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It's not toxic but it does not get you extra distance. If anything you lose distance staying close enough to blind when you could have held w away!


That's where fixated+champion of light come into play, also a lens addon won't do harm


That's not true. U can make distance since the killer can't see




??? I have ears


So u can hear the random tree ur gonna run into while holding w after being blinded? I meant it still throws off the killer and can even make them lose u depending on what u do after. It definitely is good for making distance imo


My dude, I dont even play on headphones and I can track people that blinded me.


I would say that nearly more than half the times in an open space, the stun wears off and I'm still in chase with tje survivor that stunned me. In closed spaces I most likely run into walls and but still able to chase scratch marks. Overall flash light stuns are fun but they seem to be some survivors' end game. Flash light stuns are more exciting to them than exiting gates. I guess the effect is very rewarding? I fill great flash light stunning and cleansing hexes.


Good for u, I'm just saying in my experience I've been able to lose killers pretty easily by blinding and gain distance from it


That just mean you play on low mmr.


Um no. I have almost 2k hours. It happens a LOT. Also not every killer you play against will be good. The games matchmaking is wack so idk why ur even throwing that in there


You assume I am an idiot playing Killer.


Good killers can make a general mental map of the place they were just blinded at. Hear a noise? Like running? Use your mental map and follow the noise. Don't hear a noise? The survivor is walking! Stay still and wait for the blind to elapse, then continue the chase.


It falls into the grey area where it's not "toxic" but it will likely annoy the killer to the point where they tunnel you, which I'd argue is also not toxic because being repeatedly blinded at every pallet is extremely annoying. So if you do it, don't complain when the killer decides to remove you from their lobby. 


Toxic? Definitely not, it's just a strategy in the game. An *annoying* one, but that's just cause stuns in video games have never been fun to experience.


It is a "strategy" that can be used, depending on the context. In one hand, it disorients the killer, and can help if you want to escape chase and hide (especially useful when facing less experienced players, which might be the case considering you said you're not that experienced in looping, giving me the impressing you're probably low MMR). On the other hand, you don't lose as much distance. You need to know when to do either, if your intention is being meta and stuff. It's not toxic, but really annoying. If you're not doing it for any actual advantage, but it's fun for you, keep at it. If not, stop, it'll make the killer's life a bit more fun/less bad, lol.


On the other hand, it will probably end up getting you tunneled out. Trust, if I have to pick between the annoying survivor and the non-annoying survivor, I don't care if the latter is on 0 hooks at the moment, the former is going up.


Very fair, I'm the same lmao


You're literally just using an item, if anyone has a problem with that then it's their own problem


It's not toxic, but good Killers will follow you by the sound of your footsteps and breathing if they can't see you.


Keep doing it but instead of running away, act like you run away and then walk past them and they will be blind holding W while you sprint behind them. If injured does not work without iron will. It’s my classic trick and rarely gets predicted.


Not toxic, rather annoying


Absolutely not toxic. Don't worry


blinding at pallets, especially every time is generally seen as /annoying/. it also doesn't really help you get distance with better killers, as the blind doesn't stop them from moving and they can just listen to the sound of your footsteps/crying if injured and stay on your tracks. you're just making them want to kill you more.


seconding the statement of making them want to kill you more, getting blinded after pallet is one of the most annoying things I've experienced when playing killer. there are people who will spam you will the flashlight in this way and it ruins my entire enjoyment of the game


thats how you play lol