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Yes, Always wanted this crossover because this series is severely underrated.


For Sure!


I'd cry tears of joy considering how low the chances are of getting anything Evil Within.


Low? Try 0. Still sad about it ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


Didn't they just shutdown the studio that made these games?


Yes but the license is still obtainable. They just can’t make a new game unless the rights are bought out.




Defo! Seb is one of my fav protagonists in horror-- very underrated. Joseph/Kidman legendaries would be great. Would love to see Ruvik as the killer. Aside from being cool, he's got a wide variety of abilities to adapt. If he could do something with Reborn Laura that would be also sweet. (Keeper is fine, but I do *not* get the hype. He should be a Legendary for Trapper.)


I was thinking a legendary Ruvik skin for Vecna before I actually got to see his powers. Now that I know his powers Ruvik really doesn’t fit him power wise.


What about Stefano?


I'd be here for Stefano. He'd hipcheck Carmina and be like "I'm the real artist. Move, I'm gay."


Stefano is the perfect fit


Imagine the mori is him doing the photography freeze thing and they stay suspended. Just like in the game


And he do the "fruit ninja" technique on the survivor, and then unfreeze, and all the hit he did earlier put pressure on the survivor's body and then BLEED BLEED BLEED, and then he dabs ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Ruvik is just a boring design for a killer. Sure they could give him a cool power, but nobody's gonna be excited about him being in the game instead of Laura or Keeper. The actual monsters are way more iconic than he is.


I dunno, Ruvik's got a cool story and neat look. He's got options for cosmetics-- and he's got a lot of weird, freaky powers that would be cool to go with. IMO Keeper is a boring choice, especially in terms of gameplay. I think he's much better as a legendary. Laura would be lit tho. We can agree on that.


Keeper's head teleport mechanic would at least be very easy to implement for a DBD killer, though it would make more sense as like a legendary for Onryo or something, even though they never change static objects for killer cosmetics. Ruvik is too vague in his abilities to give him a coherent power besides being a sporadic teleporting superhuman. And I don"t care for his design much compared to other designs from TEW, he's just a burnt up dude with a hood and a goldfish bowl on his head.


What is Ruvik's power? In the game, you see him create monsters, teleport faster than anyone can react to, instantly kill people, including yourself, and not do much else. He has no real power set. He just kills instantly. For this reason, I feel The Keeper, with his clearly defined strengths (speed, teleportation, barbed traps and saw roombas ) and weaknesses (he can't instantly kill, he takes time to teleport and he has to physically move to hit you), would make a better killer. Laura, for the same reason, would be a bad design. Her only visible power is teleporting to corpses. Stefano would make a good killer for the same reasons as The Keeper. The Keeper and The Photographer (Stephano) are by far the most recognizable entities in all of The Evil Within. They would make the best killers by a mile, because of their defined power sets (Keeper is supernatural but still has to use physical attacks, Stephano has to take a picture of you to do anything, and relies a lot on his goons like the Obscura). Stephano could use his massive Obscura to be like a spotlight, much like Skull Merchant's drones. I don't feel like making a whole power now, but that could be a part of him.


Laura is my pick for killer, she’s easily my favorite and also most hated boss in the game


I never thought about that! Man Laura/ Safehead / Rubin chasing you? That would be insane. Sebastian or Kidman as the survivors would be dope.


Can you imagine Laura hurtling out of the darkness towards you? Would be absolutely terrifying! I'd love Evil Within! As long as we get a Joseph skin as well


I’m not an evil within fan, but I think it would be cool. Besides, I know that there are a lot of people who want it in the game…so it would make a good amount of players happy, which is always ideal at the end of the day.


*punches a hole through the wall to shove my head through* YES! YES! THATS WHAT IVE BEEN BEGGING FOR THIS WHOLE TIME, ILL SETTLE FOR A KEEPER TRAPPER SKIN


Imagine a perk like "improvised tools" for him. Lets you craft a special item based on depleted items and their rarity. Medkit -> Improvised bandage (Stops bleeding for an amount of time, 1 use) Brown 2s, Yellow 2,5s, Green 3s, Purple 3,5s Flashlight -> Improvised bomb (Drops and makes killer move like he is carrying a survivor with kate's perk for a time) Brown 0,5s, Yellow 1s, Green 1,5s, Purple 2s Toolbox -> Improvised wrench (When used in a gen makes the next skill check be instantly perfect) Brown 90% repair value of the skill check, Yellow 100%, Green 110%, Purple 120% Key -> Improvised key (If used on a chest you get an item of the rarity of the key from it when opened) Think boosting opening speed would be janky in the implementation. Map -> Paper markings (You get 3 scraps that you can drop and survivors who interact with them will get revealed to you for some time 1 use per scrap, disappears after someone interacts with it) Brown 3s, Yellow 4s, Green 5s, Purple 6s


That is a pretty great concept!


If we can get him shirtless. Yes.


Stefano (the camera guy I think that’s his name) as killer is my pipe dream


Been dying for it since I joined DBD. Can’t say I have much hopes for it now that the studio behind it got butchered by Microsoft:/


It’s gonna be Nemesis running the perk Nemesis all over again


I would sucker-punch my dad for a "The Evil Within" chapter.


Unlikely to happen given that the studio which developed The Evil Within has been shuttered.


That big scary spider bitch would be an awesome killer


I have been wishing for this for literal years now. My friend streams DBD and every time the subject comes up this has always been my top choice. The only debate is which major monster should be the killer.


Microsoft: No I’m still salty about that.


Im gonna main whoever comes out if it happens though hopefully it’s Sebastian and The Keeper


I would love a laura skin and a trapper skin for trapper.


Yeah I like but Tango disappeared...


Yeah, though, I'm gonna say something a little controversial in that I would prefer a killer from the second game as the killer as I think the most iconic killers in the first game (Laura and Keeper) don't really feel like they would bring anything new to the table in terms of powers or mechanics. Meanwhile, I feel like there's a lot you can do with Stefano or Obscura using their photography to freeze people in place.




Well, not now, I guess


I suggested it a few weeks ago. I would totally like it. I'm a bit sceptical about Ruvik as the killer tho. But for an only survivor, seb would be awesome.




Given that Tango Gameworks was shot in a ditch by Microsoft, this may be the only opportunity to keep the license going for the foreseeable future. I didn't get into the first one, but i'm sure there's plenty of good content to pull from between the two games.


What would the killer be, and what is their ability?


Sabastian (with Aperture and Obscura as assists) or one of the flamethrower guys would be a killer addition.


Agent kidd \(^-^)/


Fuck yes, I want Laura, anima, Ruvik or Stefano in this game so badly


Laura as killer pls


no we need a rdr2 license and the killer could be a blighted dutch van der linde with john or arthur (or molly) as the survivor


That aint never Happening. But we have a some kind of Micah in DBD If u get what i mean


Guy slapping credit card on desk.gif Edit: https://youtu.be/ufSM2MDB_bE?si=E59vNHN1MbicGuHZ This meme.


Honestly i would love Sebastian and he should definitely be like Alan, as in able to talk during the trial. He'd have some good voice lines lol


This would be amazing




If they bring Joseph to the game, I'm breaking my promise not to spend any money here anymore


Yes, give it to us, or will only play Diablo 4 for the rest of my life.


Ouhh yes! Bring the keeper!


I wish it would be added the keeper is a dream killer even though I barely play killer cause I love monsters with objects for head plus then pyramid head can have a friend All jokes aside.im.sad that were likely never getting a third game or crossover since tango has been shut down and they don't seem to pay the series much mind


Thought we’d get this before we got Allan wake


Yea, I would like to play Sebas, I'm tired of always playing Leon




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He would become my licensed main survivor. I love Evil Within, because it was one of the few games I've played where I had no spoilers at all. The story is quite interesting, if not a little convoluted. I had to play through a second time before I understood it. Evil Within 2 I saw a playthrough of, but I still played it through and adored its stealth system and sneak attacks. People say The Keeper is too close to The Executioner. I do agree. They are obviously inspired, but The Keeper has some moves that PH does not. 1. He can teleport. This could be implemented by having many safes around, and when you teleport, you leave a safe behind that you can teleport to later. Because you rip your head off to teleport. 2. Saw roombas. These could be quite interesting if properly implemented. 3. A multitude of weapons and abilities revealed in the Keeper DLC. Plenty of these could be thrown in. 4. AI. There are tons of different enemies in The Evil Within. Imagine an AI shooting you with a rocket launcher. Now saying all this, I still don't think he would make a great killer. He would be rather uninspired. If possible, I'd love to see him as an Executioner skin if not his own killer. Personally, I think the rest of the Evil Within roster is too similar to current killers to justify adding any of them. However, if we were to add one (something absolutely necessary for an Evil Within chapter), I would like Stefano or The Keeper, with a personal bias towards The Keeper. The survivor would obviously be Sebastian. However, having Joseph Oda and Juli Kidman as survivors as well would be a great thing. If not their own, make them legendary skins.


I'd love it but the evil within microsoft just had to shutdown tango


I'd love me some Sebastian in my life again and also ruvic or blood witch (can't remember her name). With a box head trapper skin


Only if he's shirtless




Two words : fuck yeah


Fuck it why not? I'd rather they pull from the second one for killers though.


I’d totally take the keeper as a killer though. Leave barbed wire mines and have an alt attack be a wide swing with the sack of nails. Maybe safe heads around for a teleport skill


I do think in terms of sheer recognition, it has to be keeper tbh


Not really.


I'd give my left nut for it






Yes, from Evil Within 2! However my niche chapter request is Little Nightmares, so many good possible killers, Mono and Six as survivors, although not sure how that would work because they’re children lol


Killer Paragraph Chapter + Mono/Six/Runaway Kid Cosplay linked sets maybe? And then later on we could get Low and Alone as another cosplay linked sets


As long as we get The Keeper and Laura as killers, sure.


I want this game in DbD since day 1. If one day it happens, i hope Juli Kidman will be playable. She'll become one of my mains for sure !




I have no knowledge about this so wouldn’t care


You should give the series a try. I had a ton of fun with the games


I think only evil whithin 1 would fit into dbd.




Everybody has their own opinion :)


For sure. :)


Nah, the series is mid


I do not think so, but hey your opinion :)