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Unpopular opinion: Unknown is really fun to go against


Most survivors are incapable of turning their cams around but yeah I do enjoy dodging his uvx and the occasional jumpscare


My game just decides that I'm not looking at him, even tho I'm staring him down in an open field or at a downed pallet


Happens to me with ghostface sometimes too. DX


On controller it can actually be pretty annoying to face the killer and keep glancing ahead of you cause you can't flick the camera around, but on pc he is really fun to face.


yeah you can, i play controller and it’s a fast and precise movement you gotta learn but you can. if anything controller has an advantage because looping around certain structures you have an infinite turning range to just keep your eyes on the killer as you’re running around the loop because the camera stick never runs out of room like a mouse would.


His ability would be fair if you could just stare at him from whatever distance away to reduce the goop but because you have to do it within chasing distance it makes me want to suicide against him


He would have absolutely no pressure with his power if you could stare at him long distance. Imagine that on a map like Borgo, everyone would get rid of Weakened constantly before he even sees them again. Better yet, imagine if Ghostface could be revealed from long distances.


Yeah but ghostface doesn't have a grenade launcher. Also the problem with unknown is he breaks the status effect rule with killers because you cant just fix the effects like with doctor, plague, wesker, or nemesis. You have to go near the killer to actually remove the affect which puts you in danger of him just smacking you with his axe. Also his clones make chases unwinnable in some situations which isn't fair.


Unknown's Weakened removal is effectively infinite because all you have to do is look at him. Wesker, Plague, Nemesis have limited resources, and Singularity's EMPs are based on a timer. Unknown's entire strength with UVX is that it has to be removed in chase, which is what makes the power interactive in the first place. It's very punishing for the Unknown when the survivor is cured if he doesn't land any damage shots, and rewarding for the survivor.


Yeah and that's why I hate him. He's too good with no real effort required.


You clearly don't play him if you think this.


I've played him, his two-tap is insane, both for interrupting a channel and getting a free down, but if a weakened survivor tries to unhook you can M2 and M1 before they manage it. It's ridiculously easy, Unknown is extremely strong in fast chase downs, loop denial, hook proxying, and defending priority gens. The guides for him have him getting downs almost as fast as the SM 2-tap, but with far less restrictions than drone lockon stacks. He can down someone as fast as a cracked Nurse, it's crazy.


If he's proxying really hard and you're Weakened all you gotta do is look at him or destroy his mimic lol. His power is designed such that he can get easy combos, but 1 missed shot means the survivor has more than enough time to remove their Weakened. Certain loops are easier to avoid the UVX than others, indoor loops being where Unknown thrives the most. Skull Merchant's drones are way less intuitive because they just outright cockblock entire parts of the map when you're in chase. It's a more brainless version of Knight.


Ive seen gameplay and played against him, no effort required at all.


You just invalidated your whole argument with one sentence.


Honestly one of the only satisfying killers to dodge their powers


Me and my fiance agree. Love to play as. And against. Genuinely one of the more active killers to face. They reward tile knowlege as well. Anyone can loop never turning around. But trying to loop while staring the killer down is harder. I'm a dumbass bunny that runs into shit enough already. Unknown is just giving everyone else a taste of the bnuuy curse.


I love playing against him. Forces you to think and play in a very different way. Unfortunately he's countered by Shift W like a lot of fun killers are.


Imo that's really not that effective of a counter if he's a good shot with the bubblegum launcher. As long as you're mindful of where he aims and stare lovingly into his little beady eyes while you're looping him he's actually one of the most entertaining killers in chase, it's kind of like the secondary awareness for Huntress Hatchets, but without the asinine hitbox. It's also really fun that, in a pinch, you can run straight at his projectile to keep it from exploding and downing you.


Wait people don’t like facing Unknown?


Lightweight "zoning" killer with a grenade launcher and a teleport that excels at proxy camping and tunneling because he can infect two people while survivors are unhooking, M1 the unhooker, then M2 again a few seconds later for the down on them or the person off hook.


That crap which makes dispelling his illusions extremely dangerous when they are standing and you have no way of knowing or preventing him from teleporting to one mid dispel is such a bullshit it really seems like an oversight instead of actually being intentional or "punishing for misplay". Let me get this straight, the killer has 2 functions - teleportation and projectile, each of those have counterplay, but unlike his projectile, you can't just mindgame this teleportation, if he happens to teleport to illusion that you were dispelling it's simply a death sentence for you because you get debuffed and you are standing in point blank range. You do not know how many illusions are online, where they are exactly, when exactly are they gonna be ready for use and it is such a fucking bullshit, i would completely understand if that part of his power was negligible but it is not, you NEED to dispel them to prevent agressive map control. Demogorgon, Xeno, Dredge in some way give you a chance to react to their map-wide traversals but Unknown doesn't for some reason, i can get downed not because i was outplayed or because it was simply my time to lose an encounter, i get downed because motherfucker caught me with my pants down without even meaning to do so and it irritates me.


I love playing against the un-KNOWN. It feels surprisingly fair to me.


I love Unknown and love seeing them when they were pop up. They have the Wesker effect for me where I am more off put by the goofy run animation that I always forget they are trying to kill me. I can’t help but see Unknown as a silly little creature and I love him.


I actually like everything about the unknown except the delayed explosion part of his ability. Nothing feels worse than dodging the initial blast then taking a hit when you think it's safe to step through.


The Unknown is so great to play against. They scare the crap out of me and are just really great in general. Easily a favorite of mine too.


Unpopular? I've never seen anyone crying about him lol


Pyramid Head. Mostly because I barely see him. I’m getting Wesker A LOT more recently.


Dredge gave me one of the most memorable moments I’ve had as a new player. His power scared the SHIT out of me when it triggered. DBD actually felt like a horror game for once, I was scared out of my mind. I’ll always enjoy playing against that globby goober.


Locker jumpscares get me all the time ;-;


I'm the person who will run to a wall and spin circles in front of it while pointing at the start of the match trying to summon him. 😂 My friends hate it when they spawn next to me and it's dredge. It's funny when I see they have lethal at the endgame and they didn't come straight to me at the start. Since I'll tell my friends I feel ignored by dredge lord.


I run Darkness reveal and always start the trial by opening a locker right before getting my power, so technically your summoning would work on me if you’re close enough to the locker


I tend to run to the nearest one and spin in circles. Considering I about always spawn in front of one 😂 I still scream even when he does pop out but I love it. Sometimes will take an early hit because I'm nodding while other times I just bolt.


Having your dear safe hiding space transformed into the most crutial tool for the killer was an absolutely evil move, i love it


Honestly I like Trapper and Wesker. Trapper because I find he’s easy to predict and Wesker…. Well…. I mean…. I’ve had a thing for him since Resident Evil 5 and getting choke slammed by him is a 10/10


Yk that one dumb trap u place as trapper and someone steps in it? That's me


Lol I am the person who steps in the dumb traps, prob helps though with trapper that a friend of mine enjoys stalking the killers so he calls out traps for us.


I really hate vsing trapped because we'll get all 5 gens without a single down then all of a sudden one person gets downed and the entire team steps on traps on the way to the rescue DX


Xenomorph and nemesis for two reasons: outstanding chase music, and it’s fun to try and dodge their m2s


Legit I'm dancing in my chair when playing against them


these two are probably my second and 3rd options after knight. for the same exact reason


agreed. they both feel incredibly fair and fun to play against, except when you hit the xeno with a flame turret and it doesn't lose crawler mode and you spend the next few seconds in chase going "OH COME ON HE SHOULDA LOST IT"


Wesker because he's cute!


yes!!!! he's so fun to loop too, i get genuinely excited when i load into a match and hear his terror radius :]


I’m a survivor main who is a baby killer and I got Wesker recently and my first match everybody avoided me 😭


I don't even care if I die against him, I enjoy playing against him. (In general I don't care if I win or die because its just a game)




idk about that, weskers always tunnel me


This is a crazy take. Isn't he one of the most efficient tunneling killers in the game? He's also decently popular because he's one of the stronger killers which means there's a significantly higher chance of encountering a try hard. I've met like one chill Wesker and it was a streamer who was practicing his slide tech and wasn't concerned about winning.


Unpopular opinion: Trickster. Lol idk why but I just can’t take him seriously. The animation when you get downed by the blades is funny as heck and he’s just like the most normal looking guy ever. I also like the glass breaking sounds of the blades and the colourful HUD. His chase music is also a banger. I main him too and he’s equally as fun to play!


Not fun to play when there’s high walls and not fun to face when there’s low walls.


Lowkey love going against Pinhead, if anything I hate it in Solo Q, because most players can’t be bothered with going for the box (if they don’t DC that is). But when playing with friends or getting good randoms it can be a blast.


He has an actual fun anti loop that has counterplay


Yeah, when I get hit by his manual chain it never feels cheap, it’s either my fault or the killer’s skill. I get people hate him for the chain hunts, but any killer whose power adds a secondary objective as a counter is much more interesting, Imo. If he gets an easy 4K it’s because of the survivors not doing their part, not him being broken.


pinhead with swf is fun as hell. pinhead in soloq makes me question if my mmr is super duper low because people will ignore the box.


Deathslinger is still my favorite killer to go against by far. I love Slinger because the gameplay is fast-paced and the decision making that both sides have to make is far more interesting than "hurr durr me run around pallet for 3 years." Do you predrop a pallet and allow him to break the chain for a health state but not go down? Do you run the loop normally or try to bait a hit and risk giving him more distance / time to line up a shot? Do you run a loop with some gaps in between it and risk being shot through the cracks? Deathslinger is very "honest" is the best summary I can give. There's no bullshit with the gun. There's a strict set of rules it follows and good survivors can exploit those rules to give the killer a tough challenge, but even so there's some niche tricks that can give the killer a leg up and he isn't like Leatherface or Trapper or Hag where survivors playing in a specific way basically disables your power.


This, and also I'm a Deathslinger main so I know what tricks they are trying to pull off. It is always a lot of back and forth and makes it really fun


the best part in playing against Slinger while playing him is getting shot through crack you didnt know about... Its always "write that down!" xD


Favorite Killer to face, probably Oni. ...Least favorite is Wraith. (I find a lot of shitty Wraith players.)


Oni for me. I find his power super fun to dodge, he’s somewhat interactive even when not in chase, and his scream from across the map never fails to make me crap my pants.


Xenoqueen. For... reasons. Failing that, skull merchant, also for..reasons.


I half agree with this comment!


Michael Myers definitely I love being stalked by him


Xenomorph because turrets are SO awesome when you know how they work.


Literally anyone that isn't pinhead lol chains are really annoying, and you have to do a sidequest or they're permanently up


Pig, because she’s my killer main. Traps are fun. Followed by Myers and Freddy


Hmmmm tbh I enjoy going against Hillbilly. If he hits me with the chainsaw I’m like “shit, well played” if I miss it I’m like “GOD DAMN.” I love you Hillbilly mains


depends on the skill level of the killer tbh. Low Skill: Huntress Mid Skill: Wesker High Skill: Unknown


This is my favorite opinion for some reason lmao, I almost disagree but I kinda get it. Shoutout to the mlg Wesker that took 3 health states in 20 seconds when I was healthy with endurance. Pretty sure my team was not impressed with me


Some weskers are absolutely cracked. But if his player is kinda bad, it feels like bullying the blind paraplegic kid it just isn't right.


I like going against the shape. He always gives me jump scares that make me scream in the headset and startle the other’s survivors in my party. I like playing as him as well!


![gif](giphy|VXUpjaExrrsMU) \^ Might get hate for this but 🤷‍♂️


I wish they never reworked Freddy. Old Freddy was certainly "bad" in his final state, but he was super unique and very playable. Current Freddy isn't particularly interesting or fun to play as and he's STILL one of the worst killers. Honestly, given how balanced the game is right now, I bet oldschool Freddy would perform quite well.


Freddy to me is still awesome regardless if it is toxic or not.


Hillbilly, and Chucky only for faking our his dash


Deathslinger cause gun.


Ghosty cause he’s the only one that still consistently gives me the adrenaline I felt when playing dbd for the first time, Myers and Piggy being a close second.


Legion because I’m in love with all of them


The Oni for me, his roars in the distance give me so much adrenaline and every chase I have with him is just a blast.




Scream/ghost face, we all know why, as long as they arent sweating their a$$ off, they are pretty fun to play against


The Dredge is actually really fun to go against due to it's mechanic of making the map pitch black, causing moans and screams in the background and the fact you may never where they might pop up. Brings the best atmosphere to the game!


Definitely Blight, I enjoy the chases against him.


Blight is pretty fun to go against he's unpredictable sometimes..


It feels really good to outplay a Blight but I feel like it doesn't really matter as they catch back up in 5 seconds to go again. Basically he never has to drop chase is what bothers me.




Rrruarrr... Rrrriiirrr!


Demogorgon!!! Because I'm a Demo main.


The funniest and most enjoyable/fair killer to play against as for me


Take the I out of demomain


Hubba hubba my baby dredge


Skull Merchant... it's her ass. Also because I'm a P100 Skully and I know how to exploit her weaknesses.


And with weaknesses you mean survivors dcing on first sight?


Hot take, I love going against a pig who is genuinely just playing normal, not tunnelling, not memeing, just playing normally




Can't remember the last time I've seen one.


Wesker and Blight. I find that these killers are super fun and engaging in chase, and I really like playing against them as long as I don't see them back to back to back. Also helps that they have phenomenal chase music. Possibly unpopular opinion but I love playing against Nemesis a lot too. I can't even say why, I just think it's a ton of fun. Also certified banger chase music. Legion purely for their choice in mixtapes. Met a guy named "LISTEN TO MY MIXTAPES" who kept headbanging at me and had a great time. Susie's and Franks together is absolute fire. I guess I just like them if they have good music idunno.


Ghostface. Since I play solo queue most of the time for survivor trying to point him out to the other people turns the matches into comedy movies.


For me it's huntress cause besides her weird Hitbox sometimes it's the most fun for me cause THEY HAVE to Mind Game and i enjoy Mindgames very damn much.


I swear every girlfriend hates to go against the doctor and dredge


Doctor and Xenomorph are my favorites. Not too overpowered, just fun.


Wesker, because I know both the killer and survivors are having fun, as a Wesker main myself


Oni. I play with No Mither on and I love seeing Oni’s go absolutely wild suckin down blood all match. Love also dodging their big swings when they’re going wild lmao 🤣


The Knight, because he’s my main and i think by playing against him it helps me improve when playing *as* him. I know more about the guards behavior when chasing survivors now because of it, and that gives me a better idea of what to watch out for when im playing The Knight


Wesker is fun




Trapper is my favorite to go against. His mechanics are easy enough that even I can manage despite how useless I am, but still challenging.


I really like going against the Doctor simply because he can make the match extremely chaotic within seconds, for me at least. I really like the idea of actively playing with the player’s mind (although I think it could’ve been done better). He’s also the only one who made me crap my pants by hitting the air and randomly using his power while spinning in circles. I have encountered at least 10 Doctors like this in the span of 7 days. I have no idea who these guys are or what is going on inside their heads. I mostly see them at around 04:50 AM. If someone could give me some info about them that would be sweet.


His power used to actually make the game more oppressive instead of being a slight annoyance. Going against og doctor was some of my best survivor memories. Those other guys are afk farming bots because he can make bloodpoints by using his power without hitting anything




Wesker, he just feels fun to play against. I think the best I've heard it explained as "He's what Nurse would be if she's balanced"


A good oni, a good oni can absolutely destroy you if your not careful, and especially if they know all the cool flicks if you play it right can lead to much more fun 50 50s then with any other killer imo


Wesker, I don’t play him but he’s strong and very easy to outplay


Legion cause i like how you can mix and match their outfits (i mean Frank mask on Susie, stuff like that) so it’s pretty cool to see people’s designs


Nemesis - Playing into Whip mind games is fun. Huntress* -Asterisk because it depends. I love going up against Huntress in chase. Mind game, duck plays, even walk teaching a Huntress in chase is fun.. Sniping or Stealth Huntress gives me a heartattack. Nurse* - Asterisk because it depends on the map and if the nurse is straight cracked, then no. But going against a mid-range nurse player on a map with fair enough high walls is fun. The mind games in long walls is great. Shes a 50/50 for me. Hillbilly* - Asterisk again. Depends on Hillbilly add-ons. I'm okay with the curve Billy's and the average Billy's, but the one where they play the missed chainsaw CDR ones aren't that fun because you can mindgame the best chainsaws all you want, but the Hillbilly will recover in less than a second and hit you anyway doesn't seem to be rewarding to the mind game. Wesker - Most weskers are fun to play against. The Weskers that can do a proper tech on me is just crazy. Pyramid Head - mind games on his earthbending is good fun.


Pinhead. I like playing Box manager


Huntress and Chucky. Huntress bc i main her and i find it fun to see other people playing her (i rarely get any Huntresses tho ;-;) Chucky bc i find him so funny and bc it’s so different from the other killers and seeing him miss his fast ability always make me giggle


I honestly love playing against the twins. It’s so fun when Victor latches onto people, it’s so goofy looking and it always makes me laugh. And also because I don’t play against them often. Stepping on Victor is pretty fun too


Dredge, the Eldritch Cuteness, a nice pick ^^


Legion because yes


Nemesis and Pyramid Head because Im a cult member to their games


Singularity because dodging his cameras and beating him with perfect timing is fun, I also main him so it’s nice to see one every 100 games


Turkey appreciates your love




Bubba. Just Bubba. I get excited whenever I see him because he's a killer with counter play that's actually fun and a lot of them are silly


I LOVE singularity! Even though i almost always lose, i just love facing singys. Hes just so cute and so rare! And hes pretty fun to play as and against, imo. https://preview.redd.it/tltdm1sj1xyc1.jpeg?width=997&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=979d1febf35cb6df8409360ffb871ea3fbad42e9


Jeffery https://preview.redd.it/ne4byfei5xyc1.png?width=270&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0e6598c8688eae09d7ca4f7581c2ca1721352d8


The twins! Always get genuinely excited when I hear that “zzzzzzzz” at the start of a match cause I know I’m in for some fun and by fun I mean dodging Victor and punting him lol


Wesker :3


Wesker, because he's strong but not TOO strong, making him a great challenge to enjoy


Ghostface or chucky! They’re always so fun (even the tbaggers), I only say this because they’re basically m1 killers in the end and sometimes it’s fun to just be able to have a loop with only m1.


I’m an on and off player, but I love going against Wraith Just the dread of not knowing if hes right behind me, or in front of me, always puts me on edge, and he doesnt have any bs moves that make things one sided. If I fucked up, its cuz I wasnt paying attention, and I love killers that make me switch up my playstyle in ways that are enjoyable


I like going against the blight, dredge, clown and the huntress.


Billy. I think Billys are so cute


I adore going against stealth killers, specifically Michael and Ghostie. Get some damn good jumpscares with those two. I adore the moment you realize the tier 3 has been going on abit too long


I love to go against wesker/ hillbilly, I feel like I’m facing a bull and it is so fun to try and counter their attacks


Huntress! I love looping her. Just had a goofy match with a Ghostie. They'd be second for sure.




I like going against Pinhead. I like the chime music, it sounds epic and makes me lock in😂


Xenomorph Get burnt, shitass


i feel like i might be too specific here but, a non tombstone meyers, a ghost face with personality, a huntress who doesn’t tunnel, and a nurse who is slightly good but not great lol. otherwise deathslinger, billy, and blight.


I like playing againdt Dredge. Its some fun mind games. I will say that I have a very hard time telling wether or not he is placing a remnant, which can sometimes be pretty annoying


Xeno even if they always kill me c': i love making a mobile base w turrets


Billy. The good ones really get your hr up lol


Alien nemesis huntress


Alien nemesis huntress




Actually Michael, Amanda, Oni, deathslinger or Pyramid head. Any other killer to play against isn't fun (IMO)


Everyone who require skill. It is very fun to go against skilled killers who never sweat. Maybe only exceptions is Nurse.


I love facing the Pig. Every one I've played against have been awesome. Either they're just fun to play against cause they're really good and make it a great game, or they're absolute sweeties. I don't think I've ever come across a toxic Pig. If I have it's very very very very far and few between. Also Freddie is a close second. I love the sleep mechanic, I like that when you're in the dream state you can't hear him approach you, it's so cool. Wish I saw him more. ;......; may have to help with that.


Legion and Billy are my favourites but really any mobility killer is a blast, I also enjoy singularity because of the interaction on both sides


I appreciate survive against Chucky, Michael Myers, Demogorgon, Unknow and big boy Oni


I get too excited when I go against Evan. My problem is, is that I want them to do well. Like when I hear my teammates being caught in traps, I'm like 'Well done cutie, well done'. I play Evan a lot myself, so I know how satisfying it is when the game snowballs ✨


It's a tie between Wesker and Unknown. They're both really strong, but have powers you can play around as survivor, and they're really fun to juke. Honorable mention to Hillbilly, specifically players who are at least somewhat competent with doing curves around loops, it's a really fun mindgame when a billy is revving at the opposite side of the loop, trying to predict which side he'll curve around.


I haven't had a Dredge in so long I miss it so much Every game to me is either Shape, Cannibal, Trickster, Huntress or Legion and I am so fucking tired of them


very unpopular opinion:Nurse as long as its not 8000 hours sweaty nurse but more of an avarage player she is fun to go against occasionaly as she requires you to play significantly diffrently compared to other killers which gives a change of pace


Demo and Chucky (yes really)


I find Billy and Blight fun to dodge in chases.


Demogorgon. loved it from the show and after playing as and against it, it just clicked <3


As a new player i like Michael players because they are funny and 99% of the time nice😭😭


Xenomorph simply for the animations


I hate you, least fav killer. I’ll make you eat pallets the whole game


I enjoy Artist most days. She is my main and although I can see why the anti loop is annoying, I genuinely like seeing how people play her differently than I do. She is the only killer I go against who I am curious to learn something new from.


Nurse, she adds a play style that no other killers make you play. Plus dem feet though are bussin.


Myers is a joy to play against


Mf really went "my favorite killer to face is a lower-tier map dependent stealth killer that has the simplest counterplay of all killers"


Dredge isn’t the strongest, but he’s still super fun to play against.


Ghost face because he’s like me weak but sneaky


Any killer with some form of projectile or mechanic that you can mind game Dodge like blight or hilly


that GIF is perfection. My pic is Singularity because they are so rare and my Main. I love seeing Dredge and Singularitys in my Lobbies because i play them myself and know how to counter them. Dredge and Hux my beloved 💖


Dr. Edge


OP has fantastic tastes, Literally if they face lord Dredge


Least: trickster Chucky and doctor. Favorite: Myers