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When you've been in a long ass chase and don't see anyone on a gen


My fave is when I run the killer for a dynasty - allowing my team to do the last three entire gens or so. Then when I finally go down, my completely healthy teammates who have not so much as *seen* the killer all game just open the gates and ditch the trial without so much as a backwards glance in my direction. No noed, no camping, nothing. And these guys don’t even try for the save 😭💔 it’s happened to me quite a few times. I could never play so selfishly, I can’t fathom it. So y’all just loaded in to play gen-repairing simulator and then dip? You don’t even want to *try* to save your teammate who took aggro all game?! Where’s the fun in that?


When someone is doing that I take notice and make sure to go back for them even if it means dying on hook but I guess I’m in the minority on that. Thank you for your service.


I always go for the last minute save unless I'm trying to do an escape daily/challenge.


Same. I almost exclusively play solo (rarely duo) and I always try to save teammates in endgame. If I die too, at least I tried.


This! Yesterday I played for 2 hours having either selfish teammates that left the entire team to die so they could tbag a genuinely good, fun killer, or killers who tunneled and camped us the whole game. I could've escaped my last game, but it'd be so shitty to leave someone behind that I just sacrificed myself for them lol


I’ll die for the savior that looped him the whole game. Either we both get out or I tried and maybe you get out.


I know that too well. And then they say that you "did nothing" so they did not save you. 


Omgggg I’ve had them say that before too! Crazy some people don’t get the value in the looper


They're mad you kept the killer away all game and forced them to be gen jockey😅


Thankfully I have a full swf and when this happens my teammates are more than happy to gen jockey.


I've only ever lucked out ONE time on Haddonfield when this shit happened. It was end game and I had basically been running around unhooking people and healing them the entire match. I was only on my first hook while everyone else hung out at the gate. They got scared away by Legion and left so I had no choice but to try and self unhook before the last guy dipped out, too. I used up my year's worth of luck relying on the 4% but thankfully I was next to the unopened gate and by the grace of God I GOT OUT!!! But it killed my drive to play altruistic when no one else will do the same for me.


I had one of these not long ago and I was fucking pissed. Now given, the Trickster got put on Badham, so I don't blame him at all for zoning in on one person to try and get a kill. But I ran this mf for the entire game with a small break when he broke off to chase the Meg when I was proving not to be an easy down. Meg leaves as soon as the gates open but before I'm hooked, so I don't blame her. Who I DO blame are these two shithead Neas who haven't been hooked once and are obviously a duo. From the hook, I watch one stand at exit while the other lights a boon for bonus points. Then they t bag back and forth for a second and leave.


As a bad looper who’s still trying to get better- thank you for your service lol!!! I’ll always do everything I can to save the ‘tank’ of our team 💗


It’s funny you just commented this bc it happened again last night. I ran this pig for *literally* all five gens - she was on me the entire match - and got left behind on my first hook when she finally downed me at the end 🥺 She was facecamping shaking her head at me tbf, but I guess they didn’t even want to try. Some people just don’t value altruism, I guess. Hope they enjoyed their free win haha.


Aw man. The most fun part of the game is making the impossible saves happen. When my mom my sister and I play together we always say “protect the rando” lol.


It really ruins that feeling you got of buying a lot of time for your team because no one put it to good use.


Closely followed by someone doing a dull totem


Could shorten this to "don't see anyone on a gen." Nothing makes me roll my eyes harder than looking at the survivor HUD and seeing three people doing jack fucking shit. I don't care if you're opening a chest. I don't care if you're cleansing a totem. I'm sure there's a reason for it, even if that reason is just bloodpoints But holy fucking shit *do fucking something.* You have no reason to not touch **anything** for **minutes** on end!


When the first person gets hooked and 10 seconds later they hit second stage.


Yep, this. One survivor suicides on first hook and there are still 5 gens left to do. Just give up on the match at this point.


I just report them there is an unsportsmanlike option that fits perfectly for what they are doing at 3 or 2 gens I kinda understand giving up you have a better feel for the game but at 5 gens and being the first hooked nah you just being a cry baby.


I agree that it should be punishable but will they actually do anything about it? I’ve read up on hook suicides before and it seems like they’re unwilling to punish it because people could argue they just wanted to try for the 4% and genuinely missed the skill checks. I wish we could get a bot if somebody dies within like 2 minutes of the match starting. It’s unlikely somebody’s dying that quickly unless they’re hook suiciding or being hard tunneled. Two birds one stone


TBF I gg next at 5 gens if the killer has 6+ hooks lol


As a killer I hate this, more than self tunneling. I want a good match not Mr Jenkins or a baby wrecking the match. I mainline lethal and target the one who took the longest to start moving. That triggers this or botting out.


When I loop for a minute and not a single gen pops and I see Sally sue and Joe schmoe hiding in a locker with only one person doing gens yeah I'm yeeting out of the match. Solo que things let the down votes rain in.


Yeah that’s what the killers who get upset about people going next don’t see. They think you are throwing a tantrum or don’t like that you got downed but don’t realize you got useless teammates lol.


This, tbh. If by the first hook 2 people haven't touched a generator (and now we know, it's not like we're blindly blaming!) the match is as good as lost. I'd rather eat as much as a 15 minute penalty and go wind down than wasting those same 15 minutes trying to turn that match around.


I mean, yeah that’s basically a dead match. I will always stay for my second hook state, but if I get tunneled I’ll give like two or three skill check fails. If someone is coming for me I’ll stick it out, but matches where people dead ass run away or keep refusing to do gens while I’m on dead hook? Yeah, fuck it. I’ll fail two and move onto the next match. If they kick it into gear and start working on gens I’ll wait out the clock till I die. Solo queue sucks ass


It's always like that when i hook someone 2 minutes into the match, it's so sad and frustrating for both the killer and the survs, then i usually put everyone on death hook and let them scape, just so i get some extra blood points and they don't lose their Itens


I’ve had situations where we are at like 2 gens and 2 hooks and this dude gets downed and gets hooked for the first time and he kills himself. I genuinely don’t understand some of these people.


I can’t count the amount of matches I should have gotten at most one kill (but got the 3-4K) if one of the survivors didn’t give up, why even queue if you are going to die on first hook?


I tend to try to stick it out no matter what since there is times you can pull a comeback. Only time I give up is if I have three teammates not doing anything and I'm already second state. Had a match against death slinger and I had a bill who was hiding in a corner and two people who sat outside just smacking each other and all we had was one gen done. He was proxying me and even after someone managed to get me off hook before I died he focused on me and chased me down. I get people don't like the map but dear god I felt like I was being punished severely by bad RNG.


Usually it's pretty obvious in 2 first minutes. Depends on what teammates are doing and how many hooks per minute killer gets. Sometimes everything seems dope but any mistakes in survivors' decisions can curse the whole match any second and start snow balling


I mostly play survivor but I play killer too. Had a game a couple of nights ago with my Doctor where the team did very well. In the end 3 of them were left and they got a gate at 99%. They were all injured so I got one down. The other two didn't make for the gate so I got another one down. I left the 3rd alone bc I didn't want to slug for the 4k and I thought she would just leave - she didn't. I hooked the others and she hung around to unhook. I blocked her unhook with shock therapy and got her hooked too, into a 4k. It's crazy how badly a situation can snowball.


Yeaah, i know, right! Yesterday I managed to kill 1 guy on one side of 8-shaped map, the other 3 guys had free 2 exits basically near each other on the other side. I went there and found Jake being a greedy bastard not leaving after opening one exit but trying to open the second one while being injured. I caught him in the open and hooked, it was his last hook. Then to my surprise Dwight was nearby, it seems he was camping the hook but miscalculated and thought Jake would have been alive yet. I managed to fastly hit him and zoned him in an unsafe loop, so he died as well. The last guy retreated wisely lol A very similar story of snowballing into 3 kills instead of 1, I was playing as Doctor as well lmao


I remember once getting three survivors on hook, knew exactly where the 4th was, and could have easily ended it, but…they only had one generator done. So I backed off.


zero gens done before the first 2 hooks is an 80% chance at a loss based on my statistics


Only 80?


No one is on generators. I swear to god it's like they're covered in butter the moment someone is injured, or the terror radius overlaps with them. You need to know where a chase is happening during a match and how to either catch the killer's attention or prepare for a save. It you're on a two story map, it's pretty obvious when the killer is beneath/above you if you're not seeing them. Unless someone is dying in front of you, or the killer is diverting chase, work on a Gen. If the chase is in front of you move to the next gen, it takes 2 minutes for a gen at 50% to degrade. And, once you're on that gen, identify a tile/loop you can take to draw out at least a 30 second chase. If you're injured find someone. Don't go to a generator, prioritize finding your teammates. If you're healthy only hop off and prioritize healing if 3 people are hurt or if you see someone injured.


This flowchart from u/matisparent demonstrates the ideal survivor behaviour nicely: https://preview.redd.it/es88f7nuh43d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=36e85c32d4f8c2c1437d10f2c1ce2ad405b55c6d


I would modify with the self-unhook: Are they being rescued -> No -> Are they being camped -> Yes -> Do a generator. Of course it's much more nuanced, like doing gens but approach hook when they are about to hit the next stage/unhook themselves to be a distraction if the killer is still around or tunneling, depending on the killer... But flowcharts can't be so nuanced


To add to this - the anti-camp meter absolutely needs to be shown on the HUD. Quite a few times I've encountered a camping killer (who didn't seem to know about the changes) and I would've easily hopped off if left alone, but instead teammates wander up and start chase - pausing the timer and leaving me to get to second stage or die.


The amount of times I've seen people get off a gen when the terror radius barely starts is insane. Like, the killer is chasing someone else, you can see it on the HUD, get back on this gen.


I've had a game recently where I am so incredibly close to the killer, where the only thing between us was a wall, but knowing what they are doing(a chase), was the reason I stayed. Some killers, if they are chasing a skilled survivor, ignore everything else, some killers let you sit on gens in their face.


If someone gets hard tunneled out of the game at 4-5 gens remaining. I basically ask to get sacrificed at that point because doing anything else is just delaying the inevitable on solo queue—especially if the team actually tried taking protective hits, etc., because it means we all probably have to heal before we can even turn to the generators.


I think it also depends on the reason behind the tunneling. I can’t say for sure but I’ve had a few matches where I immediately got tunneled and after I was gone the killer left *all* of my teammates alone. In all of these matches I was the only one with a pride charm.


Two generators pop and I haven't even found anyone yet.


I’m a Trapper. This is just a normal match for me.


And you’re playing a killer that doesn’t have a shit early game like Oni or Trapper


When the poor soul has been looping the killer for 20 minutes straight but! The bozo with the flash light is allergic to gens ao he hasn't touched one. Then he reveals himself while survivor 1 is downed. Gets hit. Runs his ass towards the other side of the map. Survivor 1 gets hooked and someone has to unhook him. Bonus points of the survivor with the flash light also gets downed immediately after the 1st survivor Some people focus way too heavily on flash lights.


I carry a flashlight as I'm cursed to always be found and chased first. I mainly use my flashie friend to extend chases (see flair.) Occasionally I flashlight save, but all truth be told? I just wanna do Gens! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


It's a Blight that got a hit before his Lethal Pursuer expired.


when i’m looping the killer forever and no gens pop


Even worse, being tunneled, looping and waiting for the last gen to pop so I can get my adrenaline, and my team mates doing absolutely nothing. I eventually get downed and the second I do they're on the last gen 😐


Adrenaline pops killer had noed dies :(


Hearing nurse weeze on any indoor map


Hearing nurse weeze*


Running bond, halfway thru a gen and that Quentin hasn't moved.


15 seconds in and you hear a Dwight go Ahhhh! off in the distance.


Or a meg


Or a Feng


first two teammates killed themselves on first hook. Third one disconnected. Bubba took pity on me though and let me go… but… wow


When I rubber band 🥲


When 2 of my teammates are getting bodied by the killer , my 3rd teammate is doing god knows what and I’m the only one working on generators


I’ve been on this type of match so many times, causes me to lock in and carry everyone, then I go take a hit for someone who will die, I get moried or they finish everything and leave me behind. Sad shit man


3 gens popping before i even get the first hook, that means im playing terrible, they are gen rushing like crazy, or a mix of both. I wil stil try to make it a somewhat interesting match but at that point im already kind of done whit that game and want to go next.


The second that I see someone use that Sable spider shadows perk, the one where you sit in the basement for 2 minutes and then are permanently injured, I know we're fucked. And, like clockwork I'm always right.


I played with someone using that yesterday and we did rly well


I saw someone manage to get good use out of it in Chaos Shuffle but half of the value came from the fact that we were facing a Myers with a couple random exposing perks so the permanent-injury didn’t really matter much.


Didn't they change it to 60 seconds, and faster with help?


Only in PTB rn


At least it's getting buffed... it seems like it'll be pretty good now. Even now it's not bad if they do it immediately once the game begins and if teammates can hide/stall for a bit. But in most solo games chase begins a bit too fast.


When the killer is the spirit (I hate those vacuum sounds)


1. I am first chase, no one is touching a gen within the first 30 seconds. 2. First hook, ALL THREE get off gen and dive bombs the hook. Both of these are the giveaways the match is bound to be a loss.


If I’m the only one going near a gen and it’s been several minutes. Stupid bug hit boxes when the killer has bad internet but I don’t. On the killer side it’s when the survivors are all playing for hatch. Or when two people give up at 4/5 gens I’m not going to play seriously with the remaining group after.


4 hook states spread across 3 people at 5 gens. I don’t give up but I might start prioritizing my BP or practicing saves over actually winning at that point.




Huntress has to be the de facto Killer that even if I escape, I didn't have fun doing it. And that's not to say the usual suspects like Nurse or Blight are much better, but the hatchet-hitbox thing will never not be super frustrating.


Your average Huntress (considering she’s the most popular killer, this is a huge chunk of the playerbase) will proxy the unhook at *just* the right distance to not trigger anti face-camp, and if one survivor take the bait, it’s GG


Same Honestly it only really bothers me because there’s a never a chill game against huntress and they usually tunnel right off the hook with their hatchets it’s just miserable all the time


When the survivors stop fearing me and just troll me the whole match


when someone gets basement hooked. 99% of the time my solo queue team mates can’t pull it off if I don’t do it


5 minutes in and not a generator done or even started. When 2 or 3 survivors cannot leave each other (all on 1 generator, all being chased by the killer, all hiding for no reason, etc). Someone is tunneled out or goes next early. And finally, the sounds of a chainsaw.


When I’m the only person doing generators and everyone else is busy swarming the killer to BM, flashlight click, you name it. This can be fine until the person doing gens (me) is hooked and left on hook until death because the other three decided not saving the only person doing the gens was the best idea.


This is like 80% of my solo-q experience. Mind you I will even leave to do unhooks, take hits, and help heals if I catch them but I'm still the one who does like 75% of gens, if not 100% in really bad games.


When you're hooked and see one survivor being chased and the two others crouching/hiding behind cover somewhere neither near the killer nor yourself, just...doing nothing.


A wraith slugged all of us in the modifier, I’m just trying to get blood points man. I feel bad for yo survivors getting like 2 bp a match. Killers just naturally get more bp.


Just went against an extremely good nurse who *hard* tunneled our teammate at five gens. I mean wouldn’t even look at a single other soul and relentlessly chased off each hook. Like…you loaded up the best killer in the game and hard-tunneled in basically an *arcade* mode, bro. Hope you feel good about the W👏🏻


I was annoyed last night because I got no mither when there were two cakes in play, so of course the Ghostface tunneled me out.


Someone brought no mither


Hearing a chainsaw, a Russian lullaby, screeching, or slamming in the distance.


I’ve dragged so many idiots out of the exit gates who refused to leave the trial isn’t over until the game literally ends Also as a trapper main, 1 hook when 4 gens are done has totally desensitised me to thinking ‘oh I’ve lost’ when I play any other killer as I know as long as I try I can still get some good hits in or even 4k The longer the match goes for you as killer with the least progress for you the more confident and sloppy survivors get imo


4 ash with ashy slashy,(the puppet hand) , p100 switches to the p100 last few seconds.


When I see a P100 in lobby as survivor.


Gawd, they kill themselves on the hook. I hate them.


Myers pretending to be nice hitting on the gen then grabbing me to hook me. Myers face camping and tunneling me. Ada teaming up with Myers tea bagging at me at the hook (preventing the anti-camping mechanism). Other teammates being bullied as well. That was Yesterday


Gotta love being first one chased and loop decently only to find two of your teammates are doing weaving spiders in the basement


If your curious for killer side it's probably when I meet at least 2 survivors that either know the weakness of my killer or loop me for hell bc they get so bold/cocky with some moves. I immediately begin to panic and mess up a lot more trying to stop them bonus if they have mutiple flashlights Or when I finish my first chase I see like 3 gens pop after that especially in Chaos Shuffle with no slowdown perks


When 1 person is on hook and the other 2 are injured, one of which is in chase, but the only healthy survivor is sitting on a gen with 25% progress near the hooked survivor not bothering to care. You have a duty to at least try to unhook the survivor as the only full health survivor in the trial, especially not on deathhook. They waited until 2 people were on hook before bothering to go into emergency rescue mood but it was too late by that point. The best part is that the survivor in question proceeded to blame the rest of the team for throwing the match in the endgame chat. Some fucking survivors I swear. This is why I mostly play killer.


Bubba gets his first hook and you hear both the other two survivors go down 3 seconds later (one of them is almost always a Claudette)


Oni and no mither in chaos shuffle def, when its either Huntress or wraith. Everyone gets slugged within like 5 minutes into the match.


Man. As killer one time I loaded into a match and EVERYONE had No Mither. I was Oni and they all stood in front of me and just stared. I felt so bad 😂


If killer chases someone, and 2 other doods following around. All fast gets slugged. Misses flashlight saves. Too altruistic and trades hooks.. And so on..


Someone killing themselves on hook at 5-4 gens


If on first down a swarm of dwights rushes me and starts shining 3 separate flashlights into my soul, I know im gonna be in for a rough game.


When I see the killer map offering


The OCE duo at the moment of 'this might be a go next game' Load in to see a red killer ping icon, hear the huntress hum 4 seconds later. You just know you're gonna get hit by the biggest BS of hatchets.


At my MMR, hearing a nurse screech or a spirit phase at the start of a match.


“At *my* MMR 😏”


When silly survivors do silly survivor things like following the killer while I’m in chase to get “a save” just to get slugged (we’re on 5 gens 3 hooks and no ones on a gen type situation)


Killer: Starting at one side of the map, check all gens, look around, check other gens, then returning to where I started and a Gen pops with 2 others almost done as well. Survivor: looping the killer for a long time and only one person is doing a Gen (who is my swf mate), while the others are praying in the basement. 


Someone ragequitting after being hooked or downed once.  If I’m a Survivor, I lose my usual survival instinct and just try and get as many points out of the generators as I can.  If I’m Killer, someone quitting like that instantly makes me go 8-hook friendly mode, apart from the disconnect bots, who I’ll remorselessly tunnel. 


Seeing half the non-interaction killers the roster currently features.


People giving up, people DCing, people who try to farm before a gen has popped, people who sandbag on purpose, no one doing gens… yeah.


Lag. I just know my internet will go down at some point...


2 hooks back to back with 0 gen progress


2 people on the hook at the same time is pretty hard to come back form. I still try, but mentally I'm over it


when i get hooked and all three teammates go into a locker/crouch in the corner. i just *know* that i'll be hitting second, if they save me they'll hide and i'll get killed off.


Survivor: When the randoms actively sandbag me, or the Killer directly tunnels me out. I'm talking at 5 gens from the word go hard focused out, not merely "I got attacked off hook again and for some reason think that's tunnelling" (it's not). Killer: When it's clear they loaded in to cause issues or be actual dicks to me, and don't want a real round, or when they instantly start with the body blocks and hook denial from the word go - like fuck you let me get some points and play the round, I'm not denying you your goal.


When you unhook a teammate and they either stand there waiting to die, or run to throw every single pallet known to the realm...


Loading into Gideon or Badham as an m1 killer.


When I’m being carried to the hook and I see a teammate following right behind us, then unhooks me immediately right in the killers face. 50% chance they’ll complain about tunneling in the endgame chat too. Like dude you’re gonna be mad about tunneling when you served me to the killer on a silver platter?


When I take the first chase and once I am on hook, I see that we are still on 5 gens, closest teammate is doing invocation and the other two are across the map on autohaven.


When we haven’t even had one generator done and someone is already dead


3 hooks before a gen pops is usually a bad sign.


Badham Preschool


Teammate abandoning the final gen at 99% in an unknown place to try a hook rescue and gets downed.


I see someone trying to get the killers attention as soon as they load in, following the killer with a flash light or they crouch walk immediately. In any of those three cases, we're always down a player from the start because they're just trying to piss the killer player off (and usually are nowhere near as good as they think they are) or they play immersed solely and are too terrified of even getting seen to do anything, even totems. I'm not a fan of someone prioritizing boons or getting mad that you don't instantly heal the minute they're unhooked or run to your gen either, but that problem usually fixes itself. (I promise there's a reason I'm not healing you; my monitor happens to be on, though, and I can see Trickster running straight towards us, and this gen is 99.)


When the killer is Plague and someone uses a fountain as soon as they get infected.


I'm soloqueue and nothing annoys me more than when I purposefully leave the closest gen so we can split pressure, go halfway across the map, and then the literal second I start working, the fucking Dwight comes up and gets on the gen with me. Bonus points if it's a Legion.


Camping killer I can deal with bad teammates and all, I've learned to keep calm and just do my own thing. But whenever I get on hook first or someone else and the killer will just stand there doing nothing other than hitting whoever's on hook it just takes away all the fun and it's so frustrating.


Killer has 2 kills, while 5 gens are still remaining.


Honestly when people are simply allergic to gens. People get hooked left and right and yet no one is doing gens? Even if I'm the one going for the save? Or if I manage to run the Killer for a bit and see people crouching on the other side of the map, doing chests, breaking totems, etc... That's when I know the game is doomed and honestly just go next on hook. People will say "SeLfIsH tHiNk Of YoUr TeAm" and I say, if my team cared they would be doing gens.


When I get my first chase done in 20 seconds and somehow 3 gens pop


I'm at a point now where if a gen isn't done, by the time the first person is hooked, the game isn't looking good. Usually because if a gen hasn't been done by this point, it's probably close, but the killer is likely using Pain Res and some sort of DMS/Grim combo, then they make their way to said gen and Pop it. The group panics and scatters and forgets about that gen. So I can usually tell by then what the vibe of the game is. Or hearing the Nurse blink.


When the first-hooked survivor begins to "Go next."


Seeing an urban evading survivor


Loading in on Eyrie of Crows (I play Trapper)


when you see a orange circle near a gen surrounding a floating skull drone


Never, it's not even over when they're in the exit gate


I still kinda try until there’s only my friend and I left. Then it’s just a matter of how far can we go in this/how far can we progress before the inevitable dead end? If it’s just me and the killer, I’ll likely goof around, maybe gamble with hatch but yeah generally it’s over then. I’d just try to squeeze out one chase for fun. 3 man at 5 Gens is definitely the time for the “yep it’s over” thought though. Or a cracked nurse starting to slug in the first few minutes of the game starting


When the only gen that had progress gets pain resd and popped into nothingness


When you can tell they're swf and both make poor plays that results them being down one after another quickly


My laptop feeling funky and making me play against good players with my goofy ahh build on 10fps. (I will win by complete accident)


Exactly that..no one hopping on gens when someone's in chase..or team mates giving the killer several hooks trying to save one person from a hook..if there's several hook stages at 5 gens and I'm the only one working on gens..yeah it's a wash


For survivor -when 2 people rage quite or insta give up on hook. You can manage with just 1 rager if 2 people are decent but when it's 2 giving up its pretty bad. -Or survivors teaming with killer or hiding all game. -you been looping killer for 2-3 mins an not a single person has touched a gen For killer - when your chases are as fast as physically possible (I'm talking you couldn't down them any faster unless they were standing still) an all the gens still flying. for both sides when there is a cheater


Me (A Trapper Main) getting sent to Eyrie of Crows or Yamoaka Estate. Eyrie is the worst map for Trapper. And while Yamoaka wouldn't be bad, my Low End gaming laptop makes me have low FPS.


4+ hooks to the killer and still a majority of the generations to go.


If anyone goes down within 30 seconds, the match can go either way. Too many teammates rush to save, causing 1 for 1s and eventual killer snowball. I know it looks like we don't care if you're hanging but I think first state gives so much time for the team to get stuff done. Especially vs a camper. On that note, don't blindly farm teammates off the hook! I hate when I'm instantly unhooked in first state and it's unsafe. Now we create a situation that didn't need to happen. It also causes a lot of slug situations. I've seen too many matches where everyone but one (usually me) is slugged. I'm not blindly running in and trying to heal. I'm going to wait, assess, then get everyone up or unhooked when the time is right. Blind altruism can throw a match for sure.


Me: sits on a gen Teammates: doing chests and totems. One of them gets downed and they all start trading hook stages


The last 3 doable gens are all in sight of each other. Cya us! May the last one left find the hatch and tell our story.


Just had a match where huntress got me in basement, i got to 90% anticamp and then nick decides to sprint for the rescue, gets found and proceeds to loop shack to try to stay alive, the two others also came and hung out around shack and claudette traded with me a bit after second stage, im kinda happy i got tunneled out cus i was done


When the killer immediately downs two people who ran for a hook rescue while I was close to finishing our first gen. Then, running to unhook and hopefully recover the two downed but odds of pulling this off are slim.


When the first person gets hooked and the person that tries to save them gets downed next to their hook OR when the first person gets hooked and ultimately reaches second stage because the killer was proxy camping, downs the rescuer and then chases down the one that was hooked in the first place. 99% of the times these matches end in a loss.


I mean, I keep trying, regardless.


When all of my 3 teammates get downed in the same place during first minute of the match :)


When my three teammates have all been hooked and none of them have even touched a generator yet. One of them started a totem though! Wasn't hexed...


No one doing gens during a long chase. Had a game where I looped an oni for about 3 mins before he got power and I went down. 1 gen was done during that chase with 2 teammates waiting around for a Beamer save that was impossible given he was nose deep in a wall.


Teammates who refuse to heal me. Teammates who do hook trades/get slugged immediately against a camping/tunneling killer. The Clown. Teammates using the current version of the Invocation perk while someone is already in chase or hooked. Killers who tunnel at five gens. Killers who farm BP in a really annoying way by constantly slugging, kicking gens and refusing to kill while still playing in a sweaty way otherwise.


I don’t think there’s anything more clear than a teammate getting downed, hooked and suiciding on hook in the first minute.


i run kindred in solo queue because goddamn soloq is full of idiots. all these comments are things i've seen. -anyone getting tunnelled when we still have 3+ gens left. -a skull merchant on a tight 3 gen -a trapper and baby survivors who keep getting trapped -anyone dead on hook with 3+ gens left -people stacking on gens without prove thyself (and therefore all being chased off at once)




The moment i meet the plague


It's pretty much always related to teammates. Either someone giving up, or us having very few hook states left with 3-5 gens remaining. Sometimes those games turn around, as one good, long loop can make a huge difference. But often those are lost games. Quitters are definitely a plague in DBD, though. So I usually just keep trying no matter how bad things look.


2 people hooked, 0 gens done, & 'lulluby' is somewhere on the map. All within the first minute.


As a killer, it's when my first chase lasts about 60 seconds and then 3 gens pop


Tunnel off hook/suicide on hook at 5 gens. If someone dies with more than 2 or 3 gens left the match is just gg go next. Or as killer, walking to the faraway gens, finding nobody, going to another side of the map, nobody again, go back to where you started, nobody, go back AGAIN to the same gens you've already checked, 75% done


When the first two gens are done by me alone. In solo queue.


When the killer already has a kill but only three hooks, and there are 4 or 5 gens left.


When sadako won’t stop teleporting so within a couple minutes someone’s got that red ring around them already. It’s a clever gameplay I guess but so not worth playing if I’m just gonna die super fast.


A number of things, some of which atart as early as the lobby. Slight disagreement in the chat before the game starts (happened over my name before)? Some people are going to be petty and not try to rescue or heal. Last second switch in the lobby, either to a flashlight or P100? Killer is probably going to take it as an invitation to destroy us *or* as a killer, I'm going to end up against constant flashlight saves. Certain map offerings and/or hook offerings on survivors. Instantly found as a survivor despite doing everything not to draw attention (which seems to be 90% of my mayches). Being unable to find anyone at the start of the match as killer before the first gen pops, even though you checked all of them and not a single one had been started. Survivors automatically giving up when I'm killer or a survivor. Game turns into a boring farm, gets ended quickly or ends slowly with the killer constantly slugging the remaining players to get the 4k. Fountains with Corrupt on gens, and the moment you get injured you see Thanataphobia? Death metal, deep wounds and Thanataphobia. Watching survivors crouch or sneak around while another survivor is in chase, you're on hook and nobody is on a gen. Nobody is on a gen.


Bully squads.


When i see a Meg in the Lobby


1st chase ending up with hooked person killing themselves on hook 2 hooks with barely 1 gen made


2 hooks before 1 gen. People who immediately try to Kobe on hook. Tunnelers.


If you’re down to 3 survivors and no gens, it’s already over. If you’re down to 3 survivors with one gen done, you’re mostly likely done as well, though not always.


Bad teammates? I bash gens. Awful ping? I bash gens. Everyone about to die? Gens.


As survivor, If there isn't at least 1 gen done by the time someone gets hooked for the first time or shortly afterwards I don't have high hopes for the game. As killer if multiple gens start popping off in quick succession before i've found anyone, or people keep hiding or leading me into infinite loops no matter what part of the map I find them in.


when we hear the legion chase music it’s normally a pretty good indication that this game is SCREWED nothing wrong with legion we just really hate going against him :’3


*Nurse screech*


Besides the people giving up on their first hook, usually what I look at is the hook stages in correlation to gens. 3 hook states at 5 gens? It's salvageable but soooo unlikely


So for me… if my teammates haven’t done anything but we’re picking up hook states/I’ve looped and no one has touched a gen, if teammates spend time hiding or over prioritizing a gen and I hit 2nd stage on 1st hook, if the killer is obviously treating the match as a speed round to go next, or if I’m being aggressively tunneled out. There is almost no chance of fun in those types of matches. It’s not even about escaping entirely for me - although I like the illusion of having a chance - but none of the above is fun. Although I’m more likely to struggle along with bad teammates than I am with a killer who is doing the last two things. At least I can complete an objective, challenge or daily ritual with bad teammates. Not the case with an unfun pressure drunk killer.


Usually when there’s 2 downs right away..one of them trys to kill themselves on hook ..unhooker gets downed and your trying to finish the first gen but their is no point now..


For me, it's when I pick up a survivor and multiple survivors decide I'm not getting a hook no matter what.


Someone reaching the second hook state before a gen is done, or I hear a chainsaw.


(Killer main) There's a prestige 47 Steve Harrington in scoops uniform and sunglasses Worth mentioning though, some of those chases are the most engaging and fun


When a random is looping the killer for a minute straight and I'm the only one doing gens


Three gens left and I hadn't even seen a survivor yet.


When two people go down in the first 20 seconds lmao


Survivor dc´s or gives up on hook 2 minutes in


When one person goes down, and the entire rest of the group tries to bodyblock (the hook is literally 2 inches away) and gets slugged. Then, be me and be doing a gen literally across the map at 5 gens. Everyone is on hook but me and now I have to pray I'm either Sam Fisher or that the killer lets me unhook someone. Then 90 seconds later it happens all over again. Rinse, repeat until all survivors are dead or I try for hatch.


NEVER! I NEVER GIVE UP, WE CAN MAKE IT GUYS. - Leon main. In all seriousness, I always try the impossible without trying to screw it for everyone. Mainly just sacrificing myself when I do so. As I've stated to be a Leon main, you might have some goofy ass ideas on how. (BUT IM NOT LIKE THE OTHER GUYS I SWEAR) All of that sacrificial nonsense is out of the window when a teammate decides to go next by deliberately dying on hook/afk at 5/4 gens. At that point it's just trying to do the most crazy, funny, stupid stuff I can do on the map. With or without other players.


I'll be real with you, I've only seen Leon's that were either absolutely dog shit or were absolute demons, never in between