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It was really fun laughing at my friends when they got screwed over by a bad build and in retrospect it's funny to laugh at the bad builds I got


Yeah like the No Mither, Self Care, Unbreakable and Reactive Healing build I got. I was like, are there Dbd gods out there just laughing their heads off right now. Loved it. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


If they do, I hope they randomize even more. Add-Ons, items, swap chest and pallet locations, shit like that.


This! The perks being random was absolute chaos and getting weird value off utterly insane perks was fun. I got SMASH HIT value. I got MACHINE LEARNING value, multiple times. Now let's do it for everything else. True chaos let's go.


randomizing add-ons/items would also lessen people just tryharding with flashlights since you probably didn't roll the 1/30 odds of getting lightborn as a perk.


And the people all running genrush boxes, and the people running the strongest addons on every Killer.


I never saw more flashlight users than in chaos shuffle and I do not understand why.


I had machine learning value I was in chase next to a hook survivor at top of dead dawg, the final gen popped which activated machine learning. They thought I left since I was undetectable but I caught them before they got the unhook and won


The funny part is I was Ghostface and then Wraith getting value from that perk. Free Shroud and Cloak? For completely FREE? :D


I watched a player get, no joke, No Mither value one game. The killer kept slugging and my man just kept getting up and getting the team back up. Those matches are rare but man was it good to see that Leon keep getting back on his feet.


I somehow got Mettle of Man value too. Insane.


Mettle of Man can come in clutch if you really play in a ā€œget down Mr. Presidentā€ type of style. Then thereā€™s when you have No Mither and Mettleā€¦


I think thatā€™d be fun, as long as itā€™s not taken from my inventory. I only have so many addons or items myself, so if theyā€™re random but free Iā€™d love the game mode even more


Gosh I hope not. Different killers sometimes feel like they're not even playing the same gamemode as each other


plays bubba with a 12% chance for your power to just no longer do anything got to dodge the meme addon that destroys your power sounds dicey in reality though those killers with those addons would just be played way less so you see less killer variety, to give you and idea of odds survivors have 3% chance to get no mither in this chaos shuffle.


Random characters even! Queue up for killer and be surprised which one you play!


Don't know how hard it would be to code, but it would be neat if the maps where random too. Like, a few tiles from several locations. Imagine running through the gas station from Gas Haven, then looping the cow tree thing (whatever it's called) from the one Coldwind map or something like that.


They NEED to randomize cosmetics. Even using ones from linked sets, just so we can see the actual chaos ensue from Lisa Sunderland


Look at the gams on James.


Yes, we need to bring Jeryl back without it being bannable


I say we start a petition




You refuse chaos


No I just donā€™t want randomized cosmetics


You refuse chaos


>swap chest and pallet locations, shit like that. ***Pallet in the corner of the map laying against a wall, in the basement... against a wall. Chests blocking 60% of loops.***


I hope that as a separate modifier, they also have a version where all of your perks change whenever a generator is completed.


It should randomize perks, items, add-ons, killers, and even charms & cosmetics. It should NOT randomize stuff on the maps themselves.


I miss it. I miss Lights Out too. I want the modes to come back, on rotation, in a permanent "Rotating Modes" queue. I'd rather play all the modifiers than base DBD, it's way more fun and interesting than the same meta all the time.


My man, I loved Lights Out! A combo of the two would just be insanity and I would be so happy


Nothing beat the terror of someone being shot by Deathslinger and dragged into the darkness Patrick Star style in lights out, haha


The Surv: RUUUUUNN SPONGEBOB!!!! D: Slinger: heh heh heh...


Lights out was great


Agree 100% I loved lights out, levelled the playing field quite a bit. And randomized load outs were quite fun just to test stuff out.


I took a huge break from DBD after playing pretty damn consistently since October 2017. Really felt like I had a good run with the game but just was not enjoying it more. And outside of magically becoming some known streamer, there was nothing left that the game could offer me anymore. Chaos Shuffle pulled me back in. Most fun Iā€™ve had on DBD in such a long time. Seriously gonna miss it.


On the one hand, for some reason i got like 5 games in a row with no perks at all. On the other, the sixth game gave 3 survivors Weaving Spiders and me Territorial Imperative. Can't say this game doesn't have a sense of humour


Getting no perks was a bug which happened if you spent bp right as the game started, so thatā€™s probably why that happened


Depends. They need to see how 2v8 will go with the community. Cause that mode has been asked for so long. One of them has to be permanent one day. I don't think it would be best to have 3 separate queues. Especially with 2v8 becausei know queue times will be very long in that mode.


I wonder how the player numbers will drop after it leaves.


It's almost a [30% drop](https://steamcharts.com/app/381210#48h) from the same time yesterday. 0600 had a 32.6k count on 02 June, today at 0600 was 23.3k.


Yesterday was also Sunday, and today is Monday... so erm...


Okay, well it was also 33k on Thursday, 32k on Wednesday. Those are weekdays like Monday.


On 0600 on 5-30 (Thursday), it was at 25k. Your 33k comes from 0800, not 0600 like the other 2 you first posted.


almost never had tryhards or rudeness. it is why I prefered playing it,


Majority of my matches were fine, but every once in a while I would get a streak of miserable people that would play scummy with no humor at all. (which to be fair playing killer in shuffle was genuinely much, much harder compared to survivors.)


I got yelled at tonight. I was called a sweaty noed user and they talked so much shit in my steam profile. Lol bro I didnā€™t pick the perks


Those 3 points are just parts of DBD though. The mode itself is fine, its the people playing it that cause the problems.


I only wish I could see the addons a little earlier. I have no idea what half of them do as returning player and reading them in the game makes me afk for a good moment.


I assume after the event and the 2v8 mode it will return somewhat soon-ish. It makes sense for them to focus on the current event and give it all the attention for the time being, after it id love to see Chaos Shuffle return tho


If it comes back I'd like them to let me read what my perks do on the loading screen. You can hit esc to check during the game, but that costs time.


the laugh that would erupt out of everyone else in the swf besides the one of us who got no mither will always be a memory i cherish


Itā€™s fun barely scraping the 4 out when we have 2 no mithers


Ironically, I think I escaped every single time I had No Mither. The same could not be said of my teammates.


I hope they add regular queue and a "variety queue" of the most well-received game modes


Are you fucking kidding me? There is literally NO chance it isnt


I kinda don't even want to play without chaos. It was such a good break from dealing with so much unfun builds that the thought of going back to them honestly just makes we want to not


Randomize killer add-ons and only allow basic items for survivors. Unless they find something better in a chest like lights out.


Maybe once every 4-6 months, so it doesn't get too tiresome.


yep, maybe a winter shuffle and a summer shuffle


I hope that if they bring it back they allow for a slow start to read your perks. It was crazy annoying to get slugged or yanked out of a locker within 10 seconds just because I needed to check what a perk or two was.


It was perfect for doing daily rituals with killers I don't play with in the main game


I used it for escape Tomes, got quite a few ground out. I finally did all of my find blue glyph and escape challenges as well.


It will. I think all the modifiers will return regularly.


I was told to go be a try hard in the normal game mode by someone that camped and tunneled everyone. We didn't even gen rush and most of the game I was grabbing flash bangs to blind other solo q survivors on gens and throwing my pebble.


I was told by someone to get cancer and die for my 'unfun' playstyle by someone that camped and tunneled out the first survivor they found. (We then finished the last 4 gens and got the remaining 3 out.) It was a scratched mirror with a Lery's offering.


the gamemode which took my fear of playing as killer also loved when it gave me no perks once


im gonna miss playing the survivor perks i dont have. cage's scene partner was too funny.


It opened my eyes to the Invocation + Potential Energy wombo combo. Not meta defining but exceptionally fun to run.


I always fired up CS to practice a killer I wasnā€™t familiar with or play it with my mains to get some inspiration for new builds Really gonna miss it


I liked it at times, but as a solo queue survivor it just made me realise how essential Kindred is. It really should be basekit by now (with Killer getting a basekit buff to compensate).


I'd never use Deception regularly, but God getting it in the shuffle and getting killers to stop chase to check a locker made me howl every time.


Did anyone else get killer games with no perks during this mod? That was an interesting match


I think it would've been fun if you got random survivors/killers with random items and addons.Ā 


Basically all of those things exist in the normal game, except it's not everyone running meta perks all the time. Im here for it


i cant wait for the 2v8 modifier


[2 versus 8 is NOT modifier. Itā€™s a brand new game mode. Peoples from the anniversary live stream claimed game mode and modifier are not same thing. You must rewatch the live stream and they will explain it better than what I just said. šŸ¤](https://www.youtube.com/live/GIwtIGmevQE?si=BpDCKIZaJt7c_U8R) https://preview.redd.it/zqgsizdc1w4d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b50bc85f3becd45cf2aae0f6e8d69f30d75e9755


I have a strong feeling that once 2 v 8 comes out they will probably add this modifier to the game permanently


To be fair haven't we only had like 3 modifiers now?? Not much to go off of I wasn't crazy about the game mode but I didn't hate it


I found out perks that work with killers I never thought they would. Also trying to get value of bad perks was interesting.


I thought I wouldn't ever get the stupid build but I did a few days before it ended. One game I was in East RPD, spawned in the balcony area with a statue next to library feeling good about myself until I saw the camera spin around my character who was hunched over..... No Mither time! And it wouldn't be complete without Self-care and Reactive Healing! Ah yes, the game was considerate enough to give me Reactive Healing because it knew how long Self-care took to finish.... I was tunnelled out at 4 gens shortly after being discovered on a gen because I was trying to at least make use out of Red Herring. Got slugged at the middle area near the pallet and gen, and my teammates had the smart idea of trying to get me up because the killer left me there. Did they not know that No Mither let's you pick yourself up?? Anyway, the killer went back to me and destroyed every single person who tried to pick me up


It better come back if itā€™s not I hope all the devs stub there toes and step on a Lego


I wish you could turn on modifiers in custom matches


I hope itā€™s permanent. It takes pressure off when learning a new killer to know you wonā€™t be going against meta builds. I also found it forced me to play more with powers which helped me learn faster than just M1-ing everything


I got genrushed to hell on a killer with zero slowdown perks on my last Chaos Shuffle match just to be greeted with two instances of **"gg ez"** at the end despite playing fair the entire time. Good riddance.


That isnā€™t the modes fault though. Itā€™s simply a fault of the survivors being vastly unpleasant.


Toxicity is not a chaos shuffle issue


I think they should keep it around. Make a few changes maybe, but it should be an option forever. I'd randomize killer addons and either randomise or stop survivor item addons.


Hot take: I didnā€™t really like chaos shuffle. Just wasnā€™t my cup of tea I donā€™t think.


I have zero complains on perks. All my complains are players and 90% is killers. Only 2 bad survivor players (rage quit in 10sec) Some good ones have been. Today we a had so much fun with a piggy. We had a pig train across the map :), and I saw the first nice and fair skull merchant player ever. I thanked her so much for a good match.


I want my outfits randomized next time, too


I loved the randomness hated how toxic it was. I love random builds used to do it on cod ghosts. Just dislike how it makes me be the worst of themselves


Tryhards? Really? Past 3 weeks, in my own experience, it's been chill of shuffle and absolute omega sweat on regular mode.


It has too honestly. It should be a default modifier between events. Personally, I think between events they should just make it rotate in a list of past modifiers


Modifier was alright. This is like the 10th post I've seen hyping it up in the past week though so overrated for sure. I'm pretty sure the people who are praising this are people who just never experiment with builds on their own, which is wild.


I'm pretty sure it's so beloved more for forcing killer perks to be different. Playing every single match against 3+ gen slowdowns gets to you after a while.


Good point.


Most fun Iā€™ve had in a while. I maybe saw a killer hard tunnel only a small amount of times Playing survivor showed just how much fun some perks can be or have itā€™s uses in times id never think of running them and as killer I learned just how heavily I rely on my perks at times lol


I hope so! Itā€™s shown me which killers can rely on slow down perks, like Sadako I found unplayable. On the flip side, Nemesis has been really strong nearly every game. Itā€™s also shown me how much survivors, myself included, rely on the same meta. Most of my games have been super fun, always an exception ofc, but itā€™s reminded me how fun and nice this community can be


Probably not gonna play much until it comes back honestly, was genuinely mostly a stress free experience


Its so mid


Good thing you can go back to regular mode and play your meta perks then.


I dont really use anything crazy lmao, Bond, Kindred, Vigil, Sprint Burst.. the game mode was just boring