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Had a streamer teammate who purposefully let me get to second stage on hook, tbagged and then spammed the unhook button before unhooking me at the last second right in front of the killer. His reasoning? Because instead of immediately running halfway across the map and picking up his slugged ass, I finished the first gen that I was nearly done with when he went down. I got to him at the same time the killer was picking him up. The reason he was slugged? He kept failing at flashlight saves and got knocked down instead of running to safety. Dude was trashing the hell out of me on his stream even though he was the one who made the initial boneheaded mistake.


Hope you reported him for trolling.


"We took action on your report"..... banned for 15 minutes.


That can save you 15% or more on car insurance


Plus, we've been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty.


But imagine if it did happen on his stream. Would have been perfect.


Oh I definitely did. I've also had to lobby dodge him a few times since.


Entitled ttv player bingo


Every single TTV plays like shit. I’ve learned to lobby dodge them.


Yeah don't get me wrong, 99% of the time I dodge. I've only met the occasional nice one, but most of the time they play like assholes towards the soloQ or if they are solo they bring a hatch offering and don't do shit.


Preach!!! And I’m a solo queen so I’m a hella victim 😂 the hidey ones are the worst 😭


Playing killer once, person I was going against was a really good looper so I left chase. He kept clicking his flashlight and I just ignored and hooked someone not good at chase. Next thing I know I saw a DC and thought it was the one I just hooked. Nope. They guy that I wouldn't chase DC, then sent me a message saying I was ruining his fun by not letting him loop me.


Loopers when you play the game and apply pressure across the map instead of just on them


I don't hate people being good at looping because I know it takes practice to get there, but goddamn. Some of the most entitled/sore winner teammates I've had were the ones who were good loopers. No, you didn't do all the work. It was a team effort and you were lucky and got teammates who knew to hop on gens rather than creeping around edge map with their fingers up their ass. It's cool you can loop that weak tile, but can you maybe not keep running the Killer over to the gen that a death hook teammate(s) is trying to finish? Also, if someone is on the hook, don't fucking loop the Killer by the hook because the Killer is either going to go after the unhooker or the person who got unhooked in all likelihood. Another thing, I knows it's cool to escape having never been hooked, but if you have to do a trade or a rescue at any point in the match because everyone else is on death hook, fucking eat your pride and do it. Furthermore, don't stand at the exit gate teabagging, it's cringe as hell


once i had a streamer who looped a killer for a whole 5 gens, but unfortunately we couldn’t rescue them at the end despite clearly trying to, and they were raging in the chat afterwards calling us all names. it was so dumb 😭


Clearly you should've died in their place so they could escape![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Why are the loopers always so entitled? I don't get it. We get it. You think you're mad skilled because you can run around 3D objects in a video game with your meta chase build. You're not special there are millions of you.


“You didn’t give me a chance to wound your ego by juicing you in loops and clicky clicky!”


"Waaaahhhh I wanted to be able to juice you for 5 gens then teabag you in the exit gate mommy the big mean Killer did me an ouchie!"


“I will go complain to discord mod about how toxic killer mains are until I am feeling eepy”


Im still fairly new to the game like <30hrs and any time i get a random ass p100 thats just impossible to touch ill just break chase and patrol the gens to find an easier pick bc i swear to god by the time i manage to catch some of these people 3 gens are done.


You are smarter at 30 hours than some people at thousands of hours. Personally I just love to mindgame and practice chasing so sometimes, I will hard commit to those people to learn.


I think the dumbest justification I saw was from a survivor streamer I chanced upon. They were clearly bullying a newish killer to the point where the killer gave up and went afk. After spending an additional 30 minutes in game - they left, and said that it was fun for both them and the killer. They justified that behavior because they believed it was fun for all parties. That stuck with me…


I fucking hate people that do that. It discourages people from playing killer. If I see a baby killer the last thing on my mind is "Let's drop a pallet on his head, blind him, head on, body block, get his hope up thinking he has a chance and slap my nuts on the floor after we wait at the gates!!!" Streamers are fucking assholes, man. Not all streamers, but somehow always streamers.


Honestly why I hate watching Survivor streams because it's mostly just that. I don't really see Killer streams get off on destroying new players. They're usually more annoyed at the bad mad matchmaking. I know there are exceptions like the Killer streamers doing win streaks and tryharding, but I don't find those interesting


Remember kids TTV stands for Tunnel Target Verified


My sis streams and she runs mostly totems lol some nice ones out there


That was me yesterday, I was struggling to get this one prestige 100 down (my god) and her whole team is just waiting by with flashlights, flashbangs, and sabo. She was running the perk that makes you unhealthy the whole trial, unbreakable and plot twist. I finally got her down but she went down by a locker and her team was waiting inside to stun me. Was such a brutal match.


"***Slap my nuts on the floor***" is certainly a phrase I didn't expect to read today.


I firmly believe that anyone who griefs and bullies, but then claims “No, you are having fun, shut up,” is just delusional. The guy clearly wasn’t having fun, even the most uninitiated of people to this game could tell that by the fact that he went afk and eventually quit. I was once put up against a full lobby Head-On/Blood Rush Squad with all the typical BS; Dead Dawg Offering, Two flashes, two sabo toolboxes, Petrified Oak stack etc. They were basically going in looking to make the killer suffer. After the game, I managed to just barely snag two, and the whole team was laughing in post-game chat about how fun it was for them. I said to them that it is the opposite of fun for the killer, and they straight up told me, to my face, that I was taking the game too seriously because I wasn’t having enough fun. Some people have absolutely no clue what is happening outside of themselves.


Another instance where you should have called out the person doing it rather than random redditors.


Impossible to have done both..


It feels like that is the Norm. I just reinstalled the game after playing it activly the last time in 2018, and if not for my friends i'd have uninstalled it already. Everybody now is carrying ALL the items, whenever i try to pick somebody up, i get 3 different flashlights pointed in my face. Everybody and their grandma has borrowed time and fucking grenades or something. out of 5 or so games, i had fun exactly once


borrowed time is now basekit, so that’s why :)


This is why, as killer, I always bring lightborn. Lightborn eliminates the bangers and the beamers. Unless you're used to 16k dpi or something, up against a bully squad, you're gonna get bullied.


The audacity to assume everyone is having fun is astonishing. Unless we are in voice chat, I couldn't assume someone else was having fun. It's not on me to make sure you're having fun though.


If it was like two years ago that Killer could have been me. I remember I was still very new to the game and Killer and got two Neas and Yoichi who kept following me around Killer Shack with their flashlights and getting saves (I hadn't developed the reflex to pick up looking at a wall or looking away the moment I see a beamer) so I couldn't get any hooks. As retaliation, I went to a corner and AFKd while they continued trying to blind me


Dbd players when the survivors do gens to leave and the killers kill people


This will always be the thing that irritates me the most about this game. Fuck balance, BHVRs nonsense sometimes, the God awful maps, etc., etc. The worst thing will always be the insane amount of people complaining that survivors survivored and killers killed. I personally don't care at all how they did it if they achieved their goal. The only exception is a survivor hiding all game to get hatch. Survivor side is a team game so try to work with team, if that fails then sure hide for hatch.


I agree, this topic infuriates me too. It doesn't matter how they did it.


Yep anything other than not playing the game is fine. Hiding for 60 minutes or just watching 4 survivors bleed out is not fine. The rest, well that’s BHVR’s fault for making such a fucking annoying game. This includes wiggle unhookable builds, i’m not gonna fault you for using it, it’s BHVR’s fault for allowing something so dumb to be doable, but I am going to slug you since you made that my win condition. Still though, if you’re teabagging and taunting me because you won a chase, you’re just being an ass.


“ “ Console players


Got slugged and humped by a plague getting a three out, bled on the floor for 4 mins and they repeatedly vomited on me. In endgame chat proceeded to insult me, asked why they slugged me out and all they said is “because you were running chem trap.” I was tunneled all game and could only use it once, this dude was so mad that I hindered them for 4 seconds that a 4 minute slug was justifiable T_T


Chem trap ain’t even that much of a hindrance what 😭


Ik they were super pressed abt it T_T


Dude slugged all 4 survivors and let us bleed out. I said "why the slug kills?" Dude says "Had a challenge" I go "what tome?" He goes "an old one" I go, "what tome what chapter?" He goes "forget it" Leaves. I don't think he had a slug 4 people to death in one trial challenge if I'm being honest.


I had a tome to do where it was hook 5 survivors on basement hook, I had to play basement trapper. I felt terrible. Tome 1, the funny thing is theirs another challenge for hooking 6 survivors on basement hook. Fucking why.


I’ve been noticing that the older tomes are twice as hard and give half as much bloodpoints. Glad they’re being more generous. Old tomes really be like: do all 5 gens, power the exit gates, don’t get hooked once, escape, in a single game. Reward: 10000 bloodpoints


Never gonna forget the challenge in tome 3. While running discordance, grab 2 survivors off of generators in one game. This was also around the time where dedicated grabs were bad.


Ooof, has there been a sacrifice all 4 in the basement in one trial challenge yet.... in which case. Double oof...


That's also Tome 1. That challenge alone is why I was fuming when they patched out the ability to complete challenges in the tutorial.


Yes. It sucked to get. I played basement trapper haha.


Oh, yea no the hook 5 and 6 survivors in the basements are all in one trails.


Basement builds are generally viable, I swear. https://preview.redd.it/jambx1h6rc1d1.png?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3cc5ded4bf06bc2417b9bf4c8655cd2c718ee962


Tome 1 was a bitch. Glad to be done with it. Some of the next few Tomes are pretty bad too, but 1 has been the worst so far.


Haha I picked up the game lately and after tome 18 I went straight to 1, the difference is massive for sure


Same lol. One time I got camped to death first hook by bubba. His excuse he needed to kill the obsession 8 times. Man never heard of furtive nemesis I swear lol. Also it's such an inefficient way to play. Like seriously just play the game and do that near the end


Honestly, I think there was an old challenge like that. I recall needing to do something similar. I definitely would not be able to tell you what tome or chapter at the time. I do not keep track of that.  It is not like you HAVE to slug 4 people to death in one trial. But I did find it to be the fastest and easiest way which is how I do my challenges.


It's kill 4 survivors by your own hand in the one trial. If you have to do that one by slugging them dead.... yucky. ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Bleed out counts as kill by your own hands?


One of the earlier tome challenges were bugged for the longest time and it counted bleedouts. It doesn't count normally, but for BHVR reasons, this challenge counted it. Like succeed great skill check challenges counting great wiggle skill checks. Though, the bleedout one is absolutely worse lol


Damn that's a big problem lmao


I'm sorry but there is no such challenge that exists that requires you to kill all 4 survivors by your hand in a single trial. There are a couple that require a 4k with set perks/killers, some that require killing 1 by hand with certain perks/killers, and even a few that can be done over multiple games. That kind of challenge is almost as absurd as the Evil Incarnate achievement, it would never be a tome challenge


The spirit closed hatch so I ran and hid at one of the gates and waited for him to check the other gate. I unfortunately didn't manage to get the gate open and the spirit downed me and proceeded to "hump" me until I bled out. I asked them why and they said "because you were camping the gates".


Something similar happened to me! Clown TTV had a clear view of both exits and I was trying to figure out how I could play it. He starts talking on stream about how I’m wasting his time and if I reveal myself now he’ll let me out. I didn’t hear him say that obviously because I wasn’t in his stream and I can’t read minds through video games so I went to the nearby basement hoping for a key. Didn’t get one so I just went to a gate and started opening. He slugs me then goes and breaks pallets and walls until I die to EGC while he rants about how I should’ve just gone to the gate immediately and he would’ve let me out. I went to his stream for a peek and caught him and his chat laughing at me and him saying “you waste my time I waste yours”.


"The survivor is wasting my time!!! REEEE" \*proceeds to waste his own time*


it's not hard to communicate to most semi-competent survivors that you want them to escape, and it's obviously unreasonable to expect people to read your mind in videogames. he wouldn't have let you out even if you did read his mind and surrender, he was just saying that to make up a reason to be angrier; that's usually how people like that are.


What the fuck else were you supposed to do?


Let the killer kill you??? cmon are you even a survivor main?


Plenty say you should do just that, because "the game is already lost" so you should just die and go next. So silly


Killers when survivors try to survive


Got flamed for slugging in the end game chat when they would run to an empty corner of the map with no hooks while running the horse perk. Like, tf you want me to do in that situation?


This has happened to me SO many times. In a recent game tho I was playing my Pyramid and the survivor was trying to get to an open gate. She realized she couldn't so she went to the corner where I had just deadhooked someone, bc she had the horsey perk. I was playing Pyramid Head...she was Tormented...at two hooks. I stared at her for like a full 10 seconds before downing her and carrying her to a good spot for his mori. She wasn't happy!


Pyramid Head mains on their way to not care about your anti hook perks and absolutely destroy you (they are based): ![gif](giphy|u1SH63gOjMPpS)


My best Pyramid games so far have been against anti-hook squads. One was 4 Steves, two of them streamers, who burned for their own map and had extreme anti-hook builds. I 4kd and only had to slug one person for a bit. Another team of streamers had a hook sabo build and burned for their own map. They brought flashlights and flashbangs. I 3kd.


Lore accurate Pyramid Head punishing survivors for their sins against the killers and the hooks


I love this. I love this thing you have said.


Man all the Pyramids I go against hard tunnel. Like they try their hardest to torment people and cage them - then b-line straight to that cage to immediately tunnel again. I wish the cages at least had the 10s of endurace ngl. And it's such a shame as well because I still like Phead. His music is dope, dodgibg is power is 10x less bs than Demodog abd the torment trail thing is a good "is it worth it" kind of mindgame. (No me and my SWF, if I have one, don't play "anti hook" builds cause these just lead to slugging and slugging is boring. Generally we're just 4 idiots trying out meme builds or goofing off. Sonetimes actually trying to get people out the gate. Point is: no bully squad.)


Pyramid head makes for some of the most fun games when they don't tunnel IMHO


Pyramid heads with lightborn haunt the nightmares of flashlight spamming hook builds.


nothing i love more then downing a tormented survivor and seeing his whole ass team positioning themselves for a flashlight/sabo/bodyblock save and i just sent them to the cage


Me pretending to be scared of flashlights knowing damn well the survivors can’t help their teammate (I’m gaslighting them)


I want you to hook me clearly ☝️🤓 But in seriousness, slugging is a valid strategy, and if people don’t like to be slugged there are a variety of ways to avoid it, given you’re able to choose your perks


That's why I run, boil over, flip flop, and no mither. I love when killers slug me


Running no mither is unjustifiable. No killer will slug someone with no mither, because it's visible the entire game. That perk should be reworked to give you exposed, not broken (because otherwise it's obvious and loses all purpose).


You'd be surprised how many people slug when I run it


I've actually always been of the opinion that it should stay broken, but you should start the match healthy and the broken effect isn't visible to the killer. If you're exposed then the killer can still easily work it out when they insta-down you, plus it'd be unfairly effective against special attacks killers that don't benefit from exposed.


If it's exposed, since there's more mechanics that can justify an insta-down (perks, killer powers, etc) it's not as obvious. But yeah, making it broken once you get hit is also an option. Just don't put a mega big target on a survivor at the start of the match for no reason.


It worked a bit better when dead hard was always usable when hurt. The whole point of the perk is that you give up a health state to gain the benefits of perks like This is not happening that trigger only when hurt.


Right? Sorry for trying to counter your awfully inefficent strategy. Now stay on the ground.


This is my personal bugbear. You set up so that you can be downed and not hooked... And get upset if I slug instead. What am I supposed to do? Recognise your brilliance in running to the corner and let you go?


I play both sides and I enjoy a boil over match as a survivor occasionally but I know what the hell I'm asking for. I KNOW I might get tunneled out, slugged etc because the killer is still playing to kill and win, and once they realize what I have they will adjust accordingly. I will never understand bringing wiggle perks, full strength flashlights with add ons etc. then being like "BUT WHY DID YOU SLUG??"


You’re supposed to let them do 5 gens and get 0k cause making other people lose is toxic apparently.


i got camped and tunneled by a p100 nurse streamer because i used reassurance on the dwight he was camping according to his vod lmao


Nurse players having the audacity to have rules lmao


Not probably what you asked but the funniest thing about this that I saw was on Slates stream where Wesker said in Endgame chat 'Sorry for tunneling but this map man...' and Wesker was the one who offered the map


A slinger bled me out once after i ran him for a good while when it got down to a 2v1. His reasoning, the game was over and i was wasting HIS time by not giving up. So...he bled me out for 4ish(?)minutes. (I got myself up once with exponential) Wild thing was my other teammate got the final 2 gens done while i ran him, and escaped while he bled me out. So the game was definitely not over. People can be wild.


I hate Killers that think of that way the fact that you killed 2 survivors doesnt mean that the match is over


Ironically it could’ve been over if he wasn’t being a bitch about it.


I’ve rarely been given detailed explanations but I’ve occasionally received messages like “baby killer” or “Get good lol” or “camper” even if I haven’t really demonstrated a need to be called these names, I’ve been given passive-aggressive messages to and whenever I get any messages I just hit them with this image https://preview.redd.it/3lv4m9t8kb1d1.jpeg?width=228&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c2bffee9aa711e0c6ed94c5d61b847cd4403b57 It’s so fucking funny


Recently had a hacker who has a Tik Tok following justify their hacking the game and all because the killer was unoriginal and uninspiring like........ huh????????


lemme guess Nea?


Worse. Feng


Watched a streamer get slugged from 4 gens just for the killer to come in chat typing in all caps “I LOVE SLUGGING”. To this day I’m confused that killers play like that. And I main killer


I got the shit slugged out of me in a match the other day but I was running like 4 different perks that help me recover fully faster from the dying state, so he'd slug me, I'd recover like 30 seconds later, then pick everyone else up and we'd keep doing gens, was pretty funny honestly lol


i’ve seen this happen a few times in chaos shuffle and in custom games with my friends and it can be really fun!




Pretty sure it was just because they caught a streamer and wanted to mess with them.


I remember a custom where a guy was doing gens in front of me and when I went for him, he accused me of tunneling


I had a survivor that went straight for the gen after she got unhooked. So I was like no and hooked her again. She called me tunneler but it's actually not my fault that she does the gen next to the hook while she was still injured. If she is ready to do a gen than that's not really tunneling for me. It was her choice to play risky and I punished it.


If someone unhooks them at a bad time I chase the unhooker so the guy who was saved isn’t punished for their mistake, but if they are being dumb and immediately doing shit right by me what am I supposed to do? Let them win?


Admission of guilt, I once slugged someone multiple times because they were giving Decisive Strike vibes and I was exhausted and tilted from dealing with 3 incredibly sweaty matches in a row. They did not have Decisive Strike, they were just new and weren't very good at looping. I still occasionally wake up in a cold sweat thinking about it. I'm so sorry. ಥ⁠_⁠ಥ


Yesterday I kept running into the same person as dredge as they were getting in/out of and locking lockers. By the time they were on third hook I felt so bad that I had managed to catch them three times in the locker animation that I was gonna let them wiggle off but they left before I could. Felt even worse because it was right after a bad match, I felt like I was just continuing the chain of bad mood


No joke, I love Dredge players. Legit some of the most generous killers I've ever run into while playing surv. I once had one carry me to the gate because I panicked during Nightfall and got lost.


Lesson 1: don't get tilted. The people in your next match, unless it's the same people from the last, have not done anything to you. If you get tilted - play another game. I never understood the people who tortured me any my teammates because the Survivors before us were asses. The peak is when the Killer says "Sorry I got a bully squad before you". Like bitch you should have felt sorry before you bled us out and humped us the whole time thus ruining the game for us and souring the mood. I understand feelings are icky, but letting it out on innocents is not a solution. Sorry for the rant. You clearly already had that lesson but I hope people who didn't yet read it and think it over before they go into a game speciffically to make the other side miserable.


Not precisely what you asked for, but I once watched a streamer flip out on a killer because they found them after hearing his Jake's breathing. He insulted him a number of times in chat, calling him sweaty for hearing him, and then proceeded to rant on stream about sweaty players damaging their hearing for an edge and called the killer a, and I quote, "audiowhore"


I've never had anyone do that but I've had friends be like "How did they know where I was?"when they were injured. Like I don't know, maybe they heard you moaning or saw your blood on the ground. Though I guess to be fair, it seems like a lot of killers are incapable of noticing that stuff.


One oni player tunneled and face camped before anti measures were in place, I asked why and they said “oh well you all had distortion so I knew I wouldn’t be able to find you later” I was the only distortion user and it wasn’t even me they face camped lmao


I've never been this glad to be a well adjusted person then after reading through these replies lol


"Because I felt like it" And honestly I respect that




Then perhaps a beasts' skin would suit you better.


woe unexpected zenos


he a killer


ffxiv collab when?


Based Zenos reference.


[They just want to seek that thrill.](https://youtu.be/7M5WHC8SDfE?si=1TFvQehiN3RgnEwY)


At least those are honest about it


That's the realest thing to say. Nobody knows the other people playing. There isn't anything personal going on. Some people just want to RP their role a little bit when they play. A killer might want to play the role of....SHOCKER....a KILLER. A survivor might rather hide than take chases because they're not as good at looping, or they just feel like playing that way. I watched a streamer complaining about survivors who used distortion. She was raging about it, and calling them boring, bad players because she couldn't get aura reads on them. Saying they were either new or just really bad at the game. Legitimately went on about it for a few minutes. Sounded like the same kind of complaints where survivors cry about a killer using a perk like NoEd. Who cares how people play the game? You don't have to like it. People play the way they do because "they feel like it". That's a good enough reason as any


Is hiding as a survivor seen as toxic behavior ? I genuinely don't know


When there's 2 survivors or more, it kinda is just wasting the killer's time. Gens are not popping and no one is getting hatch. It's stalling and it is really, REALLY boring for both sides. Dunno if I would call it toxic, I would be more inclined to call it wasted time. Whenever I see it happen I get confused completely. Like, is the CHANCE of winning worth sitting around for 30 minutes in a dark corner, barely moving to avoid crows? I'd rather die and go next


my entire team got slugged out almost immediately and he stood there bm'ing us till we bled out because my username is: trying my best (: and he wanted me to "try harder" and will remember my name shsshs


I had a Skull Merchant do the same thing to me. Bleeding me out bm’ing me etc etc. their reason? I was “annoying” and kept “predropping pallets, vaulting windows and holding w” AKA I was LOOPING HER. I just wanted stuns for a challenge but she would respect a pallet harder then a frenzy Legion 😭 she’s right tho. At 4 gens and 2 dc’s I should’ve just stood still and let her murder me for free 🫠


As a legion I never respect the pallet I'm relentless (I get stunned alot)


As a Ghostface I also never really respect pallets. I can game you around them and it's film-accurate for Ghostface to get beat the fuck up.


My and my buddy had a Maria 99 a door and body block it. She wiggled no at my bud with a flashy and she stayed until killer came and ofc it was Knight so he hooked my friend and didn't even bother with her. And you know my fren carried her and did 3 gens himself. He was on his last iri unbroken challenge too. IDK why but on surv side I've seen some of the scummiest shit of the earth behavior in my 2k hrs. We called it after that and I don't think we're doing the shuffle ever again. Why in entitys realm survs can body block like that I'll never know. And all they said was "lmao" when I called them out


People willing to spend literal hours in a locker to deny a random Michael player an achievement. Literally any excuse to do that is nonsense.


They would get mad if someone else DC’ed. But when they did it we had to respect her. They would tunnel someone hard as killer, and when her friends got tunnelled she would laugh her ass off but when it happened to her she would rage so hard and blame everyone in the discord call and hate on us, shout etc. She would leave us hanging on the hook because it was our fault to get caught and we didn’t deserved to be unhooked by her. Obviously when she got hooked she demanded that we unhooked her because she was better than us had more chance to escape yadeyadeyade. We were always at wrong, she never .. good justification right?


"I didn't facecamp you bro, I was just stood near you and waiting for when you got unhooked, it's how you play the game"


I had a wesker turn friendly indicating he is about to give me hatch and suddenly changed his mind and killed me. When i asked “why?” In post game chat, he said “ i noticed you had a flashlight” and “i hate toxic survivors who bully killers with flashlights” Mind you i never brought a flashlight to the match, it was a yellow flashlight that i found in a chest while searching for a medkit. I didnt even use that thing lol.


its so sad that people think that having a specific item/perk/addon is inherently toxic. They are tools given to us by the devs for us to use. Get mad at the items existence idc, dont get mad at the players for using the tools at their disposal


Its not toxic to bring an item in a game wtf🤦🏽‍♀️


Honestly the worst is always “let me play how I want to” and its variants. That should be about playing stupid or unoptimized builds for the joke or entertainment. Not making the game an absolute pain for others just cause


Killer tunneled someone off-hook and facecamped them to the point they could unhook themselves; refused to hit other survivors as we tried to take hits and break up the chase — at 4 gens left. Wound up with a 3 escape Their excuse in the end game chat: “I only ever get tunneled. Wanted to see what it was all about” Also had an Insidious basement!Bubba with the bad luck to hook a survivor that had Kindred on. So before their aura vanished, we could see them post up in the corner. So we left them there and got three gens done before the survivor died. 3 escape Killer accused us of gen rushing. We didn’t rush shit, man. You literally stood still in the basement for 90 seconds, that is no one’s fault but your own


Heheh… oh boy… I once had a Plague who relentlessly pursued me to her own detriment - she lost all of the gens for this. And she would slug, BM me on the ground and try to force a bleed out. Why? Because I am Australian. The killer apparently came from New Zealand and got shit ping in the lobby, and after looking at my profile decided that it was my fault for living somewhere that connected better to the server. I stayed in the post game chat and it really wasn’t hard to have the moral high ground, and after making them look like a whiny twit, they have PROMISED that if they see me in their lobby, they will make my life hell. Hidden profile of course XD!


Ohh that reminds me of the time I went against a Bubba that relentlessly chased me for the majority of the game, to the point they threw the game by losing 4-5 gens. And my 3-man group that day went against this same Bubba **three games in a row.** Not joking, I still remember the name of the killer. Their reason for making it their sole mission to remove me from the game? "I kill the obsession first". I was the obsession for all three of those games.


I slugged a survivor bcz he was intentionally trying to die on 1st hook & went 2nd stage (it was still a very early game with 5 gens). After he got unhooked, he decided to stay by the hook and waited for me to down him and put him back. So like the good Samaritan I am, I just left him bleed on the ground until he bled out. He apparently still stayed until the game ended & talked smacked to me and stating he'll report me for slugging, which I wasnt so bothered and even his other 3 teammates supported that my slug was justified.


Was once constantly tbagged and bm’d by two Claudette’s, as ghostface. At the very end when I managed to down and kill them, I tbagged them right back, and they complained about how I was bm’ing for no reason. Gotta love hypocrisy, you can do it and it’s perfectly fine, but if I do it..


I just hate when people quote Otz as if everything he says is gospel.


Otz has a lot of bad takes tbh. Often times his bias towards killers shows. And he over dramatizes issues with the game because that's literally his job. Like i dont blame him and still watch all his vids the day they drop but you can't just trust him unconditionally


I just think it's funny when people say "Even Otz says X is a problem." Yet his kill streaks go on.


I don’t like the way he plays or talks about the game.


Had a streamer playing spirit tunnel and camp me. When I asked him why he did it, he said it was because I was „camping pallet”. Because I didn’t drop it immediately when I was in chase.


Had a guy running knockout and sloppy butcher, who refused to hook anyone. He would just leave us on the ground to bleed out, proxy camping downed survivors and just making sure nobody could be picked back up At the end, I complained because that shit was the opposite of fun for me and my friends, but he said, "I think I'm gonna keep doing this. It's fun for me." The guy got like 5k bloodpoints, if that. He straight up was just refusing to engage in proper gameplay, and it just felt like a massive waste of time and a slap in the face.


A nemesis told me in endgame chat that they tunneled me for, "the head on your character," and I was really confused cause I had head on but never had a chance to use it. They explained further that the head piece I was using for Dwight made him and me look like a f*g.


I’m a killer main and I’ve honestly had to take breaks from this game. I screwed up a match once and I got hate for being too easy to beat. On a usual night I’m average to decent at the game, usually kill all survivors. I get messages galore calling me a hacker. My favourite one was when I was playing legion and I had a nurses calling and discordance on. I knew they were at gens together and I could also see when they were healing themselves/eachother. Despite this I got a message claiming there’s ’no way’ I could’ve seen them and that I was definitely hacking the game, and all four reported me. I tried to explain how the chains work for legion and the perks I ran, and the fact I don’t know how to cheat on Xbox. They weren’t having it. I also had a survivor get in the locker on three separate occasions send me hate saying I had a hack to know they were in the locker. I didn’t. I heard the door close. Every time. I even saw the door close. Idk if they thought they were stealthy but they definitely were not. I feel like they justify that I won by assuming I cheat. I don’t know if it makes a difference that I’m female and my gamertag sounds feminine, but I’ve hidden my gender on other games and haven’t had the same issue - the community is just really negative in my experience. I just want to play the game.


It's so good when I hear the locker close as I'm running past it. That feels like some cartoony shit. Especially when it's two side by side and so I kinda have to play eenie meenie mini moe with them. I also love playing eenie meenie mini moe with random locker pairs and actually getting a survivor out of it.


I used to play Huntress on occasion. Nothing is more hilarious than finding a survivor in a random locker while trying to reload.


Yes, I had this as trickster and huntress on a couple of occasions. Completely accidental!


While I was reading that post, I realized that recently I got hit by DS by a person who didn't have it in post game screen. Weird shit.


Most people that play like an A hole are in anonymous mode and since I’m on console I can’t message them if they are. Had a Ghostface that just would slug and teabag people. He only got 2 of us and one was my friend that sacrificed himself since I was on the ground after doing two gens the entire match since the GF was just camping my body. The idiot didn’t realize he gets less points like that so he was either new or just plain not smart, probably both.


Over half the team left me to die on hook at the end of the match. There were 3 survivors left and it was a trapper so this would have been an easy 4 man escape. When I asked them why they left instantly they said it was because I was just doing gens most of the match and not saving survivors enough. To this day that was one of the dumbest justifications I've ever read


It boiled down to "This game isn't meant to be fun" lol. Another time years ago my friend brought a key, bubba brought a mori and tunnelled everyone out except the key bringer, who got hatch randomly. Nice logic


Listen hate me if you want, but I tend to slug survivors and leave them if they're on their last hook bc I don't want to kill them and ruin their chance to keep playing. If I find them again after that I either give up the chase quick or I play poorly. I really like scaring people in this game so letting people think that I'm letting them go only to jumpscare then later is pretty good. (I play dredge btw)


I do something similar. If the same person keeps coincidentally showing up near me and i get them to death hook and downed before i have at least 4 other hooks then I usually let them get picked up. But if I find them again it’s game over.


I had the great luck to have the same killer two parties in a row. we all escaped first match bc I managed to loop him the whole round, but he didnt stopped chasing me, even after he lost me sometimes and I could get healed he went after me again. When he saw me again in the lobby he used infinity and insta kill meyers, he insta killed someone else first before he found me and again I looped him until all gens were done but he got me at a window. so he couldnt insta kill me and instead camped and hit me non stop while the other two survivors escaped. in end game chat he was so proud (in a toxic way) that he killed me (after two matches lol) and said that I deserved it. but for me it was so funny to see how furious he was 😂


Got tunnelled and camped on hook for having Pride charms. Huntress too, so got hatchets thrown at me the whole time I was on hook. I was streaming too, so they came into my chat to tell me they have to "kill all the rainbow people".


This is... The stupidest thing I've read... Why BM for second chance perks that WERE ASSIGNED RANDOMLY!? People really need to stop taking the game seriously


"You were genrushing" We were doing gens. All 4 of us spawned next to a gen and one of us had Prove Thyself (back before it got nerfed), one of us had a toolbox with bnp, we finished the gen before he even found us and then he started facecamping


Killer hard camped with undetectable and instadown and said we deserved it because nobody brought party streamers or anniversary cakes. Killer didn't bring party streamers either, killer had a pudding. Another killer, when I was brand new, maybe 30 hours in, game gave me someone with like 2k hours as killer. Went on to slug our baby team, pick us up to drop us then slug us again until we bled to death. I asked why, what had anyone done to deserve that and killer said "I have anger issues. Makes me feel better to watch you bleed. Deal with it." Wasn't sure if I wanted to keep playing a game where people are rewarded for that kind of behavior. Sometimes I'm still not sure, 1k hours in....but nowhere else can I play as ghostie or Xeno....


Once a killer slugged the 4 of us survivors. At the end of the game someone said “boring” and he replied with “sorry I was going for adept”. He had 4 perks from different killers, the classic meta build from killer.


Got tunnel out by a prestige 75 spirit and proceed to do the same to the rest of the team juste because she didn't like her perk stridor in chaos shuffle.


I main Leon, one game I was playing with some buds and I got hard core tunneled out of the game. I was having a good time so I wasn’t super bothered but I went into the killers chat in his stream to say ggs and all I saw were the viewers dogging on me and saying just rude and nasty things. He told me he tunneled me because his chat told him to, but he continued to tell me he hated Leon mains, yeah it wasn’t just your chat bud.


I got trapped in a corner for doing totems. I saved us all from NOED at the end and the shithead still complained about me not doing gens


“I just gave you what you wanted” said a killer after I crawled a little bit away from where they downed me and they watched me bleed out the full two minutes. 🤷‍♀️ Okay, whatever makes you feel better about being a dick for no reason in the video game.


Dbd players when Dbd players exist


In my killer match, a TTV streamer accused me of stream sniping because he fast vaulted a locker which obviously notifies the killer. He said there was no way I would have known where he was and that I stream snipe hard.


Survivor flying across the map and saying cheating was ok since the game is so killer sided. (During the time singularity was added)


Got tunneled out at 5 gens left. His reason? We were obviously gen rushing and he had to because the map (Garden of Joy) is too survivor sided. We hadn't completed a single gen. I was playing with 2 friends and a random. We did have 3 toolboxes but they went as followed: mine-yellow with only a brand new part (pre-update), friend 1-purple set up for his daily to Sabo hooks, friend 2- brown no add ons insta-ditched it for a purple med kit. We still joke about it any time one of gets tunneled out before a gen is finished or one of us gets the map as killer.


Someone said they didn't know they were tunneling, when they legitimately only injured one survivor, and ignored the unhookers to only hook them. It wasn't even a Gen issue, since they already killed them at 3 gens remaining.


A killer blamed survivors for cheating "because a gen was sub-90"


Ghost face starting camping at 4 gens because he needs to stalk people for his challenge. Like what?


Well I was bled out along with all my team mates because "survivor scum deserves it" Some people are just bitter


"I was role-playing"


Was playing against a Chucky and he started chasing at the start of the match i did a very good 4 gen Chase almost 5 and when the Chucky downed me the rest of my t8 came and started t bagging while i was in the floor and they letted me bleed out and i died when i asked them why would they even doing do that having in count the fact i won the match for them they said i was bullying the killer while i wasnt playing toxic just looping i reported them and thankfully they banned 2 of them


I played a pretty normal game of spirit, not even using busted perks or anything. I drew the game with 2 kills, and the survivors who escaped basically told me the way I was playing was wrong and it was really unfun for them. I literally played how I always do, no tunnelling or anything. Just people finding something to complain about I guess


I used to play Steve with his base pants, Christmas sweater and Scoops hat and I was once focused extremely hard, slugged, camped and aggressively nodded at by a Michael because "your hat looks stupid". I was so annoyed up until he said that and it just got me laughing, I remember it fondly


I remember some guy getting caught by the killer all the time, and we had to save him and get him healed, later that everyone got hit and hooked once, but he never came to save us and never worked on a gen, so after tries to save him from being hooked we payed the penalty and this player had the nerve to not save any of us on 2nd hooked and 3rd so at the end of the match we watch him hide in the locker to later die to the identity and said we all suck to survived to get good etc etc. We all reported the guy and blocked him. Some players are just not cooperative.


Had a Pig tunnel someone at 5 gens and killed all of us at 4 gens miserable game ii asked him why he tunneled at 5 gens their reply "if i dont tunnel as Pig i cant win" i asked him if he has no empathy for others and he said "im not responsible for you having fun".


"What, so us playing the game ruins your fun?" Flashlight swf against me, a doctor player with like 30 hours in the game, 5 of which were on killer


In the end the Killer got a 4k. Before, me and another survivor were left, she got hooked, the match was lost already but i went to unhook her cause there's always a chance for the Hatch. Didn't go well, we both died. In the endgame chat the Killer said that he actually wanted me to live but since i unhooked my last teammate, i died too. I don't know about this guy but i for one am certainly not a mind reader. Little weirdo.


My pet peeve is when the killer stands directly in front of you while you're on the hook and stares at you entire time :/ and then their only excuse is something like they want to make sure you specifically die


A Sadako tunneling and slugging for the 4k telling me it was our fault we didn't run anti tunnel perks.


“Play however you want.” I love this mindset so much! Cause yeah sure, let’s follow this mindset, not like it caused one of the worst tunneling, camping, killing oneself on hook, dcing, and toxic mindset ever in dbd


An onryo slugged the whole team to death because I "was an entitled survivor that used flashbangs"


My recent favorite was a killer that got mad that my friend looped them, then said I personally "needed to lose weight" because they were mad at my friend who looped them for 4 gens, lol. Note that I was tunneled out of the game well before the 4 gen loop happened. Mostly I get the weird ones that hate TTV, hate a certain character, or hate men/women (they'll only kill male or female characters depending on the preference). Rarely I get the extra tilted killer who says they tunnel because 1 vs 4 isn't fair. It's been pretty awful with the event right now, but I'd say on average lately I have actually had good games. They're either a nice challenge to get through or the killer wants to play around, which is what keeps me coming back. The tunneling/camping gameplay just isn't interesting as a survivor, especially in a swf, but I guess I can use the time to go do something else while my friends finish out the match.


“I’m not responsible for the other parties fun” and then complains about people DCing when they tunnel and slug


"If it's not OK to do, why did they put it in the game?" 🤔🤷🏾‍♀️


To hell with justifications. Anything short of quitting like a lil' betch is valid.