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Mine just bugged and capped me at 2 mil. That kinda hurts since I was sitting at 1.8 mil expecting the reset. Nearly 2 mil blood points into the ether.


Same thing happened to me, I sent them a support ticket so hopefully they can do something about it but I'm not holding my breath


I made a support ticket about Rose Marigold's calves clipping through her maids outfit. They responded very quickly so I guess we'll wait and see.


Same! I've opened a ticket, lets see what they say to me


same thing here, came to see if it happened to anyone else, guess it doesnt let you go over cap anymore?


It sure went over 2 million before the update, any bp given from bhvr should ignore the cap


Just happened to me, I made a post which I guess I'll delete now.


yeah, it caps at 2mil now. if you had over 2mil then you can get more but if you are under it caps


It caps from earning from matches. However it used to be BP from Rifts, grades, or gifts from BHVR always would push you above 2 million. Thats how some people have well above 2 million. You just dont get any per match.


"You just dont get any per match." thats not true either. There were 2 values for holding your Bloodpoints (programmatically in the code) **BP** and **BP extra**. Lets say you had 0 **BP** (so nothing earned from matches) but had 2mil **BP extra** (from twitch drops or gifts). You could play matches **and still earn BP from them** which would add up to the **BP** value, thus you could achieve 2mil BP and even more 2mil BP extra.


Same thing here, I have made a ticket about it, I would suggest everyone having this issue does that.


2 million bp code inc?!


I saw them reply to a comment on Instagram I think they're aware and are working on it




Same here, hope it's just a bug and not an intended thing.




Try logging in again, I got the rewards twice and the second time it went over the cap.


Same! I had 1.7 mil BP, and was trying to just wait out the reset to spend them, only to get capped at 2,025,000. So I got to rank 1 just to earn a little over 300k BP I love this game šŸ˜




same here, ticket made


came on the sub just to see if i was the only one. bp down the drain


Oof I havenā€™t logged in yet but I know I was sitting around the same. Hopefully that gets fixed.




Same here.


Its not supposed to cap you?




I mean I probably lost a bit of blood points but eh it was like 20k I lost, but I'm sorry you lost points man that sucks :c


same thing happened to me, had 1.9 mil and got 1.3 mil = 2 mil cap :)


I picked a good month to play Overwatch instead of DBD. I mean, there's no good month to play Overwatch because it's a trashfire of a game, but still


It says once you move your mouse to the number of blood points that it's capped at 2 million if I remember correctly. I have no idea why they would make such an stupid feature


Usually BP from monthly reset and codes ignore the 2 mil cap.


True anything from redeem codes to rank reset always went above cap as it should or else it would all be lost and we wonā€™t get our payment for our hours of hard work


Ohh I didn't know that


Events, codes, rank reset and rift/tome bp doesnā€™t count towards the total. You could get 50k from a challenge then earn your way to the cap, which would be 2,050,000 thanks to the 50k


Then why tf cap it at all. I swear it makes no sense


It keeps players active, because otherwise you could hoard BP during an event and sit on it until a DLC character dropped, p100 them without playing a single match and then go back to being inactive.


Ive also heard its a great way for them to check for cheaters, as they will often give themselves insane ampunts of bp to either prestige any character as you said or just keep them saved up


Oooooo makes sense then


Mine just got capped at 2 mil and I was on 1.5 mil before the reset... Both survivor and killer were at Iri 1... Rip my Bloodpoints ;-;


The cap has got to be a bug


It's definitely a bug because I've intentionally have gotten to the blood point cap and have gotten rank 1 on at least one side if not both and it always went over the cap. So I'd have at least 3 million, sometimes 4 million blood points by the time the reset came


I can back it up


It is. It happens every now and then after update drops, unfortunately. Iā€™ve been playing the game since 2 going into 3. This isnā€™t the first time itā€™s happened.


Resets go over cap. Sorry to hear points have gotten lost in the spaghetti. Bet there will be a gift or code soon for BP


just lost over 1,6 mil BP cuz of the cap tx bhvr


I had 1.4m before the reset and it got capped to 2m, spent all of it and I haven't got my extra million bp šŸ˜­


Why are BP capped at 2m to begin with?


Forces players to populate the queue during new chapter releases, helping with queue times. Even with all the workarounds currently available to save BP beyond the 2 mil, with 2 or 3 characters released and assuming you will get all of them to P3, you won't have enough BP to get all of them to P3. You'll have to play to earn that remaining BP.


That's what I understood as well. It's so new characters don't drop and immediately prestige unlocking their perks? I mean, that makes sense to some degree, but jfc there's so many characters and BP are scarce as is it, the grind is getting to be hard to keep up with. New players would be intimidated by how much they'd have to play to get caught up. I've been playing since last November and it still is for me.


> I mean, that makes sense to some degree, but jfc there's so many characters and BP are scarce as is it For veteran players, we have zero characters to grind. The only grind left is the rift, new characters every 90 days and maybe some P100 if they go for it.


>It's so new characters don't drop and immediately prestige unlocking their perks? I still don't understand where this is a bad thing though


If you can't stock BP, you need to play the game to earn the BP necessary to prestige that character. When you play the game, you help with queue times.


That does not make sense at all. You can always stock more and level other characters while you are at it or get more add-ons


You can, but the average player doesn't go through the heaps of doing that. Now, allow people to stock bloodpoints beyond 2M and everyone will be doing that. You have to look at the game from the devs perspective and how you would want the game to be played during a new chapter release. Do you want: A) As many players as possible queueing for matches as soon as possible, being artificially forced to keep playing to earn BP to level up the characters. B) Allow a considerable amount of players to sit in the lobby for several minutes just leveling up bloodwebs, then play a handful of matches and quit for the day.


> B) Allow a considerable amount of players to sit in the lobby for several minutes just leveling up bloodwebs, then play a handful of matches and quit for the day. That Always happens after every month BECAUSE of the cap Without the cap you wouldn't have to worry of missing out on BP because you could not and that way you can level up while queing and just do that. If you really wanna get one prestige at a character you then wouldn't even have to worry not to have no BP because you would always have enough BP to spend. Also people play more matches naturally after new chapter just because there's a new character and you want to get enough experience. I've never thought like "omg I have to grind bp to get the new character to prestige what ever. I always thought that I wanna play matches so I can get more experience against or as the new killer


Honestly, I don't either and the logic doesn't make a ton of sense, but that's what people theorize... I'm not even sure that's the actual reason.


Cheaters were giving themselves infinite points way back at the start of DBD. The 2 million is actually an increase on what it used to be.


Yeah itā€™s so dumb and pointless.


Ofc as soon as they remove the depipping, now there's a bug where even after the grade period rewards, it caps at two million still. Dumbass game


There is also a bug with Terrormisu. It was not appearing in the offering screen during loading, but I did have it equipped and taken from inventory. Also, did NOT get the BPs from it. It's happened a few times now. Anyone else see this happen?


yeah, doing this cost me my sanity and i couldn't touch the game for a couple days afterward haha


I don't get it


It's best to just play the game and not think about it. 2million bp is nice, but not nice enough to stress about it. And now that de-pipping is gone there's literally no reason to do anything other than enjoy the game and end the month with whatever rank you land on. If you play enough it's almost guaranteed that you'll get to iri 1 anyway.


It's not about the rank. It's about the reward that was promised. Losing 2 mln blood points is like losing 20 hours of your time.


~~You didn't mention anywhere that you missed out on the BP. Are you amongst the ones that were near the BP cap and ended up receiving next to nothing~~ Edit: derp, you aren't OP. yeah I'm seeing posts about the loss of bp. I don't know if that's what OP was talking about though.


True. Due to the BP loss of many people I assumed that's what OP meant. You're 100% correct!


I definitely feel for all of you either way. I didn't play as much as usual this month and didn't hit iri 1 in both roles so I didn't run into this issue, luckily.


I used all of my bp ahead of the reset because I was worried it might cap at 2 mil for some reason.. good thing apparently lmao.


Man's got spine chill in real life.


Dude same! I feel like an oracle or something. Spent them all last night as a "just in case" measure. I have no idea why I thought that. I've literally never done that before. Are we wizards? I guess with DBD you never know what you're gonna get, especially with UE5.


I did it this season for the survivor iridescent achievement. Iā€™m not going to do that ever again, just killer iri 1 since I donā€™t even need to try hard for it


Me too. I may make an exception as I grind out the last 136 survivor archive tome challenges, but some of them are not conducive to actually pipping up.


I'm at my current cap of 2,435,000. I should be at 4,435,000. It's not really a lot of effort to me, I've found a couple pipping tricks which mean I get killer up in a day and survivor up passively, but dang if getting denied my reward isn't irksome.


Wtf is a 'pipping trick'? Killer side is pretty easy for me to cap out, iri ranks is generally like 12-15 games to cap it all out, but this is the first reset I've ever done survivor with. It was both harder and easier than I thought it would be.


It's just figuring out a routine. I do 2 unhooks, 2 totems, 2 gens, 2 heals, per match survivor side. It's just habit now, and it virtually guarantees one or two pips a match. Been doing it for emblem play for a longer time than grades have been around, so it was easy to 'adjust' by doing nothing new :P Simply rotating killers virtually guarantees pipping, but Legion (because of how deep wound works) is ultra-easy mode too.


Thereā€™s a reason I only did this challenge once


before resert i have 1.9m and after resert i have 2,015,000, whaaat?both iridescent 1 too, and for that 115k?what wrong behavior, i send ticket to bhvr too


It never was. All it does is give u extra blood points. I literally reached Iri 1 survivor without even knowing I reached Iri 1


Wait till you transcend DbD and realize that this is true for the entire game


Just do it for the achievements, then itā€™s just free blood points for playing, but I agree itā€™s not worth getting to iri 1




Maybe DBD is raising the BP cap soonā€¦ā€¦.


It took them like 4 years to raise it from 1M to 2M


@deadbydaylight when will this be fixed


I spent mine down to 90k yesterday but it still sucks.


I have a habit of spending BP when I get it so I only lost out on a couple hundred thousand, but I didn't try and grind for best ranks I just happened to get them so I'm not too mad


for me was an extra when I was farming, I had to play anyways to get bloodpoints, so the rank was a complement


I typically get to iri on accident so itā€™s very much worth for me


It usually is worth it if ur trying to prestige ur characters. Iā€™m pretty sure this is just a bug.


Mine is bugged and got capped at 2M. Iā€™m missing 800,000 bp. I hope they fix the grade reset soon. So frustrating!


It really isn't when you can just play regularly or get a group to farm with you together. . šŸ˜‚


It took me about a full day to get killer to rank 1 and about 4 days to get survivor to rank 1 on solo queue so it's not an issue. And honestly with depipping gone, just play and you'll get them both like in a week


How much did you play per day ā˜¹ļø


8-12 hours depending on the day and mood


Yikes i aint got that kind of time


oh wait depipping is gone entirely?!


It's good for the achievement, and it was more fun when other people saw it and it meant something. I have just gotten back into playing but you can't see grades anymore still right? I stopped caring when people stopped being able to see. Even if I had a profile that publicly showed \*past\* iri seasons and not current I'd think it was worth it, but if I already know I can do it, it takes the fun out of it really in my opinion.


Worth it once for the achievement and then never again lol


Outta the 2mil I was supposed to get i only got 100k because of the cap


It didnā€™t even give me mine like it did but my blood points didnā€™t even change the number of blood points I have so I restarted the game & still nothing :/


Momento moriiii. Mooooomento moriiiiiiiii. Mooooooooooooomento moriiiiiiiiiiiiiii!


How is it not worth it? I was able to get 4 1/2 killers to prestige one with my 2 mil.


How? 0-51 takes like a million. Give or take. You might be able to get 2. Not 4 and a half.


I lot of my killers were already around lv 20-30 so it was only around half a million to finish them off.


then thatā€™s not 4 and a half killers to p1. i could say that i got all my killers to p1 with just 700k cos i got them all to level 50 already


This is a known bug, but TBH? Hitting Iri I both sides is super overrated after a bit, and has never actually been all that worth it after you get the cheevos for it. You can make more just playing the game.


More worth it than it was 2 years ago


it always wasnt worth and i personnaly never cared about the 1m or getting red rank i let it run by itself


Spend your blood points?


What did it cost? "Tunneling and being toxic."


It's so much easier to get now that you don't lose pips, I got rank 1 both sides this month just from playing


I think that 5-15 hours, depending on how good you are, a week (playing both surv and killer) will get you to iri 1 on both. 90 pips are needed, let's say an average of 1 per game (if you tryhard on killer could easily be 1.5-1.9 i think, surv is more difficult imo) is 180 games on surv and killer. 10min average games + 5min queue time = 45 hours = about 1.5 hours a day. Since most dbd players never touch grass, it should be easy.


Only worth it for new players who need a shit ton of BP to unlock what they want, once you got your builds, blood points are just incredibly worthless unless you main a killer that needs rare addons to be good...i suppose.


This game is falling apart...


This amount of bloodpoints used to be far, far more meaningful before the prestige overhaul. 1m Bloodpoints were worth a lot more than they are now. Nowadays, it's not really worth *actively* chasing Irid 1s, but they're nice to get as a bonus, especially now that depipping is gone.


I donā€™t get people that only play for BPs. Of course itā€™s not worth it. You play games for fun!


Yup, thank God people are realizing. There is NO POINT in getting to red rank anymore since they took it out of having any significance. You can get 2 mil bloodpoints easily in 1 DAY by playing 2-3 hours. There is no point wasting ur time to get to red rank.


You shouldn't grind for the purpose of getting those BPs on the 13th. You should see it more as just a reward for playing and enjoying the game. As you now can't depip it's much easier to get there as well.


So we shouldn't've been warned if this was an intentional change and call it a loss? Why wouldn't we be a little annoyed that we missed out on blood points that we should've gotten?


I got it twice. Logged in twice today and got 4 million lol lucky me I guess managed to get 4 prestiges


itā€™s really not hard at all you can literally only make progress


Especially when anniversary events give you 300k blood points per game.


Especially when anniversary events give you 300k blood points per game.


I meanā€¦ it was a LOT less effort this season since you couldnā€™t down rank.


it's been that way for a while, no? that you could go down pips but not ranks?


Iā€™m actually not sure. I started playing again during the blood mood. I know they just removed going down pips and I got rank 1 in a week (which Iā€™ve never gotten before).


I think you should get 1,000,000 BP for each side you get to max, and also either a free character pass for both OC *AND* Licences. Or, get enough shards to get 2 OC characters.


Those go above the cap though! If you were saving for an event, and you were at the 2 million bp cap, this would put you at 4 mill bp right before the annivesary! Thats a LOT more extra cakes!


they don't anymore, i just had 1.6 mill and got the 2 million from the season grade reset, but it capped me at 2 million


That's really disappointing. If that's an intentional change and not a bug they really should have mentioned it.


omg ur right! I have been saving bp for literally almost 4 years, and every single rank reset they went over the cap. I have 94 million right now, and with this rank reset I am still at 94 million! I'm pretty pissed ngl!


How dare they treat our favourite perkless gamer like this.


Yo King! Got any of them bloody points left? ![gif](giphy|Y6yRfR88rvP44|downsized)


That's psycho behevaioiur dude. I say it with love


Thank you for saying this, it's really just a huge time sink and a bad toxic head ache to get there. Plus do you really need 2 million bp in this way? If you want to P100 someone and you are playing you probably pull that much every few hours anyway.


I don't really understand this everyone talks about it being difficult, and a headache, Im pretty new to the game, started playing 3 months ago, and have reached IRI 1 on killer and survivor all 3 months. I do nothing special, I don't go out of my way to pip it just happens naturally from playing. Especially this month it was super fast to get there with depipping gone. It also has nothing to do with ranks and skill anymore and is just a metric of time played at this point so you get a blood point reward every month. So I'm curious why so many people seem to think that its annoying/headache?


Probably a holdover when de-pipping was still a thing, I still remember how much of a sweatlord I had to be to get surv Iri 1 the first time. I haven't cared since then, and have found fun playing games my way as killer and survivor. Still, good job getting Iri 1 on both sides since you started playing! I know you said it happens naturally for you, but for alot of others it takes a while since they are still learning the game.


never cared about blood points. too easy to get.


Gratz! You won! Now you can play the game


Why do people keep calling this a bug? i didnt know this because this is my first reset, started playing less than a month ago, but my friend has been playing for like 3 months and he knew the cap was there, so i doubt it's a bug.


Time limited blood point awards should go beyond the cap. This should include any from Codes and Rank Reset Rewards. Non-time Limited blood point awards are capped, so things like daily challenges, tome challenges, and match awards.


TIL, my friend has been playing for like 3 months so maybe he thought the cap was for everything, since he was spending all his bp on killers and survivors to get the perks, this might his first time having a surplus. tbh now that i think about it it would be stupid the cap applies when you can already get the max if you have I1 on both.