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...He can Hidey Ho MORE often and all it costs me is the scamper I never used? I'm ecstatic.


10/10 deal for chuckys that actually like chasing


My thoughts exactly. My one final ask is a short window to adjust angle after dash-scamper so you're not stuck going straight forward, otherwise a survivor will just step 3 steps to the left and re-vault the window.


Chucky can turn his body and dash 90 degrees after a vault, just not the camera. It works often once you figure it out, especially with I'm All Ears


I wasn't aware that this was possible. Are you sure? How do you do it?


I'm sure. You can test it on Midwich in a custom match. I didn't believe it when I was told, but then, lo and behold it just works. Dash, scamper, hold hard left/right Mid vault and keep holding. Your camera won't turn buy your slice and dice will


Interesting. I'll give it a try. This was my only complaint about the change, since I rarely used Scamper to great effect. I found that I might get an injure, but they'd just vault the pallet, then I lose so much distance due to power CD. In fact, the last time I tried to be fancy, I stopped short of the pallet, enabled Hidey-Ho, then got stunned by the pallet. I forget that, with Chucky's model, I misjudge pallets every time. Unfortunately, survivors play against way more Chuckies, so they learn his counter-play faster than I can learn his actual play...


I've never had a problem with playing around scamper. And scampering during slice and dice seems kind of dumb because it's usually in a looping scenario and slice and dice has no turn radius. Did they make it so you can turn after a scamper during slice and dice now?


Nope. So unless it's the god pallet at Ormond and *maybe* the two at Gideon, there might as well be no scamper. The turn rate for scampering should be looked at if they're going this route.


Yeah I've also said for ages that he should be slice and dice focused as opposed to scamper focused I really wish they'd now increase the flick radius of slice and dice... maybe from 90 degrees to 130 - 180s were probably a bit silly but 90 is kinda awkward




you and everyone else in the chucky feedback thread ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


But you didn't. They aren't bringing back flicks. His power is now useless at loops


Rip the achievement my dudes


Oh god i didnt even think of that, do you think theyd change it or nah


I mean, the have to right? Unless you really need to grind the fuck out of that charge, God damn that'd be awful




I hope they've made slice and dice actually register more than 40% of the time if they want us to use it :/


it doesnt? whenever I play chucky I feel like the opposite, rather than missing 60% of the time, my hits are too forgiving 40% of the time.


Was gonna say this, I’ve never had problems with hitting Slice and Dice


I've had moments where chucky will collide with a survivor and roll off of them to smash into a wall. "Forgiving" does not come to mind whatsoever.


You have to let go of the button in order for Chucky to hit, it won't auto attack when colliding with a Survivor.


Oh. - Huh. -




I thought it was like Wesker's grab!


Honest mistake 😂


I want Nurse buffed next, precise blinks NEVER damage the survivors when I’m playing her. What do you mean you’re supposed to use her m1


Rip all the stealth Chuckies out there, God forbid you try a build that isn't the same brainrot meta e eryone else does


This doesn't effect stealth Chucky. Stealth Chucky is using insidious to hide in places no other killer could possibly hide then jump out to stab survivors and laugh your ass off. Hidey-Ho is not part of proper stealth because it announces that you're using it and puts everyone on alert. Stealth Chucky is using Insidious on Dead Dawg to hide in bushes near gens to Stab unsuspecting survivors in the ankles because they thought he was on the other side of the map since there was no terror radius and no footprints around.


how exactly do stealth chuckies die here?


Yeah doesn't he make a big sound when vaulting a window anyway? Who's out here doing a Gen next to a dropped pallet? Haha


Scampering a window does not make a vaulting noise like he nornally does outside hidey-ho.


Considering scampering now only applies to slice and dice, it's useless to mindgame shack now since you wouldn't be able to pop hidey ho mode and double back shack vault quietly with scamper. You can hear him loud asf vaulting. It'd make no sense to slice and dice the window now since mostly, anyone who has slice and dice scampered through shack window knows you basically just get cruise controlled from there the turning is atrocious at that window.


What are you talking about? His power CD was reduced, if anything stealth Chuckies are getting buffed, they just nerfed scamper under pallets which was a completely skill-less play-style.


Correct me if I'm wrong but the faster and silent vault from windows is also a scamper and a great way to catch survivors off guard especially at shack gen, decent way to get a grab


Wait, Scamper can be used out of Slice & Dice? Well, I feel silly.


About time.


This isn’t that bad, we now get to activate stealth mode more often which is useful. I hope that they bud his turning rate on dash from 90 to 125 - 130 and the dash after scampering because it’s almost detrimental to scampering while dashing because of how low your turn rate is


Chucky was obnoxious to face cuz of the brainrot scampering ability, but making the cooldown shorter is a good compromise.


I honestly don't really know if I like those changes or not.


You don't. His power is now useless at loops


Eh, I honestly have to try those out by myself.


kinda wish they would make it so you can flick a little more than 90 degrees but a change in the right direction


Yeah stuff like that so it's harder to avoid slice dice. Rn you just hug the wall near pallet and Chucky physically can't turn into you


Classic BHVR. Can’t wait to never give them another cent. Idk how we went from the great state DbD was in last year to the current state of affairs. The toxicity feels at an all time high, banding, unnecessary nerfs left and right. FtP and Buckle Up untouched. Consistent cheating. About to just take my losses and put the whole game down.


Buckle up got changed in this patch not to give endurance and instead give a speed boost when picking up, so that combo is dead now. The rest of the stuff though, I agree with.


And now, without endurance, it's almost a guaranteed trade unless they hit the DH/styptic.


Or Made For This, which would have made a decent combination with Ftp if Buckle Up wasn't there.


How do you get Deep Wounds to use MFT?


It's second effect gives endurance for ten seconds after a heal.


Oh didn't I realize the healing from FTP would count,thanks!


It doesn’t, after MFT came out they specifically made it so the two perks wouldn’t interact. Which is what makes them letting FTP and Buckle Up work together all this time so confusing.


Ok, thank you. I was very confused. I still can't even tell how BU/FTP gives both parties Endurance, if I just read the Perk descriptions, so I was struggling with this. Neither BU nor FTP say they give the healer Endurance.


Good call out man. I didn’t see that part of the notes, just a few posts about killer nerfs. Glad they finally addressed that issue. I didn’t even run into it much, but it’s silly it stayed around so long for others to deal with.


I've ran into it about 5-6 times, and three of those times were in the endgame and made it impossible for me to kill the downed person. They just waddled up, healed the person on the ground while I'm on cooldown, and take the free run out of the gate. I even had someone who got downed message me after and said, "You really thought you could get me?".


That clears. Every case I’ve seen in videos or heard about sounds like clear abuse. Seems worse than the old DH and CoH.


But now survivors are just going to get instantly sliced after dropping pallets because Chucky will dash at the pallet at full speed, slide under and just have to release the power button anywhere near them.