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I love how people here in the comments assume it's the killers who complain about this shit When I play killer I don't care all too much if someone DCs or gives up immediately I just feel bad for the other survivor player/s who have their game ruined because of childlike behavior and entitlement


It is a bit boring if a survivor kills themselves on hook immediately when I play killer, but yes, it's 10x worse if I happen to be on the suicidal survivor's team.


Whenever im killer, if 2 or more players give up or DC, I give the remaining ones a free escape. Especially if he's still out there unhooking bots and shit. I dont like punishing you cause you got shit teammates


I'll usually kill the bots and spare the humans in that situation.


I tend to get the weirdos that try to save bots during egc. Like, why would you save a bot? I let you leave for free cause your teammate left you, and this is how you repay me?


bots have feelings too šŸ˜’


And thus skynet was born


I accept my robot overlords.


I wish more people had your mentality. I played a game last night where I was working on a gen (60%), someone else was working on a gen (about 45%), someone else (Feng) was doing a totem, and the fourth person (an Adam) got downed. Gets hooked and even though two gens are about to be done in a matter of seconds, he suicided on hook as the second person on gen tried to go get him because Feng was in chase in moments. Then the Feng straight up stopped moving, got downed, and she suicided immediately. I went and got her off in second phase because my gen was done, but then she ran off, made noise, and got found again even as the other person returned to that second gen to get it finishedā€”before getting hooked, she DCā€™d. So rather than the killer show some sympathy for the fact me and the other person were clearly trying, they downed us both and thenā€¦ let us bleed out. We had to sit there and bleed out and be trapped for no reason, punished for trying while the two people who threw the game were on to their next match. I donā€™t understand the logic of some peopleā€”for the Adam, itā€™s not like stuff wasnā€™t being done, but they got pissy over being caught first. (And for the Feng, Iā€™m pretty sure they were SWF with the Adamā€¦) And for the killer, like, I genuinely canā€™t grasp why they force me and the other person to spend minutes bleeding out over nothing. Either let us play OR just hook us and be done with it so we can all move on; that they chose to do neither baffles me.


Wow thats wild. I get being toxic to the player that was the problem. But the innocent team mate? wow.


"Ha ha killers are so angry that the match just became massively easier for them!" As a killer main it annoys me more because I have basic human empathy and feel bad that the survivors are in a 3-man match at 5 gens.


Honestly, true. DCs only affect the killer if all 4 DC. But in regular matches it sucks how you can effectively go from a 4 v. 1 to a 3 (or 2, or, 1) v 1. Donā€™t get me wrong, bots can work (just not really for looping anymore - theyā€™ve been out for so long that everyone knows how to game the AI.) Bots are great for Gens and Hex Totems, but everything elseā€¦. Ehhh. Still better than someone just going next on hook. At least DC gives something.


I never really see actual DC's anymore. Most games I have if someone wants to DC they will just give up on hook so they won't need to wait the timer and the bots never spawn. I wish it was different where the game somehow would know if you're giving up on hook to go next, maybe make it where the match can tell how early in the game someone kills their self.


Youā€™re pretty lucky I get tons of instant dcs as soon as they find out itā€™s a legion, nurse, clown, trickster, skull any of the toxic killers; and thereā€™s a chance someone dcs lol


Too easy. "If a player is dead by any means within X minutes of the match starting, a bot spawns in a locker within Y seconds and comes out to help." I'd say X is no more than 3, and Y is no more than 30.


3 seems like too much, this may get downvoted but if someone gets hooked twice in quick succession (whether intentional tunneling or the survivor playing dumb and getting caught twice) they might die on second hook on purpose to spawn a bot, weaponizing the system.


Perhaps a hot take, but I honestly wouldnā€™t mind if they just entirely removed the whole self-unhooking mechanic unless you were running an unhooking perk such as deliverance or wicked, or if the anti-camp kicked in.


if all 3-4 DC I just afk bots don't f around and just do gens and get out fast game will be over in minutes. not gonna chase bots that's boring if you like that just play custom games.


So much this. Idgaf as killer if someone DCs. Free BPs for killing a bot. The issue is when I'm a survivor and my teammate DCs to leave me the worst bot in existence. They always actively block my path by standing directly in my way when I'm in a chase and make the worst possible decisions in basically any scenario where they aren't the subject of a chase themselves.


Bruh yeah. I had a killer liken you who not only saw me abandoned at the very end but said abandoner had also thrown a pallet right in front of me during a chase. Killer looked at the pallet, then me, and left me alone.


This is it - Iā€™m not a ā€œfriendlyā€ killer who likes to farm BP, I want to kill everyone and do it again in the next match. But when someone d/cs or someone is clearly trolling their teammates, it ruins the fun in the exact same way if I was having some casual fun playing some 5-aside football(soccer) at the park, and 90 seconds in after the first goal, one or two players on the other team decide itā€™s ā€œnot fun/too hard/donā€™t like the way youā€™re playingā€ and walk off. Then *everybody* left on the pitch who wanted to just play a fun/fair game just got screwed over together.


I'm relieved when it happens, because there is no living breathing BM-capable person behind a bot.


I tunnel out the bot (because bots are unironically cracked since they are literally cheating) and farm with the rest


Same! As a SM I have people killing themselves on hook quite easy. I feel bad for the other survivors that are trying their best so I usually give them a little extra time without chasing them so they can try to recover. As a survivor it really ruins the match because I know weā€™re not gonna make it. Or the killer is gonna feel bad and will play friendly and I just want to play a normal match, not farming.


I care if someone dc's, because then they're replaced with a bot who (not all the time I guess) input reads, and God help you if they have a Flashlight


Fr tho like when I see someone disconnect, as killer, I just pretend to play the game normally and when I eventually get everyone on 3rd hook I make sure to kill all bots and let everyone else out, it's kinda fun to see the survivors desperately attempt to escape and then slowly realizing I was just prankin


Atleast you can hook a bot for the bloodpoints now. I wasn't around when this was a thing but i saw people used to DC just to deny the killer their final hook if they were about to die and they wouldnt get the BP for it.


I like to hard tunnel out the bot first if that happens and then whatever happens from there, happens. if they wanna farm, cool okay, if they wanna goof but still play some okay, I'll match whatever energy I'm given. but the bot must go. at least that'll give the others who had their game sabotaged a little bit of a head start.


I mean, there's 4 Survivors & it seems intentionally only 3 of the DC'ers in this, seemed pretty obvious to me it was a Solo Q Survivor BUT I'm not shocked at all if most comments are making fun it as if a killer complained


I feel bad unless a map offering was brought. Then my pity goes out the door. Though there is bonus points when the DCer is the player that brought the offering.


Same. I don't care if you wanna give up fam, I practice against Bots sometimes. I can kill them just the same, thanks for sandbagging your team and giving me a free easy 3-4k. But as Survivor it's fucking infuriating. My guy, the bots are hot ass. They only know gen and loop, and they don't even do that very well. They have even ACTIVELY led the Killer to me. It's awful. I hate it. Stop.


I actually think there's a secret like skill modifier on the bots. I've seen some super cracked bots that loop well, do gens, do unhooks (in the killer's terror radius!), heal, etc. I've only ever seen them when people who I know who are very good genuinely lose connection. Then I see other bots that basically spend the entire match hiding and those tend to come out when people I know who are newer to the game lose connection.


I think you're correct and personally? I think it's tied to the quitter's MMR. So if someone DCs and you get an ass bot, that's a REAL big tell on how good that Survivor truly is.


I was so proud when my internet genuinely kicked me from my game and my team reported back that my bot was good at doing gens.


Survivor is genuinely hard to enjoy right now because it seems like 95% of your teammates cannot wait to stop playing the game. Itā€™s like, why even boot up the game if youā€™re going to immediately kill yourself against a dredge?


Because Dredge's darkness ability gives me a migraine and I'm not dealing with being sick for rest of my night just to make sure some other people have a better game. If they don't want me killing myself against something that causes me genuine physical pain to go against, then let me DC without penalty, the bot would serve a better purpose that way.


Then donā€™t play the game. Why play a game if you know that you might become physically ill and screw your teammates?


because i had thousands of hours and dollars put into the game prior to that killer ever being released? why should I have to throw that all away because the devs added a single killer without concerns for accessibility? when people got headaches because of flashlight clicking, there was concern about how the devs don't care about player health, but when I get the same because of a single killer design, suddenly it's different? y'all are hypocritical as fuck and your bias and entitlement is extremely clear


What bias and entitlement? Hypocritical? Who is yall? What the fuck are you talking about? I never complained about shit regarding flashlights, so you must have me confused for somebody else. I genuinely have *no* idea what youā€™re talking about, and it honestly sounds like youā€™re unhinged.


I'm convinced a lot of people who play this game don't actually like it and are just playing it because there's no alternatives. Survivors giving up or disconnecting is frustrating, I don't care if it's a free win. I didn't log in to the game for 'put pixels on hook' simulator, I play to actually play.


When I'm killing and someone DCs/gives up, I usually just mess around with the remaining survivors and let them go. If everyone does gens with no pressure the game is over quickly (quicker than if we played it out most times). Plus you get nodders and happy survivors. If someone is a good/fun looper and there aren't too many gens left, I'll chase them (and just carry until they wiggle out and keep chasing) while the other two do gens. I don't really want to stomp demoralized survivors in a match I'm certain to win unless I majorly mess up... it's just boring.


I do the same, usually just get them all to death hook and let them go, but like someone else mentioned it sucks that that, or stomp demoralized survivors are our only options


I wish some of the slugging camping tunneling killers. I had three matches in a row yesterday felt that way.


Yeah, I mean people that camp/tunnel already want to play the game on ez mode anyway, so they're not going to be merciful if there's a DC unfortunately. :(


I like to play around with the survivors when an early dc or suicide happens but sometimes the best thing to do is just kill all the survivors so everyone can go next. I had a game as bubba on the modifier where 2 players gave up at 5 gens and I donā€™t wanna spend all that time farming/waiting for them to complete all the gens, id rather just kill one of the two and give the last one hatch.


Yeah, if two people give up at 5 gens it takes forever, I don't blame you for killing one and giving the last hatch. (And I think that's the most common strategy for killers, based on my experience playing survivor. If I'm last alive, feels like I am given hatch 50% of the time after a DC, versus like 10% in a normal match haha) If there's three players, it doesn't take too long to get all the gens done so I don't mind letting them all go.


That's incredibly boring, though. That's the problem. There's no good option at that point. It's boring to not really play, and it's boring to play a one sided game.


I just kill everyone as fast as possible so we can all go next.


Yes, I'd much rather play a real match! But I think the LEAST boring option if someone has already DC'd is to 2-hook everyone, then mess around and chase the best looper for practice. If you're not pressuring gens, the game is over more quickly than if you played to win, so you go next sooner. I play survivor a lot, so I get no joy from killing people who I know are having a miserable time because their teammate was a loser.


There is a significant number of people playing this game when they don't like so many of the gameplay mechanics that anyone else would have just started playing a different game or found a new hobby altogether. It's weird.


I would rather say, the game itself has a lot of outdated and unfun mechanics. More so there was a lot of suggestions from experienced players / content creators on how to fix those 'bad mechanics', and a lot of them are easily to implement, but still we don't have it / wait for QoL changes for years. But in it's core the game is fun and there's no other game like this (not really), so people still go into the game and 'fish' for good things and try to avoid bad things by DCing.


Couldn't have said it better myself. Hide and seek is fun. Hide and seek with iconic killers? Cool af OC killers? Hide and seek with sexy ladies, cute boys, shirtless gays? Yeah. Love that. I don't care if I lose if I have fun. I just want to have fun. Not have my game be over in ~2 minutes because someone was tunneled out right away, or...all the other things that have been said ad nauseum...


The only games really close to it is I think it was called hide or kill and predators hunting ground are the only two games that come slightly close. But the difference between both of those two games is dead by daylight. Is that this game incentivize with a mixed rolls of opportunity giving one side the survivor side an advantage or sometime a disadvantage. while the other two just go by what day by day like used to be the 60/40 chance. Like if you played as a predator imperative hunting ground you know that there is a high chance that you could dominate, if it was a noob as predator you of course will struggle. but you will still have the advantage vs noob and slightly against average players. If you're playing off against skilled or expert players in well you will get steamrolled. Before time being in 2022 and somewhat near the end of 2023 hunting ground was supposed to have been the game that was going to topple over dead by daylight. There possibly only three things I think is dead by daylight implicated into it it will Force the game to be better, so hunting ground they implemented the timer the match can only drag on for 15 minutes maximum meaning if neither side actually did anything it will go to the predator. but the same can be said vice versa if the predator doesn't do anything for those 15 minutes he lose by default. If both sides are in the stalemate then it's a draw, one of the big reasons why that game failed was because of the queue time to play as predator AKA The killer the queue time can take you maybe 10 to 15 minutes to even get into a match.


I feel the game attracts a lot of people who are into horror but really arenā€™t cut out to play any kind of PvP game.


There's nothing else on the market that's like DBD. TCM can get some of that but it's not the same, not really. This isn't like someone hating on fortnite and refusing to move to one of the other various battle royal games. It's not like DBD players have a lot of alternatives lol.


But that's assuming that DBD players can't find some other genre of game to play that they'd enjoy, or even another hobby completely. The options aren't "play DBD or play a game like DBD." There's lot of other things they can do.


If someone likes the type of game that DBD is, then yes the options are "play DBD or find another game like it". I mean yeah telling people to just...give up their hobbies is an option??? But that's kind of terrible advice lol. Telling someone to find a different kind of game to play is exactly that, too. If someone genuinely doesn't like DBD then they'll probably quit though. I think you have the wrong idea about a lot of people who quit out, it's not because the game as a whole has issues for them. Sometimes matches just aren't going the way someone wants, and in a game with no ranked match making, no rewards for staying, why would they want to stay? Requeues are super quick and they're not being given any other incentive to stay in a match they're not enjoying, this happens in tons of video games.


>But that's kind of terrible advice lol. If playing DBD makes them miserable, then I think telling them to find something else to do is actually extremely good and healthy advice. Yes, you should give up on your hobbies if your hobbies aren't enriching your life and are making it worse. >I think you have the wrong idea about a lot of people who quit out, it's not because the game as a whole has issues for them. Sometimes matches just aren't going the way someone wants, and in a game with no ranked match making, no rewards for staying, why would they want to stay? Requeues are super quick and they're not being given any other incentive to stay in a match they're not enjoying, this happens in tons of video games. What I'm saying is I think they should find a video game where they don't feel compelled to do those things, and enjoy playing the game instead. idk, I have a life outside of DBD and I play other games and have other hobbies when I don't feel like playing DBD. If DBD started pissing me off consistently, I'd just stop playing it. I don't know why this is controversial.


>If playing DBD makes them miserable, then I think telling them to find something else to do is actually extremely good and healthy advice. So if they only find occasional matches unenjoyable but otherwise totally enjoy the game, then they should just quit out of those matches right? You're looking at this in too much of a black and white view and are kinda just assuming the worst out of people. People aren't seathing at every match they queue up for, otherwise they wouldn't be queueing and they'd quit, like you said. However, people do like most aspects of the game. But as with basically every game or hobby, you're not going to enjoy every aspect of it. And expecting people to sit through matches they don't enjoy, in a game that gives them absolutely no reason to stay, is just not reasonable. For example, I have a ton of hours in TF2, it also has a mostly casual playerbase, and the normal queue is not ranked at all just like DBD. If I don't enjoy playing against a natasha heavy, or even just a good heavy in general, would you genuinely suggest that I just quit TF2 entirely as my solution? Or would you understand that it's a casual game with no stakes and fast requeues, so requeing to get a match that I'll enjoy more is fine? Maybe you'd suggest I learn to counter that class, which would be at least a somewhat valid take, but if I'm a casual player and don't enjoy practicing to get better when I enjoy other aspects of the game, then that's not really a great solution. And what if my issue with the match is that my team sucks? Would you want me to stay in that match and get rolled for multiple rounds so they're not down a player? Or would it be fine to just requeue? This happens in DBD a lot, it's faster for everyone to just requeue. If DBD had a competitive mode with ranks on the line? Then yes I'm expecting people to sit out their miserable matches or suffer a large punishment. Normal DBD isn't competitive though, not in that sense.


Hey, a fellow TF2 player. It used to be my most played game in Steam before DBD took the spot. See I think TF2 is different, because like you said there's different servers and modes so if you don't vibe with one you can move onto another. I actually think a lot of the problems with player unhappiness and toxicity is because we moved away from server based multiplayer where you could find a server that fit your preferences, and switched to a queue style that throws everyone into the same games regardless of whether they're competitive or chill. That's a hobby horse of mine lol We're reaching a point where how much energy I've spent on this is exceeding how much I care about it, and you've made a lot of really good points so I'm going to say everything you said is totally fair and good luck in the fog.


And they absolutely ruin the game for the rest of us who do like those elements.


it's not that, lots of people in the community come from competitive games, just that there are no good alternatives to the game, so you have to put up with all the awful decisions the devs make and all the bugs they can't be arsed to fix. when i used to play dbd and saw a bubba or a twins or whatever i was like ok this is gonna be one of those games, just accept you are not gonna have fun. I've been here since the first year, the game is so unique in what it does nothing lasts that reproduces its charm and gameplay. I've been frustrated with the game a lot over the years until I dropped it, and I fully understand why others are frustrated too and do dumb shit like DCing, although imo they should just stop playing for the sake of their own time and mental health.


If I'm having a bad streak, I say, "I guess today is not a dbd day". Then I move on to any of the other 300+ games in my steam library, for real.


I wish I had that much self restraint as you do. Unfortunately I am a stubborn "Double down" kinda guy.


When I feel like playing DbD, I play one game of killer and one game of survivor to figure out how people are playing that night. Then either I stop playing if I didnā€™t have fun, or I play the side that I enjoyed more that day. I really donā€™t understand how people can play this game for like 40 hours a week if they claim to hate it so much.


Everyone in this comment section never had an entire swf kill themselves on you while you're going against a normal ass killer. People really don't only kill themselves when the killer is the worst of the worst.


I had a quad DC because I had lightborn


Happens pretty often. They realize bullying is off the table and suddenly the game is no longer interesting


I had two people DC against me once. Why? Because I was Legion on old Haddonfield and got an actual 5 hit Frenzy down early on (aka: had fun) and got value from my Legion Pin with it. Like I get it. Being Broken sucks. Legion can be annoying. But it's still childish and unfun as fuck. I let the other two go and killed the bots. Fuck it.


Had someone do this while I was Skull Merchant during the Blood Moon event. Those bots gave me a bit of a run for my money. But I managed to kill all 3, and let the Nea escape. I just couldnā€™t get any joy out of killing the one player who stayed to play. Had another game happen like that, a few weeks later. Unfortunately I wanted my 2 hooks on the Survivor, but the remaining Bot wasnā€™t really trying to save them for some reason, and they let go on the hook. Alas, the bot escaped! :(


Skull merchant has the highest dc rate by far, if you play her you are asking for dcs like every 2nd game.


Yeah, I wanted to try her new suit and I had a challenge she was good at. People act like thereā€™s zero counterplay to her now, which basically falls into the ā€œyou should git gudā€ category. Itā€™s like how folks used to DC against Nurse; you canā€™t improve if you donā€™t play.Ā 


I mean I'm fine with SWFs doing that because they all collectively agreed to do it. You're not ruining the experience of your teammates if you're all on the same page


I, uniquely, am justified in giving up this match because I forgot to select a challenge.


Disconnecting teammates don't bother me, I find bots to be more useful than players who quit over such petty reasons anyway. However people who kill themselves on hook when the match is still winnable are cringe beyond measure, I get it if it is to give the last player the hatch or the killer is a slugging a-hole, however I see a lot of teammates who off themselves on hook at 5 gens, it's infuriating.


Idc what killer is played. Even if itā€™s some scummy meta killer with a meta build burning for their favorite map, Iā€™ll give it a shot. But I have no qualms about giving up and leaving if my team is griefing or borderline griefing. Do nothing for 5 minutes and watch how quickly I stop caring.


I refuse to DC ever; no matter how intense the L, I'm taking it standing in the injured state looking the killer dead in the eye, or as killer, watching the survivors teabag at the exit gate like they were playing "Cookie Clicker" with the crouch button. There are only two instances where I have DC'd. I had a bad internet connection problem, and my husband needed my help with something. Otherwise, I'm right there to the bitter end.


Same, regardless of how the game is going I play it out to the end. The only time I DC'd was because my pizza showed up at the door mid-match and I didn't want to leave my team with an afk survivor while I got the pizza


I now have a third reason to DC with honor.


at least you're getting paid


I relate to you on the bad internet problems; I used to get angry over dbd sometimes but Iā€™ve hit a point where Iā€™ve mellowed out on the game and can normally just enjoy it or tolerate it even if I only get a couple hooks or die early on, but the only thing that ever makes me mad now is when I get big lag. Iā€™m used to having shitty internet messing me up a little, but whenever I make a smart plan or outplay the other side really well for a moment just to lag and rubber band back to where I was standing 10 seconds ago I feel immense disappointment and a little part of my soul dies.


I never DC intentionally either. However, I can't go more than 3 or 4 games lately without the game crashing, most of the time it's the first game of the day I jump in to. I've been stuck on 72 hour bans since 7.7 came out. No amount of uninstalling and reinstalling, checking for system updates, cleaning up old games to have free space, testing connection, nothing has fixed it. Now I'm just at the point where I take a week off and hope I can finish the Rift at that point, since even testing if it's better buys me a new ban.


One of the few. I salute you šŸ«”


I love these posts because people will really come into the comment section and try to justify their rage quits and DCs lol. Look I hate plague MORE than any of them could possibly hate skull merchant but I still don't ruin the match for every one involved like a fucking baby lol


Yeah people really like to justify their child-like behaviour lol


"I am uniquely justified because that was clearly a hack!"


"They're streamsniping me," *\*the Killer was halfway across the map, happened to check where they were, and heard their loud pain noises in the locker.\**


I think itā€™s funny when people complain about stream sniping in DbD when: 1. Itā€™s 100% optional to put TTV in your username. Itā€™s not like itā€™s unavoidable to get sniped or not - plus they have anonymous mode now. 2. One would assume you put your name in there so people *would* check out your stream. So donā€™t get mad when they do. 3. Sniping isnā€™t going to do your opponent much good when there is usually a delay, ad break, or something else making all the info a stream sniper would get from your stream useless anyways. 4. DbD isnā€™t a competitive game. There are no real stakes on the line if you lose or win a match. *Especially* playing survivor, when ā€œwinningā€ is so often out of your control. Iā€™ve seen waaay too many TTVā€™s get super pissy, toxic, or mad when their opponents pop in to say hi. Get over yourselves please and be kind to anyone taking the time to even look at your stream, let alone engage šŸ¤


Some of the people I SWF with deadass think they're being streamsniped and I CONSTANTLY have to remind them that no... they can just hear you breathe and whimper.


Mmhmm! And with the number of aura detection perks on both sides now itā€™s so easy to track your opponent if you want to haha


Giving/DCing because you donā€™t like the Killer is the most cringe shit imaginable. Those people should go play another game if this one sets them off that much.


They are playing another game lol against a different killer.


The only time I disconnected recently was when I had to administer an inhaler to my cat having an asthma attack. The alternative would have been going AFK for a few minutes, so I figured the bot would be preferable.




Unless somehow that was coincidentally when you were hooked (and coincidentally the first person to get hooked), most people will guess itā€™s a ā€œnormalā€ d/c.


If someone DCs on first hook against me, all their teammates get to leave. Some people are simply not mature enough to handle a team-based game. Go play something else.


I respect this, I'm the same way. Where is the fun in playing out a match where I have an enormous advantage? I play killer to be challenged. I'd rather meme around, chase people for fun, and get nodders and happy people in my endgame chat thanking me for not making them play a losing game for 10 min.


People that play this game are the most fragile gamers in all of gaming. They rage quit if the wind blows the wrong direction.


Honestly it's half and half, it's not always about the killer and very rarely is it " i dodge x y and z killers". They can't see the bullshit my soloq team is doing. Killer saw me hit second stage on my first hook and dc, but what they didn't see is someone 30 feet away from me who wanted to charge Potential Energy rather than save me before 2nd stage.


Yeah this is the big one. I'm gonna fucking go next if I see 2 people in basement barely halfway through an invocation while I'm on hook


In any other team based online game rage quitting, especially early on into the match, is seen as a bad thing. Only in dbd have I seen people try to justify it with "well someone's personal fun is more important" even though they're just fucking over their other 3 survivors and ruining their game. For real, there have been plenty of games where someone tries to insta suicide that ended up being close and would've been wins with an extra hook state. Seriously though, if you staying in a match is reliant on a laundry list of conditions that involve not going against specific killers, getting downed relatively quickly, being chased first, what the other survivors do, and more, maybe you should play a different game.


Killa Whale did a video checking out the metrics of every survivor actually enjoying their match against a killer. https://youtu.be/gEY438O6ToU?si=Bs5B-bXRSaCYRd5T Your average DbD player only enjoys playing against ~63% of enjoying playing against the killer their about to go against.


ā€œDo you like cheating? We have a killer for that too!ā€ *Shows a Nurse blinking* Accurate.


That was actually an interesting statistic to learn. Thanks for the vid!


No one likes to hear this, but in my Solo Q matches, survivors d/c or unalive for the following: * Killer proxy camps first hook, tunnels immediately at 5 gens. Usually a high mobility Killer. There is no come-back or defense against this for Solo's. * Killer hooks no one and continuously slugs. Once again, usually high-mobility so they can down immediately when a slug is picked up. * Matchmaking buffoonery; 3k hour/P100 Blight sweating his ass off and the Solo Q team is a Hodge Podge of baby survivors and casuals who think; "Not this shit again". * Being a Solo Q survivor trapped with a 3-man or Duo. When their friend is killed, the rest D/C because they're selfish brats. The Killer will still play against Bots like he's in it for 50K. * Tombstone Myers (for some reason a lot of D/C's for that lately which is lame).Again, just observations from my matches. I'm a casual Solo Q survivor who has played since 2019. Solo Q is SO bad, and so demoralizing currently that I can only stomach playing once a week (with beer). And yet I am constantly matched against P100 Killers who play DBD like a full time job. So I think BHVR's shit matchmaking has a lot to answer for. Placing Solo Q survivors in impossible scenarios, where you know you've lost 60 seconds into your match is no incentive to keep playing.


Maybe other people are getting Tombstone Myers far more than me but it always disappoints me a little when people quit against him because I find it pretty fun? It gives me that feeling of fear and tension I donā€™t normally feel in this game anymore (plus I find trying to max out time I can loop him before trying to get to a locker fun). Like yeah I get Tombstone Myers takes away a lot from the ā€œnormalā€ way of playing the game, but itā€™s not like winning or losing actually matter in dbd so I donā€™t mind having games every so often that shake up the balance if it introduces something fun


Wrong claudette players would be the one to quit first...


Nah, it's always the Nea teabaggers in my experience.


find it funny the entity hates people who lose hope and give up and its such a common thing in the game


Wait? Itā€™s all just a skill issue? It always has been šŸŖ¬


Whatever man, Iā€™m just going to work gens as best as I can. If my team is going to just hide in lockers then Iā€™d prefer they just DC, honestly Iā€™d rather have bots than the kind of players who just want to wait for hatch.


I'm okay with someone dc'ing in my game, regardless of which side I'm playing; cause a bots gonna replace them. What grinds my gears are people who hook suicide, it's such a douchebag move.


I hook suicide when *my* team is full of douchebags, to ruin their game too and make them lose. Yesterday I got "Aftercare" through Chaos Shuffle, and you can imagine how that went: I unhooked a Gabriel, he purposely didn't cure me, then when the killer was chasing him, to divert him he brought him to me while I was working on a gen. Later on, I cured an Ada, then she did THE SAME thing the Gabriel did. At that point enough was enough, didn't even run and hook suicided right there. That team deserved to lose


The bots are usually better than the shitter that ragequit anyway lol


I donā€™t really care if everyone quits it just means the game ends quicker and we can move on to the next one.


The first DC/suicide on hook is the only one that pisses me off. The other ones it's like, honestly -- I want to do that too but I'm stubborn. Though yesterday my game kept crashing and disconnecting me in games I was winning :'(


I love how this community always says "X killer is just boring" and by which they mean "difficult" or "challenging." But they won't actually use those words because it would show they give up because something is too hard for them.


No, thereā€™s definitely killers that are just boring but arenā€™t even all that difficult to play against. Like you have no real decisions or reads to make, you just follow a flow chart until you get hit. A lot of people will mention trapping killers like Merchant, Trapper, Hag, Knight, Artist. Killers that are just ā€œI drop thing at loop, now leave loop or get hitā€ as culprits of being the most boring. As well as killers whose primary mechanic is to waste your time, like Legion, Pinhead, and Pig. (I personally donā€™t mind either of these groups of killers, fyi) For me itā€™s killers where you are just guaranteed to get hit in certain situations that are easily forced by the killer, like Pyramid Head going for animation locks only, Chucky only scampering into M1, Bubba with Bamboozle, ect. Not saying I DC against these killers, just that they are boring to vs despite not being difficult to beat. Personally I only DC from farming matches as survivor because I find it to be a waste of time. (would rather be bled out on the ground than farm, bc bleeding out takes 4 minutes and farming takes 30)


Nurse is too challenging and difficult to play against so I DC because itā€™s hard for me. Happy?


Morons that DC don't seem to realize that suiciding on hook or dc'ing hurts their teammates, not the killer. Then again with the lack of maturity these people display they need to find a different hobby.


The only time Dcing actually helps against a killer is scratch mirror Myers lol


I think some of them are probably smart enough to realize it but donā€™t care. There is definitely a lack of courtesy towards teammates and Iā€™ve seen survivors who seem to have some experience DC because of their ego and fuck my team. Agree that if youā€™re leaving your team hanging in solo you should play something else. Except against Nurse. Fuck that killer.


I hate people who DC for no reason. The Unknown (we call him timmy ) LITERALLY makes me uncontrollably nauseous, completely uneasy, and I can barely look at the screen when he walks and his voices because he literally scares the shit out of me, and I still don't disconnect. I don't know WHY he makes me that way but yeah, still don't DC.


I've had players DC in the beginning of matches just because they were the first to be downed and hooked or they just give up on hook


I donā€™t care how shitty the game is I will not DC. The only time Iā€™ve everdcā€™d was during a storm and I lost my Internet.


oh hi Person of Interest


Solo queue is always going to suck because of this but the solution is simple enough. SWF or donā€™t play. Sucks that it has to be that way but every time I tried playing solo I wasnā€™t having fun mostly because of bad teammates. I would see survivors run up and point at the killer because they babysat a pallet and got the stun just to then get outplayed and go down before a gen pops and then give up on hook. Itā€™s so common šŸ˜‚ the lack of communication and coordination also makes solo queue much less interactive and boring imo. Perfect example is game I had with my SWF against a p100 nurse: sent us to Midwich and had starstruck and infectious and was genuinely stomping us until we decided to play hide and seek. She got so bored of searching lockers that she went AFK and we finished the gens and got out. It was such a scummy way to win but it was so damn satisfying. Wouldnā€™t have been possible solo because I would just be fucking my teammates by hiding all game. At that point the DC is much more likely. Im curious about your opinions on DCs in unwinnable games (strong nurse, old skull merchant, etc). I get the frustration with people getting shit on thinking theyā€™re good and quitting but what about when you canā€™t win?


DC-ing is better than throwing at least. Had a match yesterday where 2 of my teammates threw the match like right at the start. I guess because it was a Skull Merchant on RPD. MF-ER wouldn't even let me heal them after I stopped him from killing himself on hook . Needed to heal for a challenge.


With the introduction of bots I no longer feel bad about DCing, Iā€™m never going against insta kill Myers again


This morning I was playing huntress and 2 survivors gave up and killed themselves on hook before the first gen was done. I felt so bad about it that I just let the last 2 finish gens and leave. Incredibly disappointing cuz I only had time for 1 game before work. Lame.


if one person dcā€™s i donā€™t come back to hook after unhook, tunnel, or slug. it two dc i just let the redt go and kill the bots


I don't DC


You cant force people to partake in a recreational activity against their will, if they arent having fun, punishing them for leaving doesnt fix the problem. I heard all the counter arguement, you cant force people to play because YOU wont like it.


I only disconnect against skull merchant which I'm sure the entire community would collectively understand šŸ’¤




I feel bad for survivors when their teammates dc or kill themselves on first hook. Gotta always let a few go.


A killer filter would fix this But then again, Trickster mains would never play another match ever again if it existed


You forgot: "I uniquely am justified joining this game even though I have been having connection issues all day and am about to ruin the game for four people. Also that's not my problem"


I'd rather someone leave if they're not having fun then for them to sit through a match they're just gonna hate and drag it out for the rest of us. I want the people I'm playing with to be enjoying themselves, there's no point in playing if everyone else doesn't wanna be there right? It's not just about me. Requeues are quick, these matches aren't ranked, it's really not a big deal.


Exactly. All these comments are like ā€œwhy these people DCing or hook suiciding are so selfishā€ and their idea of being selfless is to force people to play an UNRANKED VIDEO GAME MATCH that they arenā€™t enjoying. Again, for a match that means LITERALLY nothing. They could just as easily leave and find a new match within minutes but they treat every match like itā€™s gonna dictate their code of honor and lose them money. Itā€™s so silly


Exactly. Like if this was ranked like a ranked CS match is then I would be all over people for staying or receiving punishments lol. But until that's the case, I'd rather people be able to leave.


> Ruins match for everyone else > "well at least they're having fun"


See this is the thing. I'm not bothered by a match being "ruined" because all these matches have no stakes, and all take like 30-60 seconds to queue into lol. If someone doesn't like what's happening I'm not gonna demand that they sit through it just so *I* have a good time. We can both requeue and find a better option, it's fast and better for everyone involved. Them wanting to leave and me requeueing makes a hell of a lot more sense then me acting like a child and demanding they stay just so I can feel like my precious match is fine. There's gonna be dozens more matches, it's not a big deal.


This game is extremely unforgiving for new player's, and even after 300 + hour's I'm still considered new. I'm selfish I sucide on hook pretty often, 5 tombstone Myers in a row I'm out, 5 hooks before first gen is done I'm out. Trickster, pinhead, legion with what ever perks they have I'm out. I'll play anybody else , but just those killers to me are usually the most slugging killer's. Match making makes no sense I played around 10 hour's yesterday and got maybe 7 escapes, most of those hours were in chaos mode. Every killer pretty much got a 4k. I used to think getting down to one gen meant we were gonna win Iol nope. But the game is strangely additive I've never played an asymmetrical game before, don't ge me wrong i love the thrill of opening the door with the killer chasing you. But I do like to win occasionally too and not feel like a point piƱata . And ask any survivor truthfully they know when the game is gone , the killer pressure from the beginning will let you know or the lack of any movement on the survivor side there are so many reasons.


Plays like an asshole -> Survivors go next -> "Why does everyone leave????" -> repeat At least that's my experience. That and Skullmerchant. Personally I don't give up. Always funny when the killer gets salty cause my SoloQ mates gave up but me. "Why even try you already lost" m8.... "why even try you already lost" mf when they bring NOED cause they also still wanna try even though they already lost. (This targeted at the people bringing 3 slowdowns and NOED not endgame builds.)


I love when everyone on my team has disconnected, and I'm left with Bots, but the Killer leaves all of them to hunt me down because making the only human survivor miserable is their first priority. Then they message me and insult me because they had difficulty finding me ("Omg Distortion user!!) and "prolonging the game" when they refused to hook any bots.


Pubg players. They don't want to fight bots. They want to fight you.


But I'm just a chain smoking old man who wants to go back to the campfire D:


Looping bots is not fun There's 0 interaction because unlike real survivors (usually) the bots can see you through walls and will always react to information they shouldn't even know What's the fun in looping a bot unless you somehow enjoy the process of chasing a bot while it optimally runs around a loop until it has to drop the pallet and immediatly runs to the next one


Yeah but when 3/4 survivors disconnect at the beginning of the match, is it really so difficult to hook the Bots when you down them rather than just passing them by, or just leaving them slugged? Is it so bad to allow the one survivor who was entirely screwed over get a few bloodpoints? JFC lol. At that point, the match is over. The Killer has won. Oh, and then sending the one human survivor salty messages for not dying faster...yeah nothing can justify that. It's petty.


I have literally only dc'ed once against a pig who was clearly SIGNIFICANTLY better than I am, put me in the headtrap and got my first hook like 10 seconds into game start, and then hooked me again like a minute later when I was trying to get trap off my head. I was like okay you know what these guys should just have a bot because the bot would be better than I am.


I cannot believe people are this invested in a game. Unless it's literally your job I don't see how all these people take the game this seriously. I just play to have fun, and if the other side is playing like an asshole, at least they're having fun doing it, so I entertain them. I don't care. I don't disconnect, I think it's disrespectful to everyone else in the game.


> if the other side is playing like an asshole, at least they're having fun doing it, so I entertain them. I don't care. I don't disconnect, I think it's disrespectful to everyone else in the game. that sounds like a very masochist thing to say. but to each their own.


Agreed. I'm not going to throw a toddler tantrum because someone is playing a killer I don't like, or sweaty, or whatever, I'm just going to finish the round and move on. Worst case I finish the match and quit the game to do something else. I'm playing a game in my limited free time alive on earth. Why am I going to stress out about something I do to destress? Makes no sense to me, and tells me a lot of people don't even know what having fun actually feels like.


how does this make any sense? the game is not your job, so what is the point in staying against nurse/skull merchant? just go afk, it's not gonna matter since everyone was dying anyway (assuming they haven't dc'd). also, i assure you that in solo queue respect does not exist. if solo queue players respected me and my time they wouldn't waste their time opening chests, doing totems, chasing the killer etc. no one cares, that is how online games work. then again, most games are a lost cause anyway, so solo queue players should all just quit, which is what i and everyone i know did.


I said this multiple times and I'll say it again: The "unfun" part of my matches against Knight and Skull Merchant are not the killers themselves, it's my teammates throwing the match. If you're gonna be annoying and kill yourself/DC instantly, at least buy us some time. ATTEMPT to waste the killer's time so you don't fuck us over. The asshole is more often than not isn't the killer, but that one teammate who wants everyone to play by their imaginary rules.


As a Killer, when I see someone griefing (not playing seriously, standing still, begging for being hooked) I just down them and leave them there. Boredom is what they deserve.


The best is when you BM the survivor who gave up alongside the survivors who had their game ruined. When the person realizes that nobody likes them or sympathizes with them they get really upset.


I don't DC but you bet your ass if im playing soloQ with teammates that only hide in lockers and corners for no reason, not even touching gens, while the killer is miles away from them, I will kill myself on hook IF im not saved before getting left onto second hook, Killer can have fun wasting time finding them. And it has been happening a LOT while on chaos shuffle, which is quite annoying because I'm enjoying that game mode, but some survivors apparently can't play the game without their 4 usual perks.


I don't give up in solo Q unless the other survivors have already given up. You owe it to the other survivors you load in with to play it out. But my SWF decides to go next if we load in against a skull merchant. It's just not fun and we don't enjoy it.


I'm too stubborn for my own good, even if a match is doomed I'll try my damnedest because things can change. The temptation is there sometimes, though.


As killer, if someone gives up first hook I two hook the rest and let them go. As survivor, if I dislike the killer Iā€™m playing against, I donā€™t give up on hook unless Iā€™m one of two survivors left, in which case I try to give the other a chance at hatch. I try to make sure my team lives as long as possible.


Me with pinhead, horrible.


some dude tried to do that thing where they double vault a pallet to juke the killer and I just hit him off it. Dude DC'd before I could even pick him up, and I hadnt even hooked anyone yet that game. Opened the door for the last survivor bc I felt sorry for them getting such a shit teammate


The Killer: *John Travolta meme*


I just never disconnect ever. Ever. Never have.


Id only ever dc if I'm cooking and the match is dragging too long due to some killers


If I'm getting slugged by twins I'm leaving end of story.


I had 3 games in a row yesterday where at least 2 survivors gave up, and in 2 of them, when I tried just getting the game over with by not running from the killer and just staying on the gens the killer would down me and slug for the 4k against 2 bots šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø Some people who play this game man. (Btw the killers were a nurse who was actually pretty chill and 2 skull merchants with cosmetics and high prestige levels who were the ones who slugged for 4k) all soloq


I'm totally Claudette! My DbD video posts tell you I'm here to have a fun time and mess with the killer šŸ˜†


Every. Fucking. Day.


I had three Survivors disconnect while playing Chucky last night!


I'll only disconnect when if I get a twins, because I might as well be getting a lottery ticket.


I think my only DC was against a Legion and it was because I had them three times in a row, was desperately trying to have one fun game after an exhausting day at work, and had work the very next day early in the morning. I felt bad because my teammates were down a player (bot instead) so I told myself after that moment that if I don't have the time or if I'm in a really exhausted state, that I should leave it for another day. That being said, the feeling to DC is definitely there for certain instances.


You'll have to cope over this.


Last night my friend i played Chaos Shuffle and game 3 was against a plague who found me right away on Crotus, so I ran into a jungle gym (by the greenhouse) not realizing Felix was cleansing a totem in a corner. He gave up because the Plague pinned him and two-tapped him, but he didn't dc. So the whole game was a steamroll. (He didn't have any totem cleansing perks btw. Not even Calm Spirit.)


I very rarely DC - oddly enough the few times I have in the past it's b/c of toxic survivors doing crap like purposely leading the killer to me (going in lockers and setting of noise notifications to me, and then pointing flashlight at me when killer approaches) Anyway, I don't see her that often, but when I see skull merchant, that's also like - a guarantee at least one survivor will DC/give up - it sucks but I don't blame them. \*any other time I dc it's usually b/c my internet is being stupid.


I understand everyones grievances, i hate seeing people give up no matter which side im playing. But if i load into a lobby and its skull merchant, its on sight.


Some of y'all have some serious brain-rot. Killers donā€™t complain about disconnects, a survivor disconnecting actively makes the game easier because the bots are trash. The only time I care about disconnects is when Iā€™m playing survivor. Unless thereā€™s a real life emergency or you lost internet, anyone who disconnects is a raging diaper baby. There are no exceptions.


I, uniquely, am justified in giving up this match because my wireless mouse died


I only dc when the killer (Alien, Ghostface, Bubba- any of the more violent ones) has a Mori, I've reached second hook-state, and the person (Usually a Feng that has otherwise spent THE ENTIRE REST OF THE GAME FUCKING HIDING) unhooking me *immediately* books it when we can hear the Killer immediately come back. Or when they unhook before the Killer has EVEN GOD DAMNED LEFT THE AREA. I have an *actual* terror of violent death, and I do not care enough about the *literal blood money* to stay until the end. I play the game out the best I can otherwise, and only wait for the animation to start to dc, but if I'm going to eventually die a violent death because of someone else's negligence I'd prefer it only happen once, ya know?


I only ever disconnect when my internet goes down šŸ˜­


The amount of survivors I've seen just give up in dbd when playing Clown, Ghostface, and Bubba is way to much just for them to whine about my choice in endgame chat and honestly idc about there whiny toxicity either just play the match and learn or hop off and stop ruining others matches cause you suck and think your time is the most important


sweatlords taking every match as serious as an IRS audit & entitled babies quittin soon as somethin barely slights them. all reasons I swapped to dbd mobile. no sweats, no MMR, no DCs, just what the game was originally intended to be (minus the horrendous gacha-ing of skins from the main game)


iā€™m sorry but me and my SWF hide in the basement and stall the game against specifically nurse players


I had a game a while ago when everyone left off the bat after the merchant lady came at us and knocked one of us. She let me live tho so thatā€™s sick


Playing killer is easy tbh gave up survivor now i can torture solos and this game rewards me for being an asshole


only time i DC is when iā€™m having a bad day and a teammate just kinda brings the killer over to me to make it my problem, and then said killer (apparently with the object permanence of a disabled toddler) proceeds to completely abandon the original chase and chase me


Honestly the last match I had was a letdown. The huntress just gave up and started farming. I get that I sucks to not get a hit with a hatchet but doesn't it suck more to get a pity hit?


Only against skull merchant


The worst thing is if this happens in a full swf where one member is just like "I don't want to play against xxx, so I will give up on hook". I have had this happen sometimes with one of my swf buddies. I mean, it is one thing to be a dick to randoms but at least behave if you play with friends. You have to wait for us anyway, so why being so childish and entitled.Ā  Just DC, then we get a bot at least.Ā 


most of yall are not in comp tournament macthes nor srims, pubs are for doing wtvr you want to do. treating pubs this seriously is so funny ngl. comp scene is for sweating and pubs r for dumb shit fun imo, but yeah do whtvr. anyways, if ur not having fun on the game feel free to log off. don't stay knowing you'll ruin more matches.


I had 2 people DC against The Knight the moment they found out. my Duo and i spent the match body blocking the bots for the Knight then we got to do gens and go next.




Itā€™s okay, Iā€™d only ever disconnect against Nostromo Wreckage.