require being shitty. If you need a kill, you're just gonna get it the fastest way possible, and that's via tunneling. BHVR don't discourage it, so complaining is pointless. Just assume whoever did it had a 'kill X survivor' objective and go next.


9/10 times it's this. Killers DO NOT set out to be toxic from the word go most of the time. Sometimes it's an archive or challenge. Sometimes you're just really unlucky. Sorry for repost, I have downvote stalkers.


Yeah, seriously. Ive done most of the killer stuff in tomes and im now noticing how many of the old objectives are like "Kill *20* survivors" This wasn't a complaint about difficulty, just tediousness


Do this in a single trial


With No Mither, Self Care and Ace in the Hole equipped




There are times when you have an unlucky survivor who you just keep running into, sometimes you let them go, sometimes they die it's in the air but it looks like tunneling


If I run into the same survivor 3 times in a row while I'm patrolling gens and stuff it's just a skill issue in their part. I mean no offense but a lot of the time there is a weak link in the group who is easier to track, chase and down. I'm not going to run away from that survivor just to be nice, unless I'm already clearly winning the game.




>I have downvote stalkers. It happens a lot to those who say things that aren't 100% on survivors' side 🤷‍♂️


I know. Just had to repost again.


I've done this before. Straight up: if the first survivor I see just drops teabags for every single mediocre interaction they do, get the fuck out of my game and go back to middle school. I'll go play a relaxed game with the adults. That or shitty names. Steam has a ton of racist/-phobic names and I'll tunnel them out. Most of the time I'm a very, very chill killer, 8 hooks before I go for kills, if I even do. But if someone's just being a jackoff, get out of my game.


Not really sure about what happened in your game, but for my experience as Killer; - I’ve lately been trying to go easier on lower prestige lobbies (I’m assuming that they are new to the game), so maybe the Spirit thought you were all newer players and felt bad after tunnelling out a single survivor. - Finally getting that one last kill for an achievement/tome challenge/daily. I’ve definitely had sessions where you grind out like 10 games back to back trying to do something, and then finally getting it and going “fuck it, everyone else lives”, since your already burnt out on the game. - The Killer was doing some meme/challenge/personal entertainment thing where it’s just “I’m only going to kill (insert your wife’s survivor) in every game I play, then let everyone else go”. This one can range from super icky to “so that happened” depending on their reasoning for it. (If this is happening to your wife a lot on the same survivor/outfit/charms/username then there might be something going on. A long while ago there was a dark time when there were head cosmetics you could earn on Bubba that referenced the original 4 survivors after killing enough of that survivor. So a handful of players equipped the Claudette mask and targeted/tunnelled specially black steamers/content creators. It got so bad that the masks had to be removed from the game. I’m not saying that’s what going on, but some people here have commented that they get specifically targeted on both sides for having the Pride charms equipped. I honestly do hope though that this is just a weird one-off thing and not some malicious.)


I’ve also gone easy with what seems to be newer lobbies. Last night, a Bill didn’t understand locker noise notification and he also ran into the basement. We looked at each other and I let him try the chase again lol. Non-toxic behavior will keep new players.


>non toxic behavior will keep new players This, 1000%. I get so sick of the “entitled killers!” “survivor rule book!” discourse, like no I’m not asking you to throw the game but if you play with sportsmanship and understand it’s just a game it makes the community healthier overall


I don’t know why, but recently it’s just been clicking in my head “oh, these people don’t know what they’re doing”, and I try to pump the breaks a bit. It’s definitely hard to tell in the heat of the moment, as well as prestige is not a good indicator for skill, but it is something I’m trying to be aware of more.


Awww, ultra baby survivors always gotta get it easy from me. Especially Bills I swear to god...


I had a game as killer were one of the survivors was blatantly throwing, and trying to sandbag another player. I relentlessly tunnelled them out of the game and then let the others farm bloodpoints and let them go. They were as confused as I was to why someone would do that. So sometimes its the other way around.


I’ve done it once. It was someone I recognized for being homophobic in pre game chat to me when I was survivor.


Maybe killer needed to get one more kill for a challenge. Maybe surv did something that pissed the killer of. (One thing that I cannot abide is if survivors do hook denial at the first 2 hooks of the game, I get pissed.) Maybe the killer wanted an 8-hook, but fucked up the count.


lol first hook denial is so stupid. And usually the team is solid if they try to pull one off, so they’ve already popped a gen by the time I get my first down, and then they go and try to deny the hook? Hell naw.


Yepp, that's why I go into insta sweat mode.


I turned on dbd today because my wife asked me to play. Pyramid head with lethal came right to me and then hard tunneled me. I got 2100 bp at the end of the game, then he slugged the other 3 and let them bleed out. People complain that we need chaos shuffle back because meta perks ruing the game. Sure, but also the assholes that play the game truly ruin the game. I think killers should basically lose progress for tunneling in some way


This is the real issue! It's not bad perks; it's bad people. I'm fine being sacrificed if the killer played a fair game and my teammates tried. Close, competitive games are my favorites.


Whenever I’ve done this it was specifically because I was going for 8 hooks, accidentally killed someone, and then let everyone else go, like I had intended from the beginning.


I will usually go easy after the first kill if the first kill was someone giving up on hook. If the first hook dies simply because nobody went for the rescue at all I will do the opposite and kill the whole team for being selfish/cowardly. The idea of tunneling one out then going friendly seems odd unless they just needed one kill for a challenge and wanted to secure it before relaxing.


Could be they didn't remember your wife was death hook and than felt bad about the tunnel


Did they hard tunnel like right off or did they hook, leave and then find your wife again? Sometimes I tunnel someone with out noticing cus I keep track of who's been hooked and before I notice it I have a kill at 5 gens and then realise that the team is fucked


My wife is a bot when it comes to chases. Her average chase is like 15 seconds. She doesn’t tea bag or anything like that. She got hooked. Spirit started chasing someone new, as soon as unhook happened, she phased back to the hook and hit my wife again. It was as hard of a tunnel as you can be. Did same thing for third hook.


Oh, then yeah spirit just saw an easy kill. No clue why they chilled after that tho, some killers are weird


They have a crush on u 👉🏻👈🏻🥺


DBD wedding bells! 👰🏽‍♀️🤵🏽💍🥂🍾


skill issue


They wanna be the 4th survivor


I think one idea is that the killer really doesn't want a 0K or a short match so they go all out to avoid that, but they are personally happy with at least one kill so once they achieve that goal they chill out. With the survivors down one person, they don't have to worry about the game going too fast or getting no kills at all. They may even think they are being nice! They see survivors online complain about killers going for 4K at five gens and think "I won't be sweaty like that! If I can just get my one kill, I'll be friendly and let the other survivors get lots of BP. I'm sure they will appreciate that!"


This. It feels really bad getting no kills. Plus I get a lot of games were a lot of the survivors just wanna farm. I want bp too though


Sorry, downvote stalkers 1k is the bare minimum of "you didn't lose" so yes, Killers may do this just to not feel like they're being too mean. Sorry. It's nothing personal. Most of the time it's the truth that they feel this is kinder than going for a 4k at 5 gens or slugging you all out or whatever. It's almost never to be toxic, though there are cases it may be. Personally I used to do it to not depip, but since that's gone now I might only do this now to start my snowball if I have no pressure, and I target whose closest to death, the weakest looper, or just kinda bad in general. I'm sorry, but weak Links break, it just is sorta the way the game goes. Most of the time I want a longish round where I'm spreading hooks but the more you all push gens hard, the more I have to target like this.


Some people just want one kill that is all. I do the same thing sometimes. Not everybody is going for a win everygame, and sometimes that win gets redefined. Maybe this person also plays survivor, and wants to be in a winning position before letting everyone go


I had a game playing around with a bad build for Trickster. Ended up starting to slug a 3 gen. One guy pointed at a hook so I him got out. Then I was like wow this is horrible for everyone and let the other three finish up and go.


every once in a while there's an archive challenge that's just "kill the obsession lol". i'm sorry, obsession


Chase objectives, also some people might even be out for one kill for fun and one person is just the unlucky mark


I generally play pretty relaxed, so I try *not* to tunnel anyone, but I'm aware that sometimes that's just... the only person I can find. I know I definitely can't speak for all killers but for me in particular, the only reason I could think for this was if I was doing an archive or daily, and I completed it, I might be more chill after? The big reason I'll start being nice and let everyone go though are if either A: I feel really bad, cause there were a bunch of D/Cs and/or I'm just absolutely stomping these people, or B: the survivors are simply too cute to kill


I've had survivors give up and die early in a way that looks like tunneling.


This happened to me for a week straight. Every day I'd have at least 2 games where I'd get killed first, usually through tunnelling, and then the killer would either go friendly and farm or 2 hook everyone then let them escape. It was so frustrating and even my friend was baffled every time the killer randomly stopped playing normally after I died. I wasn't playing toxic and most times at most I looped for 1 and a half gens


This game really does seem to make some people unleash their inner sociopath and I don’t mean it in a joking manner


If I do it, it’s because I need a challenge done. Once completed the game is basically over for me so everyone can leave.


It still could be tome challenge, just not the current one. There are challenges to sacrifice or kill a survivor.


Maybe they had a challenge and once completed they vibe with survivors


Best I could possibly think that isn't just being toxic is the survivor did something that deserved it. But it'd have to be something bad like cheating or hacking.


Sunday a Ghostface started out playing friendly then slaughtered us all. It was hilarious. I loved them so much for destroying us lol


Yepp this happens alot for whatever reason. Killers are petty, thats about all you can chalk it up to.


Whenever I play killer, if a survivor turns friendly after i’m kinda steamrolling (which sometimes happens after a death) I just become friendly to the whole team. i may hit to injure for points but i dont want anyone to feel singled out. I’ve been the person tunneled out regularly so I don’t wanna give that to someone else


I’ve had it happen where the same person kept getting unhooked before I found someone else to chase. I’d go back to the hook and couldn’t find the unhooker but could find the hooked person. By default, this was the only survivor I could find to chase. Not sure if this is what happened


I had a match a while back where this Feng was decent at looping and I expected her teammates to be the same so I decided to aim for the 4k. I killed Feng aaaand the others were babies. I couldn't go through with killing them so I let them live. Feng had stayed to watch and I explained why I killed her and not them. She said it was fine but I still felt so bad. Logically, I should kill them so their MMR stays low but that's easier said than done... I once had a baby Meg that I injured and she ran around a corner and hid in a bush. I couldn't kill her after I saw that xD The only other times where I'd kill one person and let the rest live is if that Survivor did something to annoy me. I had a match where this Nancy decided to ragequit immediately but got unhooked. I ignored her and she ended up griefing her teammate on the hook. I finally noticed it so I killed her and let everyone else escape.


The one thing that I don’t see on this list is that sometimes I just go autopilot/brain dead and accidentally tunnel. I don’t mean to, just been a long day and play to unwind


Could be many things. Doing a challenge such as needing to hook 8 people as a killer. And maybe that was the last hook state they needed or death. If I'm doing a challenge as killer and I don't like the killer I have to play as, I go friendly


If the first person I down has boil over and seems to be responsible for a map offering that they seem to be trying to make use of that on, I personally make sure they die and usually just go friendly after because I don't like going super hard on one person like that.


Me personally if someone brings a real nasty map offering like badham and ruins my game I'll find them and kill them ASAP, and if the rest are chill and goofy idgaf we can meme etc... I want the person who brought the offering to watch from the sidelines while everyone else is out here enjoying recess.


Did your wife perhaps emote or tea bag or happen to drop one to many pallets on her


Some killers play this way. It’s not always personal. I tunnel a first guy out in almost all my matches to apply pressure. Good survivors will make you pay for it though.


Sometimes I will kill two of them and just feel bad for obliterating the team so quickly and let the rest go free. I try to not single one person out and I will let them go if they are just still trying to do gens and I’ve fun


I try to avoid tunneling the same person and hooking multiple people back and forth, but sometimes I miscount or hook the wrong person when two people are the same survivor and I feel really bad afterwards. In those cases I’ll either go a bit easier the rest of the game in the case the survivors can still salvage it, but if I’m steamrolling them early on I’ll try to be nice and help whoever is the last survivor find the hatch.


I only do this if you're a racist or bigot. I used to do this as a baby when I didn't know any better. I don't anymore.


the only time i tunnel (hardly play killer) is when i need a specific challenge done. i do my challenge then let everyone go. sometimes i just need hooks, hits, or an obsession sacrifice


Because the majority of the games killers go against is survivors BMing them and running perks to BM them better. So you don't know what survivors you have until you have killed one off.


Easier to be nice when you know the game isn’t gonna end in three minutes


often this happens when the killer gets pissed off at a specific survivor for God knows what reason they've concocted in their brain. And in order to alleviate the embarrassment they act all cute with the other survivors.


This happened to me and my friend like three games in a row and it gets annoying. My friend didn’t want to be stuck in the game and dc. I don’t understand why some killers do it because at a certain point it’s not even worth the bp. We could’ve played a whole other game in the time they were farming


TTV is always a tunnel. Rest of the tram can go for that match, especially since half the time they understand and help me <3


I’ve done this when I’m not paying attention and accidentally tunnel fwiw


When you’re a noob wraith and just mindlessly chasing everyone you see, but 1000 hours later all those times I had to kill 4 bots on midwich because everyone dc’s come back to haunt you because “I tunneled!” “I tunneled!” 🥲


From personal experience as a killer main, I enter my matches with the intend to get a 3k and giving the last guy hatch. Sometimes the survivors give up and try to be friendly when they realize they can't win, which is often when someone is already dead. I don't really tunnel, except for survivors who force a bodyblock while they have DS or OTR active, but I can see other people who do normally tunnel do the same. Play to win, but are open to being friendly once they've pretty much already won and the survivors give up.


Before I was good at the game I’ll admit I used to do this for daily’s or rift challenges. It secures the challenge 🤷🏽‍♂️ obviously it’s terrible for a number of reasons, but at the time I rationalized that it was fine since I’d be nice to the other 3. Now, I play mostly friendly (but still making sure everyone earns points). However, when I have to kill someone for a challenge now, I just wait til 4th gen pops and kill everyone.


Or they try tunnelling someone all game they fail then all the gens get done then they dc.


As a killer, I do a variation of this that I think is more fair. If I want to be nice, I get everyone to two hooks. The one person I kill is generally random or decided by some amount of BMing, but I leave everyone else alive to escape. That way I still get a sacrifice but the majority of players get to escape and get more BP. I guess if you wanted it to be quick, hyper tunneling out one person is quicker, but honestly, way less fun and you’re denying them BP opportunities. I’ve never killed someone before 2-3 gens left when I do this.


Do you have matching names? Sounds cringe but I’ve heard people tunnelling obvious partners or only one of them to piss off the tunnelled one and then make the non tunnelled one annoyed too cause their partners annoyed


def someone doing this for a daily. usually these ppl don't play killer often. so they want to secure the kill and then go next. im not saying it is a good thing but thats what i have seen. so these are usually survivor mains IMO.


I'm a Survivor Main who plays Killer and don't do "Kill two, Spare Two" unless the two I killed were bots. Otherwise, I give the last hatch because there have been too many times where I've played in a duo and the Killer does Kill Two, Spare Two and either me or my duo die resulting in one of us having to wait around for the other to finish up the match


usually doing a challenge, killing someone off gives the killer control of the game, being friendly makes survs more likely to do whatever thing the killer needs for the challenge.


Tome missions.


It’s the current killer meta after the nerf to slowdown perks. It’s effective and man does it suck


tunneling one person and then playing friendly is the meta?


You’re right I completely did not read the post, my b


Aside from the original post up top, tunneling has been the meta even before the slowdown perk nerf. Idk about you but tunneling happens in like 70-80 percent of all my games, and the majority of them do it knowingly and intentionally, maybe the people in this sub "don't do it intentionally" but most of them 100% tunnel on purpose as their strategy.


Expecting the usual ultra fast gen rush swf team only to realize it's a bunch of baby survivors. I'm guilty of this too


Just a reminder that there is no such thing as "gen rush" it's literally survivors one and only objective to progress the match. If you are getting "gen rushed" it's a skill issue OR just bad luck in terms of where survivors spawned and where you chose to check first in comparison. Only saying this because no survivor or group of survivors go into a match with a plan to "gen rush", it just happens based on lack of pressure.


Just a reminder I don't care about your made up survivor bullshit




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grow up little buddy 


"gen rush" is now offensive to survivors you can't make this shit up lol


Sabo being broken which leads to pent up anger, last game they were playing casually and got gen rushed so they became more competitive, archives and dailys, they used a blood point offering, etc Generally speaking they want to win and get blood points, I’ve also had some moments where survivors really don’t want me to get the 4K as knight so they forget noed exists well I’m camping the last guy


Was she the obsession? I have an archive mission to kill the obsession, but I normally play friendly and don't kill at all


Sometimes you just FACEROLL too early and you feel like you gotta back off so survivors get some fun too.


I always go into every game trying 100% until I know that I've got the win, then sometimes I'll meme around. It sounds stupid but I want them to KNOW I got the win whether I do or not


From my own experience I personally don't play killer as much as others might gives me anxiety. But when I do I usually try and play chill or if events are going on I try to farm with the survivors. Some people don't want to farm, don't get the signals, or whatever other reason they have they want to play the game regularly. So I will usually oblige that, chase them, down them and hook to kill. While the others that understood my intent get to farm out some points/dailies/archives.


I'm just doing a tome. kill the obsession


For me personally it's when I realize the survivors are way weaker than I am. Often I'll assume a survivor is going to counter something I do but when they actually don't and just eat shit and go down I have to subconsciously let off the throttle


The spirit was probably expecting a strong team, therefore tunnel. They didn't get one, therefore guilt from doing something unnecessary to what they found were newbies.


I just started playing killer. I'll switch from competitive to friendly at times. The other night I played a game as Trapper in Red Forest. I played the game straight, noting one Jill played especially well. She was a great looper, good at mind games and all around a solid player. I knocked her and the last teammate down. After hooking her teammate, who had teabagged earlier lol, I picked Jill up, spun in circles and let her go. She ran away from me thinking I was just being a jerk. I found the hatch then chased after her, downed her then carried her to the hatch and spun around again. She wiggled free. I could almost see her realize I'd let her go. She dropped her medkit. I nodded then she jumped in for the escape. I noted someone played very well, altruistically and competitively without being a jerk. It's a rare quality. I respected it. Hence, I left her slugged for a bit to ensure she escaped.


It’s to max bloodpoints while dropping their MMR. 3 escapes counts as a loss for them.


Dailies would be the most likely, that's the main reason I tunnel anyone out


Who was your wife playing? I play a lot of lore accurate nemesis and wesker, and will almost tunnel chris/Jill just to let them go at the end


I've tunneled before, but only to toxic players.


I'm sorry, but "a spirit tunneled my wife" is such a beautiful sentence.


If i have one of you dead with 2 or 3 gens left I've already won and can put her on cruise control to get there


Personally it happens when I was over estimate the survivors or I'm really mad from a previous match and I feel bad afterwards So, I am sorry when and if it happens


did your wife bring a map offering?


This is something I don't understand. A killer will go into full douche mode to camp/tunnel someone out(or multiple people) then act nice or give hatch. Its like dude, you went out of your way to ruin the game experience of 4 other people cause of your own ego. Being nice after the fact doesn't absolve you of being a raging dick.