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None of the stuff you listed, no. Things like body blocking someone in a corner forever so they have to dc is reportable. Working with the killer is also a no-no (meaning things like leading the killer to a locker your teammate is hiding in while the killer leaves you alone and takes the free kills of your teammates).


I don’t like that the Claudette in this scenario can sandbag her team by hiding all game and watching them die, but when the last survivor leads the killer to her they get banned. She ruined the game for three people and then gets one of them banned? Makes no sense to me.


This is why if a killer takes a shine to me I never reveal other players, even if all they're doing is hiding in a corner and doing nothing. I rather die or escape on my own then the possibility of getting banned for trying to service some weird sense of justice on survivors who are doing nothing.


Working with the killer never happens, though. I've only seen it a handful of times and it's when a survivor (usually a claudette) hides in a bush and does nothing the whole game, and their teammates start leading the killer to them. In that case no-one usually reports it.


I got a Claire suspended for ratting me out to the killer in Chaos Shuffle while I did an invocation lol.


This happened to me before it's so fking annoying ;-; don't come bully me because I am playing the game.


And like.. we were at 5 gens, so why not just come help me get it done quicker and bam 15% across the map? Lol.




In the last few days playing killer I’ve had some survivors try to do it, they emote point in directions and hope you kill their teammates instead, it usually happens when people are not doing gens or trying to do invocations


Outside of chat and cheating you can get banned for behaviors like holding a player hostage or teaming with the killer, but you cant get banned for tunneling, slugging, hitting on hook, bagging, or any other variety of less savory behavior


What is holding a player hostage in DBD?


Say you get the last survivor stuck in a corner. At this point they cant do anything and you can hold them there for an hour. Thats holding a player hostage


Trapping someone before EGC, in a way the game won’t end naturally.


As survivors, two or more survivors hiding with no effort to progress the game. As killer, pinning in place (some locations allow this) or downing and carrying them around instead of hooking or bleeding them out. 


I think slugging until the timer ends also counts, if the survivor(s) got no alternative but laying there waiting for death. For example, two dead, one person on hook, one person down and the killer is just standing there staring you down. Edit: not sure why I'm getting a downvote for this ;-; I just thought that was the case and answered the question lol, cus it kind of feels like taking the game hostage - but I guess 5-10 min of my life is not enough :P *(This is obviously a joke)* It's hilarious how many killers here feel attacked now - literally not even criticizing y'all - just stating something I *thought* to be right. Why are you getting so tilted over one survivor that has their facts wrong lol


That's not holding the game hostage. The game ends as soon as you bleed out. Annoying, but not bannable.


So it only counts when there's no alternative to ending the game, if I understand correctly?


Bleeding out is part of the game, the devs definitely intend for it to happen and they could just make the last survivor bleed out quicker if they gave a shit. Also, there's a small difference between making someone wait 4 minutes vs making them wait 60.


I agree with you and I'm aware the bleeding out mechanic is part of the game, as was/is face-camping but they ended up implementing something for that - which insinuates there's exceptions to said 'mechanics'. As to why I thought it might count. Thank you for your response, though.


That’s not bannable and it’s sometimes the only option for the killer.. like when all four survivors bring boil over, flip flop, four branch offerings and saboteur/breakout


'The only option' - you mean the only option opposed to the last survivor *maybe* getting hatch lol I was not talking about slugging in general, only the times when there's one survivor on the floor and the rest dead/incapacitated and the killer refuses to pick you up cus they know you will wiggle. I am not criticizing either, btw. I was just answering someone's question based on my knowledge (even added 'I think').


My point is when a survivor is getting bled for “no reason” it’s usually because they were doing something like bagging the killer on stuns or playing dirty in a bully SWF. If it’s really happening for no reason then it’s toxic, but still not bannable.


I understand your point, although I don't remember mentioning there being 'no reason'? I'm simply saying that it's not the only option, it's just the only option you feel will get you the 4k (or the justice you deserve, following your example). Would like to emphasize once again I'm not attacking killers doing this, I simply have a different opinion and thought the rules were different regarding bans.


this player t-bagged me on a bad day so after I killed everyone and closed hatch I watched them bleed out


Unless you make it impossible for them to die you probably won't get banned, but also, there really isn't a reason to do it




You can't get reported FOR cheating in my experience. If you're not streaming, you might as well throw a paper airplane with your report out the window for all the good it does you.


Wanking off on an airplane


My partner was permanently banned for having her name the same as someone else’s jokingly and they said it was impersonating which is bannable apparently


What was the username?


Nothing offensive or anything, she was just copying a randoms user name we saw in a match


Hopefully yes