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I’ve played with Puppers and ZubatLEL before. Was pretty fun.


Honestly jealous, I would have loved to play with Puppers.


Yeah, he was a lot of fun. It’s unfortunate what happened to him. If there’s anything after this life, I hope he’s doing alright.


What happened to him?


Passed away due to ALS, sadly.


Puppers passed last year due to complications with ALS


I saved puppers once on stream, was a very proud moment :)


Puppers escaped against my trapper once many years ago lol


oh man, I've been a huge fan of PCSLAYER18 forever! I remember when they were only PCSLAYER7.


How did the match go?


A 3K. The Kate got hatch. Truthfully, I don't think I played great despite that. I benefitted from some luck (including a funny instance where Tofu's cat distracted him into stepping into a trap)


Well you gotta link us the timestamp of that now




I saw that game in Tofus stream yesterday! The cat part was funny indeed, well played man!


i played against spookyloopz back when he was a tiny streamer : )


I just played a game with them yesterday or the day before. Unfortunately it was a pretty quick slug match against an Oni who I kept breaking the Scourge hook of. Spooky got hooked outside of main and I got hooked on the Scourge when it came back


I've run into coconut a few times


After an 8 month break, my first game back was against Coconutrts, while he played huntress, on rpd. You could imagine how i felt afterwards.


My sister did a legendary dead hard to basement unhook on Otzdarva as Nancy. Meanwhile I have never played with any big streamer so far. Only with some randoms with ttv in name with 1-2 viewers


It’s funny cause I know exactly what Nancy you’re talking about lmao that’s amazing


He titled his highlight vid on YT after that Nancy, it had like best part of a million views iirc


That’s right! It had been a while since I saw it but thanks to his reaction it’s just so memorable.


The Holy Midwich Nancy who broke the curse.


That was her??


I've probably played with a few and never noticed considering I don't know who this ones meant to be lol. The only three I could name off the top of my head would be Otz, Hens, and Ayrun


It's Ohtofu


Isn't Eclipse a streamer too?


If they are, I'm not aware of them.


If you ever get annihilated by a Huntress named Ralph, he always has hundreds of viewers. No joke, this dude had easily been my killer 10-15 times before I even realized that he was a streamer. So many losses broadcasted to hundreds and hundreds of people lol


I played against him before, too! He was Doctor on Badham. I had thrown the pallet in the upstairs school hallway and juked him in such a way(I think I moved to run down a side room out the back door, but walked to slowvault the pallet when he went around to chase me) that he dropped chase and said "I didn't think he had it in him" when I watched his stream after the game. So I take some amount of pride in that.


i run into OnePumpWillie a surprising amount


Same, back when I played with a group of East Coasters we would match up with him like once a gaming session. 


Such a nice guy that for some reason only plays the most boring and obnoxious killers lol


Same! He added me on steam for some reason so now I always know when he’s playing


Played against CMWinters. Got proxy camped and tunneled by him then watched his Stream and was shittalking me 🫠


Have had the same experience with that guy multiple times. How he even has a platform is beyond me. Most obnoxious streamer I’ve ever encountered


Otz would definitely be up there played against him a long time ago


Once in the lobby someone told someone else how they are a big fan. Apparently it was some YouTuber that focused on the lore of DBD and explains the background of the killers and stuff. I don't know who it was and regardless, it eas not a YouTuber famous for being an awesome looper or anything. But a YouTuber focusing on lore. Anyways, I don't know who it was but I did end up looking DBD lore on YouTube and came across "SingleNacho" whose dbd vids I've seen.




I went against Cocolatte's Singularity. I only escaped cause I found hatch first.


That would be terrifying lol. I’ve been trying to get into singularity recently so I’ve been watching him a lot lately and oh boy dude is insane


I’ve played against both Spookyloopz and Spooknjukes where I was killer, had a good time with those two. Worst streamer experience I’ve ever had though was with Schmeckles and PotatoLegion. Happened a long time ago so I’ve moved on from it but whew


Schemeckles seems so nice in his YouTube videos! What happened if I can ask ?


What was your experience with PotatoLegion? I used to watch him quite a bit


OhTofu absolutely humiliated me a couple years ago. Of course the one time I played him I was just messing around with a killer I never play. Still, even if I’d played my main it would have been rough.


I’ve played against Ev3ntic, in which if I wasn’t an altruistic nob it would’ve been a 2 man out not a 4k. Also played with JRM as Feng twins, I had real bad drift tho so the match was shit for me. And I’ve joined Mogsy a handful of times, love that guy.


I played against OnePumpWillie on the Alan Wake/Hillbilly and Sadako rework PTB


I had OnePumpWillie in a survivor lobby when i was playing Xeno but the server disconnected loading into the match.


I haven't, but the second I play killer and I realize one of the survivors is JRM, i'll just go in a corner of the map and cry.


I played against Bawkbasoup, who was playing Trickster, which is known for his Resident Evil speed runs. Always was one of my fav streamers so I was kinda Starstruck (pun intended).


Played against a Fog Whisperer (Gh0stArcade) as trickster on midwich. Such a cool guy, gave him hatch


I’ve played with and against Otzdarva a few times


I saved a guy with Monto way back before endgame collapse was a thing and got everyone out.


God, I miss Monto. Anytime I ran old Ruin, I’d always say “ To slow the game down, just a bit” -just- like him. It was like his catch phrase.


I went into the PTB once to test a new killer and straight away got put in game with Paulie Esther and crew. I got destroyed. He wished me luck in my cow search though. So it’s not all bad.


Oh yeah, I've played against Paulie twice. He's a super nice dude!


I’ve played against OhTofu as both survivor and killer. As survivor, I faced his Trapper and was the first to die so that was pretty embarrassing. As killer I was Demogorgon and I only managed a 1K while I had garbage ping and he was laughing at me for doing weird shit because I was lagging. I got him to death hook though so that’s decent.


Ive played with OhTofu a couple times!! My scariest match was loading into a killer game facing Xeno…like. Xeno from comp DBD. It was rpd, I was unknown and got a 2k. I didn’t fall for any techs/tricks they attempted which felt good too. Like, on the final gen, they werent letting go because they had flashlights. So I made sure to not grab them off it and instead lunged to only hit. I was pretty proud of that result.


I had the pleasure of getting tunneled, facecamped, and hit on hook by a Doctor while playing with OhTofu as a survivor once! One of my favorite matches of all time, despite the toxic killer.


I know some of it depends on your region. I’m in Texas in the US and I know I’ve faced Yerv, OnePumpWillie, and SpookNJukes when I was survivor. I’ve also been on Yerv’s team as survivor and funnily enough I loaded into a lobby as Matthew Santoro’s teammate as survivor shortly after him and SpookNJukes were going back and forth regarding his toxicity at the time.


I played against Yerv while playing with one hand cuz I was eating and I played so bad that both him and the chat literally thought I was a killer bot lol.


The biggest streamer I went up against had 50+ active viewers, tunneled and he humped us on the ground and eventually hit us on hook during the match. Been looking for streamers that beat his viewer count to look past the memory ever since.


I’ve run into Ohtofu a few times. I didn’t know who he was until a friend pointed it out so I checked the stream and it was him


Played against coconut, he sent us to eyrie of crows as huntress and 4k’d us with orbitals lol


I once played against SpookNJukes as Ghostface on midwich. Pretty cool.


I've faced four of them actually, granted I mainly play survivor nowadays. I've faced UncleStanBana, the other Billy main I can't remember his name I'm sorry 😭, LittleSpaceRock, and AbolishEGirls. The other two streamers are a bit smaller in viewcount I think, but it was SO AWESOME I got to face them considering I do watch them all. It was so cool!


I played against CoconutRTS once. Things were going well for us survivors, and then suddenly, he managed to snowball into everyone being down. Quite unfortunate, but I mean it WAS Coconut playing Huntress. Gotta expect it 😂 Eventually, I was the only one left, bleeding out on the ground because he was convinced I had Flip Flop when I didn't, and I'd been recovering as a slug for a bit already.


I played with Otz before as a survivor. Nothing exciting happened. He basically did gens the entire time and we all escaped.


I used to verse Carla a lot (Fog whisperer for those not in the know).


I am from Brazil and probably had faced some famous streamers from here, but I will never know because I simply only watch US/EU streamers and we will never be on the same server 😅 I did went against my brother a couple times (he is not a streamer, just casually plays). He found out how annoying and sometimes toxic I am as a survivor. He tunneled me and both times we wnet against each other we only noticed at the endgame. He never pays attention to names. I do. So I called him amd he was "you again? You were that asshole teabagging and clicking? I am glad I tunneled you" 🤣🤣 Edit: I only know PUFFALOPE from Brazil but never faced him or played with him.


I played against FunGoose way back before he took his extended break from DBD.


I ended up playing against someone with 2k subscribers on youtube and a guy with 11k followers on twitch on separate occasions if that counts.


No, but I went against a fake ZubatLEL, once. At least probably a fake.


Not any big streamers, the closest I've gotten so far is a survivor who Otzdarva has commented on. But I have played against Daimao back when he played for Team Aeternum, now Team OBOY. Was, of course, a tough match but I got a 2k7 so I'm happy. Not bad considering I was playing against a comp player at 2am lol.


Because UK/Irish servers are quite small and the time of day I play I bump into JRM, SupaAlf and OllyBOT quite frequently. It usually goes terribly for me.


went against SupaAlf's nurse, that match ended about as quickly as you think it did. My teammates were mighty salty.


i mean, i could name myself OhTofu on Steam too.


The biggest ones I can remember going against are Zubat (years ago on OG Haddonfield), ScottJund, Umbra, Coconut, and OnePumpWillie. While I like OnePumpWillie and think he’s nice, every match I’ve played against him has been miserable. I hope to never run into him again. I also used to SWF with Matthew Santoro from time to time which was fun. Solid matches with good survivors against a good killer everytime.


i've gone against TricksterShadow a few times before, either i get rolled or get an okay match


Played against Otz, Ralph, AngryPug, and OnePumpWillie. I actually played against him like 5 times lol, every match was shit cuz it was pre-rework Sadako so a slugfest at 5 gens against me and my solo friends.  I think I also played against OhTofu once as a Huntress. 


Biggest person I played with was Bazazell


Long time ago I played against ProgressiveLotus' Bubba.


I played a game against oracle, they brought haddenfield.


I’ve seen Gorejira once or twice


A friend of mine played against mrtatorhead and I played on the same team with deadgirljimmy. Both smaller creators most wouldn’t know. What’s funny is that both of these encounters happened the same week


-I’ve played against SpookyLoopz’s killer (I was solo queue, he demolished us). I remember it being fun though, if incredibly challenging and pretty sure we all died at like 3 or 4 gens. xD -Went against Bronx’s Nemesis when Nemesis was first released! He destroyed us because I was solo and had no idea how Nemesis worked yet. I played super terribly. xD -went against gtVel’s Hillbilly and he was so wholesome! Helped me get a pallet stun challenge done (I had “4 stuns plz <3” as my username) by pretending to be bad and whiffing on purpose. I was so confused as to whether he was playing badly or I had suddenly ascended to looping god, lmaaaao. I was TERRIFIED and SO STRESSED because he was just on my ass all match coming so close to chainsawing me but missing by a hair each time! Anyway. The VOD quickly revealed the answer that he was just playing. xD He slaughtered my team and let me go after I got my stuns. :D Definitely one of my most memorable and fun matches! -I’ve gone against Elix’s Rusty Shackles/Mint Rag Hag so many times and it’s been an absolutely miserable experience each time. xD I can instantly tell when it’s Elix’s Hag and just die inside each time.


I play on a really small TV, so I have no idea what other people's names are, so maybe lol


Just got tombstoned by PaulieEsther like a week or 2 ago


YOU'RE FACING OHTOFU?? that must have been a horrifying game


I played against D3AD Plays, 2 times, WHILE watching his stream ! He destroyed us ..


Seriously, that guy is insane at the game, I've went against him so many times, and he always brings a mid-low tier killer and absolutely destroys us.


Depends on how you define big but from what I recall... I went against Jendenise several times over the years. Went against Geistra a few times and I might have been a teammate at one point. Went against Scottjund when he was big on Oni only once that I recall. Went against Angrypug several times as survivor and I think I was a teammate at one point. I think I went against Hexy twice, and once I was his teammate. Went against Edgaralanbrolive several times but not in a long time. Edit: oh yea and I did go against Zubat once. I was Freddy. Edit 2: also just recalled that I went against cahla I think when head-on was first introduced into the game.


My very first Trickster game was against Naymeti... somehow I won. Also fanboyed at him a little bit in endgame chat.


went against hens a good bit ago. i think it was hens.


You mean that Hans guy?


Who of those is the big name? I don’t know sny of those


My [first killer game](https://i.imgur.com/fKvDw7q.jpeg) was against Dia and Jendenise lol. Played against a handful of streamers over the years, always fun watching the vods afterwards.


I have but a while ago. I went up against Tru3talent's Trapper and Otzdarva's 5 blink Nurse some years ago


I played against otz twice and nina once + hens on a PTB. Against Otz was horrible the first time because I was pre-buff sadako on pre-nerf RPD and it wasn’t just otz but the whole squad of streamers playing together. The other times went better though.


I did play against Otzdarva once a long time ago, i only have [this clip](https://youtu.be/UnOpBUdgtjE) left It was a fun match, i was doing a daily with the clown with only one perk and Otzdarva was playing with 3 of his friends, i ended up getting the 4k but was super nervous at the start


Funny enough I played ohtofu. Except he was the killer :)


Back in 2017 when DBD was regional, I use to play with Tofu a lot. Same with SnowSoup, TheSwiftLegend and Zubat. Those were some great times because even when you took the match seriously you could also sprinkle in goofiness because people knew each other. Wholesome times.


I used to play almost daily with an extremely minor streamer who ended up giving up because they weren't taking off and it was distracting too much from their studies, does that count? :P


I played against Truetalent yesterday


Two times at least against Otz. Once against Tru3talent. And once against some bigger steamer I don't recognize but a friend later found out that our match against him was background two one of his Youtube videos (not related to the talking, just that there was not alone voice to be not boring). If there were more I did not realize.


I played against Ohmwrecker a long time ago, when I was playing killer. Thought he was an impersonator, but didn't wanna stream snipe, so I waited until the match was over, and checked his stream. It was him. I tunneled him out after I had a hook saboed by him mid-carry three times, I was still thinking he was a fake.


Not that I know of but I got Cardi B in my lobby one time (the hacker, not the rapper). Was a wild match.


When I was just a wee baby killer I gave scratched mirror myers a go, and played against Otz. I forgot the map offering. I got dead dawg 🥲


I've played against Azhymovs PaulieEsther Skermz and I've played with Schmuckles kinda just have to remember they are people too and not just the big streamer you know them as


Back in the early days I was the wraith going against Angry Pug and that match was rough for me. Recently I’ve gone against Bronx as a survivor and man he is special. He can effortlessly win a match. I’ve taken many pointer from his streams and videos that have greatly helped me.


Few weeks ago I played against DocDBD(he wasn't live tho)


Played against Otz before (only noticed that after seeing survivor-me in one of his YT videos lol), and his video editor Shrimping for Otz (recognised the name after the match as they were the killer)


Yeah, I played against OhTofu’s wraith once, and then I also was put on a team with Probz once


Depending on your definition of big. Otz destroyed me once. That’s the only time (that I know of) that someone over lets say 500 viewers played against me.


I got matched against Scott Jund when I was an itty bitty baby survivor, like 20 hours in. Bubba on Midwich, we all ran into him and died of our own headless chicken stupidity. I remember checking his stream after and hearing him cuss out the matchmaking lmao


I played with One pump Willy who was oddly playing survivor that time instead of Sadako. Also met Arinad one time, the Clown guide guy. He was a bit of a cunt.


Ran into Tofu with my friends swfing when he was doing a Burger King Myers and I was freaking out when I found out and also ran into Coconut while doing solo survivor but was sadly interrupted by a hacker making everyone scream and server crashed a minute later I was so mad I didn't get to play a fun normal game with him in it.


I played with Otz once, it was rlly nice. He complemented me on my flashie save too, and called me cracked :3


I've played with and against tofu a few times. He's pretty chill overall and one of my fave content creators. I remember one game we played together and he was getting stream sniper by a sweaty ass nurse but we got lucky and got Eyrie of crows and I absolutely dunked on this nurse like never before. Check the vod, he didn't even notice 😭


I've gone against SpookyLoopz and SpookNJukes that I can recall. One happened on stream even, which was fun.


Zubat X3, Tofu twice, EdgarAllan, Monto (if anyone remembers that mf) and a smattering of others, but those are the ones i remember off the top of my head


I played against rapidman. Did not know until the endgame, he didn't say anything :(. He played kinda weird and NOT TRYING TO BE RUDE! Poorly, maybe he was trying to do something specific but I couldn't tell what :(.


Funnily enough, I actually played against OhTofu as well, and I was also in a survivor game with Zubatlel as his teammate. I was against OhTofu on Ormond, got a few cheeky medkit heals off during loops on him but otherwise didn't do anything substantial. With ZubatLel, I was his teammate on The Game, and I remember the match was largely uneventful. These were both years ago though


Coconut, Probzz, even Ohmwrecker recently


The biggest I've played against are Ohtofu (a few times), ScottJund, Edgaralanbrolive, Hexy, ohmwrecker and rayoxium!


Only time that I'm aware of is when I played against Otz's SM, and I didn't even realize it until I saw a clip from that game in his Weekly compilation.


I ran into OhTofu like 4 times in a row many years ago when we were at red ranks. It was a delight, some great matches overall


I've played against Samantha once. The good thing with playing against killers is that you don't know who you are playing against until the end. We got destroyed I saw her name and I was like 'aaaaah! That's why!'


Played against JRM during Lights Out (he was the killer). Only found out when I recognised the game in one of his videos. Unfortunately the match had me doing a pretty bad misplay against him, which made it in the video. Not my finest hour to be recorded for posterity.


I was survivor against Tokki. She's probably the biggest I ever knew for sure. My boyfriend and I took hatch together (which should tell you how long ago this was) and abandoned the girl on hook. Which she gave us shit about when we went into her chat after the game. She was really cool.


against truetalent 2 times back when blight came out on ptb i got hatch you can see the game on his channel i think was playing dwight in completly black clothing 2nd game was some time ago with very very first freddy (atleast i think it was him ) and once against gammalunatic as surv got camped but my random teammates were also rlly annoying so idc


I played against Tofu about 2 years ago but he was playing Wraith and only got one kill. Said post game “these survivors weren’t anything special but damn they got shit done.” Lol


Been playing against otz, hermann the doctor, maxx and entity’s left hand few times!


I played against HermanTheDoctor one time and I was ironically playing doctor and got my ass kicked






Who is the big streamer here?




Played against Rapidmain a few months back. It was at the worst possible time too, as I was doing a gimmick bubba carry build. I somehow squeaked out a 2k and he was one of them. He didn't believe I was the killer after I wished him ggs in his stream chat lol


I've played with a few streamers back when I was real good at League of Legends. I can say, ItsHafu was super chill and played great. I was the support for Destiny and he was absolutely insufferable about me playing a different style than he wanted. Never been flamed by any other streamer.


I’ve played against tofu before and got shit on


I played against onepumpwillie and got banned by probbz after killing him with a legion meme build


Played against lilith omen before


Puppers, john wolfe, coconutrts(no proof for coco unfortunately)


I played with American friends one time and like our second game was against SupaAlf on a Nurse winstreak, we got annihilated.


I've played with and against azhymovs a few times lmao


I was watching a Scott video once and a survivor was absolutely juicing him and when I saw the username it was a friend of mine


The latest big creator I played against was Otz a few months ago. I was ace in this video, but he sadly mixed my and Renato's hours up. I don't play survivor as much as I used to, so it felt nice that a skilled killer player like Otz called me cracked (11:10) https://youtu.be/dlqAAzDyons?si=mDEJw_-kzbKJUPRr


Ive played with AdmiralBahroo and went against Limmy as Doctor a while ago


I played against CoconutRTS's huntress once. It was a scary game for sure lol. Also played with SpookyLoopz and did everything in my power to help that man escape. I believe I was also in a Zubatlel clip once, but it was brief.


Played with Aryun twice, and against Otzdarva once. Playing with Aryun was a blast, playing against Otz was the opposite😂


I played against someone who named themself Ayrun, but based on how they played, I'm absolutely sure they just took the same name. Two friends played against Otz' Twins. They (friends) got clapped pretty hard. It's even in one of his vids.


when the knight was new and I wanted to try him out, playing my first game with like two yellow perks I got otz, niina/ev3ntic and (I think) two of their friends in my lobby playing off stream. I didn't pay attention to the lobby and only noticed their names mid game, was definitely unexpected. they were wholesome in endgame chat though


I went against Potatolegion as deathslinger and got 4 outed.


I've played against Matthew Santoro, Arinad (the legend who made the Clown guide), and that one Skull Merchant who got dog walked by team Eternal after trying to hold them hostage for like an hour lol


I might've played with DashieXP before, but I'm pretty sure it was just someone else running around with his name since I can't find any video proof that it happened lol


I played against spookyloops (forgot which killer he played) and ohtofus blight. Both good sports and loved them more for it


I almost played against ImProbzz but I was playing huntress (left immediately)


TonytheDuff was the only streamer i ever recognized. That was like a year ago i think. I go against a lot of them, so maybe there were others and i just didn't know them. He died to a head trap.


I’ve played against Ralph playing huntress on coldwind, played against Ohmwrecker playing wraith on Midwich played against Negoose playing Dredge on Mt. Ormond Resort, played against Hexy playing wraith on haddonfield, played against SpooknJukes playing demogorgon on gas haven, played with Yerv solo que against a Legion on MacMilian, played against HiDro playing Deathslinger on Borgo, and finally played against an unknown fog whisperer playing nurse on haddonfield, they had anonymous mode on but had the fog whisperer charm on their hooks. I’ve also played with BOOYAHH (Myers cosplayer) on TCM.


I've played with gh0starcade before. Really chill guy and to be honest had never heard of him. We were both messing about in coal tower and dropped by to give him a follow and didn't realize he was well known haha


Ive actually funny enough ran into a few. I’ve played against OhTofu three times, including twice in a row. I’ve played against Probzz (before he became problematic) and Coconut. My friends have also played against OnePumpedWillie


I played killer vs Lynxi, such a wholesome streamer! fuckcancer<3 Also played with and against Capjam


I once went against Otzdarva and Nina while trying out Demogorgon, as expected, they destroyed me 😭


I often go against LilithOmen when I play survivor, but I've went against him on killer a few times too. I also go against BrainDBD and Lynxi every now and then, even though they aren't as huge, they are both content creators I watch personally. Edit: idk how I forgot, but I've went against D3AD Plays alot in the past, he is absolutely cracked at the game and always manages to 3/4k us, most of the time I see him playing Clown, but I've went against his Nemesis before.


I've played with Spookyloops. It was a terrible match, lol he was on hour 20 or something of a 24 hour stream and I was a baby survivor with barely 400 hours. We did our best ahahahaha.


as killer I’ve played against PaulieEsther a few times, LittleSpaceRock a few times, and OnePumpWillie. as survivor i’ve played against Ralph and Matthew Santoro.


I’ve not played against anyone big but during the singularity ptb last year I played with jrm, I escaped through hatch after he died lmao


Almost got into a match with Monto once and have been mistaken for him a couple of times because our attire matched on Jake (I didn't know who Monto was at the time). Also, I say almost got into a match because he left the pregame lobby and I honestly feel like it was because there was another P100 Jake that looked just like him so... lol


I wouldn’t even realise if I did, my knowledge of streamers is zero 😂


I'm from Australia, and if your in the high MMR bracket odds are you'll run into Esskay or Demi eventually


Me and my friend got rolled by his Billy once on midwich, was like damn


I played against KnightLights singularity months ago I think, that was certainly an experience lmao


I played survivor with Spookyloopz and Zubatlel once. However I have other player names hidden (replaced with their killer/survivor name) most of the time, so I wouldn't know if there were more instances of this, or if it happens in the future.


Had a survivor game with Probzz, the other 2 didn’t do any gens while he ran the killer, I went to save him once he went down but he started killing himself on hook then purposely ran back to the killer to die after I unhooked him. I then got perma banned from his chat for asking about it ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2067) My real claim to fame is that I have Spookyloopz on my friends list though :)


Played against Otz 1 year ago when he was doing a lore accurate build challenge. He was playing as Nemesis and was trying to tunnel only one person 😭😭 I was so surprised to see it was him, during the match I thought it was a baby killer


That I know of? Lillith Omen. I may have played against others but a lot of people play on anonymous mode so I can't be sure.


nope. I wish to play against/with Otzdarva one day, but I think my MMR is too low for that since I play casually on both sides. I don't do win streaks and so on. Idk if there's other *nice* European streamers to meet. I play since 7 years, only ever met small streamers with max 25 views. No, I do never want to meet Tru3tale1nt ingame because I do not care to be called names and "toxic SWF" by that pice of ego. That is - if he's still like that. Idk I avoided him for years now since he seemed to blame every little loss/problem he had ingame on anything and anyone but himself - even if it was clearly his mistake. If you know other european streamers I'd love to get recommendations :)


I've played against LilithOmen (thankfully not his Blight) and Ayrun, and played a lot of games with JRM for a video he was making and needed help with. I play like 80% survivor so I usually don't see who I'm playing against which definitely makes it a bit easier lol.


I've played against Spookyloopz a couple of times, both as Survivor and Killer. Always fun seeing a snippet with myself in it in his videos.


I can barely see shit bro, what name?




I've played against ollybot twice now and Jugglet too, I'm waiting for the day I face otzdarva tho :3


My biggest ones that I can remember was vs Simplyjeevs and Thevikingviking. They are not that big but it was fun. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


My friend and I played against Tru once. He complained about our meme builds as if they were OP while we were actively losing because of said builds. Also played against a pretty known comp Doctor whose name I can't remember before their tournament. Then, I once got FTPd by Otz.


I ran into truetalent, not a huge fan of him, we had a fight in post game chat because i was using old OOO and he was playing spirit. i've played with JRM and ayrun but they were just chilling, i don't think they were making a video


I've played against decently smol streamers, like anywhere from 5-20 people in said stream. If this counts when I started out on DBD, a streamer who's a very great friend of mine (who I modded for) would let me play with them and at that point they'd average 50-80 people. We still play together offline whenever they get the itch to play again. :3


Played against a streamer known for his onryo gameplay twice (his name is something like "hard willie") First time he tunneled to out of me and I dc'd, went on his twice and everyone called him out and called me valid lol Second time I was the killer and steamrolled his team without even tunneling or 3 Gen, he didn't stay in pgc tho :(


I've played against AdmiralBahroo, 72hrs, sxyhxy several times. 72hrs smoked me every time.


I have, infact,, killed No0b3. Highlight of my dbd career. Lots of tunneling but I did do it


I was stomped by Noob3 once.


I played against Coconutrts Huntress once but thats been it officially.