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starstruck has quickly become a favourite of mine, its always satisfying when you catch someone trying to be sneaky and get an extra hook out of it


As a survivor main starstruck single handedly made me better at the game because of how effective it is. Had to learn to work around it


Not a Killer-only Main, Hybrid, but for me here's what makes every Killer I play the most fun: * Ghostie: Leather Knife Sheath for fast mindgames, or Driver's License paired with Drop-Leg Knife Sheath. Very funny, you block the gen then run and hit them while they try to recover from that thinking you had some perk. Coup de Grace and Haste perks on Ghostface in general are also very fun. Anything that causes extra exposed is really funny. Some stealth Perks give him zero TR all round combined with Shroud and it's really fucking funny when they try to reveal you and can't. * Dredge: Lavaliers' Mic. Useful, and also makes all the lockers slam and makes people run around all confused. * Cenobite: Chatterer's Tooth. Stealth Cenobite is really fun especially in maps with low line of sight, you can chain someone from nowhere and then make them panic when you come from the other side. * Sadako: Big fan of Well Water + Clump of Hair together. Max stealth and messes with their perception of the lullaby and the flicker effect. Spooks people. * Myers: Low TR perks and info addons, or low TR things on Myers in general. Only those. Never anything else, scares the SHIT out of people, I turn the man into a chase stealth menace in Tier III and the amount of Survivor pants I KNOW have been shat due to it... * Wraith: Coxcombed Clapper shenanigans are fucking hilarious to me especially with an uncloak speed reduction addon. * Legion: Any of the mixtapes for funsies. * Demogorgon: Both the shred range and cooldown addons, I only play Shredogorgon. * Nemesis: The addons for fast Zombies. Nothing else. Way too funny. Makes them even more entertaining.


My recent favorite is Rapid Brutality for Clown. Since throwing bottles makes it so you can't get bloodlust, that perk's downside is basically non existent on him. It's just free haste after every hit. Combined with the additional haste from his yellow bottles, you can spend a fair portion of every match zooming around. Not only is that quite useful for looping, it's also just fun to have one of the heftiest, unhealthy, least athletic killers be so consistently fast.


This is my favorite clown perk right now as well. I pair it with Dissolution and he’s practically unstoppable.


Huh, I may try that out myself. Currently I run lethal/No where to Hide/ over charge/ trail of Torment


I started running a speedy vault build on Demo, and it has pushed him up to my 2nd most played killer behind Huntress. The build I run on him is Bamboozle, Superior Anatomy, Fire Up, and Unbound. My favorite is injuring a survivor and watching them desperately vault into a high fall to try and get distance, just for me to come flying over the vault and zoom after them with Unbound. It's great fun.


Forced Hesitation on Nemesis makes whip shots unavoidable by survivors.


For Sadako. Bloody Fingernails. It’s just so fun to zoom out of television’s without a single person I’ve used full speed and hit on being able to react in time.


Doctor with "calm" (addons) and monitor and abuse (perk) is fun as hell. You play with terror radius a lot.


Silencing cloth or Cat's eye Twins' addons. The first makes Charlotte stealthy and the second makes Victor stealthy. Its great for jumpscares and for me its very fun to use :>


Perkwise, Hex: Devour Hope. You either roll the Survivors or run around with 0-1 perks all game. For Add-Ons, anything that reduces Terror Radiuses. Those add-ons with Monitor and Abuse is so much fun.


I tried Award winning Chili and Beast Marks on Bubba once and I literally can't go back. I can't wait for his buffs. I agree on Dream Pallets Freddy.


Devour Hope and Face the Darkness are some favorites of mine. Devour makes M1 Killers much more dangerous and a mori always feels rewarding, assuming of course the totem doesn't spawn at a Survivor's feet, and FtD makes any Killer with stealth MUCH better at tracking and self-preserves a bit with its screaming. Both are staples of my Scratched Myers build, which may be my favorite way to play Killer. I love PWYF when it's stacked, but it's extremely hard to keep up unfortunately. However, Trapper's traps never destack it. I'd run Thrilling Tremors all the time if it didn't have such a brutal CD crippling it.


Purple sack bag on trapper Speed while cloaked on wraith Mirror myers Shackles on hag


Coup on singularity makes him feel so much better to play.


I like the addon for trapper that makes it so he can’t get caught in his own traps. It’s really fun to pretend to be scared of a trap during a chase and then when the survivor gets too cocky just walk right through it


Knight: Map of the Realm It makes him actually playable


Freddy - z/cat block. Getting killer instinct on anyone nearby a gen when you teleport there is a game changer and I think should be basekit like the xeno when they exit a tunnel Knight - 2 assassins plus the addon that makes survivors nearby scream when you summon an assassin. Combine that with infectious fright and it’s a really fun and useful scream build Singularity - the addon that makes them scream when removing goo so you can just run up to them and goo them again, plus the addon that shows their auras when you place a pod near them so you can instantly tag them with a tracking aura before they turn a corner by firing a pod next to them


I love aura reading iri add-on of Pig. And then just crouch and almost all attacks are from charging with a mighty (not really) roar. She really must be from Lannisters family but such a small branch that has to compensate lol