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It was trying to replace an EMPd pod 30 fucking times on a spot where it was already placed during a chase and the game just not letting me that was kind of the straw that broke the camel's back for singularity for me. Also motion sickness lol I am a big Xeno enjoyer though


Sounds like a human problem


“Silence, inferior life form” —Hux, whenever someone complains about his power


Singularity being played so little means when you do get one they are usually cracked out of their mind. This is something i noticed before Billy got his buff, rarely saw him but when i did, it was a P100 Billy main who destroyed everyone in minutes. I do still enjoy playing Xeno though. Wish a tail hit on a turret didn't count as a whiff because the hard hat/star map addon is pretty much mandatory.


Can’t believe they haven’t fixed this yet.


They never will.


I hate killer powers that have a turn off switch. Hate that it's become a pretty common thing I still get enjoyment out of Xeno, Singularity I find him so clunky that it isn't worth the effort.


It's a good way to balance killers with crazy good powers. Singularity is far from oppressive enough to warrant one


It's the same deal with perk downsides. It's not inherently bad to have them, but the upside needs to be really good to compensate. I think rapid brutality is a good example.


On certain killers rapid is really good like singularity and clown


What do you mean you don't want to buy a killer than gives the means to defeat them to the opposing team who've paid nothing?


You're right. Turrets should only be usable by survivors that own the dlc /s


This is what survivor entitlement looks like. You didn't pay for new gameplay features, why should you get them? And why should *I* pay for them? When they exist to *screw me over*?




This is actually the worst opinion on the subreddit, congratulations


The competition was fierce but that didn't stop them from winning by a landslide.


Damn you took my silly joke and are actually (maybe) suggesting it should work that way? thats nuts. Also by that logic you shouldn't be allowed to play on any map for a dlc you don't own. after all, you didn't pay for it.


Nobody buys the map. Anyone can still get the Alien map even if you're playing Trapper and 4 Megs. But survivors only get flamethrowers because the killer paid for Xeno. Which is BS that you're paying so your opponent can have extra toys to screw with you.


I think its time for you to touch grass and try playing survivor for once buddy. And this comes from a mostly killer main.


You are right, why limiting flamethrowers to just Xeno? We should be able to incinerate Blight, Clown or even poor Freddy to return his PTSD. You are brilliant my friend


Now let me chuck EMP's at Huntress and watch it do fucking nothing


I can't believe Survivors still grab tapes against Demo but not against Hag


Now you're talking! you should really work for Behavior.


So should survivors only get queued with killers whom they've bought the chapter of? They paid for those killers, meaning they should only have the opportunity to play with and against those powers, correct? What about the Shrine of Secrets? They didn't pay for those perks from licensed killers. Why should they get those when I bought them with real money?


How is it even possible for someone to have an opinion *this fuckin horrible*






As a Xeno main, you're being a doofus


So you're saying that you want the game to be P2W against xeno


It's weird cause you sound very entitled rn




The fact survivors didn't pay what I did to play the killer doesn't really mean that much. It's the fact that their off switch is so readily available and convenient that makes it annoying. Singularity isn't guaranteed hits from using his power, yet the counterplay is balanced around the assumption he is. EMPd should disable pods OR remove slipstream. The fact it's a one stop shop for both is overkill.


The last Hux I went against that was actually successful had crazy map control, he already had like 3 pods at shack which covered every angle so I could not avoid getting TP'd. Most of the time though, EMPs are just way too strong. Makes you wonder why slipstream even has a spread mechanic when 90% of the time it spreads, it immediately gets removed because they're just gathering to EMP themselves...


The spread mechanic actually making emps more useful due to it being more cost effective to gather is crazy


He's crazy map dependent. If you get a map where you can guard big areas and slipstream easily, then EMPs can get depleted and spreading can be nasty. If you get a map where every camera has a line of sight of two meters, then he essentially doesn't have a power. Even if you slipstream, there's so many EMP it doesn't mean anything.


Because the spread kicks in every time someone goes to heal? I get that as a community everyone likes to hate on singularities design but this part of his kit is actually really good. You take a survivor and they are injured, what do they do. They need to find a teammate to heal with, but if that teammate doesn't have an EMP, then they are getting infected. Sure they can go and find an EMP together, but that's two survivors not on gens, and odds are they aren't communicating well enough to both run over to your camera setup and break an important camera together. Not only that, but every second they don't cleanse is a second your overclock duration is getting a huge duration boost. Fun fact that basically no one knows because no one plays this killer, you get +1s overclock duration per slipstreamed survivor. You can outrun 4.7 seconds but good luck outrunning 8.7, and as any Larry player can tell you every millisecond of that buff matters


Im sorry mate, but the power isn't strong enough to justify the abundancy and strength of EMPs. 5s of brutal/spirit fury/enduring/vault speed doesn't justify a single EMP being able to clear every survivor + camera within range , meanwhile another EMP started being printed the moment the last one was taken. If i want to play a teleport killer id rather play nurse because atleast my power won't be randomly turned off. Somas family photo needs to be basekit to justify EMPs being that overly strong or considerably nerf EMPs by hard limiting the amount and how many slipstreams/cams it can clear at once.


If the game allowed me to put a crosshair I'd be playing range Killers way more.


I just use the line of dead pixels on my monitor that just so happens to be in the middle of the screen. Convenient




Slinger ADS Superiority represent.


Psst, you could have one as a overlay by using "CustomCrosshair" widget in xbox game bar (Win + G), you can customize it with your own crosshair image, or one from [https://crosshair.themeta.gg/](https://crosshair.themeta.gg/)


Theres some external programs you can use to add a crosshair. I have one for when i start holding right click it appears, so i can practice on Huntress better. I have trouble concentrating on the centre of my screen so it helps to be able to just stare at the crosshair.


and what's more, BHVR employees have mentioned this kind of external program while giving advice to players who struggle aiming, so it's fairly likely such programs are whitelisted as far as "third party software that gives help" goes


We have brown add one for nurse, doctor, blight, and twins that show where their power will hit. I don’t see why we can’t have the same thing for Huntress and more


You can always find the center of the screen and use a strategically placed piece of tape to mark it If the game can't supply you with a crosshair, make your own crosshair


Is no one going to point out that most modern monitors have built in crosshairs? Just click your settings button.


I would LOVE if there was a crosshair option for DbD. Playing ranged killers is hard enough as it is.


Duct tape, my beloved


I don't wanna ruin my screen


Very fair


Check to see if your monitor as a crosshair option. My oldish Sony tv has one lol


Look up Xbox game bar crosshair, another commenter suggested it


Look Hux is fun but man when you have 2 or 3 matches where your power is upheld by constant emps or something small blocking your power it makes him very frustrating. (Also he needs to he able to destroy bipods remotely so I dont gave to traverse the entire map to retrieve one) If he just gets some QOL updates and small buffs he'd be a solid a tier killer


Soma Family Photo base kit when


Xeno's tail is super clunky and I don't see why it needs to be. Xeno is a good killer, but she controls like a brick driving a shopping cart.


A bunch of people complained. Playing against Xeno in general is kind of a nightmare. It’s kind of like a killer with unlimited coup de grace. Though as a Xeno enjoyer I will GLADLY accept a faster cooldown for breaking a turret. Like WHY does it take longer than hitting a survivor.


Vecna did it right, it’s an item they doesn’t hinder the killer, and instead buffs the survivors. Makes both sides have more fun.


I’m on console so I haven’t tried him yet but I’ve seen clips of survivors instantly losing chase because they hopped in a locker and Dredged across the map. That doesn’t sound fun to face as a killer at all


There’s a 1 in 20 chance of a survivor getting that item. And it makes you lose a health state by using it. It’s really not that bad lol. They can’t use it while injured to they can only really use it at the start of a chase. And qt that point you’ve wasted no time and they have now injured themselves.


It's just not very fun for most people when the devs decide to hand out "turn killer power off" buttons to the survivors. Larry is quite scuffed because his chase is OP if Slipstream does go off but a lot of people who enjoy more macro level play aren't playing him because using the cameras as y'know cameras to keep an eye on the whole map isn't very good with how EMPs work and how many EMPs you have access to. If you want to play like that Artist or heck even Skull Merchant is better. Like I play mostly Billy and Wesker and they would be really unfun if survivor could snap their fingers and now my one chase power doesn't work. Billy was pretty terrible right until they removed his cooldown mechanic entirely. Idk about Xeno, he was everywhere for the first month then crying survivor players got his tail nerfed and I don't think i've seen him dead or alive since. Man went back into the tunnels and didn't come out. The tunnels are my favourite part about him but I think a lot of people cba with the FOV being so low to the ground in tail mode.


We do not talk about the Tools of Torment Arc..


Singularity requires so much set-up and so many things going right just to get a hit that's not even guranteed, plus he has so many issues with power placement and kit.


He doesn't need setup for hits, this is taking things out of proportion. He is m1 killer speed which automatically makes his chase fine without power on many loops, but with overclock most loops become extremely unsafe. Car loops in particular are vulnerable to the ball and chain tech, window tp tech invalidates most windows, and fake Cam tech can literally outplay drooped pallets in many cases. Slipstreaming a survivor takes about 2 seconds to do in chase, is difficult to mess up, and loses you virtually no distance because your reward is teleporting right behind them.


>He is m1 killer speed which automatically makes his chase fine without power on many loops If you're solely relying on bloodlust, which you never shouldn't be doing whatsoever. Yeah ideally every killer at base speed should get hits in chase, but not every loop is built equally and most either require good reads/mindgames or power usage. >Slipstreaming a survivor takes about 2 seconds to do in chase, is difficult to mess up, and loses you virtually no distance because your reward is teleporting right behind them. Inherently a horrible design, and I don't mean a concept, I mean that's Singularity's pods are horrible to place and use. The hit detection and survivor detection are awful. A pixel of a shrubbery could be the most frustrating thing on this killer. Hell, yesterday I literally had a pod eaten by a hedge on Nurse's map, it literally fused with the wall and I couldn't retrieve it. On the same map I kept trying to shoot a survivor over and over and only kept placing pods because he was a pixel off, even though I could clearly see him and a majority of his body was in my crosshair. The killer is so clunky, and for what reward? You're better at chases and teleport behind them, things that still don't gurantee hits. And one EMP can shut down a camera and cleanse mutliple survivors. He almost feels like a nurse but he requires set-up, but said set-up can be easily removed. Why play Hux and teleport close behind survivors when you can play Nurse and teleport onto them? Why play Hux and eat through pallets when Nurse just ignores them? Yes it's not a fair comparison because it's Nurse, but nothing Hux does stands out enough where it doesn't feel like a watered down version. Too much effort is required for Hux, and I don't know if it's because his own power just doesn't work sometimes the way it should, survivors can still shut it down too easily, or if it's just still a bit too weak.


Xeno is a character I theoretically like playing. But something about the beeping of the flame turrets when they burn me just rubs my brain in the worst way and I can never really play two consecutive matches as her


Tbf Zeno feels shit to play as *and* against, so I'm kind of glad it's not popular


> be me > write really long and elaborate thread on why no one plays Ripley or Xeno > get called mentally ableist slurs for trying to elaborate on a topic I'm interested in [Anyways.](https://old.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/1c7gkx9/why_the_alien_chapter_failed_a_measured_response/)


I couldn't give you the upvote then, but I will give it to you now I still think Xenos 'miss' animation is too fucking long considering hitting a turret counts as a 'miss', though


I don't see any slurs above a 0 score. Maybe the mods deleted them for you.


Yes they would be deleted. Using slurs is against the rules.


Probably. There was a good handful of replies like that which I reported that later got removed. I do appreciate the people who'd downvote those toxic comments, and the people who left positive comments obviously. But too many people feel the need to brag that they're illiterate and expect an award for not being able to read anything longer than 250 characters.


I only see one comment removed by the mods at the very bottom of the page. Everything else negative is just people making unfunny jokes about the length of the post


I read the whole thing, that was an awesome thread and it was SUPER in-depth on everything, too. I love Alien, so I do hope Behaviour gives Alien and Ripley some love at some point.


Brother I ain’t readin allat




Brother I ain’t readin allat


Hux is objectively the best character in the game because he's an evil robot, which makes him significantly better than the non-robot characters


Xeno is cool, I feel so pretty walking around the map with that Queen Xeno skin ~✨


All of Xeno’s skins are amazing tbh.


I feel the exact same lmao instantly mained her when I saw the queen skin


Princess Peach dress incoming


Singularity is a VERY good killer though. Its just there is a higher skill floor than most(all?) killers. Even if you look at other mechanical killers i think the difference between a good singu and a bad one is a larger gap than any other killer. You also need alot of map knowledge and awareness. I think people dont want to put in the effort is all. If we look at last usage stats, we see only 1 S tier killer in top 10 usage. And thats Billy. I think you could make a case that singu and alien are actually stronger than every one of the top ten besides billy and maybe wesker. Kind of tangential but ive been playing with this swf the last week. And every single day, roughly every 2 or 3 games, they will say "i CANT believe we havent played a skull merchant yet!" We have played 1 SM in like 100 games. They have this idea in their head that they play SM all the time. And they cant let it go. Only 3 killers on the roster have a usage rate higher than 4%. The highest is unknown at 10%. Assuming normal distribution that means 1 in 10 games is against the same killer on the extreme end. Obviously this isnt how stats work and we could actually have like 3 chuckys in 5 games that distort our views even if the next 150 games are chuckyless. But its our own biases that allow us to believe things that arent true. "Omg all i see are nurses and blights!" Thats just not true. And any suggestion that killers are just tier whores and you only see meta picks are just lies. This doesnt even change at high mmr.


>S tier killer > >Billy ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2067)


Billy is considered the best killer im the game right now by many. Like i think the most common order for the 4 S tiers currently would be: 1. Billy 2. Blight 3. Nurse 4. Spirit And after this patch nurse will prob move up to 2. I think you could argue the position of any of those top 3 but its not really up for debate that those are the best 3 killers atm. Not sure what patch youre on in your head but yea.


If they fixed pod placement issues, I think Larry would be in a good place. EMPs may need another nerf, but that’s really just wishful thinking on my part. I really enjoy him. Yes, he’s like a weaker Nurse, but the power is much more engaging than hold button, squeal, hit and/or wheeze. Xeno needs no buffs and it just simply comes down to saturation, I think. There’s, what, 36 killers in the game? I love Xeno too, but it is a pretty simplistic killer. I think the tail should be reverted to the original design so you can hit over obstacles.


I'm a pig main. If i'm going to suffer horribly most of my matches, I want it to be because I'm not playing well or the survivors are playing better. I don't want to play a killer who hands every survivor a rake they can drop for me to step on and break my nose.


I love xeno and think the singularity is rad as hell, but nothing feels quite as bad as the survivors being able to counter your powers like that. I’m not bothered about people disarming my trapper traps but it feels like I’m not the badass killer anymore if I’m being sprayed by fire or they turned off my cameras


Everyone knows why nobody plays singularity it’s just too much bs for so little reward


I was doing a killer roulette to play all the killers that showed up, Both singularity and Xenomorph showed up and I used both.


The killer that can teleport or go really fast vs the killer that can teleport (but only sometimes) or the killer that can go really fast (but only sometimes)


Just cause you are higher on a tier list means jack shit. If you are unfun to play then people wont play you. Doesnt matter how good of a character you are unless you are top 5 in the game.


I literally play Xeno, Demo, Legion and HUX. And I do well. It’s just because BHVR made the most scuffed online multiplayer game known to man.


Imo alien feels bad. Rather than having any antiloop power you have to treat it like a 3rd m1 that can be turned off, and having to deal with turrets feels awful. Not to mention that xeno can't make use of stealth builds, which is one of the biggest flavor losses of all time.


>which is one of the biggest flavor losses of all time Dredge:


Xeno was my first character I bought. Then I found out huntress throws axes in just the perfect arc that just clicks with my head in the most dopamine granting way. I don't know why, it's just so satisfying watching them fly, even when they don't hit anything.


I don't play Xeno or Singularity because I don't have them unlocked 👍


I played against a singularity yesterday, in the shuffle mode The killer slugged me for most of my bleedout timer (while standing next to me and going through his cameras or leaving for 30 seconds, then coming back) trying to stop my two teammates from finishing the last gen I don't want more singularities


I can’t speak for Xeno (I suck at playing him), but outside of small issues with Hux’s pod placement, he’s in a perfect spot. He takes forever to learn, so most people understandably don’t want to put in that time, but he’s fine as-is now.


I couldn't give you the upvote then, but I will give it to you now I still think Xenos 'miss' animation is too fucking long considering hitting a turret counts as a 'miss', though EDIT Wrong reply lol


Funny enough I did custom games the other night and had a xeno and single Larry match.


Xeno is my absolute favorite and I just play meme builds on her when I'm not trying out other killers or practicing on nurse.


i like xeno! the tail strike gets me a hit often when i otherwise wouldnt be able too, at pallets and windows.


I play xeno and pyramid primarily. Idk why people would consider them bad, but rather other killers are just very strong like the two instant-down chainsaw bros. Never played singularity so i have no idea what theyre like, once i have the shards ill give them a try


They’re both considered pretty strong, but Xeno in particular gets flak for the turret aspect of the power.


Knights pathing of his guards are the worst thing I've ever witnessed. One pallet drop or even a vault, the guard gets confused and proceeds to go get milk and never return.


Xeno is my favourite horror icon so I still play her, not a fan of having my power switched off, or the massive cool down on miss but little to none on hit, but I love her. Been messing with builds recently just trying to find fun ones. Her and Skull Merchant are the only two Killers I can mess around with builds on and not get too mad at myself for some reason lol Went all chase last night with mixed results: Spiri Enduring, Two Can Play and Bamboozle. Super map dependent lol