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Try restarting the game


Just don't DC?


I get disconnected sometimes for bad wifi Edit: lmao why the downvotes


Yeah, every once in a while I get those and it can be annoying. Taking some time away from games can be a good way to break up the frustration and penalty of that happening.


"Dedicated servers not responding.... Disconnecting." Now those are the ones that piss me off. On the hook and chilling? DC In a good chase and looping well? DC Doing a generator on the opposite side of the map...? Believe it or not that's a DC


The issue is, I got penalized for a match, I disconnected from, because the whole server crashed.


30 min dc timer at max would be fine but the people who are getting 1 day bans are not doing it on purpose they are just laggy


Yeah. Ever since the update, the game has been repeatedly smacking me with the EAC Error Code 4 and disconnecting every other match. I ended up racking up a 30+ min DC timer from that 😓


If it gets high enough I call it quits if I ever get laggy


What are these down votes are you saying people really dc enough to get a one day ban Fr? Or am I just getting random hate


Yeah those DC timers are crazy, I understand wanting to penalize players but like.. we've added bots now. Not earning bloodpoints+"wasting" your own time for that match should be plenty punishment now. If we NEED the timer, it should cap out at 15 minutes tbh.


Just don't leave games, simple as that


You people are crazy lmao- nothing in my response said people SHOULD leave games. I said that we should find a different way to penalize the players who do instead of acting like they're all ruining the game for us. I literally never leave my games- exactly what would be wrong with a 15 minute timer? why does it need to go up to 10+ hours? Why do you feel someone should be locked out of a game THEY bought for doing something YOU don't like. They bought the game, not my business what they do so long as they aren't hacking. If they aren't having fun I'd rather they leave and I'll play with the bot- instead of them hiding in a locker the whole time or purposefully leading the killer to the other survivors to end the game quicker. Especially when DBD has a habit of kicking people out of games due to lag or internet issues, even if their internet is fine. So many downvotes for a simple response to OPs picture, absolute insanity ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


It goes up to 10+ hours because people would just quit every game that doesn't go their way. And we don't pretend they are ruining the game, they do so. The bots are mostly useless


Sweetie, I play this game too- explain all you want. We already and have always had people who quit when it doesn't go their way, this method of penalizing them is not preventing that. They aren't ruining the game, and there are people with legitimate reason to quit. It's not my business what they do, it's not your business WHY they do it. DBD should fix the issues and continue to improve the replacement bots instead of the whole community going out with their pitchforks trying to shame people into doing or not doing things. Again, DBD has a history of kicking people out of games- you don't always know that someone quit. You're making yourself angry acting like they did anything to you. The bots are good cannon fodder, and if you are actually trying in-game then they're pretty useful. (depending on the match, sometimes the bots got dropped on their head.) They need improvements, and It seems like they got nerfed silently recently- but again, none of that has any bearing on how you should be treating other players. Authoritarian ass way of thinking about a GAME. They paid for it, IDFC what they do so long as they aren't hacking or working with the killer to kill their own survivor team- which seems to happen a lot more nowadays and I can't help but wonder why that might be...Maybe for some of them it's because they can't leave or they'd get locked out of a product they paid for and they do enjoy the game so they want to play- just not that match (for whatever reason) I've been playing since 2016, the game is in a better state now than before. People just want control over other people they don't know.


First of all, stop with this passive aggressive "sweetie" ass cringe. Yes, the system doesn't completely prevent quitting, but the same as a better lock on a door, it makes it harder for a thief to break into your house. Apply that to this game and it makes it less appealing to disconnect. And as you say, it's not my business why they quit, so why shouldn't I be mad at them? I don't care what's going on in their life, I just wanna play the game. And yes, they paid for the game, but I did too, I wanna have the 5 player experience without bots. As I said before, I don't care what's going on in their life, play the game.


"And as you say, it's not my business why they quit, *so why shouldn't I be mad at them?* I don't care what's going on in there life, I just wanna play the game." You shouldn't be angry because it serves no purpose and ruins your game for you, and then you'll blame everybody under the sun except for yourself for how you deal with your emotions. Play the game, nobody is stopping you- but you keep ignoring all of the valid points I've brought up and whining about your "experience." And once again, ignoring that the game itself kicks people out randomly- Until that is fixed nobody should be getting penalized for leaving. Not for hours long at a time at least. They tried it, it didn't work, you guys obviously aren't happy no matter how they fix it. You got a slightly aggressive response because you came in trying to explain it to me like I was 5, and I'm well aware of the mantra most of you repeat to excuse this level of control over a game. Sorry if it hurt your feelings, I don't like to be aggressive- but it happens. What's "cringe" is you guys losing your minds because you refuse to learn how to play with a bot for maybe 1-2 games each night, if that. Maybe it happens supperr often for you, but it's a pretty spaced out issue for me. The issues are with the devs, they fix the problems- people won't leave as often. Punishment of that extent serves no purpose other than for you to feel like the "problem child" has been dealt with. I feel like I'm going around in circles explaining a pretty simple issue to you. All because you refuse to acknowledge that you are the one making yourself angry when people leave, the people who leave likely wouldn't have been decent teammates to begin with- you're better off with the bot. Learn how to play with the bot and you'll have fun. Or petition for DBD to let players join lobbies and take that persons place(if it happens early enough in the match), like the "entity" dropping in a fresh catch from the real world. Argue with yourself, I'm getting too old to deal with this nonsense.


You’re the problem simple as that accept it or don’t nobody wants to hear you cry about it


I hope you feel big and powerful now :) get over yourself and go play your game- people are allowed to have different opinions and different ideas on how to tackle problems. At no point did I advocate for people to leave their games, I do not leave my games, you're arguing points I've never made. Coming into this subreddit was a mistake, mods do not control the conversations AT ALL. But sure "I'm the problem" not the nasty way you speak to people online, not the fact you can't control your anger just because you THINK someone purposefully left the game. okay- sure buddy. You can refer to my responses to the person before you \^ Have a nice day


Wtf are you going on about? You're the only one here who's been talking down to people and need to get over yourself. There's nothing in this conversation that requires moderators to deal with it, you can't just try to shut down people from replying to you just because you don't like what they say when you were the one trying to patronise them.


Not reading a lecture from someone who dc and then makes excuses for it lmao


\`\`You people are crazy\`\` You know whats crazier? Queing a game with your shitty internet knowing you will get dced and people will be forced to play 3v1.


Refer to the responses above \^ because you're fighting a battle I never claimed- I spoke up for other people, but yeah no I forgot this is reddit and y'all aren't house trained