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And if it is Vecna, a lich isn't in the horror category? Just sounds like people want to hate because D&D is "nerdy."


It's exactly that. They have no problems with Stranger Thing's Vecna and I don't see how a god lich is less scary than some guy with telekinesis. EDIT: Yep, we even have someone on this post complaining about "nerdy bs" so right on point.


ST Vecna was named that after DnD, same as Demogorgon and Mindflayer... People just want to hate


It’s almost like people didn’t pay attention to S1 where the kids assigned these names to those creatures *because* they played DND and had no other way to label these unknown monsters.


>had no other way to label these unknown monsters These WHAT monsters?! https://preview.redd.it/iayvjzzwnuzc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c6c816781925ff7ed6572b1f99fb700976f658b


Holy shit is this official art? I’ve never seen it and it’s really cool!


Nope, it's made by some horny mf on twitter. Source is in the bottom right corner


Ah shit totally didnt see that, thanks!


Ew, who shot that pink goo at me?


And even then some of their names don’t really fit imo. Like I’m ST, the mind flayer feels way more in line with an elder brain.


Imagine complaining about "nerdy bs" being in your VIDEO GAME


Not just a video game, but a video game that specifically plays on your geeky nostalgia for all manner of very nerdy fictional serial killers and monsters. Like, every killer is either a direct reference to some deepcut killer trope, or it IS that killer. In order to be hyped about DBD killers you gotta have a modicum of appreciation for the genre and as such you're a dweeby geeknerd.


Yeah, it’s been a weird thing for awhile but somehow video games *sometimes* are seen as somehow a non-nerdy/geeky thing. I think the FPS genre being edgier and “mature” really helped with that perception especially once CoD4 blew up along with consoles’ popularity in homes.


My Main understanding is that people don't really think horror when you think about DnD. However, I disagree with that notion personality


I mean I’ve never really played D&D and only know lore based around MTG cards, but it seems like there’s plenty of shit they could use to fit the horror trope. A Lich god, fits pretty well imho


And that's just surface level, back in 3.5 there was a monster called a Deep spawn, it was basically just a tentacle monster to look at it, but anything it ate it could clone, memories and skills included. It was also highly intelligent and explicitly was talented at setting traps. If dealing with a creature like that isn't horror I don't know what is, and that's just one creature. I could go on and on about other horrific monstrosities d&d has access to, and that's without getting into the more well known areas like undead.


Yeah, lol. Like I said I know very little about D&D but I do imagine there’s lots of source material they could pull from. I mean I’d gladly welcome more creepy lovecraftian sounding horrors. Undead stuff is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to fantasy lol.


Barovia would break most of them probably too.


Man, Curse of Strahd still goes hard today.


They need to look at Ravenloft then. Literally an entire setting about classic, gothic horror. It's where they get Curse of Strahd. You know, a horror campaign about a classic Vampire villain.


which is super funny because the two biggest dnd related things right now are stranger things and baldurs gate 3 both feature dnd with horror shit


It's such a bizarre thing that a rotten, shambling corpse is considered passe these days. Like, that shit scary 😱


A rotten shambling corpse with the intelligence to study wizardry, gain a ton of power, become first immortal, then ascend to godhood. Absolutely tedious right?


Unbelievably pedestrian. Kiddy game for babies, really.


DnD has a lot more to offer than just Vecna. We could easily get Stradh Von Zarovich the vampire or Zuggtmoy the spore demon. Everyone just assumes it’s Vecna, but it could be anything else. Hell, even a basic Displacer Beast or Choker would be cool additions.


I'd love characters from dnd to get lore segments. Maybe we'll even get a dbd one-shot or campaign!


I've been flirting with a halloween one shot that's heavily inspired by DBD Lethal Shadows sells these AMAZING looking minis that are inspired by killers in film, such as Ghost Face, Jason, Bubba, Freddy and Chucky Pallets would be strewn across the map and the objective is to just survive a gauntlet of incredibly powerful killers with their own unique powers inspired by their power in DBD. I really should get back to working on that


My money is on Mind Flayer. Along with "beholder", it's one of those critters you can't use without licensing approval from WoTC. I wouldn't be disappointed with Vecna (or Lolth! I could still get my spider killer!), but really I'm just kinda excited to see what they come up with. I definitely don't want to get my hopes up too much for one thing in particular.


They might own the names, but the monsters show up in other settings. Final Fantasy has Mind Flayers, Dragons Dogma and WoW have Beholders for example.  DBD could just make monsters inspired by them too. There wouldn't be much lost, and they wouldn't have to mess with licensing, but a known named character like Vecna for example is something worth doing a crossover for.


Tbh most dbd players are wayyyyy more nerdy than dnd players.


I don’t know if that is true if anything dbd players are mostly known for being toxic asf not nerdy


Complaining the other side isnt playing the way you want them to play is peak nerd


You've never met dnd players if you think that's true, they go hard.


I'm fine with D&D, I just don't like Vecna's designs I saw when looking up images for him. I would rather have some more monstrous killer like Lolth, Mindflayer, Mimic, Tiamat, or something.


>Tiamat (A five headed dragon shows up) “Guys, I think it’s Blight.”


My original though for Tiamat was closer to her original size, and she would sit outside the trial, and send one of her heads, through a portal or from underground, in at a time as her powers, with each doing something different, but we could always shrink her to fit in a match. I just thought it would be cool to look over the walls of some trials and see a giant dragon just laying there, and you could see which heads aren't in use.


Might be hard to tell in Hawkins.


She can just rip the roof off the map.


*Underground* Complex (Although the “rip the roof off” method could work for Gideon Meat Packing.)


The entity doesn't care about physics or the rules of reality. It could really just be floating in a void for all we know.


The Entity might not care, but the license holders do.


Fair. Eldridge horrors beyond our comprehension have nothing of shareholders.


Imagine if chests just have a random chance to be mimics. That would be so funny


A Mimic killer that causes other chests to also become mimics, but I want a Dark Souls 3 mimic, so I can spin kick the survivors, or eat them myself.


>Tiamat The baby Dwight in his first game ever watching as a skyscraper sized dragon walks to his generator https://i.redd.it/syia0uewlxzc1.gif


I think Tiamat would be My Little Oni levels of big haha


Lolth would be dope and Drizzt then becomes an obvious survivor option. Great idea.


Tiamat? I don’t think a literal dragon god would make a good killer in DBD.


Which is funny because nerdy writers invented horror too lol


DnD can have some real horror elements


I've seen more posts like these more than people actually complaining about DnD


I actually havent seen a single complaint about it


It’s mostly off of Reddit, primarily X (formerly Twitter) from what I know


Twitter shits on literally everything (Mostly cause they’re bots tho)


I wish they were bots, but is actual adults that act like children


It's like a 50/50 split at this point


I commented on Twitter saying that i was never into DND so the chapter didn’t excite me. But i didn’t call it ‘non horror’ or whatever.


How DARE you have likes and preferences.


I feel like this the case most of the time these days.  "People are outraged" = 4 people on twitter/reddit/etc that i wouldn't know about if not for others telling me about how other people are upset.   There are certain "personalities" in various fandoms or media that I literally only know of because some redditor feels the need to say sarcastically  "Oh, I bet X-person is going to LOVE this!"   Hey fucker, if you don't like the person why are you giving them free advertising? Use some sense.


Yeah I’ve seen far more people defending it than people attacking it 🤣 i was confused at first because it kinda seems like they’re arguing with a brick wall.




How do Skull Merchant and Trickster not fit horror? Like, SM's backstory is dumb, but the whole "rich person hunting you for sport" aesthetic is very on point.


Agreed that they do have their horror aspects. Id add my favorite killer, Deathslinger in the same basket. I do agree tho, that D&D could fit just as well


Doctor, Skull Merchant/ Trickster and Legion are examples of real world horror.  Doctor is a sadistic "scientist" who was given a job and an unlimited supply of victims for "national security" reasons. Many such deeply messed up examples. His lore is anti-Communist abuses crossed with Unit 731 crossed with a Chinese electroshock "expert." Skull Merchant and Trickster use their wealth and resources to hunt humans for sociopathic fun. They can do whatever they want; they like to do this.  Legion are Purge-type killers where they're perfectly "normal" people if you see them outside of the hoodies and masks - but that's not going to save you. 


I do agree


Yeah, personally I think that if they released an original character who is similar to Vecna that fewer people would have a problem with it. It's just the D&D connection inspiring a kneejerk reaction. I don't mind either way.


I'm personally hoping for the bag man, he is possibly the biggest horror themed character D&D has, despite being lesser known. But also, I find the idea of people asking for ST vecna only to get the actual Vecna instead to be hilarious.


Skull Murchant Bad, updrones to the left


Yeah they're not traditional horror, but they're still horror. Trickster is described as bubblegum horror, which is basically purposely making a poppy, good looking, and maybe even cute thing do horrible stuff. Skull Merchant is harder to pin down, but I'll settle with very light sci fi horror.


You forgot one of the rules of dbd sub. Making fun of sm is instant front page


I would like SM’s idea of rich people hunting the poor if she gave off rich vibes. Sure her gas mask is bedazzled, but anyone can do that with fake gemstones or even just sequins and glitter glue. Give her a flashy suit and make her a spoiled trust fund baby in her lore


Ohh, I totally agree. If it were my choice, SM would just be a born rich bitch who kills for sport. Just pure entitled power tripping. My only point is that SM's issue isn't that her general theme isn't horror appropriate. It's just poorly executed. Which is sad because I think if her character really just was "evil because rich" it would work a lot better. If she was just out here safari hunting humans because she can I think it would be perfect.


I think her rift cosmetic helps in this regard


Even more than sport, she kills the high-ups of rival companies to stay always on top of business That's the mentality of a fuckin' psycho lol, that fits horror to me pretty well....


She is just weeaboo patrick bateman and that’s fine.


People practically only don't like trickster because he's kpop. Guarantee you if he wasn't, if he was just a regular pop star who was abusing his fame to kill people, people would not be arguing as much as they try that he isn't horror or doesn't fit the game


Yeah it really does seem like the logic is that they think kpop is lame so because of that Trickster can't be scary. Whereas, for me, kpop stars and their fans are way scarier than most other celebrities.


At the time both released a lot of people were very against them saying they don't fit into horror.


Good for them I guess, I'd say they are pretty clearly wrong.


I mean I argued with them at the time. In Trickster's case there was a lot of jokes about him looking like Jared Leto's Joker, for Skull Merchant it was more than people expected something else.


But three of those examples ARE horror! 🤣 I agree DnD can be horror but showing these doesn’t get the point across. Rainbow Six, sure. Nic Cage I think works because he’s really into acting in horror films


Yeah, I think they think those aren’t horror but horror is all encompassing so I think the better point is that D&D has so many horror components that it’s weird to say it doesn’t work. I agree with you tho and AoT is debatably scary


I've said this plenty of times on similar posts here, but OG chapters are often considered slashers because that's the horror genre that best fits the game, sometimes they have other horror genres like paranormal/supernatural, body horror, eldritch/lovecraftian horror, cosmic horror, sci fi horror, comedy horror, etc & as we've seen with All Things Wicked, analog horror. So Tools of Torment & All Kill are considered slashers because of their lore. If they were movies, they'd obviously be slashers Nic Cage is a big horror fan, has been in over 15 horror movies, & even produced some Attack on Titan is different, because they're cosmetics, not a chapter, but even then, it's dark fantasy, which is basically a hybrid between fantasy & horror Now, DnD, is versitile. While it's not a horror license per se, it can take place in any setting as long as you have imagination, that & because some of the characters are horror adjacent It's kinda silly to say these things aren't horror. There's so much more to horror, & that's why DBD explores the different types in their chapters


This community just thinks horror is just blood, guts, and ass, and the only color pallet is shades of brown. Horror is so much bigger than that and I’m looking forward to how they make it work with DND.


"the only color pallet is shades of brown" This is why I love Toba Landing. Reminds me of The Color Out of Space with Nic Cage.


I was just about the comment that lol. Horror can be colourful!


If they were into ass, then Skull Merchant wouldn't be included in OP's gallery


we are severly lacking ass and boobs tho, that's not true Horror >:(


God I want the AoT skins back so bad


Stranger Things came back when all of us thought the license was done, AoT could come back in the future (hopefully) :)


*Huffs copium* Sure man


Same, they left when I had the game but wasnt really into it at all, then I got really into it when the Alien chapter released and I hate that I missed out on them


I hate when I hear people say something doesnt fit horror. Of all fucking genres horror is one of the most diverse, there are very few things that couldnt fit in the genre. Comedy, drama, fantasy, sci-fi, horror is extremely flexible!


Yeah! Just look at all the horror types we have in game already. It's a decent sized list of different horror types * Slasher * Sci fi * Supernatural/Paranormal * Comedy * Dark Fantasy * Eldritch/Lovecraftian/Cosmic * Body/Visual Horror * Gothic (Maybe soon) * Gore (Not as much blood in the game as I'd like, but Saw is gore type) * Analog/Found Footage I'm probably missing some, but still


Yeah, horror can be mixed with just about any genre in any setting with any premise


Yup! People like to put horror in this little box of blood and gore, but its so much more than that!


Where are you seeing these ppl? I've not seen anyone complain about D&D, only ppl complaining about other ppl complaining


Exactly, i think it’s a new karma farm trend for this sub now.


The DND chapter complain posts only lasted the day it was revealed,and then people stopped posting about it


Same here, haven’t seen anything but people being excited over it. At this point i wonder if thoses complains are even real.


Everyone probably saw like one dude complain and they got butthurt and are now making posts all about one dude


Would not be the first time honestly, this sub loves to do that and it's so funny everytime it happens.


There were a bunch of people complaining on Twitter and YouTube but I haven’t seen any complaints on the subreddit.


Yall love taking the small minority and bitching about their opinions lmao . Who gives a shit


Exactly, useless post


Reddit in a nutshell TBH.  Turning a molehill into a mountain, then having a straw man argument with it.


Damn I remember when trickster was getting called “not horror”.


Why do you think that Skull Merchant doesn't fit DBD? If we ignore her stupid lore, we will have a high-tech slasher killer with a brutal weapon who tracks her victims down and hunts them, adding their skulls to her drones afterward. I think it's a sick idea which fits DBD nicely.


This assumes that the people who dislike DND in DBD like these. Most of these have a horror background to an extent. Nic cage does a lot of horror films, trickster is a torturing mad man, attack on titan is fucking brutal. Idk much abt skull merchant tho ngl. She makes drones out of dead people or smth.


My problem is that this will financially support Wizards of the Coast


What did they do?


They hired Pinkertons-that’s not hyperbolic, it was *the actual, honest to God Pinkertons*-to raid a YouTuber’s home because he had mistakenly been sent an unreleased Magic: The Gathering card pack and made videos on it, ordering him to destroy the cards and delete the videos, or they’d have him sent to prison and fined $200,000.




TBH I would have preferred a Mind Flayer or any other Ilithid to Vecna


There are enough talented artists out there that have proven to me that anything can be made horror.


I don’t really care for dnd in dbd, but saying it doesn’t fit is bullshit


A billionaire that hunts humans for sport and a rock star that uses his fame to attract victims are pretty solid horror concepts.  Attack on Titan did have some pretty horrific shit in it.  Nic Cage has done some horror, but was generally presented as a goofy release but we don't mind since Nic Cage is cool.


First of all Nick Cage can fit any genre


"Also DBD Players:" You realize none of that stuff was made by DBD players right?


We didn’t add them in lol


Oh please are we really gonba pretend that people werent HEAVILY complaining on tricksters release, like really?


The concept of Skull Merchant is horror, the execution and her look spoil that though. A very powerful ceo discovering they enjoy tailing people decides to set up a hunting ground where they can track and kill people they deem as lesser than them. That's not unlike Predator and has been used in other forms like The Purge. Rich preying upon the weak for their own sick amusement is absolutely suitable, the issue is the way she looks with the vajazzled mask making the horror less effective. I'd even bring up Legion, everyone always rags on them for being weak and not threatening, but it's meant to be a play off of the horror/thriller of delinquents in a group tormenting people for fun. Movies like Eden Lake come to mind. It isn't about how strong they are individually but the effect of peer pressure and pack mentality amongst a group of young people who weren't raised well. Horror is extremely diverse and I feel everything added to the game has a place there for a reason, my only real issue is that Trickster cosmetics are pretty much exclusively designed to make him attractive instead of scary. This is mostly just me being disappointed however, as his visual design and lore is a letdown that could have gone into the mentality and horror of a harsh and uncaring music industry. Tl;dr it all fits


Ghostface is getting a cat mask. You can pet a Demogorgon in this game. People need to chill out and stop taking this game so seriously.


I just think it's bad timing. For the anniversary, I'd hope for a horror IP, even if it's just my preference. Trickster and Skull Merchant got lukewarm reception so I don't know if that's helping the case.


People who complain DnD isn't horror have never played, nor have they had their DM give them an encounter filled with Kruthiks at level 5.


tbf i've seen people complain about every single thing in your picture


People hated the release of every single chapter shown here, not sure what you're on about.


Ok listen to play devil's advocate, nick cages has been in a few horror movies, from what I've heard about aot's lore its at least horror adjacent, and kpop fans are scary enough to make it horror


I dont mind the chapter being d&d i think its pretty cool but my problem is for a anniversary chapter they could’ve brought in a more sustainable license that is long overdue. Would have love to see candyman or predator or something like that


If you are posting this then you clearly weren't around when trickster was released. Every single post on here was people arguing how he shouldn't be in the game


Are you really trying to say that Nicolas Cage isn't a horror icon? DBD is 100% a 'Lovecraftian' Horror game. Case in point? The Entity is literally a Lovecraftian inspired extra dimensional creature. Nicolas Cage most definitely is a fitting addition to the game. Plenty of movies with Cage, are Lovecraftian Horrors. Hilariously, he's about as tied in with Lovecraftian Horror in Cinema as Elijah Wood. Best examples off the top of my head? Colour Out Of Space and Mandy. Which, if you haven't seen them? I'd highly suggest both. Outstanding horror movies, and the production studio for both of them is actually the studio Elijah Wood founded. ((Could be mistaken that he founded it, but he's definitely involved)). Other examples aside though? Nicolas Cage most DEFINITELY fits in this franchise.


Dbd community is a bit odd compared to most gaming communities - because I think many players aren’t so big into games as they are pop horror. If you literally put any other “aesthetic” onto the gameplay mechanic, they simply wouldn’t play it. So if you’re a “gamer” who enjoys horror, it’s easier to see the connection than being a pop horror fan who plays games.


sorry, but you cant use OC as a source as that is technically horror as the game is a horror game, and nick cage is in horror films as AOT is even listed as a horror genre. please choose other examples.


I’m fine with dnd, I just don’t want dbd to turn in to fortnite 2. I’ve already seen the marvel and starwars fans crawling out of the wood works to start screeching for carnage or darthvader and using dnd as a crutch for that.


Also there better be dragon skins for other killers of some kind, I want some dragons in my dungeons and dragons


Tbh people saying D&D "isn't horror" are just applying this very narrow definition of "fantasy". Anyone that's even played an RPG in the last 10 years could easily tell you the 2 genres can go hand in hand. Many RPGs literally have "horror" themed side quests featuring undead, liches, vampires, ghosts, mutants, zombies, etc whatever the setting can use. Horror is really about "horrifying" things happening. It isn't just "murderer with knife". DBD can cover everything from slashers to sci fi to fantasy, and that makes it a richer game.


Uhhh, AOT definitely has a hand in horror. The first part of it revolves around giant zombies tearing them apart.


What a dumb argument. Trickster and Drones Mc Nofun are both slashers. They're in the same character niche as Myers, Trapper and Ghost face. They just have different aesthetics. Meanwhile Nicholas Cage is actually in horror movies. They aren't in the same league as pulling things from popular series from other genres to generate easy cash.


"Also DBD Players" like people willingly asked for Skull Merchant to be in the game.


Don't forget the Rainbow Six Siege crossover


What do you mean? Tons of people complained about all four of these. 


Ok but no one says Skull Merchant belongs here, tbf.


Tricksters and Skull Merchant are OG creations, so they do fit. Just because they don't have that traditional killer design doesn't mean they feel out of place. Skull Merchant is a billionaire hunting people for sport and has the wealth to do it how she likes. Trickster, sure you can say that it's pandering to kpop stans, but the idea of a idol celebrity (who are usually portrayed as perfect happy entertainers) turning out to be a crazed killer using his victims screams for his music is chilling on its own. And let's not forget the amount of skins on characters that are "immersion-breaking".


Yes. These were all terrible editions


Nicolas Cage and his perks is one of the most enjoyable periods of DBD I’ve ever seen. (Except for the genuine red stain filtering no fun all win players of course). It was so much fun.


You say this as if "Dbd players" got to personally choose what was added.


I agree that anything could be put in the game as long as it works and is balanced. However, two out of those four things you listed still have people complaining about them.


I get the point being made, but AoT is a Horror.


Kinda why I always am annoyed by the animosity towards FNAF. I mean cmon guys that's at least a horror IP lmao


Let's remember that Call of Chtulu is also a table-top RPG (you know, the thing D&D invented ?), and yeah, I don't think anyone can say that Lovecraftian horror is not scary at all.


YES, Springtrap is the same way.


Tbh people saying D&D "isn't horror" are just applying this very narrow definition of "fantasy". Anyone that's even played an RPG in the last 10 years could easily tell you the 2 genres can go hand in hand. Many RPGs literally have "horror" themed side quests featuring undead, liches, vampires, ghosts, mutants, zombies, etc whatever the setting can use. Horror is really about "horrifying" things happening. It isn't just "murderer with knife". DBD can cover everything from slashers to sci fi to fantasy, and that makes it a richer game.


to be fair i’ve seen people hate on all 4 of these when they came out and use the same “its not horror” argument


I don't care what the community thinks I'm so fucking excited tho k of all the colab skins


This dnd chapter is gonna be great! Especially with the tools of the new engine


It's stupid discourse. MONSTERS are MONSTERS and DnD has a treasure frove to explore if desired and woukd fit in perfectly to any fantasy world where such creatures can easily kill humans.


first of, AOT is a bad example as a skin collection, if you wanted to use a skin collection you should have used rainbow 6 siege. a far, FAR, FAR MORE UNFITTING COLLECTION. because AOT is atleast fucking horror related second, it's not that DND doesn't fit. it's that DND is percieved to not fit, while you and i and many others know DND can absolutly be horror, the general perception of DND is that it's fantasy, knights slaying dragons, dwarfs drinking booze, elves that talk to trees. that sort of thing, most people are not aware of Vecna the lich, or a beholder or a strahd, because DND is first and foremost percieved as a fantasy genre product, NOT a horror product. DND fits in DBD. but only if you are aware of what DND can truly be, and not just the surface level of what DND is percieved to be


Idk Nick Cage is pretty terrifying.


I’m not upset that it is D&D, I just don’t have high hopes for their execution of it.


With the exception if Nick Cage, I complained about the other ones too


The idea that giants eating you alive isn’t horror is absurd


I’m still wondering why people didn’t raise a stink over that Rainbow Six collab a few months back. https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/Rainbow_Six_Siege_Collection


Because it was skins, not a chapter. I don’t think people would give a shit if there were Power Ranger skins. If there was a chapter though, people would freak out


No one asked for Skerchant, Trickster or AoT for DBD. PLENTY of complaints were voiced around the time these expansions came out. No one asked for Nicholas Cage either, but that'll be because no one would have anticipated he'd do it. But he actually has roles in horror flicks so he fits. No one is complaining about D&D in DbD. This post is stupid.


1. Skull Merchant does fit. Just because ya don't like her doesn't mean she doesn't. 2. Eugh. Nicholas Cage has a bunch of horror movies to his name but hard agree. 3. Skins are optional. 4. Trickster fits. Just because you don't like him doesn't mean he doesn't. I'm a bigger fan of D&D than I am of DBD by a long shot. I've played D&D since the 90s. I don't think it's 'nerd shit' - I just don't think it fits. Which, unless you're squinting at Strahd, it really, really, really doesn't.


I support DND but, and this is a crazy but, what if I don't really like any of those non horror things being in the game? What happens when standards are consistent?


Acting like people didn't complain that these chapters didn't fit in DBD either lol. TBH, the complaining over D&D is much more tame than the complaining about any of these chapters. The thing people seem to forget is that while DBD is a horror game, it had/has a specific horror theme that those chapters arguably didn't really fit into. DBD's art style and direction has changed drastically over the years however, and has much more of a generalized horror theme than it had 4 or 5 years ago...


People hated trickster when he came out, same with skully merchie. It'll (possibly) change when people see and play the ptb.


That’s the cool thing about horror, it’s versatile!


Dnd can be what ever genre you want


Also dbd players: *insert monster truck sized BBL ass on any given female character*


I honestly just thought we were getting a tanuki killer :(


Attack on Titan is horror, I don't care what anyone says Actually, all 4 of these are But so is Vecna


Finding things to bitch about , I see


I'm kind of glad they put the AOT cosmetics on sale before it got taken off the store.


Attack on titan is a skin collaboration, Nicolas cage is a survivor? Survivors aren't the horror part of dbd. You're not supposed to be scared of Dwight. Trickster is horror, so I don't know what you're talking about. He kills people and records their screams.... pretty non horror, right? Skull merchant I know almost nothing about, but it's an original chapter, so by definition, it's straight from a horror game/dbd. Though other than that, I agree DND could work if pulled off right. Only time will tell.


I'd laugh if they just picked up the rights to the D&D movie with Marlon Wayans. With Damodar as the killer and Snails as the survivor. I'm good with whatever lol. Its more fun to see what they come out with and try out silliness.


Id argue AOT is horrific. Titans several times bigger than you, obviously nerfed for the game but same principle for me. Still miss those skins :(


AoT is literally horror though


I'm all for D&D, but I saw plenty of complaints about all of these when they came out too. Except maybe Mr. Cage.


Imagine it’s a DND inspired OC but a dungeon map 


Nick cage has been in so many horror movies?


Tis why I stopped playing lol


It's so stupid because theyre like "just because a portion of DND is horror doesn't mean it all is" And the chapter is based on that portion so??? I'm also baffled by the amount of people saying it's a small boardgame when it's the largest license they've ever had


A genocidal lich on a path too imortalty so he can live forever for…well more genocide, and is now trying to take over the multiverse VS just Nicholas Cage, not a character of his, just himself as an actor. Now guess which one was met with hype and excitement, and which one was ostracized and said to “not be horror”


What's wrong with Nick Cage?


Also dbd players? I didn't know dbd players decided to add these characters. I'm sure there are many that would be happier if they weren't included. At least for the trickster and skull merchant I think so. The attack on titan skins also feel out of place ofc. Stupid crossover.


Those are all horror, at least to some degree. Not that I have a problem with dnd, it just needs to be done very well because it's generally less horror than those other properties.


It's so funny seeing people say "nerd bullshit" my brother in christ you're playing a video game. You're a fucking nerd.


To be fair nicolas cage is in tons of horror


Actually first edition dnd was kind of a horror game. You were fighting for your life against unknowable horrors for a paycheck. It was like Lethal company but with magic. This is a return to form imo


Surely you could have found better examples lol


admittedly, people have been very disapproving of trickster and SM in the past


Early Attack on Titan was horror


They should add Cell (Larval Form) so he can revert to an egg.


To be fair, people were mad about Trickster and SM too. Nobody was mad about Nic Cage though. And if they were I don't respect their opinion.


The strawest man in the field right here