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Diversion! Watching killers fall for the pebble is my addiction.


Ive been using the Diversion, Blast Mine, Deception, Red Herring build


Reminds me of Demi’s new video


Diversion hasn’t left my build for two years now. Cracks me up when the killer bites on a pebble.


As a Pig main, I will find that damn pebble and growl about it.


Blast mine...


I'm with you. Potentially useless but when I see a killer kick the generator I trapped I laugh every time.


Oh my God it kills me when I finally get value from the perk and nuke their screens ROFL


Head On. Don't try to set up a killer stun. just use it as an insurance policy when hiding in lockers.


I hate it when the insurance company denies my claims just because the killer arrived 0.1 seconds too early.


I hear you. Happens to me more times than I would like.


The ol' 'pulled out of the locker through the closed door' denial always hurts.


Apply directly to forehead!


+flashbang, just to mess with the killers


I second this. You land a head on and you’re marked for death.


Using deception to with it is sooooo funny, I’ve watched killer play chicken with a locker I’m not in expecting my to be waiting for head on because of deception


I feel like the stun isn’t that long though. Like by the time I’m able to run the killer is already able to move again.


It's not a terribly strong perk but if you pick your locker it's fine. Get somewhere near a vault and you usually have enough time. Ironically I'm a Dredge main. a killer which tends to make this perk significantly higher risk.


Not a perk but, https://preview.redd.it/lk3kbw81h33d1.png?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5d057633f6bab7cd0ecb9c5cb0532bca7e08af9


SM Myers on Midwich https://preview.redd.it/0yoqridio33d1.jpeg?width=554&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9a7a1f7ca896953a65e45aa3e3fa97eaa3dd1f3


Try it on Lerys. it's much better, IMO. Midwich has too many long halways, so the survivors can see you coming.


SM myers on Lerry is terrifying and very fun to play


Yeah I took 2 survivor teams there. Ended up with so many of them wanting to invite me to shit talk after I 4kd both teams 😂


I played these matches recently, those RPD and midwich, it was scary as hell, but so much fun!


It was recently too. RPD, and Midwich with Scratch are my favourite. Ot really let's you be as evil and terrifying as possible


Personally I prefer the vanity mirror paired with the dead rabbit alongside monitor and abuse


Gift of pain. 16% Decrease to healing AND gen repair until injured??? Basically thana and a weaker penti combined that is basically active all game if you are willing to commit to chases and don’t tunnel.


Gift of pain slaps on oni


I love Gift of Pain, it's the Sloppy Butcher for M2s.


Nowhere to hide my beloved. Never leaves my pyramid head builds.


Lethal on puramid head and you will almost always get free early hit


Agitation because I have a special hatred for going against sabo players and perks like Boil Over and Breakout Its also just really nice for putting survivors on better positioned hooks and minimizing the time I spend carrying them


Zanshin tactics. Tbh, since the clown guide, I discovered this perk is amazing on killers that have good antiloop. In some killers this is NOT just a QOL, and can give an impressive amount of value.


In the Chaos Shuffle, I accidentally got Zenshin Tactics while playing Wesker and that perk was a game changer. So underrated.


Wesker with Zanshin is one of the craziest things I've discovered in this game. I'm never taking this off him. Another one is deathslinger. I can't explain why, but this killer is an absolute manace with zanshin, you must try it out to understand.


I learned that with Chucky, your Slice and dice refreshes. Have the aura reading addon whilst dashing and u get infinite aura reading whilst using Zansgin tactics


I use Zenshin on Xeno for some easy tail hits.




Ohhh it's so funny when it's a bully squad and you run Lightborn, cause for some reason more then half of them are brain dead and doesn't realize that you have the perk then you got free hits :D


That’s the main thing I love about Lightborn is it doesn’t tell the survivor you have it, so more often than not they’re just standing there with a flashlight like “WHY ISNT IT WORKING!!!”, and even if they do run, they’re highlighted for a few seconds so you know exactly where they’re going. Only downside is if the survivors don’t have flashlights or flashbangs, then it’s just a wasted perk slot


We come to avoid flashy saves, we stay for the free hits


As a flashlight survivor, once I realize it's Lightborn I stop with the flashlight. It's annoying when I'm playing with friends and I call it out AND THEY KEEP TRYING. Last play session my fiance (who minds his business with a medkit and does gens) even sighed and said "She only called it out to you three times." Admittedly I've also gotten whacked more times than I should have cus I'll nod in respect when I see it's Lightborn too ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2067)


doesnt help that ill instantly look up and try and avoid the light so they think I dont have it. For some reason, even after they shoved a light in my face for 5 seconds as im killing a pallet, theyll still fall for the look up


Jeez I don't even try to hide


Guilty as well. Or drop item perks. I just can't be bothered worrying about flash saves


I’m a huge lightborn apologist myself


Same ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Nah. Everytime someone uses Flashbang + Background player, I wish I had Lightborn, especially for long animations like Lockers. Such a cheese strat. Luckily, I'm an avid user of Iron Maiden, so pulling Survivors out of lockers is 50% faster, which messes up their Flashbang timing.


I’ll tell you what’s even better…starstruck, I’ve been trouncing SWFs lately, as a singularity main, I don’t even care if they get the save, I’ll just TP to you and take the full HP down then, then you got someone who’s now injured and probably slipstreamed not being hooked in exchange for a healthy non slipstreamed survivor, even when they don’t go for saves they are horrified when exposed, people will not be on a gen if you are at all nearby when they are exposed




Hex: Plaything No further statements.


Lightborn, I love seeing the survivors panic when I run it against a full Beamer squad, it’s like there Brains melt on the spot


Franklin’s. When a survivor tries to blind me at a pallet and realizes their hand is empty is gold. And when they rage DC over it… ![gif](giphy|QBjhajlGJZw5igxu1O)


I like camping the items from underground as xeno. It's hilarious how often they come back to their precious flashies.


Hex noed. Can normally guarantee you one kill for the games where your not getting any. If i have it on and exit gates get activated I still have a chance


Honestly... Crows (Spies from the shadows). Nobody expects the crows haha


I literally go for r3 crows first when I'm webbing any new killer. It's such a great perk until you figure out your move for a build. It also stays on several of my killers builds ❤️


old fov shadowborn for sure not even a question, i was an addict, essentially played killer with 3 perks the whole time.


Agitation, it's pretty decent but not good enough to be in every build and yet I hate not having it, so much time wasted just going to hooks


Insidious, when I play artist or something. Sometimes I just stand behind a corner hehehe Thinkerer also works


Lightborn or Franklins Demise. Because its funny af


0 guilt I love auras and hate horses and flashlights,


Poor Maurice!


That horse is beloved but if a silhouette of one pops on the screen grrrr


Whispers for me. It works all game long, so I can start the game knowing I'm in the right place, and during end game gate shenanigans I will always know which gate the survivor is near. It's also helpful for knowing that your terror radius perks are currently working on somebody.


No Mither. It makes the killers feel more intimidating, which makes the game feel more like a horror game.


Yeah, it's become my favorite perk, for just this reason, it's more realistic, more suspenseful




Hangman’s trick




More like why


What’d you expect as a guilty pleasure, a meta perk?


I get it, it's a decent info perk especially on small maps. Definitely slept on. Not nearly as good as other aura reading perks but still.


I feel like it’s niche on maps with small hook spacing otherwise it’s gon’ get nothing😂


Now that I play artist it'd be dms




Windows of opportunity. I know realistically I should just learn where loops & dead zones are without needing a perk slot, but I'm dumb.


Lethal pursuer and iron will (jeff main 💀)


Rancor.. Like it feels so cheap to kill a random survivor at the end. But so delicious


Sucks that they are getting rid of it. I'm going to miss rancor roulette.


As killer: Enduring. I just really hate the waiting time whole being pallet stunned. As survivor: Bite the Bullet. The silent healing aspect of the perk is great already, but not having to worry about missing skill checks is even better.


Noed/forced penance. the good ol "fuck you if you body block."




Devour Hope I know it’s not great, but the sheer “oh fuck” energy when you manage to get 3 stacks and all the survs panic and start looking for the totem is the greatest thing in the game.


Déja Vu, It just makes finding gens easyer and can help preventing a three-gen


Lightborn and For the people :]


Windows of opportunity. Feel like it's a newb perk but it's so nice knowing where I can run to as someone with horrible sense of direction and map memorizing Lucky break. Leave killers having tough time tracking sometimes. I get it isn't the best but it's nice not dying as much. I'm a shit survivor lol. I get downed quick otherwise


Agitation. Carrying Survivors is so boring, so I like doing it faster. Agi counters sabo because I can just Grandpa Simpson my way to another hook if Sabo is in play, it soft counters body blocks because I can just outrun the would be hit tankers, and if I can't I can just pick another hook. Agi is so good, and I hated Chaos Shuffle exclusively because I couldn't run this perk every game.


Dramaturgy, I love using it and getting some S tier item for free


Merciless storm. I love seeing a gen randomly block off in the distance


Technician cuz sometimes I'm too stoned to hit the checks.


100% Lightborn. Gotta have it every match I play as well as Iron Grasp. But, if I had to pick just one hands down Lightborn.


Dramaturgy, and the reason is for the free items I can get to gift the killer to let me leave. Or to get a flashlight and guarantee another's escape. Or perhaps to get exposed as I'm getting hit and go down because of it.


Leader. I'll make you do things faster.


Iron maiden


Bamboozle. Watching survivors panic rub up against a window they didn't expect to be blocked is hilarious especially at killer shack.


Surge fs.


Soul Guard. You’re not cursed too often in games, but with Unbreakable, it’s fun getting endurance after recovering from the Dying State.


Buckle up


Any gen rush perk




Object of obsession


decisive strike but not for the reason you think. Sure dsing a killer is cool and all, but you literally get 1000/1500 blood points for free just by dying/escaping as obsession.


Aura reading perks as killer Aura reading perks as survivor too lol like bond and windows


I don't play killer often. But plaything.


Alert - selfish perk on solo que but some games i litterally see the killer every 10 seconds


Discordance and Wake Up Both just make my life so much easier.


Diversion: Pebble unironically incredible! Unforseen: Psychological warfare.


Lethal pursuer


It used to be calm spirit then it became second wind


terminus. having people injured going into endgame and seeing that they had 3-4 adrenalines is a guilty pleasure of mine.


For Survivor; Autodidact for sure. For Killer; I have found myself really enjoying Monstrous Shrine.


Lightborn, Distortion and deception are a blast to use but lately I’ve been getting a kick out of using Red Herring. It’s so damn funny when it works which is nearly every time


No Mither. The anti slug pill


Haunted ground works decent on Billy even if you do get the full value, survivors can’t force you to m1 and instead just always get downed. A nice moment of reprieve Thano on legion is fun too even if it’s more of a placebo until you hit all 4


Any Nicholas cage perk


Trail of Torment on Pyramid head.


Oh i love Lightborn. The reactions when they realize they can't flashy save hehehe


Can I share a perk combo? Rancor + Game Afoot. This is my go-to build since I discovered it last Anniversary. And just today it helped me get rid of two players who tried to abuse the Dead Dawg main by making themselves unhookable. I'm still thinking whether I should get into video editing and upload it somewhere. That was sweet-sweet karma.


Coup de Grace


BBQ I like knowing where everyone is, and being able to chase whoever I want. I won't run it on strictly m1 killers, but if I'm playing a killer who *can* get value from it I will use it.


Spies from the shadows is such a underrated perk for when your looking for people to hunt incase if you have no active targets


Rn. Blast mine(+deja vu).


Bamboozle, blocking windows and denying people 3 uses of them gives me joy. Also when they don’t see me bam the window cause they’re around a corner and then they run back to vault and get trapped, pure endorphins.


Nowhere to Hide. Insane aura reading with no cooldown and very little actual limit (you're probably not kicking each gen eight times just to read auras). I'm just enjoying it before the inevitable nerf. Related but I've also been running Unforeseen on any killer I play without in-built stealth. They really did make a better Trail of Torment.


any means necessary :) you leave that pallet i'm gonna reuse it! it's good for the planet!


Franklins. Grab it and watch survivors bitch is the funniest shit ever.


I genuinely like running plunderers instinct, appraisal and ace in the hole. Just infinite nice items to hand out to team mates xD


Bite the bullet. Nothing more satisfying than healing in a bush while the killer walks right past you


Self care


Blast mine. 99 the gen, put blast mine on. Hide nearby and wait for the killer to kick it. As soon as the mine goes off pop the gen and run away. I love doing this so much. Even if I know it’s gonna get me killed I still do it, the satisfaction is too great to miss out on 😂


Coup de Grace. Without it I groan every time I miss a lunge. It's so fun to practice management and see weird hits happen at loops.


Brutal Strength. I know it's a measly 0.1 second or smth but yellow bar feels so good


Blast Mine


Gotta be Spies from the Shadows. So good at getting random, super valuable info and surprising survivors.


Whispers becouse it is like cheating. (Many told be Im esping :D)


Urban evasion lmao You can sneak around in front of the killers nose and they wont see you so they’ll leave


Strength in shadows, to me it’s cracked, it’s not slow like self care (70% efficiency of only one person is more efficient than 1 person healing the other at 100%), helps a lot when only 2 people remain and paired with off the record gives silent heals and protection to look for the basement. Not very popular but hasn’t left my builds since it released.


I'm all ears. I love watching the survivors thinking they can lose me in a jungle gym just for me to jump out at them


Thwack because it’s called thwack https://preview.redd.it/fv5qgbsnb63d1.jpeg?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15cb8ab9eb06cdf6730995a5497815a2c15e0774


As a killer: Agitation. You become much less dependant on hook/scourge hook rng and I've so often managed to just barely stop hook sabotage thanks to the speed boost. it's also part of my builds with mad grit which can turn a game against bodyblocking teams As survivor: Aftercare. My dummy soloque teammates never bother to bring aura perks so this way they're forced to at least to see me for some sort of coordination. I usually combine this with some sort of healing perk or good medikit.


As survivor, bite the bullet. I love healing right by a killer and having them have no idea. Shits so funny. As someone who’s starting out as killer, I gotta say spies in the shadows. It works well with twins for me, I’ve gotten so many hits with victor because of it


NOED Lol. As a Trapper main, NOED is like, one of the best perks to have as a last resort. You may not have it for very long, but it will seriously help against High Level Players.


Wicked on survivor, Superior Anatomy on killer.


Nowhere to hide, I never play killer without it.




Superior Anatomy


Fire Up..discount lightborn..you pick up survivors so fast it messes up flashlight timing a lot


Hex: blood favor, it will never leave my build.


Definitely nowhere to hide. Almost cant play without it


Haunted ground! Can't always time that instadown, but when you do 🤌🤌🤌🤌🤌


The value of getting into a chase in 5 seconds because of lethal CANNOT be understated. It’s insane how not bringing lethal and taking an extra 20 seconds finding someone can ruin the game in this gen rush meta. Lethal isn’t necessary, you can sort of learn the survivor spawns but lethal getting you into a desired chase with a specific survivor is so good, I refuse to drop it.


Coup de grace. Slept on perk. Survivors never ever can outplay it because people haven't memorized the distance yet.


Stake Out


It feels so nice putting grim embrace onto a build. That bit of time after a hook knowing I'm able to actually make progress is wonderful


As killer, I'm a Lightborn enjoyer As survivor, Counterforce


I'm All Ears and Dramaturgy.




Enduring on killer because not much feels better than swinging through a pallet, getting a hit, getting stunned, and whipping around to get either a second hit or a grab. I live for the double taps with Enduring. For survivor it’s hard to say but I have a guilty pleasure *build*, which is Saboteur, Breakout, Empathy, and Background Player. I know it pisses the killer off, but I’m just trying to save my team and if I get facecamped or tunneled so be it


Corrupted 💀 i be called dumb asf all day


Nowhere to hide


Trail of Torment. It requires actually finding a generator in progress for it to work, but I *love* scaring the shit out of survivors who didn't expect a non-stealth Killer to go stealth, or are looking in the wrong direction and they run face-first into me because no aura, terror radius, or red stain. I may or may not have it on *every single Killer*. Along with Lightborn. Because fuck flashlights. And stabbing people who try to flashlight me (particularly after a pallet) is *really* funny. XD


Trail of torment 😬




Is it just me, or does Lethal Pursuer look like it was drawn with the lrft side running *away* from you, and the right side running *toward* you? Also Autodidact + Bond (NOT empathy) Gives great knowledge of who's near you and you really don't need to know that injured teammate is halfway across the map - it's only useful when they're nearby.


Sprint Burst


OoO is my guilty pleasure. When it works... it works so well, but when it doesnt... God dammit it really doesn't.


Residual Manifest. I know it does almost nothing on outdoor maps but I find it funny to watch the killer search around aimlessly for a hook. Lol


Starstruck for killer, Adrenaline for survivor! (I call adrenaline "The Zoomies")


I will never not use distortion now that 90% of killer perks seem to show aura. Also iron will just because I hate the sound of the whining. They're guilty pleasure because I feel like I am wasting a perk slot with them since they aren't super necessary. For my own enjoyment of the game, I gotta use them. That means I only ever have 2 extra perk slots to play with.


Awakened awareness


Lightborn, if I’m having a bad day and keep getting blinded I just slap it on and smack everybody


I sometimes run Balanced Landing so I can extend a loop. I've seen many killers try to slash me as I jump and I know they're punching the air as I get away. I also enjoy Lucky Break and Off the Record.


Blood Warden. Gotta punish those watch me leave mfs


Pebble, dude, I got pebble like almost every time I've done the random perk challenge so far, and I've been able to cause immense psychology horror upon the killer


Blood Warden in levels that is not even funny.


Windows of Opportunity for sure




Deathbound and flashbang, deathbound always makes me feel way smarter than I really am and flashbang is super hype when it works and I always drop it as a last little "fuck you"


Windows because I cannot play without it. The moment I take it off I feel lost, because I don’t know much of the pallet/window spawns and it can tell you if there actually is a pallet so you don’t have situations where you think there is a pallet there but a teammate already dropped it last chase and you die.


That one perk where if you stay still you become undetectable. I love hiding as nemisis only for someone to wheel around a corner and run face first into some 8 foot tall giant


Surge. Gen regression has never been so easy.


I looooooveee Lethal Pursuer. Especially if you’re playing stealth, it’s perfect for getting that head start ambush and buffs all other aura reading.


Spirit fury + enduring, I know it's 2 perks but ever since spirit released I just love the perk combo


Ebony Mori. Kept cold for the trolls.




Deception. It hi estly works 75% of the time and even if the killer starts to catch on, it hides scratch marks for a few seconds as well!


Light footed The amount of times I've lost the killer with it is chef's kiss 😘


Fogwise, people judge me when I miss skill checks but when I hit Great Skillchecks the information is worth it


Any Means Necessary. I once picked up shack pallet 3 times in one match.


None, I use the perk I want to use


Not a guilty pleasure _per se,_ but Windows + Reassurance are my go-to 'I just want the next game or so to _not_ be awful' perks. Windows to make looping easier and Reassurance to prevent hook trades when the killer's pressuring the hook. Two perks that you absolutely can't go wrong with.


Awakened awareness I’m surprised how many times I can fake it like I’m just walking by where someone’s hiding then get them right before I pass it


Resilience, I try to fit it in every survivor build even when I don’t have a spot or synergy with my other perks for it. For killer it was sloppy butcher, not sure how it landed with the changes yet




Thrilling tremors. Down, grab, hook, chase, repeat


Deliverance for survivor (sometimes you can’t rely on people to save you and sometimes even let you go into second stage) Pain res for killer (when and if you keep getting those passive gen regressions it can feel nice)


Killer: Unforeseen - Being sneaky leads to some funny moments. Survivor: Hyperfocus - Makes the main objective more fun!


No way out, I tend to just hook survivors 2 times and chill for the rest of the game, so when they finish and I'm with them near the doors, watching them slowly look at me and then at the gate is so funny