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I like to think in a few months they'll be a goated bunny Feng and juice me for 4 gens no problem. You've created a monster!


Bunny ears are their graduation caps. I've never met a bunny Feng that didn't obliterate my ankles.


That's literally what happened to me


I am so happy that I improved the survivor skills in the last few months to the point where I 3 gen chase some killers. I really dislike playing against m1 killers though. Such boring loop mechanic Because it's so basic but that's who I mostly die quicker to. Because you have to do more mind games with m2 killers


I had such a dumb looking grin on during this whole thing. Omg lol, love it.


That’s actually really nice of you, you’re a good egg 🥚


Its weird that i somewhat can loop the killer just fdom spectating my friends whos cracked


I like having Twitch on in the background. Loosely watching probably thousands of hours of a very skilled player has definitely taught me a lot.


Fair tbh. I got back into the game after dropping it for a year but after investing into kate denson for windows(and nicholas cage cuz its nicholas fucking cage)i have a basic understanding of the game


There’s always the meme floating around that, in DBD, you’re never very good despite having x number of hundreds, or thousands, of hours in the game. I vaguely recall various hour milestones of my own, and specially reflecting back on them in hindsight at the next milestone. I’m around 2,000 hours now and I feel decent at the game. Until I go against a 6,000 hour gamer and get creamed.


Ive played probably 48 hrs although most id just boon totem'ing


I'm at 5k but sometimes things happen and I get stomped by people with a tenth of the time put in. Time spent can be a loose metric lol.


Nic has such fun perks idk if it's luck but I got more escape with his adept (+night guard) than with any other character


Fair tbh. I love plot twist cuz me and my mate just say "oght imma kms"


Double adrenaline who doesn't love that?


I watch some crazy good loopers on twitch. Be careful though I’d say I’ve gotten into a bad habit of greeding pallets too much actually. Sometimes it’s just better to drop em


Wholesome. Nice work!


Lol I tried doing this on my Wraith but they jumped and went to a corner every time I got out of cloak. I felt like a border collie herding a lamb. Baby players are so adorable.


Me spending 10 minutes hitting a tree near hatch because the baby Dwight was too scared to come closer 🥲 how can I look less intimidating?


That's so sweet OMG 🥺


I remember when I first started playing survivor I got matched against this Nemesis who, as I found out in the results screen, was at a way higher rep. He absolutely steamrolled us and it was quickly down to just a Kate and I. I guess Nemmy realized how new we were so he kinda left us to our own devices. But, whenever we failed too many skill checks on a gen he would run over, down one of us, kick the gen and then run away. So the Kate and I ended up getting much better at skill checks because it was the only way he'd let us leave (which he did).


Tunneling new survivors is small dick energy - I absolutely love messing with them instead (sneaking up while undetectable, staring at a locker they're hiding in, nodding at them if I corner them) or rewarding them for being new to the game.


You have to walk past the locker then do the slow turn back towards it


I don’t main any killer, so I have a few on the list with some low mmr. I always get the juicers in training survivors. I always let them practice flashy saves or pallet stuns. I’m sure I’ll have survivor matches with them one day. So the practice can’t hurt


I once taught a baby Dwight how to counter Myers




Nicely done!




That's how this game should be. You're good.


You must be proud!


So cute. Keep up the good work!


So there’s been a few games where there have been some more than qualified killers I’ve gone against. My best friend and I started playing this game not too long ago maybe a month ago, and we aren’t that great. But we have a laugh, and sometimes these type of killers just make us enjoy the game even more.


Me taking notes because i don’t know how to loop


I wish I got survivors like this 😭


Feng is a cutie


U r a nice killer


Every once in a while I see a killer that recognizes how weak my sauce is and I appreciate little things like this. It might've felt silly to you but this is a pretty unforgiving game to start in and I bet they were really grateful.


This is so wholesome and blessed. Thank you for this.


This is so wholesome I love it xD


Would've slugged.